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Xenial, Artful, Bionic

#1261 Post by ITSMERSH »


In Puppies from Lucid up to Tahr I could easily connect to the web with my GPRS USB Modem - thanks to the installed usb-modeswitch.

In later Puppies (Xenial, Artful, Bionic) this doesn't work anymore, though, there is usb-modeswitch installed!

In all of these Puppies I had to download usb-modeswitch manually from the Ubuntu repository and to install the downloaded packages to be able to connect to the web web with my GPRS USB Modem.

All the work done on pgprs-connect re-created by rerwin, all the time I spent on testing rerwin's packages and returning the results to him until it worked, is lost, was useless and continues to be useless, unless the WoofCE team would consider to have a working usb-modeswitch package installed by default in all of those new Puppies.

Or did they/you already decide GPRS Modems being too old to be supported in Puppy by default?

Many of my fellow musicians are using GPRS Modems since there's no way to connect to the web from within their rehearsal rooms - except: GPRS Modem.

So, what are you consider to do, on this issue?
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#1262 Post by 8Geee »

Another git-hub Ubuntu problem. I'm beginning to see a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I would ask the soof-CE deveopers to carefully inspect the deltas. It appears theres some coding being removed at the whim of a very small number of opinions.

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#1263 Post by aaaaa »

8Geee wrote:Another git-hub Ubuntu problem. I'm beginning to see a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I would ask the soof-CE deveopers to carefully inspect the deltas. It appears theres some coding being removed at the whim of a very small number of opinions.

What exactly has been removed that you don't want it to be removed?

The wolf actually has led the development for some time now, the only one contributing significant changes to fix stuff, simplifying logic, using standard tools instead of old puppy-specific tools, but also removing some working stuff, some broken stuff, making room for some other filemanagers, etc...

PS: this has nothing to do with usbmodeswitch
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Re: Xenial, Artful, Bionic

#1264 Post by aaaaa »

ITSMERSH wrote:@WoofCE-Team

In Puppies from Lucid up to Tahr I could easily connect to the web with my GPRS USB Modem - thanks to the installed usb-modeswitch.

In later Puppies (Xenial, Artful, Bionic) this doesn't work anymore, though, there is usb-modeswitch installed!
I haven't tested upupbb but judging by your report, i see the usbmodeswitch pet pkg is not compatible.

Apparently libpipeline provides some functionality that the pet pkg does not provide... that's the only thing i can think of..

You also said that both packages have different "executables"

http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/m ... 1_i386.deb

http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... mmon32.pet

And indeed

it's a shell script in the pet pkg
it's a compiled binary in the DEB pkg

what does this mean?... they're different indeed.

This needs fixing indeed..
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#1265 Post by Mike Walsh »

8Geee wrote:Another git-hub Ubuntu problem. I'm beginning to see a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I would ask the soof-CE deveopers to carefully inspect the deltas. It appears theres some coding being removed at the whim of a very small number of opinions.

I agree.

The 'Refresh/Realign icons' checkbox has simply been left out of the code-script for the new build-system's EventManager. Anybody with several partitions selected to show on the desktop is currently facing an untidy mess every time ROX re-draws the drive-icons after a restart of X (which just show up in any old order).....because there's no way to correct the issue anymore.

Why 'fix' an issue which wasn't broken, and had been working perfectly for a long time? :roll:

Doesn't make sense to me.

Mike. :x
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Re: Xenial, Artful, Bionic

#1266 Post by aaaaa »

ITSMERSH wrote: In Puppies from Lucid up to Tahr>........
Ok it's clear upup bionic and xenialpup should use the deb packages.

But here's a pet pkg compiled a bit differently, it's supposed to update older wce pups, however you might want to test it in a pristine install of upup bb, forcing this pet pkg into the system...
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#1267 Post by ITSMERSH »

Apparently libpipeline provides some functionality that the pet pkg does not provide... that's the only thing i can think of.
After pebee replied that libpipeline is in the devx, I made again a test. Rebooted fresh into ram and installed only libpipeline. Doesn't work either. I had to install usb-modeswitch from the repository AND libpipeline before the GPRS USB Modem didn't appear anymore as drive sr1 and before I was able to connect to the web.

Just as a side note...
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#1268 Post by aaaaa »

ITSMERSH wrote: After pebee replied that libpipeline is in the devx, I made again a test.
The real issue seems to be a tcl script in the pet package.

To compile the binary you must pass a special param to 'make'.

That was probably the issue in xenial and now in upup bb.

I provided a 'fixed' pet pkg for you to test, but it's up to you to make your body install it and test it.

#1269 Post by ITSMERSH »

Yes, I could test it, but I have already made a remaster with everything installed. So, someone else may come up and do some tests. I'd spent a lot of time testing rerwins package, just to find my GPRS USB Modem not recognized anymore in the next Puppy...

What I don't understand is, why do we need a special .pet package, when there's already a working out of the box package available in the repository?

Why replacing working binaries partially with faulty scripts?

Why to compile a package for a Ubuntu Puppy, that is already compiled for the Ubuntu version the Puppy is going to be based on?

