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Dogs have yet so many versions..

#61 Post by hamoudoudou »

Dogs have yet so many versions... Fast food.. they are quite cloned..
I don't create puppies here? but at home i have advanced versions of Asri edu, Toppy Which are still based on Precise, mine are Bionic.. But between development for personal use and to release on public fora that is not the same. When people use your iSO, you get the moral duty not to let them abandoned.
What is to be underlined is that devs don't use Puppies of there colleagues.. They are not helping together, but fighting.. For the title, for the CESAR..for the CUP.
Devs act as painters, not as commercial distributors. It's a show..
PS : Spirit is different for Hungary, where skamilinux deals with Puppy and Dogs, translate them,even if made elsewhere..
Hamadoudou : doudou is the short version.. Pelo and Doudou are not one persons.. the fact they have been working together since 1994, one same projects does not mean more. I am a muslim born in Marocco, with my coloured skin.. 1950.. near Algeria.. Where we deal with an UNESCO project.. Puppy Linux could have been the (free) OS.Tey just choose Windows, six months ago. Computing is a tiny part.. Water providing is much more important. The village is stiil required by Algeria.. But that is Facebook. When there i an aircraft crash i am in charge to assist arabic speaking families.. Assistance; that is the topic subject.
Puppy Linux Users Group or Puppy Linux Devs Group ?
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Re: Dogs have yet so many versions..

#62 Post by wiak »

hamoudoudou wrote: Hamadoudou : doudou is the short version.. Pelo and Doudou are not one persons.. the fact they have been working together since 1994, one same projects does not mean more. I am a muslim born in Marocco, with my coloured skin.. 1950.. near Algeria.. Where we deal with an UNESCO project.. Puppy Linux could have been the (free) OS.Tey just choose Windows, six months ago. Computing is a tiny part.. Water providing is much more important. The village is stiil required by Algeria..
Well that is amazing 'doudou' cos I have to say the way you write and express yourself seems so identical to your 'colleague' Pelo, but who am I to question your claim to separate identity???!

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#63 Post by wiak »

At this exact moment I'm not looking at Puppy or Dogs at all; I'm looking at Android but from the point of view that Android is not Google-owned but rather from http://www.openhandsetalliance.com/. Google messaging framework (including Google Playstore and so on) tends to control Android use, but it isn't the same thing as Android.

Reason I'm interested is that it seems to me that, by definition, Android is a good fit for old low-powered machines, because Android is designed from the viewpoint of low resource hardware (limited battery power, RAM, storage, screen resolution, and so on). Not thinking of arm development environments or running arm versions of Android in x86-based virtual machines but rather that there are direct X86 versions of Android: http://www.android-x86.org/ but also my other current interest in using relatively tiny apps/utilities development environment Lua + IUP as more powerful, yet simple from developer's point of view, to the likes of yad or gtkdialog, is probably going to be ported to Android more generally (then works on Linux, Macs, Windoze and Android).

But that Android for low resource computers is definitely a Puppy-alternative rather than being anything to do with Puppy itself. I want to see if and how Android for x86 will run on my older laptops in terms of speed and even battery usage (I still have a couple of yet-working old laptop batteries for my oldish machines)

Actually, I'm kind of multi-tasking cos been slightly maintaining/upgrading weX and also want to further develop my Lua/IUP notes with more examples and some further downloadable libs for the likes of painting and plotting graphs. Multi-tasking only in a scheduled sense, however, jumping back and forth between these different interests of mine. I've never had a personal interest in making my own flavour of distro (Dog or Puppy) really - I'm more interested in app/utility development (hence interested in the development frameworks such as Lua/IUP - gtkdialog not maintained, yad interesting but only for simple apps really).

Unfortunately I find that Puppy forum not really interested so much in app development as it used to be (very little feedback - so most of my own 'publications' are inevitably really thus just for my own notes anyway) - everyone just seem to be trying out new distribution 'creations', which really isn't important in my own 'hobby'.

