XenialDog 64bit (Ubuntu 'Xenial Xerus' LTS, 64-bit)

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#381 Post by wiak »

Booted into BionicDog64 now. Boot went fine. wifi didn't work cos needed firmware so clicked on firmware squashfs and selected iwlwifi-5000-5.ucode and put it in /lib/firmware. wifi working fine now.

Did have one issue cropped up once: I was in Firefox and suddenly background got a pinkish tint which was particularly noticeable when scrolling. I've seen same effect once in an early StretchDog. However, on rebooting that tint has gone so all fine for now. If anyone has ever heard of that problem would be interested to know in case there is a fix somewhere - anyway, hopefully it was an unlucky one-off...

I'm installing compiling environment now to buid IUPLUA on here.

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Re: Add ldd to Right-Click Menu? BionicDog

#382 Post by wiak »

mikeslr wrote: simpleScreenRecorder.AppImage PulseAudio --optional, can use alsa

Without having looked yet, I'd guess that Qt5 libs are probably in BionicDog's repo. Qt4's? Maybe pkgs.org or convert a xenialpup64 pet?

Hi mikesLr,

I wonder if you could comment about SimpleScreenRecorder versus wex facility, since wex saves on having to install all these Qt libs. What functionality would you like to see in wex that SSR already provides (I know that wex includes webcam capture, which SSR does not, and seems to do good screencasts but perhaps there is an issue I don't know of?). Depending what it is, wex could maybe be modified since it is a Puppy homegrown app. Interface-wise, it could easily be made to "look like" SSR, though I find it a bit slower using drop-down list boxes to make selections rather than simple checkboxes and radiobuttons, but others may disagree.

wex also has a lot of utilities integrated to via buttons (video player, animated gif maker, mhwaveedit and so on) but if that clutters the wex UI too much these could also be removed of course.

Easy of course to add Qt libs using apt or synaptics of course but iso releases are usually kept as small as reasonably possible and wex provides that screencast functionality without the Qt initial bloat. Having said that, I now use cherrytree, which may also use Qt (?) and certainly Python. I also usually use MasterPDFeditor and WPS for office suite. I realise SSR was around before wex came out so people also used to that but if its some functional problem it would be good to know.

By the way, wex does work with either alsa or pulseaudio by suitable/appropriate checkbox selection.

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#383 Post by wiak »

IUPLUA packages compiled on XenialDog64 have now been tested as also working fine on BionicDog64 and Quirky Xerus64, and are expected to also work fine on Puppy Xenial64 as long as Lua5.3 is installed from its package manager first.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 748#987748

I'm happy about that cos I have a heavy cold at the moment and have to down-tools for a little while to recover.

As far as 'addiction' to computing is concerned, have you noticed how when doing heavy development work or too much computing generally, eventually, you start to crack up! Immune system goes. I find C programming development work particularly bad for such effects (pointers to pointers to pointers and passing structures to functions as pointers - as soon as you feel you are getting good at that it is time to down-tools before the people in yellow coats come to take you away). Paranoia. Best to get out in the real world when that happens, I say.

Even bash can twist your brain cells with its oddities. Lua looks easy, though for me also it is something new to learn... Anyway, IUP with Lua is a powerful app/utils development system adding less than 0.5 MiB to an iso size. If it was always available, maybe people would stop breaking their brains with messy bash programming when they could use a more sophisticated interpretive language (a 'bit' like Python but without the bloat, and complex gui toolkits for Python is the main issue anyway...)?

Puppy at least would be a very much more sophisticated beast IMO if its, nevertheless good, utilities, had been designed with something like IUPLUA (I have always hated gtkdialog, actually, despite using it most of the time thus far). Anyway, my kids are MineTest addicts and I think the game extension modules for that are written in Lua. Oh well, just my opinion - despite 'Pelo' wanting just a 'passenger-oriented' distribution, I think Puppy and similar should also cater for those who like to 'experiment' too (its not all about small apps like Abiword, Gnumeric, and so on - which I never use anyway). For many users having to download a devx is basically a bit of a pain (and C programming is also painful) so that's mainly just useful for compiling, if at all...

In the Dogs, I think it is more 'educational/useful' to not hide the development process files. So rather than providing DEVX, I like to just apt-get install the likes of what fredx181 once said he uses (and more dev files if required):

Code: Select all

build-essential automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev intltool libxml2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libnotify-dev libglib2.0-dev libevent-dev checkinstall upx-ucl cmake linux-headers-xxxxx python2.7 python3 libc6-dev yasm libgtk2.0-dev
I don't actually compile often - so with Porteus boot changes method I usually just don't save the above once finished.

