Krazy Puppy is unstable

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.
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Krazy Puppy is unstable

#1 Post by Lobster »

:( :?

Not frisky . . .

Just read the news Krazy Puppy abandoned for being unstable . . . Well it was the same with the 2.6 kernel - it was not yet good enough and the older kernel was being developed - it is more stable and we are using it . . .

The good news is it may be released as a Pupget. However I suggest (if there is interest - that it is released as a Puplet) - many reasons why this is a good idea. My main reason is that KDE deserves this impetus and genuine critical evaluation. Inkscape (though big) was very unstable when I first used it - (6 months later it is a joy).

I totally agree that OO just works and just working - well it works for me . . . Anyway I know from your seclusion over the last few days you worked hard on this. I for one am curious. M m m m . . . The situation may be very different in a years time . . . Perhaps it needs an injection from another direction?

What do others feel?

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#2 Post by gnomen »

For what it's worth I agree totally with Barry's thoughts and considerations on the KDE issue. I don't know much about Linux.. still :oops: but I know about strategy. All twists and turns has an impact on where a project.. this project.. is going in the long run. I am glad Barry's "hard questions" lead to this. Puppy is all about focus; a focus often lacking in the GNU/Linux world
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#3 Post by thoughtjourney »

Yes, I must add that I am not disappointed. I would have liked apps such as KDevelop, and I do like konqueror, but more importantly, I love that Puppy has its own character, and I think it would have lost some of that in moving to KDE. I find that I have all the tools I need as it is, and I certainly haven't explored all of Puppy's tricks.

I am glad Barry stuck by his philosophy. Puppy has integrity, and in honour of the Pup, here is a haiku:

Puppy, small but swift
a captivating teacher,
playful backyard mate
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#4 Post by BarryK »

Yeah, but I could probably knock together a Krazy Puppy live-CD, just for the curious to play with. Depending on what I would put into it, it would be about 85 - 90M.
It works okay, just a few difficulties.
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#5 Post by mouldy »

As I said before, I dont care much about the whole "K" package. I'd really just want a light browser only version of Konqueror. I dont want to use it as a file manager or viewer or anything else. (I wouldnt even care about that if the Dillo people would ever get off their perpetual coffee breaks. The unofficial patched version of Dillo just goes to show what real potential it has.) The only other K programs I'd really like are K3B and maybe Kfax (just because it actually worked when I used it on Knoppix last year). I like Kate and Kword fine if I have to be in KDE environment, but they arent that special. Puppy has plenty of notepads and word processors available now. Used to like Kmail back in Mandrake 8.x days, then it changed somehow subtly and didnt like it anymore. Sylpheed is fine for me.

So if Barry could only make a small as possible Konqureror-lite pupget, I'd be quite happy.
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Just some thoughts...

#6 Post by PeterSieg »

Hi everyone..
Just some thoughts...

My opinion is also, that Puppy moving towards KDE would make Puppy similiar to other distros out there.. I don't see this as a benefit.

However, to be able to have a 'sneak view' into KDE from Puppy could be
a different story...

How about that:

One (1) and ONLY one standard Puppy version (probadly the bare bone?!)
1. - Then additions made of Pupget and Dotpup packages
2. - Plus additional environments in complete compressed file systems
(3. Puppy varieties by someone else)

1. We know and have already :) How about a DotPup's repository, besides the forum one?

2. We are just starting (and hopefully not stopping!) this new and unique feature with the opttools.sfs and usrdevx.sfs development environments!

So wouldn't it be something, if the KDE environment would be also such
usr_kdex.sfs file system, one could just mount and it works right out of the box..?!

To have 'to many' varieties can also lead to difficulties to decide which one
someone needs (besides the huge maintenance task etc.)

So my suggestion is:
Only one standard Puppy (the one we have or bare bones!)
- PutGet+Dotpup repositories
- Open Office as packages files (done)
- Alternative office as package files (within Puppy live-cd+some/all as PutGet? (Wordprocesor, Spreadsheet, Database?, Presentation?, etc.?)
- development environment as externel file system (close to done?)
- KDE environment as externel file system?
- Multimedia/HTPC environment??
- you name/make it...

Have fun :)
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#7 Post by Lobster »

I agree with Peter but am also curious . . .

I am using Chubby Puppy - there are usually standard packages I would add to a barebones, gimp (pupget) and inkscape as dotpups. I need a better browser than dillo and tend to use Mozilla because it has thunderbird built in - and composer . . .

As long as I can download extra progs from Barebones - this seems to me the greatest good for the greatest number.

It seems Barry this was a mammoth effort to get KDE smaller and more workmanlike and then it is not up to the high standards because the software is still under developed . . .

Another possibility is NOT to release it until the individual progs are a little better - but is that likely to happen?

Take Rox app - how fast and stable it is - the bottom line is a stable system works and even though I might look at a released KDE Puppy - I know that the decisions and software trials that have led to the current selection are through very rigorous applicability.

I say it was a great experiment. 3 woofs for Barry


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More thoughts

#8 Post by Stokey »

The litter of Puppyites in my group agree with PS

One standard version of Puppy with the option of adding extras via Pupget or Dotpup packages

We felt that POP4 (Plain Old Puppy 1.0.4) was heading in the right direction and with WiFi now under serious examination everything is starting to fall into place

What's that old saying.... "If you're on a good thing stick to it"

So roll on POP5

Keep KRAZY Puppy for the KRAZIES
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#9 Post by Pizzasgood »

Basically, ditto. I've always been a fan of barebones with the option to install a truckload of other stuff. That way you wind up with the least bloat, dialup users get it easier (even if they want bloat, they can get it in bitesized chuncks), and whichever programs you want. As I have never even seen konqueror, I don't know what I'm not missing, and am perfectly happy with Dillo and Firefox. I agree about the Puppy feel; KDE and GNOME kind of put out a communistic vibe in my opinion. Kthis and Gthat, and all the distros start to look alike. It's like how 90% of what we get for lunch at my school is chicken. It starts to get boring. Puppy isn't your average, boring golden retriever. He's a spunky little canine with an attitude, and he doesn't care what the big dogs think, because they can't keep up with his speed and agility. And everyone knows the girls go for the cute little dog, especially when the big dogs try to pick on him and he kicks them back to the second week of January.

So, anyway, my opinion is to keep Puppy Kommunist free, but if you really want to, go ahead and make one just for fun. Don't feel obligated, though.
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#10 Post by klhrevolutionist »

I agree with everybody else, but on the one hand some issues might be resolved. Such as Qt, with Qt being solved, I personally could install KDE to puppy and be satisfied. I like the direction of puppy1.0.4
But doing what Pseig said the user.kde.sfs would be a fantastic idea also!
But the bottom line being Barry has been able to solve some key issues in making puppy more compatible with the rest of the Linux world.
So, now with the compiling enviroment and a lot of under the hood upgrades
puppy will be more up to date and compliant with a ton of other programs.
meaning exploring endless choices and features.
also, someone get Barry on the horn, and ask if he is going to include the install scripts for that Krazy puppy, Just for the Krazies in this world.

GOD bless you all!!!
Heaven is on the way, until then let's get the truth out!
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