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091 hard disc re-access from stick problem

#721 Post by scsijon »

Sorry Barry, a curly one for you.

Decided to install 0.9.1 to a spare desktop to try to build a package that I ocassionally play as a stress relief (ToME).
Installed 0.9.1 to a memory stick with dd ok.
Blew a spare hard drive away and put it in one of my dev desktops.
0.9.1 installed to the hard drive sda1 ok from the memory stick.
shutdown the desktop and removed the memory stick.
I booted the hard drive up and it added sda2 with all spare space.
I wanted to add a swap drive and put the memory stick back in and rebooted the desktop.
I told the pc (via f12) to boot the memory stick and not the hard drive.
The memory stick light came up once, however in starting it autopicked to start from sda/sda2, not sdb1/sdb2 as I had expected it to do.
Shutdown the desktop and tried starting it again, and got the same result.
I got out an earlier pyro (0.8.1) memory stick and tried again (with F12) and it booted correctly.
Blew the hard drive clean and tried it all with 0.8.1 and it worked correctly, both the install and restart from the memory stick.
cleaned the hard drive out again.
tried again with 0.9.1 and got the same problem.
It seems that I can install it once, but restarting a second time from the memory stick it's automatically picking the hard drive to load and start from.

Any ideas?
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#722 Post by BarryK »

Hi guys,
I will read the above posts carefully soon.

Right now, getting "Easy Beaver" to work properly.

This is the same Easy OS, but built with Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver DEBs. This is great for those who want the big repos in the PPM.

Have a desktop, but there are things to fix. And to compile, the kernel for instance needs to be at least 4.15.

My monthly data limitation is now solved:

http://bkhome.org/news/201805/telstra-6 ... -plan.html
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#723 Post by BarryK »

Easy Beaver 0.9.2 is out!

Blog post here:

http://bkhome.org/news/201805/easy-beav ... eased.html

I ended up using kernel 4.16.8.

If you want to try it, you're welcome. Especially if you fix any bugs :)
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EasyOS Pyro 0.9.1 (May 7), Beaver 0.9.2 (May 15), 2018 Post

#724 Post by Billtoo »

I installed to a 16gb SDHC card:

System: Host: EASYPC19814 Kernel: 4.16.8 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: JWM git-1685 Distro: Quirky 0.9.2 beaver64
Machine: Device: desktop System: Compaq-Presario product: AU194AA-A2L CQ5123F serial: MXX9300M0F
Mobo: MSI model: Boston v: 1.0 serial: N/A BIOS: Phoenix v: 5.24 date: 06/19/2009
CPU: Dual core Pentium E5200 (-MCP-) speed/max: 1523/2500 MHz
Graphics: Card: Intel 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller
Display Server: X.Org 1.19.6 driver: intel Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz
OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel G33 version: 1.4 Mesa 18.0.0-rc5
Network: Card: Realtek RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller driver: r8169
Drives: HDD Total Size: 516.0GB (1.9% used)
Info: Processes: 96 Uptime: 1:06 Memory: 207.8/3943.0MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.56

I updated PPM and installed some applications.
I'm still running internet applications as spot, will try running
Chromium in a container later on.

That's it so far,
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EastyOs Beaver

#725 Post by rameshiyer »

For updating 0.9.1. to 0.9.2 (Beaver Easy) which files to be replaced in the Frugal Installation folder.
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#726 Post by Cu Chulinux »

I'd be wary of upgrading 0.91 Pyro to 0.92 Beaver.

They are built from two different sources and are not necessarily compatible. I upgraded Xerus 0.68 to Pyro 0.7 and when rebooted was using vesa driver and desktop all distorted. Wouldn't let me change driver, ended up deleting and installing 0.7 from scratch. On reflection I could probably have just rebooted using the rollback menu option (deleting the .session directory), which would have done the same thing. That doesn't retain any settings you've saved though.
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#727 Post by Cu Chulinux »

I updated my Easy Pyro to 0.91 and all seems to work well.

I installed Easy Beaver (always wanted one of those :) ) to what used to be my Quirky partition. Intel sna works ok, modesetting doesn't work at all. I tried modesetting and I only get a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the top left corner.

(Edit) This is the same behaviour as with modesetting in Quirky. Maybe it's Ubuntu.
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#728 Post by BarryK »

Ticked off another one from the to-do list, about 10 years too late!

http://bkhome.org/news/201805/rox-filer ... -menu.html
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#729 Post by BarryK »

Working toward the next release of Easy Pyro, it will have 'xdotool', and I compiled the latest SeaMonkey, 2.49.3.
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#730 Post by BarryK »

Cu Chulinux wrote:I'd be wary of upgrading 0.91 Pyro to 0.92 Beaver.

They are built from two different sources and are not necessarily compatible.
Yes, treat them as completely different distros.
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Re: 091 hard disc re-access from stick problem

#731 Post by BarryK »

scsijon wrote:Sorry Barry, a curly one for you.

