Fatdog64-720 and 721 Final [11 Jan 2018]

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Fatdog64-720 and 721 Final [11 Jan 2018]

#1 Post by fatdog »

The Fatdog team (Kirk, James, SFR and step) is happy to announce Fatdog64 721 Final.

Fatdog64 721 is a special release meant to address two things:
1. Updated Linux kernel 4.14.12 with fixes for Spectre and Meltdown.
2. Updated kernel-modules.sfs containing missing firmware that was reported in 720.

Notes about fixes for Spectre and Meltdown:
The Linux workarounds for these two hardware bugs, is by using KPTI = Kernel Page Table Isolation. This helps to mitigate the problem of the CPU bug, but it comes with a very hefty price of 5 - 30% slowdowns, depending on the apps that you use. If you use virtual machines, the slow down is much more pronounced.

The Linux kernel that comes with this release is built with KPTI enabled. However, if you feel confident, and you don't want the slowdown, this can be disabled. KPTI can be disabled by passing the boot parameter "pti=off" in your bootloader entry. By doing that, you will retain the same performance as earlier kernels, but remember that you are not protected against these two bugs.


This release also contains, for the very first time in Fatdog, support for CPU microcode update. This particular release contains Intel microcode update dated 8 Jan 2018 and AMD microcode update dated 10 Jan 2018. These microcodes are the latest updates we can find, but it is not clear at this stage whether these updates address Spectre and Meltdown - either partially, or fully, yet. There has been no announcement on vendors website what these updates are for. Nevertheless, the support for microcode update sets the tone for the future, and when/if the fixes are released, they can be applied and used.


In addition, we managed to cram some updates too, which is reported to fix various problems in 720 and improve performance.

* Bacon updated to 3.6
* mbpfan 2017.12
* Mesa 17.2.8
* Pidgin 2.12.0
* Geany 1.32
* The samba problem reported in two posts below this one has been fixed too.
* Hibernation support, see: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/faqs/suspend.html
* Font cache location moved from /var/cache to /var/db


Although we usually say that a new Fatdog release will not update from previous installations; we make an exception for this release: If you did a fresh install using 720, you can install 721 and re-use the same savefile/savedir you've configured for 720. You cannot upgrade from any older Fatdogs, though.

Important Note

Fatdog64 721 is a minor update to Fatdog64 720. If you have not used or updated to Fatdog64 720, please continue to read on the original announcement for Fatdog64 720, below. Fatdog 720 (and 721) contains breaking changes that may surprise you even if you're a long-time Fatdog user.

Forum discussions on 721 starts on page 6, here.

ISO Builder Note: Use builder dated 2018.01 and 721-package list to build Fatdog64 721.

Original Fatdog64 720 Release Announcement [20 Dec 2017]

The Fatdog team (Kirk, James, SFR and step) is happy to announce the next version of Fatdog64, 720 Final.

Fatdog64 720 Final is the next iteration of Fatdog64. It is still built on the same base as Fatdog64 710 so it has a high-degree of compatibility with 710 packages; however it has been expanded, improved, and modified to meet today's challenge.

Much of the improvements in this release are from SFR and step.

We like to thank those who have provided feedback, suggestions, advices, bug reports, bug fixes in the Beta cycle and in the previous releases. You know who you are.

We like to thank all users of Fatdog64. We hope you will be satisfied with this distro. Let us know.

Major breaking changes

As usual, we neither support nor recommend carrying over your savefile/savefolder from older versions of Fatdog (="Fatdog does not update from any previous versions"); however, if you do, there are a few gotchas that you definitely want to know in this version.

1. Spot's home directory has been moved from /root/spot to /home/spot. This has repercussions. Please read the details here.

2. Internal samba and samba rox-app ("Shares") have been revised and improved. Together with Linux kernel's breaking changes (security improvements due to SMB1), your old "Shares" will no longer work; they need to be deleted and re-created.

Update highlights

- Linux 4.14.6
- WpaGui now supports wired Ethernet and static IP configuration
- Complementary Wifi monitor (Fatdog Wireless Antenna)
- A much improved SFS Manager
- libinput now drives all Xorg inputs (replacing evdev and synaptics)
- LICK Installer included in the ISO (thanks noryb009)
- Updated and expanded Help and FAQs documents.

