Fatdog Arm for Raspberry Pi2

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#81 Post by don570 »

New version fatdogarm-02-08-2018.zip

SSH clone ---> dropbear is loaded automatically so that the
user can use SSH from another computer to set the raspberry pi board .

After successful install you can use

Code: Select all

ssh -p 22 root@  

(fill in your own raspberrypi address) to make a connection over the ethernet cable.

Also whatever mp3 files that are placed in Music folder will be played
automatically at bootup time by playmusic app.

I am doing this to make a music machine . It will be able to bootup
headless and play music out of the analog jack.
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#82 Post by don570 »

A quick note on how to connect to a samba server.

Networking should be enabled. See in tray or type 'ifconfig' in terminal

Launch 'Fatdog Connect' from start menu.

Hopefully it will find your server's address.
Then fill in the share name. If you don't know it then
click on Share list and it will be shown somewhere.

Common Windows share name is 'ShareDocs'
Puppy linux uses 'puppyshare' or 'shares'
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#83 Post by step »

don570 wrote:New version fatdogarm-02-08-2018.zip
Hi Don, did you intend to post a download link? Because I looked for one in your recent posts but couldn't find it.
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#84 Post by don570 »

First post has the link.
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#85 Post by don570 »

Here is my setup. Note that the raspberry pi2 doesn't have a keyboard or monitor.

x11vnc can be used by connecting with SSH first,
then type 'x11vnc' in SSH terminal in main computer.
Password is woofwoof.

I use vnc viewer in fatdog linux.
Xming in windows.
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#86 Post by don570 »

New version available first post:
md5ssum: 285ccf5e0b6f12d518b878d43dba969d
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t1-sQ ... JXpLM4wMSc

1) I made change to playmusic startup script so that it won't launch
during bootup if /Music folder is empty

2) Removed the berryboot kernel which makes the zip file smaller.

3) I included omxplayer-loop script (in /usr/bin)
so I can play the mp3 files in /Music without the need of a GUI app

I got the script from Raspberry pi forum...
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/view ... hp?t=26277

I modified to
FILES=`ls /aufs/devbase/Music/*.mp3`

Code: Select all

# infinity-looper-2.sh
# Infinite looping script
# J.E.HUTTING 21-JAN-2017

#set -x # expand the commands

# set here the files to play ---------------------------------------------------
FILES=`ls /aragorn/music/singles/T*.mp3`
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#echo $FILES

# who's playing it

echo "*****ABORT WITH CTRL+C"
while true; do
    while true; do
        IFS=$'\n'   # IFS: Internal field separator
        for entry in $FILES
            IFS=$' \t\n'

            # let's play
            echo $entry
            $OMXPLAYER "$entry" > /dev/null
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headless wireless raspberry pi2

#87 Post by don570 »

headless wireless raspberry pi2

I have found a way to make my Raspberry pi2 into a headless wireless machine
that is connected to a home network.


I install my version of fatdogarm onto a SD card formatted fat32 in windows as usual. Note: savefile=none

I boot up my raspberry pi and connect to a wireless home network
by using the Control Panel or simply typing 'network-setup.sh' in terminal.

I choose my home network which is Cisco99987 (see image)
from a list of all available.
I made sure it is configured as shown in image.

Check that your wireless network is working by typing 'ifconfig' in terminal.
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr b8:27:eb:a8:cd:57
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::ba27:ebff:fea8:cd57/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:263 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:124 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:19677 (19.2 KiB) TX bytes:20623 (20.1 KiB)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:47 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:47 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:3755 (3.6 KiB) TX bytes:3755 (3.6 KiB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:b2:d7:fb:6c
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::224:b2ff:fed7:fb6c/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:354 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:123 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:57017 (55.6 KiB) TX bytes:20367 (19.8 KiB)
You can see that there is an internet address for wlan0 --->

Also check if the configuration of the wireless home network has been saved to disk by looking at the file /etc/network-setup/access/....
The file there should have your settings. The password is encoded for safety.
(11.3 KiB) Downloaded 269 times
configuration that is saved
(26.64 KiB) Downloaded 263 times
Choose my home network
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#88 Post by don570 »

Continuing wireless setup...