Decided to install 0.9.1 to a spare desktop to try to build a package that I ocassionally play as a stress relief (ToME).
Installed 0.9.1 to a memory stick with dd ok.
Blew a spare hard drive away and put it in one of my dev desktops.
0.9.1 installed to the hard drive sda1 ok from the memory stick.
shutdown the desktop and removed the memory stick.
I booted the hard drive up and it added sda2 with all spare space.
I wanted to add a swap drive and put the memory stick back in and rebooted the desktop.
I told the pc (via f12) to boot the memory stick and not the hard drive.
The memory stick light came up once, however in starting it autopicked to start from sda/sda2, not sdb1/sdb2 as I had expected it to do.
Shutdown the desktop and tried starting it again, and got the same result.
I got out an earlier pyro (0.8.1) memory stick and tried again (with F12) and it booted correctly.
Blew the hard drive clean and tried it all with 0.8.1 and it worked correctly, both the install and restart from the memory stick.
cleaned the hard drive out again.
tried again with 0.9.1 and got the same problem.
It seems that I can install it once, but restarting a second time from the memory stick it's automatically picking the hard drive to load and start from.

Any ideas?
This is indeed a curly one!

Is this a PC with UEFI firmware?
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#732 Post by BarryK »

rufwoof wrote:A EasyOS container is a neat trick where it uses the same sfs as the bottom layer, but a different folder as its top layer (changes), so initially it takes up near no extra space to create. Barry has built/structured it so you could have a container for each separate running process in a similar vein to how others run things in separate containers for security purposes. I'm however more inclined to just have a single container i.e. use the main system that runs as root for local non internet activities (word processing, image editing/whatever), but use the container for internet based activity and where that container is locked down pretty tightly. As I use online email, that pretty much just leaves the browser being in a container for me. Everything else being run as normal (as root). Once set up I have a rox bookmark that links into that container so I can move files between the main system and into/out of the container using rox. In effect everything running as root, except the greatest security risk i.e. the browser that runs in a restricted environment and runs as a restricted user id (rover in my case).

Puppy security (running as root, outdated software and browser etc.) were issues for me before. EasyOS goes a considerable way to eradicating such issues. Seems such a easy concept that you wonder why it wasn't common/used before.
Actually, I am approaching the running-as-root-in-a-container in a weird way. We have to reverse our thinking.

The security defaults for a container restrict "root" to have virtually no rights.

It can't even execute a script owned by spot. This is where the inversion of our thinking comes in.

I made a start on this. The script 'ec-run' in a container is owner:group "spot:spot", with permissions 700 -- so it can't even be read.

In the GUI security settings, I am planning to add some checkboxes to disable various things. Conceivably, everything in a container could be changed to spot:spot, and "root" given access to certain groups.

This seems rather convoluted. But, I am trying to keep the simplicity for the user, to be able to drag and drop files into a container, to be opened by an app in a container, without having to be concerned about ownership and permissions. A file owned by root outside the container, will still appear as owned by "root" inside the container.

Still thinking about this, it is not easy to resolve.
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#733 Post by Flash »

Deadpork has been banned and his posts removed.


#734 Post by rameshiyer »

Deadpork has been banned and his posts removed.

Flash Sir Well Done. Thank you.
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#735 Post by BarryK »

A fantastic music player added to Easy Pyro:

http://bkhome.org/news/201805/audacious ... -pyro.html
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#736 Post by Cu Chulinux »

Wow forum is sloooow to load today.

Barry, I haven't done too much with containers yet but I had a couple questions. When you drag a file from outside to inside and then edit it, are you editing the original file from outside or a copy stored inside the container? If outside does that not potentially provide a mechanism for circumventing the container security?


#737 Post by rameshiyer »

Is it possible to install Anbox in EasyOS. https://anbox.io. It is Android in a Box.

' Anbox puts the Android operating system into a container, abstracts hardware access and integrates core system services into a GNU/Linux system. Every Android application will be integrated with your operating system like any other native application.'
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Beaver 0.9.2 (May 15), 2018

#738 Post by Billtoo »

I installed to a usb-3.0 SSD, computer is an HP desktop from 2007

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sat 19 May 2018 on Easy Beaver 0.9.2 Linux 4.16.8 x86_64
0.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Oland [Radeon HD 8570 / R7 240/340 OEM]
product: OLAND 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
X.Org version: 1.19.6
dimensions: 3840x1080 pixels (1013x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org
OpenGL renderer string: AMD OLAND (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.16.8, LLVM 6.0.0)
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.0.0-rc5

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz
Core 0: @1220 1: @1244 MHz

I added applications with PPM.
I can't get internet applications to run in a container so running them
as spot.

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#739 Post by BarryK »

Cu Chulinux wrote:Wow forum is sloooow to load today.

Barry, I haven't done too much with containers yet but I had a couple questions. When you drag a file from outside to inside and then edit it, are you editing the original file from outside or a copy stored inside the container? If outside does that not potentially provide a mechanism for circumventing the container security?
That is determined by ROX-Filer. In Rox, when you drag a file, there is a popup asking whether you want to copy, move or symlink the file.

Normally, you would copy.
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Re: EasyOS

#740 Post by BarryK »

rameshiyer wrote:Is it possible to install Anbox in EasyOS. https://anbox.io. It is Android in a Box.

' Anbox puts the Android operating system into a container, abstracts hardware access and integrates core system services into a GNU/Linux system. Every Android application will be integrated with your operating system like any other native application.'
Possibly, but it will need a lot of work. It comes as a snap package, which I don't know much about. Also uses the Linux LXC container mechanism, would have to try an adapt to Easy.

It will be a good thing to have, sometime in the future.
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