PekWM 1.15 Released

Window managers, icon programs, widgets, etc.
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#101 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Here is pekwm-0.1.18rc1 for xenialPup32-7.0.6_k-4.12, complete with an entirely new
menu creator; we now create the submenus first per main desktop categories, and
then merge them with pre-defined top and bottom parts into a "whole" menu.

By design, most monitors now being wider than they are tall, this pekwm menu
develops laterally rather than down. The Puppy menu is in the middle, it is the
"pupmenu" item. (Sorry for being so original! ;) )

You will find a snapshot on this thread.


Also included are some pekwm dynamic scripts, and some of my aemenu and less
scripts, as complements for certain things and functions. They being under GPL3
licence, fell free to plunder if you like or need some of them for your use.

In /root you will find three new directories: .aewm, .pekwm and .wmx. The .aewm and
.wmx directories are not "leftovers". This pekwm menu is re-parsed from the wmx
menu I worked on 13 months ago (it's in the Jan. 2017 issue of our PuppyLinux
Newsletter). As to the .aewm directory, it -- as well as /opt/local/bin -- contains
some scripts that are needed by this pekwm menu.

I have this vision, you see, that a window manager menu should offer more than
just a list of programs to launch.


The main pekwm pet archive has only the "default" themes. Separately you will find a
pet archive with 71 pekwm themes. Those bearing the ".mod" ending I have edited for
this release. If this collection of pekwm themes is not to your liking, there are many
more at and on the deviant-art site.

Upon request, I will upload at the site the now difficult to find DAX collection of
220 pekwm themes. Some may not find them beautiful; however they come in many
colors. Most importantly, they form a basis for your creativity if you wish to improve
on them. I am sure some pekwm users like them as they are, mind you.

First run

For the first run, after installing this pekwm pet archive, you have to go to the original
black console by typing < Ctrl-Alt-Backspace >, and then < xwin pekwm >. After that,
your Puppy will open automatically with pekwm as the WM. If after a while you wish to
return to jwm or some other WM, you do the same, and type < xwin jwm > or
< xwin whatever-WM >.


The site seems to be partially down. Is it because the source is now on github?
In any case, I have found the usual pekwm documentation difficult to access at this time.

To partially remedy this situation, I have put some docs about pekwm in
/root/.pekwm/doc. AFAICT, the usual archlinux and urukrama articles about pekwm are
accessible without problem. Hopefully, the site will be completely functional
again soon.


You have questions about this wonderful window manager? Please ask.
I'll do my best to answer them.

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
Posts: 14629
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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#102 Post by musher0 »

Hello all. has been down all day, This is beginning to be worrisome... I hope that
nothing serious has happened to the author(s).

I'll start hunting for the full docs at and post at least a link back here if
the pekwm site is not back up shortly.

In the meantime, please find attached two very well done summaries: one was written
by famous Linux blogger urukrama on an ubuntu forum; the other is sort of a "pekwm
session step-by-astep" from the people manning the livarp site.

There are two tar.bz2 files in this zip container. Each will develop as a separate folder.
Unpack in /root/my-documents or similar dir.
(222.18 KiB) Downloaded 319 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
Posts: 14629
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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#103 Post by musher0 »

Ok. The domain is for sale, I just checked...

I also checked, and the only thing they have on pekwm is an audio
instructions file.

Anybody who would have saved the pekwm site through HTTrack or otherwise,
please ring in. Perhaps register a copy with (Maybe check with forum
member ally if you don't know how to do that.) Thanks in advance.

I am attaching pekwm instructions by urukrama from his wordpress site.

Let's keep our fingers crossed, perhaps say a little prayer (for those who believe it
has power)...

AFAICT, this happened a few minutes ago.
(15.03 KiB) Downloaded 470 times
Basically same instructions as in the previous post.
(105.55 KiB) Downloaded 297 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
Posts: 14629
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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#104 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

The pekwm docs were in the source package. However, they did not compile with
the executables. I had to transform them from xml to txt. Please find the result

(Edit -- Line removed, since the docs are in quite a presentable form now, considering
they are *.txt files.) In any case, we now have the pekwm docs; without any bling, but
we have them.

BTW, can anyone check if the site is down or for sale -- or if it's just me...