We need to load a savefile at bootup
The following change to the file cmdline.txt will load the default save file called 'fdsave.ext'

Code: Select all

 pkeys=en waitdev=3 savefile=direct:local   basesfs=device:mmcblk0p1:/fatdogarm/fd-arm.sfs
EDIT: I now use savefile=direct:local when I first boot up

Add any more apps from fatdog's repository if you wish...

Now we create the save file by simply selecting 'Reboot' at the start menu. You are led thru the procedure of creating a save file.
It will be located on your SD card.

Be sure the name is 'fdsave.ext' and save on your sd card.
It will take a couple of minutes to create. This save file has the scripts and apps that you have added.

There are windows utility apps like Advanced ip scanner and putty which are useful for
working with a headless machine.

If you do have a monitor attached to your pi2, then check the wireless
network by typing 'ifconfig' in terminal. You can try 'ping' command
to another machine as well.

When you know the other machine's address you can use 'fatdog connect' to attach to a server in you network.

However I should point out that I want to use this raspberry pi2 as a headless music machine. So I have set it up so
that it plays the music files located in /Music automatically when first booted. It uses the play music script by Thunor.
It loops endlessly, so un-plug the computer to stop.

Last edited by don570 on Sat 24 Feb 2018, 18:15, edited 6 times in total.
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#89 Post by don570 »

There are two ways to edit a text file in fatdogarm
if you have a headless machine.

Code: Select all

vi [FILE]
or use midnight commander

Code: Select all

mc -e [FILE]
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#90 Post by don570 »

Here are some tips when running a headless wireless raspberry pi2.

1) Good connections are important!! The music should sound clear i.e. no hum, if you
have made the proper connections.

2) First check that your setup is working properly by attaching a HDMI monitor and some speakers (or use headphones as alternative).
Check that your wireless network is connecting consistently when first booted. You can put a music file in /Music folder to check if playmusic script is working.

3) With another PC in your network you can test SSH and x11vnc.
(You will need a x11vnc viewer. Fatdog linux uses
turbovnc viewer

Windows computers use Xming)

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#91 Post by don570 »

Some more tips using headless wireless Raspberry pi2.

When you have made SSH connection with a PC,
your raspberry pi computer can use files in a server located in the PC.
(Note : if you have x11vnc up and running then you can use YASSM
but I am describing if you can't get x11vnc to work)

Instructions : Make a folder in /root/network/

mkdir -p /root/network/Shared

then one more command

Code: Select all

mount-Full -t cifs //192.168.1.xxx/SharedDocs   /root/network/Shared
where 192.168.1.xxx is the PC address and SharedDocs is the share folder name
(you should fill in your own parameters for your home network)

You should be able to play music from server using

Code: Select all

cd  /root/network/Shared
omxplayer  [musicfile]
If found x11vnc easy to setup. First make sure SSH is running correctly.

Code: Select all

ssh root@192.168.1.yyy
where 192.168.1.yyy is my raspberrypi2 address.
Type in password 'woofwoof'
and then type 'x11vnc' in SSH terminal.
Port 5900 is automatically set.

You now need a x11vnc viewer.
Check with your PC repository.
Fatdog linux has it built-in. That is why I like it. 8)
The size of viewer window is small but useable.


Using SSH you can shutdown your raspberry pi2 using simple command

Code: Select all

but power is still connected to board so undo cable .

Last edited by don570 on Thu 22 Feb 2018, 00:36, edited 8 times in total.
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#92 Post by don570 »

Another tip...

I am using a USB wireless adaptor. Of course I want signal strength to be best possible.

Here are two suggestions.
1) Bigger sized adaptors are better. (probably because of attenna size)
A good brand name is Netgear.

2) If you have x11vnc up and running then you can check the signal strength visually.
Click on wireless icon in bottom tray of x11vnc viewer window.

There is strength bar at bottom. (see image) Try several positions for your USB wireless adaptor.
I was able to increase strength from 88 to 92.

