WipeFreeSpace Needs libhfsp.so Library (Solved)

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WipeFreeSpace Needs libhfsp.so Library (Solved)

#1 Post by CGP »

I'm trying to get WipeFreeSpace to run on Puppy 5.2.8. Here is a description:


It seems to be a really good program to wipe all free space including cluster tips (cluster slack) even on partitions where Windows is installed. I think there is no other program that will actually do that. I find it hard to believe that any program running from Windows will wipe all cluster tips on a partition where Windows is running, even though some programs imply they do that. Tell me if I am wrong. A program running on Linux is the perfect alternative.

But WipeFreeSpace will not launch on Puppy 5.2.8, complaining that the library libhfsp.so.0 is missing. Where can I download a version of that library that will work on puppy? I have googled and found some rpm and deb files that are supposed to contain it. But they will not install on Puppy 5.2.8. The error window tells me to install unrpm.pup. But I have already installed unrpm.pet. I tried to extract the files inside the rpms, but rpm2cpio fails, saying "invalid gzip/bzip2 magic".

Is it possible to 'compile' a library so that it will run on puppy? I have never done anything like that successfully before. Instructions would be great.

Any suggestions? If any skillful puppy technician could create a WipeFreeSpace pet, that would be even better.

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by CGP on Tue 06 Mar 2018, 19:38, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by matchpoint »

Heya CGP mate,

Why not shred, secure-delete or some other easier to deal with program?

From its README, "Requirements for compiling the full version: a non-root account."

Unless you have a binary, I'm not sure you'll be able to circumvent that aspect.

Lucids`repo: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/p ... 3_i386.deb
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#3 Post by CGP »

Hi matchpoint.

shred does not wipe free space: it securely erases files. I am not trying to do that. I am trying to keep all the files in the partition and erase the rest of the partition.

secure-delete does wipe some free space, but not cluster tips (the free space at the end of a file which does not completely fill its last cluster).

I will try the deb you linked to and get back to you.

Thanks for the help.
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#4 Post by CGP »

Yes, the deb worked! It installed libhfsp.so.

Unfortunately, WipeFreeSpace still won't run and now complains that libreiser4-1.0.so.7 is missing. I just googled and found some rpms but none of them worked. I also looked in the repository you found: old-releases.ubuntu.com and libreiser is not there. I am afraid that if we find libreiser, WipeFreeSpace will keep asking for more libraries. But I will keep trying. Any suggestions for where I can find libreiser?
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#5 Post by matchpoint »

You should know to run "ldd" against your binary. It'll tell you ALL that's missing.
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#6 Post by CGP »

I did not know about ldd. I ran ldd against wipefreespace. ldd listed only libreiser4-1.0.so.7 and libaal-1.0.so.5 as 'not found'. But there were 11 other lines of output like these:

linux-gate.so.1 => (0xffffe000)
libuuid.so.1 => /lib/libuuid.so.1 (0xb77d7000)

I googled "man ldd" and read the man page, but there was no explanation of what those 2 lines might mean. Do you know if those libraries are missing?
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#7 Post by CGP »

Ok. I googled further and found out what the ldd output lines mean at

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/344 ... dd-program

So, only the libreiser4 and libaal libraries are missing. I will keep googling for them.
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#8 Post by matchpoint »

Give me a copy of your binary.
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#9 Post by CGP »

I am trying to send the executable, but the forum tells me "The Extension is not allowed". There is no extension. The file's name is 'wipefreespace'. What should I do?
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#10 Post by matchpoint »

Either right click and gzip it, rename it with a .gz extension or upload to DataFileHost.
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#11 Post by CGP »

I tried renaming wipefreespace to wipefreespace.noext. The forum still says that extension is not allowed. I guess I will try wipefreespace.txt next.
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#12 Post by matchpoint »

Send it here and paste the link.
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#13 Post by CGP »

Nope. wipefreespace.txt is not allowed either.

I found more library files on the internet. Some are rpms. When I click on them to install them, the Xarchive file extractor program opens, but shows all 3 of the rpms as being empty, even though their file sizes are about 70K. I also found a deb, which does not successfully install.

Linux is trying my patience (and yours, too, I imagine).
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#14 Post by matchpoint »

Where's the file? You've seen my last two posts, right?
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#15 Post by CGP »

Ok. There was some delay. I renamed it, adding extension gz. Now the forum says the file is too big. I will try the data host website next.
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#16 Post by CGP »

Here is the link to the executable:

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#17 Post by matchpoint »

Sorry Mate, there's more to this and I've gots to go. Tomorrow's another day.
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#18 Post by CGP »

OK. I am tired now, too. And feeling like this is hopeless. Yes, tomorrow we will probably feel better. And I am willing to continue then, if you are.
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#19 Post by matchpoint »

Hmm, rolls on Xenial. That I "bastardized" it, we'll see tomorrow if Lucid can play along.
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#20 Post by CGP »


I would like to get wipefreespace working on a linux that runs in RAM. If you know a way to configure Ubuntu to run only in RAM, that could work even if Lucid does not.
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