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#64 Post by s243a »

What does any of this discussion in the last few posts have to do with a puppylinux facebook group????
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#65 Post by wiak »

Well, we could also ask what Facebook has to do with Murga Forum. The drift on this thread had moved into the domain of questioning why Dogs are allowed on the murga 'Puppy' forum, and that is your answer. What is 'allowed' to be discussed on that Puppy Facebook forum is another matter altogether, and would have to be discussed there.


that goals are different around Puppy Linux

#66 Post by hamoudoudou »

yes, that's is true.. But some explanations are useful to underline that goals are different around Puppy Linux.. as for an oven, there is the builder, the programmer, the recipes, and the cooker in her Out house.. Reduce Oven to programmer is not pertinent. and quite boring.. One programmer, ten puppies, as soon born, as soon trashed..
We explain why Facebook was needed.. As somewhere to communicate, because is somewhere to learn, clearly IT training school.. Puppy Luvr and others explained it.. Pls check again what he wrote.
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#67 Post by wiak »

More pertinent, I feel:

zero programmers, zero Puppies, zero Dogs. Then you can discuss history only on Puppy Facebook page and/or on Murga forum. No programming is more boring than countless customers and countless questioners of what and where anything should be discussed. These conversations are certainly not 'truly off-topic area' and this is just an 'Announcements' area of the forum - so we can all announce away...

Like I said, plenty thread areas available on murga forum. Problem is those objecting to development discussions on developer-relevant 'Projects' area. Ask user-questions in the several user-help areas; questions there generally get plenty helpful answers (some not so helpful admittedly). Lots of help is certainly also available in specific Project pages, but shouldn't work in way that discourages developer interaction (which is main place that can happen).

Worst thing of all is when developers 'fall out' but often that falling-out is being encouraged by unhelpful 'customers' trolling and taking their pleasure for stirring trouble up.

Come to think of it, BarryK, is uniquely fortunate in being the original creative force behind Puppy such that he is so revered that he can discuss development matters fulltime on his thread without customer troll types ever making much nonsense there.

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#68 Post by fredx181 »

Nonsense Pelodoudou wrote:but in reality as Xenialdog users cannot obtain help here, they ask it in Puppy Linux Facebook..
More nonsense Pelodoudou wrote:Projects are only a part, a subdivision.
Asssistance is Boring, and Dogs devs dont want to assist.. Once developed, they jump to a new version. that is the reality. Public assistance of not foreseen in their project. Dogs are only brainstorming center.
Do you ever read yourself what you typed before clicking the "Submit" button ?!!

OK, sorry for the off-topic, let's get back to the subject of Facebook
puppyluvr wrote:Very Happy Hello.
I consider the "dogs" to be Puppies, and encourage their users to join us as well. I use Tahrpup, but also Debiandog. So....
Thanks puppyluvr !
Of course I have nothing against that the "dogs" are present in some way on Puppy Linux Users Group at Facebook.
Only thing is that I will not participate because I'm having much against Facebook itself (for many reasons, but that's another subject).


i will quote here what debiandogs told us there !

#69 Post by hamoudoudou »

i will quote here what debiandogs users told us there; in Dogs topic !
I never said zero programmers, we need programmers
What i say is :
Most programmers don't want to loose time with assistance, that is the reason why you close your topics. Closed !
Then why did they publish.. for the show ?
Last edited by hamoudoudou on Fri 27 Apr 2018, 12:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: i will quote here what debiandogs told us there !

#70 Post by wiak »

hamoudoudou wrote:i will quote here what debiandogs told us there !
I see no quote

'will' is the future..

