EasyOS version 2.3.2, June 22, 2020

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Cu Chulinux
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First Impressions

#441 Post by Cu Chulinux »

Hi, new to the forum, also new(ish) to Puppy. Not to Linux though.

I started playing with Easy and thought I'd give my 2 cents (in Canada now that would be 5 cents).

1. I booted Easy Pyro 0.7 using USB on my Toshiba laptop. This is a fairly up-to-date computer with Win 10 by default. Booting from USB there would be constant lagging and freezing. Pretty much unusable. Not sure what issue was.

For the record I've been using puppies through the Lick installer to not fiddle with the Win10 install. Mainly using Fatdog but also XenialPup and Slacko (latest). Older pups and Quirky would not load using Lick from hard drive although Quirky works fine from USB.

2. I read the "How Easy OS works" and was intrigued by the concepts. I realize it's still alpha. Decided to try a hard drive install so I did so. Took four reboots from USB to do so with the freezing up but finally succeeded.

3. Rebooted to hard drive and went straight to Lick. Oops, UEFI superseded by Grub4DOS. No Easy OS there. Booted to Win10 and uninstalled Lick bootloader. Now boots directly to Windows. Could not figure out how to get to a UEFI boot menu. Reinstalled Lick bootloader and duplicated the Windows boot section to boot Easy OS from UEFI. Success. Now I use the Lick boot menu to get to the Easy boot menu to boot Easy OS.

4. Easy OS runs fine from hd unless I have a second pointer device plugged in when booting (in my case a Kensington trackball). In that case I get lags and strange blank windows. If I boot with the trackball unplugged and then plug it in after booting I have no issues. No I did not boot the USB with the trackball plugged in. Easy is also the only "pup" that boots with readable text from the beginning, the rest start out with scanning issues until later in the process.

5. PkGget never finds packages to install remotely. Well, it lists them but when I click to install it only looks on local drive. I tried installing a JWMtheme from pet-noarch. I surfed to the webpage where PKGget points to (http://distro.ibiblio.org/easyos/noarch ... es-noarch/) and the pets are there. But to install I have to manually download them and then install from local hd.

6. I can report that many AppImge programs run fine. Those with issues generally due to missing libraries, either XCB or GTK3 related.
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#442 Post by don570 »

I installed Easy pyro 0.7.0 to my hard disk as previously reported, and
have been using it now for over a week.

I can report that it is stable, however I notice occasionally that a window
loses it's frame (and can't be moved). It has happened with several apps but rox and xine in particular.

I believe that keeping as many ROX windows closed helps to avoid the problem happening.
When it happens to Rox , I use the Rox bookmark to go to a window that is small.

When it happens to Xine I can run another multimedia file and the old window goes away.

So I have gotten accustomed to this and it's not too bad.
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#443 Post by Sage »

Occasional loss of mouse (PS/2) after ~5mins. Can be restored by CTRL-ALT-BKSPCE or plugging USB mouse. ???
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#444 Post by scsijon »

Lenovo Ideapad problem:

Easy Pyro 0.7 works with my new ssd when the m.2 is in an external frame and via a usb3 port, but not when the ssd is in it's internal socket?
It's a Intel 600p series 128gb PCIe NVMe card so maybe a driver or kernel setting is missing.
Oh, and it works in windows10 if internal, so it's not a dead hardware port problem.

Any ideas folks?

#445 Post by stemsee »

The setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev-puppy.conf didn't work on my cherry tablet.

Touchscreen works but I cannot get xorg to emulate rightclick. But I got it to emulate on trackpad which doesn't work with flsynclient/synaptics driver.