If you understand what pinging is then you can probably judge strength
with a 'ping' command
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headless install of fatdogarm

#93 Post by don570 »

Headless install of fatdogarm

I was able to setup my Raspberry pi2 without the need of a monitor ,keyboard or mouse.
Another computer is needed. x11vnc is used.
This might be of use for a student on a budget.

Here are steps:

Format card fat32 , open zip file folder and drag the files and folders onto the card.

Put card in raspberry pi, connect your ethernet cable . USB wireless
adaptor should be plugged in as well if you want wireless service.

Plug in power cable to start booting process.

Because of headless use a method of sniffing the raspberry pi address is needed.
For windows use advanced IPscan
fatdog linux uses peasyport
There is also a terminal command 'mpscan' that is useful.
.....next post
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#94 Post by don570 »


Using your ethernet cable make a network connection...

Code: Select all

ssh root@192.169.1.yyy
where 192.169.1.yyy is your raspberry pi2 address.

Note: you may have to go inside folder /root/.ssh/ to eliminate an old key

You can now make a wireless network connection using the non-GUI app network-setup.sh
You will select from among all the networks that are available in your neighborhood.

Now it is time to launch x11vnc

Code: Select all

x11vnc  -display  :0 
x11vnc options....

Back in fatdog linux PC I launch x11vnc viewer. I can now change
cmdline.txt file ---> savefile=none to savefile=direct:local

Choose to shutdown the raspberry pi2 to make a save file named fdsave.ext which is the default name.

You can now undo the ethernet cable and use your raspberry pi 2 wirelessly and headless.

It's a bit slow to respond to some commands , the startup menu is slow to pop up
but the mouse works fine. I use it to play music.
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#95 Post by don570 »

New version on first post:

1) removed my personal wireless network info from package :oops:
Fortunately the password is encoded

2) added /usr/share/audio/2barks.au for ptmtimer

3) trashcan and console icon links made

4) fatdog connect app works properly with wireless .
It should now find the server's address automatically,
but share name still needs to filled in properly.

A tip from James Bond...

To format a SD card in linux ...
First zero out card, then format with gparted.

just do "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<flash-drive-device-name> bs=1M count=1". After doing this Gparted will regard you flash drive as completely empty and will offer to create a new MS-DOS partition table - which you should accept.
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#96 Post by don570 »

New version on first post:

1) Added newest mtpaint 3.49.13 and mhwaveedit

2) mpscan now has a GUI to make finding an address easy

3) multimedia icon links made

4) I now use savefile=direct:local in cmdline.txt file
all the time because it will remind me to make a save file on first boot
and this option will look for save file at bootup time.


There is bug I have found . When shutting down from start menu .
The shutdown procedure waits a minute to shutdown the wireless connection.
Nothing to worry about. Type 'poweroff' in terminal is faster alternative.

A GUI for mpscan - to obtain live addresses on a network


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Berq1 ... Q7AsRidCY8

latest mtpaint


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1M5RgI ... DkL7fQa5mA


https://drive.google.com/open?id=12_RmS ... CHLyLFf1pg


https://drive.google.com/open?id=11BkQW ... 8khBSaHRy1
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#97 Post by don570 »

mpscan gui - find network addresses with mpscan
I included 'getlocalip'

Size: 8k


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VKyey ... t3dhzBOTQH
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#98 Post by don570 »

Copy a partition or a folder. Beware !! It trashes files in destination!!!!

Size - 11k


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A174z ... u-86jXbnH-
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#99 Post by don570 »

New version :
See first post
I added pmirror and improved fatdog_connect
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#100 Post by don570 »

New version March 14 :
see first post for download

I switched to the mainstream fd-arm.sfs (but modified with more apps)

http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/arm/im ... fd-arm.sfs
(I'm hoping to make a raspberry pi3 version soon)

Tip: If you are trying to connect one computer to another using SSH (or dropbear) but security won't allow the connection --->

Solution if running linux on your PC then delete offending entry in

If running windows
On windows it is usually stored in the %USERPROFILE%\ssh or %USERPROFILE%\.ssh folders. If you type %USERPROFILE% into the Windows explorer address bar it will expand it automatically. You can also try cd /d "%USERPROFILE%\ssh" or cd /d "%USERPROFILE%\.ssh" from a command prompt.
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