I'll be posting the script I created to do this in another thread. Here.


Edit -- A new, nicer, layout of these pekwm docs is attached..

Along with
-- insertion in a pekwm submenu for easy access:

Code: Select all

	Submenu = "Docs" {
		Entry ="book" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/book/book.txt &" }
		Entry ="intro" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/overview/intro/intro.txt &" }
		Entry ="usage" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/usage/usage.txt &" }

		Entry ="answers" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/faq/answers/answers.txt &" }
		Separator {}

		Entry ="overview" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/overview/overview.txt &" }
		Separator {}

		Entry ="config" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/config.txt &" }
		Entry ="autoprops" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/autoprops/autoprops.txt &" }
		Entry ="configfile" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/configfile/configfile.txt &" }
		Entry ="keys_mouse" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/keys_mouse/keys_mouse.txt &" }
		Entry ="menu" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/menu/menu.txt &" }
		Separator {}
		Entry ="start" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/start/start.txt &" }
		Separator {}

		Entry ="syntax" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/syntax/syntax.txt &" }
		Entry ="theme" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/config/theme/theme.txt &" }
		Entry ="devel" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/development/devel/devel.txt &" }
		Entry ="development" { Actions ="Exec $VIS /usr/share/doc/pekwm/development/development.txt &" }
		Separator {}
     Separator {}
-- for the above docs sub-menu to work, you must add the following line in the pekwm
"vars" file:

Code: Select all

-- for the above $VIS variable to be effective, you will need the following script in a
/bin path:

Code: Select all

# (c) musher0, 4 juillet 2015, rév. 13 février 2018.
#### set -xe
[ `which joe` ] && export EDITOR=/opt/local/bin/ || export EDITOR=/usr/local/bin/defaulttexteditor
# Also known to work with less:
# export EDITOR=/usr/bin/geany # export EDITOR=/usr/bin/teagtk
# export LESSEDIT=%E %f # LESSEDIT fonctionne comme-ci comme-ça.
# But leafpad doesn't load any text sent by less.

# parms urxvt
if [ -f /tmp/nlign ];then
	NLIGN="`cat /tmp/nlign`"
	NLIGN="` expr $NLIGN + 2`"

G="g 80x$NLIGN-90+90"
COLR="rv -bg "#2F4A3A" -fg white -bd white -cr white +tr"
# -bd "#A1B9D1"
FNT="fn xft:Monaco:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:autohint=true "
AUTRES="b 12 +sb +st +tcw -sbt 14 -bc"
[ -f /tmp/TITR ] && TITR="`cat /tmp/TITR`" || TITR="`basename $1`"

# parms less
PARMLESS="C -b 2 -J -w -s -x 3 -z 72"
AIDE="'q' -> quitter"
# ; 'v' -> éditer;
HELP=" 'q' -> quit"
# ; 'v' -> edit"
[ ${LANG:0:2} = "fr" ] && INFO="$AIDE" || INFO="$HELP"

rxvt -$FNT -$AUTRES -T "$TITR" -$COLR -$G &>/dev/null -e less -$PARMLESS -P "     $INFO  " -~ "$1" 
(Also attached as a zip file.)

-- for the above script to work, you will need to have installed the real less utility, by
greenwood software. I use version 4.81. (Also attached, although the forum has it
and other versions elsewhere.)

That will be all for this game of Ukrainian dolls!!! ;)
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(166.32 KiB) Downloaded 350 times
(891 Bytes) Downloaded 336 times
Last edited by musher0 on Wed 14 Feb 2018, 09:36, edited 1 time in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#105 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

I have edited my previous post extensively -- also added lots of downloadable material.
Please re-read? Thanks.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
Posts: 14629
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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#106 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Puppy_apprentice has just finalized and published a beautiful layout and an
excellent conversion in html, from the xml format, of the pekwm docs.

You can download his layout from here.

(190.31 KiB) Downloaded 420 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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Colonel Panic
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#107 Post by Colonel Panic »

Thanks for this set of documents!
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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Colonel Panic
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#108 Post by Colonel Panic »

For those still using pekwm and who want to be able to use dmenu within it, there's a good set of instructions on this page (which I've tried, and it works); ... d-openbox/
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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