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#661 Post by darry19662018 »

Hi Wanderer,

Does this script work (pminstaller) in your set up:

It will install, update, and remove Palemoon.
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#662 Post by wanderer »

thanks darry

will try it out

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#663 Post by wanderer »

hi all

tried to install palemoon browser with the script
but couldn't get it to work

however i was able to install it manually
it installs in opt so that is interesting
because it may be able to be saved when we save opt
haven't tried that yet though

palemoon looks very nice
i am posting this from it now

so now corepup has 3 browsers firefox dillo and palemoon

thank you very much darry

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#664 Post by wanderer »

here is a screenshot
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#665 Post by nosystemdthanks »

i put the browser files in /opt and thats fine, the settings are in the user (home) folder though-- history, cookies, bookmarks, plugins.
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#666 Post by wanderer »

thanks nosystemdthanks

very cool

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#667 Post by Moat »

nosystemdthanks wrote:2. the ability to stop javascript running per-site
3. the ability to stop other media from loading, preferably per-site-- or at least a very easy way to turn it on and off.
There are numerous Firefox extensions available to do just those sort of things (and much more) - extremely flexible once you get the hang of 'em.

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#668 Post by nosystemdthanks »

Moat wrote:There are numerous Firefox extensions available to do just those sort of things (and much more) - extremely flexible once you get the hang of 'em.
and ive used them for years, while mozilla has gotten increasingly disrespectful of all humanity and i think basically just lies to people.

this is as much a political problem as a technical one. i abandoned firefox for pale moon until pale moon started creating stupid propaganda against noscript, then i abandoned pale moon. eventually i will abandon both-- brave has political problems too.

some people tell you the technical side is all that matters. honestly, thats the sort of argument that gives windows too much of a foothold.

wanderer and i happen to agree (at least we did recently) that firefox is the best option for now. either way, all the options suck right now. its just a matter of choosing which one sucks the least for you. if youre happy, i think youre easily pleased.

its not impossible to make a browser that i think doesnt suck-- although i think the web sucks too. its a bloated, politically compromised standard that rarely improves and frequently gets worse. perhaps its the best thing around, its still crap though.

why make an outrageous statement like "the web sucks?" look at what its doing to browsers. if the web didnt suck, people wouldnt need to use sucky browsers to access it. there are plenty of great applications for the web-- the internet archive, wikipedia, this forum-- i stand by my comment. its not being made on a whim.

the standards bodies for the web are a complete parody of themselves. those standards dont do anything for us except promise that youll need a browser that sucks twice as much in half a decade or more.

and when i say "the web sucks" i also mean the obscene tabletification of so many websites-- i refuse to use any forum powered by discourse, what a sh**fest. and wordpress is now next to useless too. this is the web. its awful and getting worse.

dont judge a terrible implementation by the good idea its an implementation of-- when the implementation is dragging everybody further into bloat and monopoly and imagining that a world with zero privacy is inevitable, so we should just accept that all media will watch you as you watch it.

mozilla is adding biometrics now, theyre just as bad as apple.

make the best tv set in the world, and tv still sucks. thats the problem with the web, and that wont change unless people say

"you know what? screw this, im not maintaining an application that does all this stupid stuff, im going to support xyz and if your site doesnt like it, to heck with your website."

some people do that with old browsers, but using an old web browser isnt nearly as good as someone making an up-to-date browser that isnt stupid crap. that browser just doesnt exist yet. when it does, it will be a real line in the sand. mozilla used to maintain that line, they abandoned it years ago, but sometimes they still do things that look good. that line never gets better, which means the good they do is fake.