Note 1: We don't ship with Seamonkey 2.49.1 because currently it cannot build the Calendar extension (Lightning) for Mail. This has been an on-going problem for the Seamonkey team, which we managed to work around in the previous release but not in 2.49.1.

Note 2: We ship with Flash Player 11.x. This is because Flash Player 11.x is the version that supports DRM, required for some protected video streaming sites.
Newer versions of Flash don't support DRM. You can update Flash yourself from the Control Panel if you want to, but if you do, you won't be able to use DRM-ed services anymore.

Note 3: We have updated and expanded the Help and FAQ documents. They are available both online here and offline in Fatdog (file:///usr/share/doc/faqs/faq.html) and in Menu System -> Fatdog Help. Please invest time to read these documents to clarify issues, especially for new users.


ISO from here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/iso/.
Devx, NLS and 32-bit compatibility SFS from SFS Manager or from here http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/sfs/720/.
You can get Kernel sources from SFS Manager or from here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/sfs/720/.

Copies of all files are also available from ibiblio's mirros: nluug.nl, aarnet, uoc.gr (Mirrors may take time to replicate the copies).

Previous release

Previous release is here: Fatdog64-710 Final.

Full update list

List of Updates and New Features from 720 Beta see further down.

* Linux 4.14.6
* mesa 17.2.7
* openssl 1.0.2n
* exfat-fuse 1.2.7
* Grub4dos updated to 0.4.5c 2016-01-18
* Touchpad config updated to support Chromebook C720
* Libreoffice icon fixes, updated to
* rox-filer-jun7 updated to latest (November 2017)
* gimp updated to 2.8.22
* Seamonkey updated to 2.48
* Rox-filer MIME-type handlers expanded.
* WpaGui now supports wired ethernet and static IP configuration
* Spot's home is now /home/spot (no longer in /root/spot)
* Reduce access permission for tmpfs when running in RAM mode
* gtkmenuplus 1.1.7
* Auto-set Xorg DPI for high-resolution screen
* Cutdown samba now is based on 4.7.3 instead of obsolete samba3.
* "Shares" app greatly improved
* libnss updated to 3.33 and libnspr to 4.17
* xf86-driver-intel updated to latest git.
* libinput-1.8.2
* xf86-input-libinput-0.26.0
* xf86-video-amdgpu-1.4.0
* xf86-video-ati-7.10.0
* gtkdialog now supports libglade
* mc 4.8.19
* findnrun 2.4.1
* guvcview 2.0.5
* xorg-server 1.19.5
* avahi 0.7.0 replaces mDNSresponder
* Drive-icon fixes
* armagetronad-
* gtk-bookmarks added for root and spot for easier Open/Save File dialog navigation
* p7zip-7za 16.02
* Osmo fixes
* libbluray-1.0.1
* libaacs-0.9.0
* xine-lib-1.2.8
* git 2.14.1
* gparted 0.29
* vlc 2.2.6
* xournal-
* geany1.31
* geany-plugins-spell 1.31
* wpa_supplicant 2.6
* lxqt-panel-0.11.1 (and dependencies)
* musl 1.1.8
* bacon 3.5.4
* Fatdog (BIOS) Installer now can install from USB drive (no CD/ISO required)
* Busybox - updated to March 2017 version
* screencast - ability to create GIF as output
* grub2 fixes 462MB initrd limit
* iptraf-ng replaces iptraf
* openssl 1.0.2k
* refind 0.11.2
* Much improved SFS Manager
* nls.sfs now includes CJK font by default
* sandbox enhancements - run everything under dumb-init, ability to start a command directly
* Various doc updates

New Features:
* UEFI-Installer (install to USB flash drive)
* pkg2sfs - convert TXZ package to SFS directly
* txt2svg from vovchik
* fatdog-wireless-antenna 1.0.2 - another home-grown utility to view Wifi status
* Include mm_view (MochiMoppel's excellent file viewer) 2017.11
* LICK Installer 1.2 now included in Fatdog ISO
* Xorg now uses libinput by default (replacing evdev and synaptics driver)
* Home-made touchpad configuration replacing flSynclient
* New keyboard layout supporting multiple layouts
* Support for dual-nano initrd in the ISO
* New and updated parameters: waitdev and mergeinitrd{n}

and numerous bug fixes and fine tunings.

