Step by step for keyboard language switching

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Step by step for keyboard language switching

#1 Post by dewdrop »


HOW TO: Change a keyboard from English to Spanish or Spanish to English using the method described by lior2b in this thread: ... highlight=

Because the information was originally intended for the Puppy 1.xx series, some of the steps are no longer required. The steps below should accomplish the same result.

This information is only useful if you are using the Xorg will not work with Xvesa.

1. Go to /etc/X11 in ROX-filer ( Open the Home Icon on the desktop, then click the up arrow in the upper left hand corner).

2. When you open X11, you will see a document entitled xorg.conf.

3. Double click on that document and it will open in geany.

4. Scroll down the document until you come to the section beginning as follows:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"

5. Erase that section and replace it with the following:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,latam"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,caps:shift,altwin:menu"

6. Save this information using the same name it had before.... in the same place as before.


7. Close geany.

8. Restart Puppy 2.12.

9. To test if the keyboard will now switch between languages, click and hold the left SHIFT key, and hit the ALT key at the same time. Release those 2 keys. You should now be able to get the ñ, and the vowels with accents....á, é, í, ó, ú.

There is a series of 3 lights on the upper right side of the keyboard. One light is for the number keypad, one light is for indicating that the keyboard is typing all capital letters, and the 3rd light will light when you are able to type in Spanish, and be off when you are using the keyboard for English.

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#2 Post by Dougal »

I've actually written an application to do all that for you... I'll be posting it in a few days.
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#3 Post by lickthefrog2 »

I'll vote for it, Dougal.

I'd like to be able to switch between US and Dvorak on the fly.

Maybe it's already posted...I'm going to search...
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#4 Post by lickthefrog2 »

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