all around a core that i dont ever want to use again, havent wanted to in years. for one, because it is 10x as demanding as all my other software. also, its feature list is a long list of things id never allow in my other software. very trojan-horse-like, design-wise. or just crap. worse every year.
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#669 Post by wanderer »

yes nosystemdthanks

since we are stuck with firefox
i will have to learn as much as i can about it
to use it effectively
corepup has a utility to get the latest firefox
which is very functional
but other second party versions may be useful
like fredx181s portable firefox
so we shall see

this also leads to an important corepup function
that of converting sfs and debs to tcz

it looks like the process
is to unsquash and then resquash the sfs or deb file into a tcz file

this is one of the tasks that i am working on

in addition i am looking at 3 scripts

sce-import in dcore which downloads debs and makes them into sces

tce-load in tinycore which loads the tcz files and

corepup_jwmenu-fix which updates the corepup-jwm menu

the boot process and overview are also useful to review

this all should be fun

i will keep everyone informed on my progress

keep the faith

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#670 Post by rockedge »

nosystemdthanks wrote:"you know what? screw this, im not maintaining an application that does all this stupid stuff, im going to support xyz and if your site doesn't like it, to heck with your website."
I wish they would...watching and waiting for a page to render on some sites I wonder what kind of machine do the designers use and how fast of an Internet connection.....must be a main trunk line and a liquid nitrogen cooled super computer....I would be embarrassed if my code only worked good on my machine if I am sharing it. I want the guy maybe hunkered down on the African Savanna with a dialup connection to be able use it without screaming loud enough to scare lions.

I am having a small issue with coreplus 9 not being ever able to write to tce or cde. I have set it up different ways tried changing permissions and changed how I fine off a USB or HDD using Grub4Dos as before...I can't use the APP to install packages..I get a can't write to tce error.....

corepup 6 is working pretty good
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#671 Post by wanderer »

hi rockedge

i will load up and check corepup-9
and try to see what is going on

you should not be able to write to the cde directory unless its on a rw usb

does it make a tce and home directory on the hard drive

do you use the script to download apps
the gui is not available

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#672 Post by nosystemdthanks »

im working on mcorepup 0.3, it should be ready in the next 12 hours.

when its there, maybe rockedge can use it to make that version of corepup-9. maybe you can use it to make corepup-10.

maybe i can put it up as a compatible alternative to corepup-9. or maybe, to be fair, it produces corepups with the same problem rockedge is having. ive gotten that error before, rockedge, what are your grub4dos entries for both?
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#673 Post by wanderer »

hi moat

i neglected to thank you for your help

how did you find out how to use the ff extensions

i guess just look for them

thanks again

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#674 Post by nosystemdthanks »

i use a few extensions to give me more control over websites: noscript is the most important one.

yes script is the sort of "better than nothing" more userfriendly, use it to speed up sites that dont need js extension. ive never used both at the same time, and i cant imagine they would work well together. noscript is a whitelist (relatively secure) and yesscript is a blacklist (every script runs by default.)

stylish was handy though not well supported, i looked for an alternative (it was recommended somewhere that someone was having trouble with stylish.)

mozilla has changed their extension architecture, so pale moon might not use the same extensions. esr might not support the latest versions. non-esr firefox is just an intolerable piece of garbage to use.

mozilla is closing the door on supporting users like those who like things like puppy-- it is a bloated dictatorial mess that shuts off your extensions on a whim and spends way too much time phoning home-- we used to call that "spyware," now its built in.

like facebook, the settings you have to mess with for relative "privacy" keep multiplying. the default is not privacy, so instead of opting in theres an opt-out process too complex for any average person to bother with.

if i leave firefox to run with default settings, it will at some point run an update and unload noscript, it has done this before. this is completely unacceptable behaviour for a browser, noscript is a security feature that it is automatically disabling.

you can only do so much with extensions, when the core (of firefox, not of corepup) is so problematic. i turn off as many settings that phone home as possible. its tedious, its stupid. mozilla has utterly betrayed their users. of course google is not better, i dont use google browsers. for all the extensions you could ever want, except if you want others. note that unless you run esr, mozilla only runs signed ones-- which means they control the extensions you can load. which means its not longer a truly open platform-- its increasingly like apples app store.