Changes from 720 Beta:
* Linux 4.14.6
* Mesa 17.2.7
* openssl 1.0.2n
* exfat-fuse 1.2.7
* Grub4dos updated to 0.4.5c 2016-01-18
* Touchpad config updated to support Chromebook C720
* rox-filer-jun7 updated to latest (Dec 2017)
* nls.sfs now includes CJK font by default
* sandbox enhancements - run everything under dumb-init, ability to start a command directly
* Various doc updates
* Numerous Bug fixes and fine tuning.

and numerous bug fixes and fine tunings.

New Features from 720 Beta:
* New keyboard layout supporting multiple layouts
* Support for dual-nano initrd in the ISO
* New and updated parameters: waitdev and mergeinitrd{n}

and numerous bug fixes and fine tunings.


At the time of release, Fatdog 720 has more than 1750 packages (both official and contributed) in its ibiblio repository; not counting contributed packages stored in other repos (smokey01.com) and else where, as documented in Contributed Fatdog64 Packages.

ISO Builder Note

If you like to build your own ISO, we have uploaded the current ISO builder as well as the 720 package list here (builder dated 2017.12 and 720-package list).


Open Issues

The following issues are **NOT** addressed in the Final release and will be addressed later:
* don570's mypaint icon and default.list issue.
* certain radeon machines may have video problems (SFR can explain this more if you need more info).
* nfs-utils not included in base (or repository) yet. We don't have time to investigate it yet, but eventually we want it to be available in the repository, and if size permits, in the basesfs too.
* Sage's TV display issue.
* Sage's RTL8201CL ethernet issue. update: resolved in 721.
Last edited by fatdog on Tue 16 Jan 2018, 01:01, edited 13 times in total.
-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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#2 Post by fatdog »

Slow Boot
After Beta we added an ISO boot menu entry to work around initial slow boot problems.
If you experience slow boot try the boot menu entry first: "For machines with slow BIOS or bootloaders".
Then read the following problem description and adapt your frugal install with full knowledge.

Slow Boot Problem Description

If you perform manual frugal install, please be aware that the following will result in a VERY SLOW boot of Fatdog.
1. You use grub4dos or grub-legacy
2. You put Fatdog vmlinuz and initrd in ext4 partition
3. The partition above is BIG (16G is considered BIG).

This is because while grub legacy and grub4dos can read from ext4, they can do so OH VERY VERY SLOWLY. This, when combined with a slow BIOS, can result in booting time exceeding 10 minutes.

To make Fatdog boot faster, there are a few things you can do, in order of sensibilities:
1. Put Fatdog64 in anything other than ext4. Ext3 is good, ext2 is good, FAT is good. But avoid ext4. If you can only do one thing, do this one.
2. Split Fatdog's large initrd.
3. Use a smaller partition (1 - 2GB) that is dedicated to hold Fatdog.
4. Use another bootloader.

Missing Firmware
We have changed the way we handle firmware in 720. It's possible some firmware we would like to include is missing. If you find something doesn't work, like your network card, check if you are missing firmware. Open a terminal and type dmesg Then look for messages about missing firmware. Let us know and we may include it in next release.

Alternatively, we have uploaded an SFS that contains all the known firmware, here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/sfs/72 ... 017.12.sfs. Or you can download this using SFS Manager too. If you load this SFS at boot (either using System SFS Loader or using the "extrasfs" boot parameter), it will be used when needed. Alternatively, if you know exactly what is missing, you can just copy the needed firmware and put it under /lib/firmware.

It is still good if you can identify the missing firmware though (output of dmesg will do) so that we can include this in the ISO in our next release.

How to build your own Nvidia SFS
The Nvidia proprietary driver version 340.104 that we uploaded for Beta is no longer valid for the new 4.14.6 kernel. We have a new Nvidia SFS for that, look for the one in SFS Manager with version "k4.14.10" as part of the name.

All you need to do is download it, use the System SFS Loader to load it (and make sure it is loaded at next boot), and then reboot. Before you do this, please ensure that your Nvidia card is supported by version 340.104.

If you need another version, you can make your own. Steps here: http://lightofdawn.org/wiki/wiki.cgi/Cr ... aDriverSFS

OpenGL 2.1 and Intel graphics
In their wisdom, Intel has the newer Mesa drop support OpenGL 2.1 on certain "lesser" graphics card.
But for now, this can be "fixed". Details here.