The format that didn't work is

Code: Select all

Option "Emulate3Buttons"
This worked for trackpad

Code: Select all

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "evdev pointer catchall"
        MatchIsPointer "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver "evdev"
        Option	  "Protocol" "IMPS/2" #mouse0protocol
        Option      "EmulateThirdButton" "1"
        Option	"EmulateThirdButtonThreshold" "20"
        Option      "EmulateThirdButtonTimeout" "750"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" #scrollwheel
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EasyOS Pyro64 0.7, Xerus64 0.6.8, released Jan. 17/4, 2018

#446 Post by Billtoo »

I haven't used my Acer Revo for a few months but today it's running
Quirky 0.6.8 :

System: Host: EASYPC5153 Kernel: 4.14.11 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: JWM git-976
Distro: Quirky 0.6.8 xerus64
Machine: System: Acer product: Aspire R3610 serial: PTSCX0205302001AC12700
Mobo: Acer model: FMCP7A-ION-LE serial: U020102009703
Bios: American Megatrends v: P01-A4 date: 11/03/2009
CPU: Dual core Intel Atom 330 (-HT-MCP-) speed: 1600 MHz (max)
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA ION VGA
Display Server: X.org 1.18.4 drivers: nouveau (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
tty size: 105x28 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network: Card-1: NVIDIA MCP79 Ethernet driver: forcedeth
Card-2: Ralink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe driver: rt2800pci
Drives: HDD Total Size: 176.0GB (1.1% used)
Weather: Conditions: 21 F (-6 C) - light snow Time: February 7, 5:48 PM EST
Info: Processes: 108 Uptime: 35 min Memory: 159.2/1496.5MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.2.35

It's a 16gb SDHC card install that I used on another computer but is
working well on this one after changing a few settings, also updated
flash player and firefox to 58.0.1.

It's working well,
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#447 Post by Grogster »

Hi all. :)

@ Barry: This new 0.7 version looks great. I am delighted you went back to the green colour-scheme - I love that. :wink: No problems at all running this version so far. EasyShare is a beautiful feature. Once out of Alpha/Beta testing, EasyOS will become a lovely basis for a simple NAS.
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#448 Post by don570 »

Note : For a headless and wireless NAS

A non-GUI app to set the wireless connection is needed.
Fatdog64 has network-setup.sh
As explained here....
http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... rking.html

First a connection is made by ethernet and SSH or dropbear

Using SSH the non-GUI app is launched in the terminal and the wireless settings made.

Here is a Raspberry pi connected to a MAC computer,
with the Raspberry pi acting as the server.
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/view ... c0e335476e

I am making my own headless machine with a raspberry pi2
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 541#982541
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Further networking improvements

#449 Post by rerwin »

I have continued to work on refinements to networking in Easy, to accommodate the slow loading of drivers. The changes to Easy 0.7 are:
  • 1. SNS rc.network: wait time increased to 30 seconds, because my wifi interface takes about 27 seconds to become listed by ifconfig.

    2. SNS rc.network: adds 'rfkill unblock wlan' before the first wireless 'ifconfig...up', to prevent failure due to a soft-block on some wifi devices -- reported by foxpup, who worked with me to determine the best solution, which matches a fix to frisbee made a few years ago after recommendation from peebee.

    3. rc.network_eth: changed to log the wait time for wired interface to become available, but keeps 20-second maximum, because mine requires 18 seconds.

    4. frisbee initialization script: adds wait logic for its iwconfig check for wifi interfaces, with 30-second maximum (replacing the 5-second sleep) and logging of the wait time.

    5. frisbee disconnect: removes restart of dhcpcd, to avoid use of conflicting .conf files if a different network manager (SNS) is then started, as well as for consistency with networkdisconnect.

    6. Connect AppRun: changed order of interface tests to check frisbee first, so that the correct versions of .conf files are used.

    7. connectwizard, connectwizard_2nd and (connect) AppRun: changed to also interface with frisbee 1.4.x, so users can install the new frisbee 1.4.7, which includes the iwconfig-wait logic. (Easy needs 18-seconds but xenialpup needs no wait.) Frisbee 1.4.7 is here:
    http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 555#898555

    8. network_default_connect: removes any residual settings in resolv.conf, to ensure its initial content is current, and adds frisbee support.

    9. networkdisconnect: adds frisbee support.
Install the .pet package to make the updates to a running system. Or use the difference lists as patches to Easy's files.
Updated scripts in their correct locations
Same as 20180207 but with corrected 'connect' icon.
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difference listings for 9 scripts
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Last edited by rerwin on Mon 12 Feb 2018, 19:27, edited 2 times in total.
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#450 Post by BarryK »

Thanks for that, I will look at it soon.