This is really confusing and it results in "crap" as we can see now...

Not meant to be offended, it is just extremely annoying to encounter the more or less the same mistakes / problems / issues repeatedly. :roll:
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#1270 Post by aaaaa »

I know. It has always been that way in puppy.

It has always used libs and stuff that were really incompatible. A change started happening in 2016, very slowly.

But that's not the purpose of this possible test. It's to test if the compiled package can be considered 'generic'. Then it can be used in the future to update old pups, giving them life support..

And there's no one else to test it. It doesn't really matter anyway. I already made the necessary changes for the next upup releases.

#1271 Post by ITSMERSH »

Ok, I downloaded, will give it a go and report.

#1272 Post by ITSMERSH »


So, I quit connection,unplugged the GPRS USB Modem, installed the downloaded package (I did not remove the installed libpipeline!), plugged in the GPRS USB Modem again.

A few seconds waiting to make sure no sr1 icon appears on the desktop.

Started the PGPRS Modem Settings program and found my GPRS USB Modem in the list to choose from. Chosen and successfully connected to the web, doing this post.

Though, KEEP IN MIND: don't put libpipeline in the devx! :wink:
And put rerwin's pgprs package into the puppy.
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#1273 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

unclear text removed
Last edited by Sailor Enceladus on Sun 03 Jun 2018, 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
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#1274 Post by rockedge »

hey Sailor Enceladus...... why not speak in clear text and explain what is wrong with those 2 OS's. This cryptic talk makes me feel like if I am not one of the cool guys.......I can't read your mind (yet) and I am not going to spend more time tracking down what you mean so how about just spilling the beans and sharing your knowledge.

I just built 5 Puppies from woof-CE except for slacko which I never use..I hate the name...... but I am not sure what you've "seen" so fill me in because the one I am typing this with seems to work at the moment. Xenial64.

My tahr32 and tahr64 are running as web servers 24/7 and all the Bionic builds I am making are using extremes and if they blow up no big deal.
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#1275 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

Hi rockedge,

This Slacko64 one (built with master) seems to be working alright for me now:

I thought maybe I was the only one who tried building Tahrpup and Xenialpup in woof-CE in the last few months. Congrats on your positive experiences. :)
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#1276 Post by rockedge »

thanks Sailor Enceladus... I will try out the ISO after download. which I am doing now.

I do have some really solid reliable Puppies running at the moment from tahr through to bionic..... I will give this Slacko64 a whirl...I will try to install a LHMP (LAMP with Hiawatha instead of Apache) and zoneminder 1.31.44 security camera system on it. test it out for ease of installation and how well it runs!...
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#1277 Post by recobayu »

I think it is a good idea in woof-CE to add a button menu in window setting or tray setting that is about group option in traystyle. Like this screenshoot.
I add it manually in /usr/share/jwm/themes.
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#1278 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

Sailor Enceladus wrote:This Slacko64 one (built with master) seems to be working alright for me now:
Tried a latest "woof-CE testing" Slacko64 + kernel 4.9 + linux firmware build too:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/y13kxd ... 8b8812ccoh

It looks like the default linux firmware options add about 60MB to the zdrv. No issues on this machine yet...
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#1279 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

I tried compiling the DOTconfig-4.14.20-Atom-cherrytrail config for 4.14.48 x86_64.
After adding aufsv=4.14 to build.conf it compiled, though upon reboot I got this message on a Core2Duo:

Code: Select all

This kernel needs a CPU feature you don't have:

I guess finding a more generic 4.14 config would have made more sense (just tested the one included in woof-CE). :)

edit: Using the one from easy seemed to work better. Thanks to stemsee. I'll attach it if anyone else wants to try it.
from EasyOS Pyro 0.9.3
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#1280 Post by Billtoo »

I hadn't used woof-ce for quite a long time so I gave it a shot this
morning and built a 32bit slacko.

System: Host: puppypc3479 Kernel: 4.17.6-lxpup64 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: JWM 2.3.6
Distro: Slacko Puppy
Machine: Device: desktop Mobo: Acer model: Aspire X3950 serial: U02C120500059
BIOS: American Megatrends v: P01-A3 date: 05/05/2010
CPU: Dual core Intel Core i3 540 (-HT-MCP-) speed/max: 1534/3067 MHz
Graphics: Card: Intel Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
Display Server: X.org 1.18.3 drivers: intel (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev,vesa)
tty size: 128x29 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network: Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver: r8169
Drives: HDD Total Size: 500.1GB (3.2% used)
Weather: Conditions: 79 F (26 C) - Partly Cloudy Time: July 15, 11:02 AM EDT
Info: Processes: 139 Uptime: 1:51 Memory: 307.2/5892.2MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.8

The build took less that 1 hour, I changed the kernel to peebee's
latest after 1st boot and doing the setup/creating savefile.

I added some applications with PPM, Vlc is older but works well,Kodi is
version 16.1 is older and works but not great.
I compiled the newest Smplayer and Smtube and they work well.

I'm happy with the result, thanks to the Woof-ce workers!
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