Radeon graphics
If you have stability problems with Radeon graphics card, read here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/faqs/radeon.html

Where is the python pip?
With the devx sfs loaded or the python package installed, run the following command to install python pip:

Code: Select all

# python -m ensurepip 
Ignoring indexes: https://pypi.python.org/simple
Collecting setuptools
Collecting pip
Installing collected packages: setuptools, pip
Successfully installed pip-7.1.2 setuptools-18.2
More info >>
Last edited by fatdog on Thu 11 Jan 2018, 09:26, edited 8 times in total.
-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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#3 Post by fatdog »


If you start the Samba server, your Downloads folder will be shared. However, the folder is read-only because spot is not a valid Samba user. You can add spot as a user with "smbpasswd -a spot" or you can just install the attached package.
Please note that if you have already added Samba users, not not install the attached package.
NOTE: This bug has been fixed in Fatdog64 721, so this workaround is only needed for Fatdog64 720.

ntpd-client with hwclock in local time
[Still exist in 721] If your hardware clock is in localtime (which is the default setting, which is most likely when you dual-boot with Windows), don't enable ntpd-client service. If you do, your hardware clock will be set wrongly - when you dual boot to Windows you will see the your move forward/backware a few hours depending on your timezone. Use ntpd-boot instead, or use other means to do it. This will be fixed in next release.

Microcode update when using initrd-nano.xz
[721 only] Microcode update is only applied if you use the standard initrd. If you use initrd-nano.xz, it won't be applied because the kernel doesn't support updating from a compressed initrd. If you use initrd-nano.xz and want to microcode to be applied, you will need to uncompress that initrd-nano first: just (double-)click on it, click yes when asked, and you will end-up with initrd-nano (without .xz extension). Adjust your boot entries to use initrd-nano instead of initrd-nano.xz. This has been fixed for future release. NOTE: Just renaming initrd-nano.xz to initrd-nano obviously DOESN'T WORK, you really need to uncompress it.

libreoffice vulnerability CVE-2018-6871
@chiron has pointed out that libreoffice used in Fatdog is vulnerable to certain phishing attack. This has been fixed in the libreoffice package in ibiblio. Details here: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 954#982954. Note that the libreoffice which is built into Fatdog ISO 720/721 are still the old one, so it is still vulnerable. If you think that you will be affected, you should re-install libreoffice from the repo (using gslapt).
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Last edited by fatdog on Wed 14 Feb 2018, 08:43, edited 5 times in total.
-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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#4 Post by fatdog »

-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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Re: Fatdog64-720 Final [20 Dec 2017]

#5 Post by mavrothal »


Does it update ok from the 720 beta?
fatdog wrote:ISO, devx, nls and 32-bit compatibility SFS files are all available from here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/iso/720/.
The ISO is actually in http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/iso/
The mentioned SFSs are in http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/sfs/720/
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#6 Post by ally »

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#7 Post by fatdog »

Thanks ally
-= The Fatdog Team (kirk, jamesbond, SFR and step) =-
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=794748#794748]Contributed Fatdog64 packages thread[/url]
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Re: Fatdog64-720 Final [20 Dec 2017]

#8 Post by step »

Thanks for your congratulations!
Download links fixed in the first post.
Does it update ok from the 720 beta?
As usual, we don't support nor recommend upgrading with an old savefile/savefolder.

We fixed a major issue involving frugal installs on NTFS filesystem due to the new kernel 4.14.6, and made numerous other changes since Beta. So I think it's better to start with a new savefile.

Having said that, I personally carried my savefolder from Beta to Final with no significant issues. However, my savefolder is essentially "locked" at all times, so I select exactly what goes in and what doesn't.

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#9 Post by don570 »

There is a bad link in the first post, near top of page

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#10 Post by SFR »

Thanks Don, corrected.

Btw, check out mhWaveEdit, the labels should work now.

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Re: Fatdog64-720 Final [20 Dec 2017]

#11 Post by mavrothal »

step wrote: As usual, we don't support nor recommend upgrading with an old savefile/savefolder.
I personally carried my savefolder from Beta to Final with no significant issues.
Update went pretty well here too, other than needing to update an "extra" kernel module because of the version change.