Anyway, NONE of that (and no DEVX) is required for using and writing apps in IUPLUA...

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IUPLUA debs re-uploaded along with dotpets

#384 Post by wiak »

Hi Fred etc,

I re-uploaded the IUPLUA debs because I had forgotten to strip the libraries. I also provided dotpets for the Puppy community.

Tested as working on XenialDog64 and BionicDog64 and the dotpets worked fine in Slacko64 v. and likely ok in Puppy Xenial64, Quirky Xenial64 and any 64bit release of a Puppy Artful64 or Bionic64.

I've no idea about FatDog64. Keef's report suggests that IUPLUA would need re-compiled for that system.

I'm choked with the cold so hope not make mistakes and signing out for now.

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No criticism of Wex intended

#385 Post by mikeslr »

Hi wiak,

I've never used wex. I had previously scanned posts on the Additional Software Section and seeing wex on the menu had made a mental note to find out what it did.

BionicDog64 is on the same partition as 64-bit Xenialpup and Tahrpup and a folder, Pup-Apps, which holds by now a fairly extensive collection of 64-bit AppImages* and applications which can be run from a folder including, for example, fred's firefox portable. Knowing that I'd need libs for foxitreader and masterpdfeditor, I was examining all those applications figuring I'd hunt up all necessary libs at one time.

Now that you asked for it, I'll explore wex thoroughly and let you know if I have any suggestions. I like that it already seems to have a great deal of capability.


* most never used, but downloaded before I forget as I "may want them later". The hazard of having a terabyte of hard-drive space. :roll:
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#386 Post by fredx181 »

wiak wrote:I re-uploaded the IUPLUA debs because I had forgotten to strip the libraries.
Thanks again wiak, added your new packages to Bionicdog64 repo:
https://fredx181.github.io/bionicdog/Pa ... d64/Extra/
(and also to Xenialdog64 repo)

All the best healing from your cold, take it easy !

EDIT: @mikeslr
Without having looked yet, I'd guess that Qt5 libs are probably in BionicDog's repo. Qt4's?
I don't know much about qt, but you can do a search from Synaptic for e.g. libqt and you may find the qt4 libs you need.

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Re: No criticism of Wex intended

#387 Post by wiak »

mikeslr wrote:Now that you asked for it, I'll explore wex thoroughly and let you know if I have any suggestions.
In case you are using pulse-audio, I should mention that wex has a 'tooltip' help error (software underneath is okay though):
ERROR IN weX program documentation/tooltips:
For pulseaudio use:

On weX setup gui, entry box "audiosystem" should set to "alsa" (without the quotes), and entry box "audiodevice" should be set to "pulse" (rather than plughw:0.0 or whatever).
By default wex has checkboxes clicked to record screencase, audio, and also an embedded webcam image. If you don't have a webcam (or don't want that to appear you have to remember to uncheck it; if no webcam on the system and it is checked, I believe wex fails - so simply uncheck it in that case (selections will be remembered on re-running the program.

wex also works on alsa-only systems.

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#388 Post by The Flying Cat »

I updated conky syntax to new one. So shades and outlines are working again now. It also loads a bit faster.
Basically it's the same with few additions:
- Small optimizations for better visual consistency
- CPU frequency added
- CPU temperature output changed to other method (previous showed temperature of my video card, still left in the config as commented in case)
- 'HighestMEM' shows MiB usage instead of percentage
- Disk I/O Read/Write added (in case of using zram - when begins swapping to zram disk I/O shows it as write, nothing writes to flash/hard drive at this moment)
- Last minute changes: 'Highest CPU' changed to 3 items and 'Highest MEM' changed to 5
- Nvidia proprietary driver output added as commented (uncomment according lines in the config file)

Shades or outlines can be enabled in the config under 'default drawing' section (false/true method) - increases visibility on bright wallpapers. For better visibility you can also use bold font, set in config file 'font = 'Sans:bold:size=8','. Setting font anti-aliasing as RGB sub-pixel (system wise) makes fonts, outlines, shades look a bit prettier :)
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#389 Post by fredx181 »

The Flying Cat wrote:Hello!
I updated conky syntax to new one. So shades and outlines are working again now. It also loads a bit faster.
Basically it's the same with few additions:
Thanks Flying Cat, very nice improvements !