#71 Post by hamoudoudou »

'will' is the future..
XenialDog 32 bit user.
When updating my base sfs, sometimes I would like to also update the modules separately, but for simplicity sake, if there are updates available for a module, I just delete it and make it again using apt2sfs.
I am wondering if there is an easier or more straight forward approach, where I could update an individual module. I know I could unsquash and manually copy the updates, resquash etc, but in that case I may as well do what I have been. Ideas?
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#72 Post by wiak »

Oh... no apt get or ubuntu stuff etc... I see.

hmmm... maybe I shouldn't be mixing things either - no dotpets every time I produce a deb package. Which would mean no dotpets for my recent IUP/Lua GTK2 compiles, which I then tested also on Puppy and made dotpets for. No recent dotpet upgrade to weX screencast, audio, webcam record program, since I did the upgrade work on a XenialDog64 install and only used Slacko32 for dir2pet facility. Debs for Precord available as well as dotpets. So many different Pups to cater for (Xenial, Debian, Slacko) so yes, producing/testing dotpets adds a lot of extra work. And fact is, though I know fredx181 uses weX sometimes, I don't know if anyone ever uses it on Puppy - most seem to use SSR.

Funny thing is, Monsieur Doudou, it was you who used to want pAVrecord to be developed to include facility to capture a screen area defined by mouse rectangle - well, it took two years to get round to it, but really that's what started the design of weX (which is a complex program in many ways) - but by that time SSR was out so weX pretty much unnoticed. No problem, I use it! hahaha Anway, lesson learned - I'm glad weX developed since big favourite in my house (for webcam/audio record more than screencast actually), though personally I hardly use any application software myself - too busy trying to develop new stuff...

I meant to retire from Linux altogether long time back, but then I realised there were a couple of things I wanted to finish (including weX) and then for some reason I took a look at woof-CE for the first time and challenged myself to produce makepup frontend for it, and then I found I hadn't yet retired. And now I'm fed up with gtkdialog and wanted something more stimulating to program with than bash/gtkdialog/yad, hence my sole effort with Lua/IUP, which still interests me a lot.

As far as any complaints about help documentation for the Dogs being non-existent... Fact is the Dogs are pretty much pure Debian or Ubuntu - there are millions of pages of documentation for Debian/Ubuntu, huge wikis and so on - no point Fred or anyone else having to regenerate same documentation. When I want to install something new (such as SimpleScreenRecorder) I just google xenial simplescreenrecorder and soon find the repository for that and best way to install it on xenial system, which is what XenialDog is - no need for forum documentation other than Porteus boot with grub4dos.

EDIT: you do have a point about some of the special debiandog-related tools such as apt2sfs - they do need documented, though most are pretty straightforward as it turns out.

As I said elsewhere, it must be nice living in some parts of France, though I do have an advantage living at the other end of the world: most people (aside from those from OZ and NZ) are asleep when I am likely to log in to the murga forum, so I can write my own comments to whatever threads it suits me virtually in peace till you all wake up and take over... by which time I am asleep and no longer listening.

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Re: Congratulations from Douglas !

#73 Post by rufwoof »

hamoudoudou wrote:What i am sure is that the Puppy Linux forum is where to ask for help when Xenialdog is concerned. XenialDog is not a Puppy. How-to use or repair has to be asked somewhere, but not on Facebook.
Posting about the Dogs on the Puppy forum is fine, just not in "Puppy Projects", Post under "Puppy Derivatives" instead !!! Or elsewhere (Misc/Other ... whatever). "Puppy Derivatives" is more appropriate for Fat Dog, Barry's EasyOS ...etc. alternatives, whilst leaving those using actual Puppies with less 'spam' (confusion) to wade through in the Puppy Projects section.

About Facebook,

#74 Post by hamoudoudou »

wiak as i told you, your way, your goals please me, no criticism about you.

About Facebook, or Google Plus or twitter, are places where people meet together.. that is what puppyluvr was looking for.. and me too. Meet puppy linux users friendly, with a cup of tea, or a beer..

unfortunately it's becoming a repair station, then people with no trouble are leaving. Would you fly an airline where crew explains you what troubles airplane has, during your flight to Bahamas.. Furthermore when the passenger beside you tells you 'you should not fly this airline, but mine'.