Which brings me to one little issue.
Although you can install an out-of-repo package through right-click, there is no GUI app to remove it. Would be nice if installpkg also updates the slapt-get database. It also took me some time to realise that some package tools are in sbin and not in /usr/{,s}bin where others are (and I was looking... :roll: )

Another little issue is that load sfs offers to load fd64.sfs, which is present when the small initrd is used, and it actually does load it! Is not a problem if is the same version, but given that fd64.sfs has no versioning, problems may arise if done carelessly (wrong subfolder for example).

Other minor issues is the apparent random display order of the partitions of a multi-partition USB and the "savefiles" in /sbin :D (see pic)
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Control Panel access and Savefile thought

#12 Post by dr. Dan »

Looking forward to switching soon.

In the mean time, I noticed today that left-clicking on the desktop of 720 beta brings up the compact Control Panel interface mentioned some while ago in the contributed packages thread. I was considering checking it out at some time, and now there it is. If this new feature has been mentioned somewhere, I didn't notice it. While briefly glancing at it, I noticed that the fatdog-updater is not listed there (in the 720 beta), but is in the standard Control Panel. I don't use it, but I wonder why in a technical sense.

Understanding that a new savefile or folder is best, I would find a help topic on migrating data from the old to the new useful, in hopes of avoiding errors while minimizing repetition of information and effort.


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Re: Control Panel access and Savefile thought

#13 Post by step »

dr. Dan wrote: In the mean time, I noticed today that left-clicking on the desktop of 720 beta brings up the compact Control Panel interface mentioned some while ago in the contributed packages thread.
I missed that, do you have a link? Also, left-clicking on the desktop of 720 does nothing for me. I can't run the beta now to check what you've described.
If this new feature has been mentioned somewhere, I didn't notice it.
I can't recall a compact CP being mentioned in the Fatdog threads.
While briefly glancing at it, I noticed that the fatdog-updater is not listed there (in the 720 beta), but is in the standard Control Panel. I don't use it, but I wonder why in a technical sense.
If the compact CP is a contributed package, possibly its contributor could answer.

I found this post in the Contributed Packages thread:
* http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 830#835830 An alternative menu system for Fatdog64-700 Control Panel

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#14 Post by jamesbond »

@mavrothal: Thanks for the feedback.
other than needing to update an "extra" kernel module because of the version change.
I'm assuming that refers to facetimehd module?

As we discussed privately: how does the disable-gpe stuff work for you? Also, the mbp-backlight-keyboard - hopefully it helps? (you still need to assign a sven hotkey to that script, though).
Although you can install an out-of-repo package through right-click, there is no GUI app to remove it. Would be nice if installpkg also updates the slapt-get database.
Indeed it does. Whatever you install with "installpkg" (or the right-click, which will use installpkg eventually), will be visible when you run gslapt and you can remove it from gslapt. Any other behaviour is a bug. If you find this, can you please report (hopefully with the steps to reproduce it).
It also took me some time to realise that some package tools are in sbin and not in /usr/{,s}bin where others are
The "package database" is located in /var/log/packages. This folder contain the list of files, the name of the files represent the name of the all the installed packages (both built-in and custom); inside each individual files you can find the list of files contained in the package. Mind you, a package may contain doinst.sh (install script) which may do things which is not recorded in this package database (e.g. the install script may create a default config file, etc), but this is rare.

The "package management tools" package name is "pkgtools". This is Slackware's modified pkgtool, so the information above is actually true for Slackware as well.
Another little issue is that load sfs offers to load fd64.sfs, which is present when the small initrd is used, and it actually does load it!
Of course, we are being flexible and we don't like to impose arbitrary restrictions :) :) If you use the CLI tool (load_sfs.sh) you can even load an entire partition :) (I actually use this for testing in qemu - I map the devx.sfs into one of qemu's harddisk, and inside the harddisk I just run "load_sfs.sh /dev/sdb" to load the devx).
Is not a problem if is the same version, but given that fd64.sfs has no versioning, problems may arise if done carelessly (wrong subfolder for example).
Great power means great responsibility :) If one has multiple installations, then one is expected to rename fd64.sfs to something more descriptive.
Other minor issues is the apparent random display order of the partitions of a multi-partition USB
This can't be helped. The order depends on the discovery of the devices by the kernel. We use kernel output directly, so if the kernel detects those partition in that order, that's how you're going to see it, initially. But you can always right-click one of the drive icons, and choose "Redraw all icons" and it should, hopefully, draw the icons in the more sensible order :)
and the "savefiles" in /sbin Very Happy (see pic)
Ah, ok. This is annoying. We need to decrease the priority of the "ext2/ext3/ext4" extension in the mime subsystem.