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#390 Post by fredx181 »

I've found that the packages pciutils and usbutils are missing in BionicDog (will be included in next version).
So, for now, to be able to use the commands lspci and lsusb, install the packages:

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apt-get install pciutils usbutils
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#391 Post by wiak »

You might need to look into this Fred in case someone gets system with one of these NVME drives:

http://bkhome.org/news/201804/nvme-supp ... uirky.html

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#392 Post by fredx181 »

wiak wrote:You might need to look into this Fred in case someone gets system with one of these NVME drives:

http://bkhome.org/news/201804/nvme-supp ... uirky.html

Thanks wiak, it looks like nvme is already built in the Ubuntu kernel, but I can't test if it actually works.
So need to wait for a report from someone using NVME drive ...

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#393 Post by wiak »

You might be interested in my attempt to convert your gifenc-yad bash/yad script to gifenc-iup.lua IUP/Lua script - just as a practice exemplar. I didn't have time to complete it today but the main GUI is basically done. You can see the code and results here:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 551#988551

Note, the version I am 'copying' currently is the one before your recent gifenc-yad upgrade, which I only just noticed... I have the older one on my system., but of course I could add a video file open button too, though first I just want to get the basic one working!

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gifenc-iup.lua translation of early version of gifenc-yad

#394 Post by wiak »

Please find a working translation of an early version of fredx181's gifenc-yad into IUP/Lua as an exemplar for developers here:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 818#988818

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gifenc-iup.lua with video file-chooser etc

#395 Post by wiak »

Hope you don't mind Fred:

Turns out I couldn't resist make a gifenc-sel iuplua translation because I feel that that yad-like structure is a particularly simple but useful pattern for others to copy, for iuplua code too, for other simple GUI frontend utility apps.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 877#988877

Next I'm going to show the iuplua pattern to produce same kind of bash/gtkdialog-created GUI dialog as I use in makepup, since that is another common and very useful dialog pattern. I won't be making a complete makepup copy though (just showing the dialog skeleton), since lots of sed commands in makepup and were I wanting a proper functional translation in iuplua I'd prefer anyway to use regular expression swaps directly in Lua itself (rather than external os.execute calls to sed).

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#396 Post by fredx181 »

See here for how to set system-shell to dash on Xenialdog (32 and 64 bit):
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 553#999553

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RemasterDog After Upgrading BionicDog

#397 Post by quantumbox »

I start fresh bionicdog with new save folder then upgrade with apt update, on synaptic check all upgrade and install, then RemasterDog. I use this squashfs file for another save folder on another machine, delete old squashfs, but it seems not upgraded. Whats wrong with my configuration.
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Re: RemasterDog After Upgrading BionicDog

#398 Post by fredx181 »

quantumbox wrote:I start fresh bionicdog with new save folder then upgrade with apt update, on synaptic check all upgrade and install, then RemasterDog. I use this squashfs file for another save folder on another machine, delete old squashfs, but it seems not upgraded. Whats wrong with my configuration.
It could be that the save folder on the other machine contains old information/configuration from the package manager (dpkg).
So, in that situation, the upgrades are in the new squashfs, but dpkg "thinks" they are not.
The solution (recommended) is then to delete the changes (start fresh on the other machine) and you'll probably see that the upgrades are done.
(or if you really want to keep the old save for some reason, delete the 'var' folder inside, that's where dpkg stores the configuration, although I wouldn't recommend, things can become messy)
I just tested making remaster with Remasterdog (and deleted save folder) and the upgrades are included.

This is about Bionicdog, right ? (I ask because you posted in Xenialdog thread)

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Re: RemasterDog After Upgrading BionicDog

#399 Post by quantumbox »

fredx181 wrote:
quantumbox wrote:I start fresh bionicdog with new save folder then upgrade with apt update, on synaptic check all upgrade and install, then RemasterDog. I use this squashfs file for another save folder on another machine, delete old squashfs, but it seems not upgraded. Whats wrong with my configuration.
It could be that the save folder on the other machine contains old information/configuration from the package manager (dpkg).
So, in that situation, the upgrades are in the new squashfs, but dpkg "thinks" they are not.
The solution (recommended) is then to delete the changes (start fresh on the other machine) and you'll probably see that the upgrades are done.
(or if you really want to keep the old save for some reason, delete the 'var' folder inside, that's where dpkg stores the configuration, although I wouldn't recommend, things can become messy)
I just tested making remaster with Remasterdog (and deleted save folder) and the upgrades are included.

This is about Bionicdog, right ? (I ask because you posted in Xenialdog thread)

Yes, this is bionicdog, and I agree that my save folder contain old configuration. Are there any solution to scan installed modules or apps to match apt installed list?
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#400 Post by fredx181 »

quantumbox wrote:Are there any solution to scan installed modules or apps to match apt installed list?
Maybe you can explain better what you want to accomplish and I'll try to answer, but in general I'd say:
After remaster, start with fresh save !

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