Puppy really is a pleasure to use.. we need somewhere to talk about it without having to study what is wrong in a script. Perhaps watch videos done with Wex.. or simple screen recorder.

rufwoof, everybody knows what i mean..

#75 Post by hamoudoudou »

rufwoof, everybody knows what i mean..
you agree that facebook is not the place where to post for troubleshooting. that is a fact. Appreciated..
Until now, i feedback on projects topics what is working well, and what is working bad.. during development time (pregnancy)
But when a project is closed, where to ask help ? You tell me on others sections. But who will answer for DebianDogs here ? Some experts will check and give you answers, i suppose..
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#76 Post by fredx181 »

hamadoudou wrote:But when a project is closed, where to ask help ? You tell me on others sections. But who will answer for DebianDogs here ?
Which project are you talking about ?
As far as I know, almost every Dog related topic is open for any kind of feedback, discussing, asking questions, etc...

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#77 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
My main point in making that decision was that most of the Dog users are also Puppy users. Also the fact that much work has been done to include apt in a standard puppy format. So much of the information is cross-compatible...
It may seem a contradiction that my group expressly forbids other distros. But opening that door would overwhelm my group. The number of users of the Dogs would not...
Plus I flat-out like Debian dog..
It's a good way for puppy users to experience some of the advantages ( and disadvantages) of the larger distros while still in a comfortable Puppy format..
I started this thread about my group...
Not as a place to argue the complexities of this forum...
Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world
I am Lead Dog of the
Puppy Linux Users Group on Facebook
Join us!

Puppy since 2.15CE...
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#78 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,

"you agree that facebook is not the place where to post for troubleshooting"

I disagree entirely.
Some of Puppy's finest developers are members of my group...
Many of them are members of this forum...
More often than not links to this form are the answer...
Do not forget that my group is an extension of this forum...
I was elevated to moderator of the Puppy Linux Users Group on this forum, but could never find an actual group or page to moderate.
So I created one on Facebook.
Last I checked it was changed to moderator of the Puppy Linux Documentation Project.
That's an exercise in futility....
Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world
I am Lead Dog of the
Puppy Linux Users Group on Facebook
Join us!

Puppy since 2.15CE...

open your eyes, to a whole new world, nice !

#79 Post by hamoudoudou »

Close the Windows, and open your eyes, to a whole new world, nice !
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Re: Congratulations from Douglas !

#80 Post by wiak »

rufwoof wrote:
hamoudoudou wrote:What i am sure is that the Puppy Linux forum is where to ask for help when Xenialdog is concerned. XenialDog is not a Puppy. How-to use or repair has to be asked somewhere, but not on Facebook.
Posting about the Dogs on the Puppy forum is fine, just not in "Puppy Projects", Post under "Puppy Derivatives" instead !!! Or elsewhere (Misc/Other ... whatever). "Puppy Derivatives" is more appropriate for Fat Dog, Barry's EasyOS ...etc. alternatives, whilst leaving those using actual Puppies with less 'spam' (confusion) to wade through in the Puppy Projects section.
I'm sorry to disagree rufwoof, but DebianDog is not and never has been a derivative of Puppy - it is a derivative of Debian. It was simply, made to look a bit like a Pup and in similar size - in that latter sense it is loosely a project based on Puppy look and feel hence I'm sure that's why Toni first started writing about it in that Puppy Projects section. BarryK's EasyOS definitely has some lineage with Puppy itself from what I see, so Puppy Derivative seems quite logical for that one.

EDIT: I do agree that too much Dog stuff overtakes Puppy Projects thread, so a new area for threads such as Puppy Lookalikes would be nice.

Anyway, sorry puppyluvr, this is definitely offtopic - moving on.

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