Refitting .xinitrc from the bottom up.

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#21 Post by mistfire »

@musher0 here is my .xinitrc from X-Slacko Slim
fake zip
rename as .xinitrc
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#22 Post by musher0 »

Thanks, mistfire.

Edit: I just perused your .xinitrc script, and I think you have powerful stuff there. BFN.
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#23 Post by Marv »

Mistfires .xinitrc quickly swapped into the following pups. Clean boot and X-restarts in all cases. No other changes made at all. All done on a Fujitsu S761 i5 laptop.

LxPupSc 18.01 +2T
LxPupSc 17.12 +8T
LxArtfulPup 17.11
ArtfulPup 17.11 +8

Three LXDE, one JWM, and one XFCE4, all with native panels.
Nothing earthshaking but it was relatively quick to do and all just worked :)
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#24 Post by musher0 »

Marv wrote:Mistfires .xinitrc quickly swapped into the following pups. Clean boot and X-restarts in all cases. No other changes made at all. All done on a Fujitsu S761 i5 laptop.

LxPupSc 18.01 +2T
LxPupSc 17.12 +8T
LxArtfulPup 17.11
ArtfulPup 17.11 +8

Three LXDE, one JWM, and one XFCE4, all with native panels.
Nothing earthshaking but it was relatively quick to do and all just worked :)
Hello Marv.

I am not surprised. All those WMs come with a task-and-tray bar that does not need
independent launching. (And of course, mistfire does good work!)

I find that a few tweaks are needed to incorporate the WMs that do not have a task-and-
tray bar built in. Working now on incorporation of my panels sub-routine with mistfire's
definition of WMs sub-routine. (Edit: Sentence removed. Please see following post.)

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#25 Post by musher0 »

Hello Marv, mistfire and all.

The attached is a combination of my take on the .xinitrc and mistfire's.

(Sorry for being so cavalier, mistfire. I hope this will meet with your approval.)

What it does:
-- It combines my list of WMs with mistfire's;
-- It adds my qiv pseudo-transparency sub-routine for conky;
-- It adds my ROX-panel sub-routine
-- my choice of task-and-tray bars sub-routine to mistfire's general script;
-- Also my change of interpreter from bash to ash.

Mistfire: I changed your list of WMs subroutine from an if...elif structure to a case...esac
structure. It does the same job, but it provides better grouping, I think, plus it saves
+/-25 lines.

I tested it on this xenialPup-706, and this combo script launches the jwm, icewm,
waimea and echinus WMs flawlessly.
(Edit, next morning: jwm and icewm with their own task-and-tray bar; waimea and
echinus, with the bmpanel2 task-and-tray bar.

Ok Puppyists, here's your job: please test this new .xinitrc script on your Pup with a
view to find fault with it. Have it jump through hoops (various panels, file managers,
and environments). Really.

Unzip the attached in /root.
Make a back-up of your current .xinitrc file.
Then rename .xinitrc.musher0-mistfire.modif to .xinitrc.
One more thing: since the interpreter has changed, make .xinitrc executable again,
just to be sure.
Then post your results below, please.

Reason why: PuppyLinux needs to present to the world nothing less than the best
.xinitrc script available! ;) (Keeping my fingers crossed.)

Again: constructive input about any aspect of this project is most welcome.

Finally: where is member jejy69 when we need him? ;)

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#26 Post by s243a »

musher0 wrote:Hello s243a.

I have read the English translation of your referenced post on the German thread:

I will try to say nothing about your virtual box being a WhineDose virtual box. :lol:
Why can you not run WhineDose as a virtual box under PuppyLinux? ;) In short I
know nothing about virtual boxes.

Another idea that came to my mind: your compatibility problem can be upriver from
the .xinitrc: in the script called "xwin" or with some utility within the initrd itself.
These are executed before .xinitrc.

About your last paragraph in that post: mistfire has designed a fantastic command
line utility that is the equivalent of Puppy Package Manager. It is called "puppy-get",
and it is up to version 1.5. You can get it here: ... ost#970741
Perhaps it can solve that part of your troubles.

Thanks for the hint. I have a request. Can we separate the script into three parts:
1. one part to start upriver
2. one part to start the window manager
3. One part to start the desktop.

These can be either as separate files or set up as executable via command line swhiches........not sure which parts are in .xinitrc and which parts are in xwin.

Anyway, I have a few objectives here. First I want to be able to start up the minimum amount of processes to run "Virtual box guest services". Maybe as you suggest only upriver is required. I don't know.

My second thought is that maybe I want to start X but not the desktop. The reason may be if I want to do X-Forwarding over SSH. This would be most useful for a headless machine but I could also imagine having a second puppy running headless in a chrooted environment.

