Gtkwialog project

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#81 Post by wiak »

MochiMoppel wrote:
wiak wrote:Thunor got it wrong thinking/suggesting in his linked post above that another solution was to use bash -c before actions in gtkdialog - his suggestion simply doesn't work for legacy gtkdialog
Somehow Thunor's suggestion seems to work for me.
Tested with legacy gtkdialog, /bin/sh linked to /bin/ash.

Code: Select all

func_bash() {
	SYSHELL=$(realpath /bin/sh)
	gxmessage $(cat <(echo "/bin/sh points to $SYSHELL"))
}; export -f func_bash

echo '<button label="Call exported function">
<action>bash -c func_bash</action>
</button>' | gtkdialog -s
Don't know if dash would behave differently from busybox ash.
"bash -c" is also be required when running above script in a standard sh/bash environment.
Well good for you, use busybox ash then (don't think it worked so well when tried on mistfire's TazPup but maybe those testing it didn't test it as well as you. Interesting though, and I presume you have checked that your /bin/ash is indeed a link to busybox ash and not to bash (maybe others could confirm with their busybox ash?). It doesn't work on dash but you don't need it so that's fine. You've made your point again, and thanks. Actually, maybe it does - can't test at the moment since on wrong machine.

But if others don't have success when now trying their busybox ash, maybe you would be kind enough to post a link to your version so they can try that?

It may be that you are piping into gtkdialog from bash script so function visible at that time (I haven't thought about it as yet). Show a similar example with typical gtkdialog reading from environment variables, which is main problem we are trying to solve really and I will abandon gtkwialog as unneeded.


EDIT: Above bash -c suggestion only works on busybox ash, NOT on dash-based systems, hence one of many other reasons for there being a continuing need for gtkwialog.
Last edited by wiak on Mon 09 Jul 2018, 06:41, edited 2 times in total.
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#82 Post by wiak »

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#83 Post by s243a »

wiak wrote:Okay, now booted other machine and downloaded busybox from Xenial repos and made /bin/sh link to busybox. Your program does work with that. Good for you and I'm sure you will test it works with other modes of legacy gtkdialog operation (e.g. -p reading dialog from exported variable) - may well do.

I'll just abandon gtkwialog then since not needed and the negatives about it becoming like badgering and a bit of a pain I don't need thanks. But yes, good for you MochiMoppel, you've been trying to push against this development from the start and perseverance has rewarded you. Bravo! Do you happen to go Badger Baiting in your spare time?

Time for me to relax for a long while and enjoy my family, and leave you all to your precious selfs.

Don't get discouraged. If you believe in it then keep at it but if you think there are better uses of your time then it is your time to do with as you please.

Whether or not you stick with it, please keep gtkwialog in the title so that others can find this thread easier in case they decide to continue your work.

best wishes. I hope that all is well.
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#84 Post by wiak »

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#85 Post by darry19662018 »

Damn Gtkwialog had real promise.
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#86 Post by s243a »

wiak wrote:Like I said, the project was demeaned as not useful and is now abandoned in its entirety. There is no longer any gtkwialog and no reason for retaining any such title by me. I did what I thought was right and best but thanks first to rcrsn51 and finally to MochiMoppel who made it perfectly clear they did not appreciate my 'tinkering' with legacy gtkdialog, which they insist is fine, I no longer need to think about this further or continue on to its publication. The Puppy Steward's had no interest either - I get the message thanks.
Why is it up to them whether or not you tinker with it, and I hope you abandoned it because of your opinion of the project and not any perceived flack.
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#87 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote:Damn Gtkwialog had real promise.
It sounded interesting to me but unfortunately I don't know enough about either it or GTKdialog.
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#88 Post by wiak »

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#89 Post by mcewanw »

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#90 Post by nosystemdthanks »

i dont know how much of it is misunderstanding and how much of it is intended to be discouraging.

this is the most pro-remix community i know, but sometimes you stumble into a sacred cow and people start getting out torches and pitchforks.

it should be more like the webcomic freefall-- after every angry chase there is ice cream for those who participated. but people do get discouraged.

i have mixed feelings about gtkdialog, the original:

* just about the coolest thing ever

* a complete mess

i believe fig os (older versions) had gtkdialog because petget called it, and it imported everything it needed for petget to load packages.

other than that: what s243a said. which makes me wonder what word starts with s and is 245 letters long. i can tell you its not in the oed.
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#91 Post by fredx181 »

Hi wiak,

Well... Sad.. what can I say, however I can understand you're dissapointed, I believe you are taking things too much personally.

gtkdialog and gtkwialog can be installed together on a Dog or Puppy system.
I made only a few programs using gtkdialog, not too complicated converting to use gtkwialog, so I would do it that way.
You would probably do the same with your programs (and others, like pfind).
Apparently rcrsn51 would choose different by converting to POSIX, and has his reasons for that.
(and the "Puppy developers" also have their reasons for just sticking with gtkdialog and keeping sh symlinked to bash)

So, please reconsider your decision to abandon this project.
For sure it's useful, even if only you (and/or me) would use it for your contributed programs.

Sorry if I'm thinking too simple, I can't help seeing it like that, also about "Dog vs Puppy", too much fuzz about that IMO, they both exist and everyone can choose freely what he/she prefers to use (or help develop).

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#92 Post by wiak »

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#93 Post by nosystemdthanks »

if you really believe in a project then you need to work on it. otherwise, you dont.

if the problem is really the forum then you should do like the woof devs have done in the past and pull back from the main forum, even start your own (or pm me.)

this forum pulls people back after years and years, but it also pushes people away sometimes. this forum is definitely good for being told everything thats wrong with what youre doing (and sometimes whats right) but sometimes maybe there should be a forum where people have a little more room to tinker and discuss ideas. the main problem with doing that here is-- it doesnt always work out here.

which doesnt mean it cant, it just doesnt always.

but a fallback forum would be a good idea for this sort of thing. heck, even a vacation forum where you can keep working on stuff but without the "big city" feel that this place gets occasionally. like i said, pm me if you want to.
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#94 Post by wiak »

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Last edited by wiak on Mon 09 Jul 2018, 06:53, edited 3 times in total.
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#95 Post by wiak »

details of current state of gtkwialog projects development can be found here: ... 007#998007
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#96 Post by wiak »

First public release with source code:

EDIT: 32bit and 64bit versions now uploaded to above link.

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