@ dr.Dan:
Understanding that a new savefile or folder is best, I would find a help topic on migrating data from the old to the new useful, in hopes of avoiding errors while minimizing repetition of information and effort.
This is ideal but difficult to do in reality. If we could, we would have already implemented this as an automated "upgrade" process (like Puppy does) for old savefile. I remember having a discussion internally within the team about this, and the conclusion at that time was: it's too much error prone to be useful. Things may change, but for now, that's what it is.

Why is this difficult? Because it depends on various factors beyond our control: what you install (which may be a package from the repo, a package from contrib repo, your own "./configure && make && make install", also depends on what sort of data you keep, how you keep it ... and it also depends on things that we do control but difficult (or very tedious) to keep track - library versions, updated configuration files, updated scripts.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]

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#15 Post by mavrothal »

jamesbond wrote: As we discussed privately: how does the disable-gpe stuff work for you?
It works fine. But you know the mac users :P ... should be done automatically!
I was actually wondering where should I put in FD a call to grep kernel messages for PowerBookPro and change the permissions of 99-disable-spurious-gpe. /sbin/init or is too early?
jamesbond wrote:
Although you can install an out-of-repo package through right-click, there is no GUI app to remove it. Would be nice if installpkg also updates the slapt-get database.
Indeed it does. Whatever you install with "installpkg" (or the right-click, which will use installpkg eventually), will be visible when you run gslapt and you can remove it from gslapt. Any other behaviour is a bug. If you find this, can you please report (hopefully with the steps to reproduce it).
Maybe is a malformed package of mine but this one although has an entry in /var/log/packages does not show up nor I can remove it with slapt-get. The new one I made for 4.14.6 (just change module and up'ed version to 2) also does not show.
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#16 Post by jamesbond »

mavrothal wrote:
jamesbond wrote:It works fine. But you know the mac users :P ... should be done automatically!
Lol :lol:
I was actually wondering where should I put in FD a call to grep kernel messages for PowerBookPro and change the permissions of 99-disable-spurious-gpe. /sbin/init or is too early?
The correct place would in in /etc/rc.d/rc.platform (this is where we put that set-hidpi-font-size too --- it's the same place where I put your font-size-change script for OLPC in FatdogArm). But how early does the kernel spits out that message? Or is there any other way to get that info? (Using dmidecode, perhaps?) We don't want rc.platform goes into a loop waiting for that message.

Maybe is a malformed package of mine but this one although has an entry in /var/log/packages does not show up nor I can remove it with slapt-get. The new one I made for 4.14.6 (just change module and up'ed version to 2) also does not show.
Ok, I will check. Did you use "makepkg" to build it?
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#17 Post by mavrothal »

jamesbond wrote:The correct place would in in /etc/rc.d/rc.platform
I tried to put in

Code: Select all

[ "$(dmesg | grep -i macbookpro)" != "" ] && chmod 755 /etc/init.d/99-disable-spurious-gpe

(or grep directly /var/log/messages) but it would appear that is too early.

<Edit>: Hm... I guess rc.platform does not run in every boot. (Is it only in the first one?)
Putting the code just after the rc.platform call in rc.sysinit works fine.</Edit>
Did you use "makepkg" to build it?
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#18 Post by jamesbond »

mavrothal wrote:<Edit>: Hm... I guess rc.platform does not run in every boot. (Is it only in the first one?)
Yes, indeed. rc.platform is supposed to perform "adjustments" for different platforms, which would be made permanent after you have a savefile/savedir; thus it only run once.
Putting the code just after the rc.platform call in rc.sysinit works fine.</Edit>
If it works there, it would work in rc.platform too. I'll have it included in rc.platform.
Did you use "makepkg" to build it?
In short - the package naming convention is incorrect, see: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... ckage.html (I just realised there is one mistake in that document - while Slackware packages don't support uninstall script, Fatdog packages do support uninstall script.
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#19 Post by step »

fyi, quick package test commands after installpkg:
slapt-get --filelist PkgName
slapt-get --search PkgName (it's grepped, actually)
slapt-get --installed | grep ...

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#20 Post by mavrothal »

jamesbond wrote:the package naming convention is incorrect, see: http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... ckage.html
The new one works fine installing and uninstalling.
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