Anyway, I'll put it on my do-to list to test out your script in a virtual box.
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#27 Post by Marv »

Quickly reran the test 4 posts up using your newest .xinitrc. 4 for 4, all boot and restart X perfectly. I don't run any separate panels or other WM at this time so I can't check that but I'll leave it installed on all my current pups and just use it. Perhaps 'hide' my WM and test the default boot part...

Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#28 Post by musher0 »

Good to hear! Thanks for testing, Marv.

A few reminders:

As I said, I know nothing about "virtual boxes".

It would make no sense to me launching the desktop environment and not the
window manager, or vice versa.

When I said "upriver" (I think the expression "upstream" is also used and may be
clearer) in my previous post, I meant :
1) the xwin script itself does a lot of things before it launches X and .xinitrc

2) and before xwin, all the "ground work" that initrd prepares.

Finally I believe that your "virtual box" discussion may be out of place here and
should have its own thread. It only has minimal overlap with this discussion, IMO.
(This is not personal: you bring good input generally. But IMO the "virtual box"
situation is a case in itself.)

Best regards.
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#29 Post by musher0 »

Hello people.

It's been a full day, and there have been 38 downloads. Hopefully people are testing.
No news is good news, I think, in this case.

Just a summary for the lay person, if I may.

This revisited .xinitrc script now recognizes the following 24 window managers:

and these 5 independent task-and-tray bars (not counting the WMs that have their own,
such as icewm and jwm):

That's 20 WMs more and 3 task-and-tray bars more than in the original script.

This edited script also makes pseudo-transparency available for your conly
configurations, and offers options to use two ROX panels if you wish.

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#30 Post by B.K. Johnson »

musher0, what do I do with your Frankenstein? :)
1. clone my current puppy (protecting psave and non-OOTB installed apps)
2. replace /root/.xinitrc
3. boot
4. [can & will check jwm behaviour]

Any specific thing you want to look for/report on?
[color=blue]B.K. Johnson
tahrpup-6.0.5 PAE (upgraded from 6.0 =>6.0.2=>6.0.3=>6.0.5 via quickpet/PPM=Not installed); slacko-5.7 occasionally. Frugal install, pupsave file, multi OS flashdrive, FAT32 , SYSLINUX boot, CPU-Dual E2140, 4GB RAM[/color]
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#31 Post by Terry H »

Just tried the modified .xinitrc with radky's dpup stretch. Results not so good.
Initially using fbBox, it boots to a blank screen with a cursor only. I could use keyboard shortcuts for access.

I used Ctr +Alt +Backspace, then followed by xwin jwm, the system successfully restarted and functioned correctly.
Rebooting whilst using JWM was successful, but produced the same blank screen when swapping to FbBox.
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#32 Post by musher0 »

Terry H wrote:Just tried the modified .xinitrc with radky's dpup stretch. Results not so good.
Initially using fbBox, it boots to a blank screen with a cursor only. I could use keyboard shortcuts for access.

I used Ctr +Alt +Backspace, then followed by xwin jwm, the system successfully restarted and functioned correctly.
Rebooting whilst using JWM was successful, but produced the same blank screen when swapping to FbBox.
Thanks much for testing, Terry H.

You mean radky's excellent fbBox package, yes? Radky has everything in
that package so tightly integrated, I am not surprised. A bit sad, but not surprised.

I don't know how to incorporate your info just now, but it's good to know.

For now, a warning to all is in order, I suppose:
This new .xinitrc script is NOT compatible with radky's fbBox package.

You have restored your old .xinitrc, yes?

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#33 Post by musher0 »

B.K. Johnson wrote:musher0, what do I do with your Frankenstein? :)
1. clone my current puppy (protecting psave and non-OOTB installed apps)
2. replace /root/.xinitrc
3. boot
4. [can & will check jwm behaviour]

Any specific thing you want to look for/report on?
Hello B.K. Johnson.

No cloning is necessary, this script does not change anything in the Puppy, except
the old .xinitrc script. But still, make sure the neck screws are tight. :lol:

"Replace" is a big word. Yes replace /root/.xinitrc, but before, make sure you have
a back-up of your original .xinitrc script. In case something goes wrong with this new
script, you copy back the old one in place, and things are back to normal.

No, no re-booting -- as in poweroff or reboot -- is necessary. Just hit
Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace to get to the initial black console, and then type
< xwin Name-of-Window-Manager >, e.g.< xwin jwm > or < xwin icewm>, or
< xwin echinus >, etc., whatever WM you are currently using.

What to report? Anything funny, fancy or fishy. Especially "fishy". :lol: We like fishy
computer behavior on this forum! ;) Even if all goes well, I'd like to know too. With
the name of the WM you used for the test, please.

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Terry H
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#34 Post by Terry H »

musher0 wrote:You have restored you old .xinitrc, yes?
Yes, no issues with switching back.
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