I think that I did not quite implement everything that you suggested last time, some, but not all. Part of the reason is that I get diverted onto something else.

Quirky Xerus64 8.4, just released, has the same skeleton code, almost, as Easy 0.7, so fixes will apply to that also.
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#451 Post by BarryK »

Have been busy, implemented a Service Manager for EasyOS and Quirky:

http://bkhome.org/news/201802/pupevent- ... nager.html

Done that, now I will look at rerwin's above post!
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#452 Post by belham2 »

BarryK wrote:Have been busy, implemented a Service Manager for EasyOS and Quirky:

http://bkhome.org/news/201802/pupevent- ... nager.html

Done that, now I will look at rerwin's above post!

Hi Barry & all,

Nice, on the new Service Manager. In your link above to the page about it, it says at the bottom:

"...So, this Service Manager will only be in the next releases of EasyOS and Quirky. However, it will be possible to create a PET package for other pups and puplets...."

If you and/or anyone creates this Pet, could they post it here (or somewhere in one of the sub-forums for "Additional Software (Pets & stuff)" w/ a notice in this thread) so I could try the new Service Manager in some of my other pups?

Thank you :wink:
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Re: Further networking improvements

#453 Post by BarryK »

rerwin wrote:I have continued to work on refinements to networking in Easy
rerwin's post is above. Link:

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 596#982596

I have implemented the upgrade to Frisbee 1.4.7 and other network fixes, see blog post:

http://bkhome.org/news/201802/network-u ... e-147.html
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To format a SD card in linux

#454 Post by don570 »

A tip from James Bond...

To format a SD card in linux ...
First zero out card, then format with gparted.

just do "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<flash-drive-device-name> bs=1M count=1". After doing this Gparted will regard you flash drive as completely empty and will offer to create a new MS-DOS partition table - which you should accept.
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#455 Post by don570 »

A gui for mpscan
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#456 Post by BarryK »

OK, version 0.8 released, see blog announcement:

http://bkhome.org/news/201803/easyos-py ... eased.html

The kernel is now 4.14.20, has the nvm driver, requested by scsijon.
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#457 Post by BarryK »

Just thinking, what is stopping me from bumping this up to "beta quality", then final 1.0...

Two things mostly.

Firstly, the instability on some systems, hanging.

Secondly, the immaturity of the container mechanism. I haven't worked on that for sometime.

The instability bothers me more than anything, as I can't reproduce it myself, and have no idea whether it is caused by the design of EasyOS (the way the layered filesystem and partitions are put together), or just some buggy software somewhere, such as something eating up file handles, or a memory leak.

Whatever, it seems to only be on certain hardware.

I will think about what to do, to test this problem.
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#458 Post by Sage »

0.8: Excellent, no instability on any of my kit. Only problem is ADI 1888 sound chip not recognised and not sure how to load extra drivers, if available. Think method has been described before but forget - HW more my end of the business.
Only other comment - not sure default saving of my wlan p/w onto USB stick is always best strategy for a portable OS?!
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#459 Post by BarryK »

I have had a thought about a possible cause for instability, involving aufs/overlay.

Would appreciate feedback, from anyone who has this lockup problem.

Running Easy on the same PC that experiences the lockup, do you have this file?:


If yes, it means that q.sfs was copied into RAM at bootup (by the init script in initrd).

If no, then q.sfs is mounted from where it is in the working partition, on /mnt/q_ro/q_sfs

There is a possibility that the latter case is causing a problem for aufs.
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#460 Post by BarryK »

Sage wrote:0.8: Excellent, no instability on any of my kit. Only problem is ADI 1888 sound chip not recognised and not sure how to load extra drivers, if available. Think method has been described before but forget - HW more my end of the business.
Only other comment - not sure default saving of my wlan p/w onto USB stick is always best strategy for a portable OS?!
Was that sound chip recognised by any other pups? That is, out-of-the-box without needing an extra driver to be installed?
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