i stopped using pale moon over its extension policy, so they both have problems i consider serious which make extensions an incomplete solution. but far better than nothing, which is why im running noscript.

this is fresh, i havent had the chance to get bitter about it-- the sorry ethical standards of both mozilla and the lead pale moon developer this year have me completely disgusted. "traitors" is not too strong a word. "jerks" is pulling punches a little too much. they do not care about users, and they sell you out.

at some point there will be alternatives. at least for now, those of us who feel this way can shame them and offer the critique theyve earned. writing software you dont like and designing software to betray its users are quite different things.

ive put a lot of personal feelings in this post, but there is a technical side to it-- it tells you where to find extensions (youll find most of them that way) and it tells you what the limitations are.

since mozilla is following a pattern, a trend, this is about how their browser works now, and how it used to work, and how it will probably work as they continue to take large steps against users and small steps for everybody.

i hate to say that the number of people really working for user freedom is getting smaller. the people we used to rely on are all following the "we arent about choice at all" playbook.

everybody is more about "do it our way" these days-- debian, wordpress, mozilla, arch-- everyones turning on the user lately. zero concern about barry, and wanderer though. theyre old-fashioned. thats good.

a lot of us got into this software because it was about real choices, about putting the user in control of their computer, not the other way around. this is an ugly chapter in software history, where floss does a lot less of what its really designed to do. you can tell the people working on these things arent the people who designed them, and their motivations differ as well.
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#675 Post by wanderer »

hi nosystemdthanks

I note with great interest the advancement of your script

are you going to make an iso with it and post it ?

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#676 Post by rockedge »

nosystemdthanks First of all I read your post and I think it is well written and valid. I basic English.

do you use the script to download apps
the gui is not available
no i did not but that makes sense! and I will. Thanks for the tip.

concerning writing to /tce on the USB stick... there are other Puppies on the stick with save folders that work...and different versions including a Xenial custom built with woof-CE..I assumed it would have written to the /tce directory. This is occuring on the HDD as well.

Strange thing..... on my corepup-6 setup on a USB HDD I have 2 boot options setup with that writes to /tce and the other is writing to /cde and both work...same over all frugal setup but booted those 2 different ways so in effect like to seperate save folders 2 different OS's all from the same setup......odd because I did this by accident but seems to work. I will look around to see if the one option for writing to the /cde folder is actually writing to a /tce and placing it some place else. I will check

my goal is to use corepup in some version to installZoneMinder and see if I can get it to run....I would like to beat my puppy ZM setups in how little of RAM the OS running ZM takes up. right now I am running corepup-6 in with palemoon running (installer won't work..yet) in about 70-80 megs of RAM. I would like to see how ZM will fair running on corepup compared to the Ubuntu's and other big distros.
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#677 Post by nosystemdthanks »

rockedge: i would note that the corepup-8 my latest script produces works with the same grub setup and /tce folder as the other versions. if they are in /tce then the extensions are loaded.

i will also try wanderers standard corepup-8 and let you know if it works differently.

if the standard version works differently, then the latest corepup is whats causing the trouble, but if it doesnt then its probably the grub setup. its also very unlikely that using wanderers iso will be different, but i want to be sure.

wanderer wrote:hi nosystemdthanks

I note with great interest the advancement of your script
thanks. it still lacks some features i think it really needs, but the latest version can produce corepup-8 and i think corepup-7 as well (the previous version produces corepup-7.)

are you going to make an iso with it and post it ?
it produces the iso, and it takes about 30 seconds to run:

bash-4.4# cd /mnt/mcorepup && rm -rf *bps* *.deb ../mcorepup/usr/ logo.16 vcoreplusfs/ newiso/ figu* dircmp.fig debian-binary data.tar.xz coreplusfs/ control.tar.gz ar*.fig fs dpkg-deb core ; umount coreplus/ ; rmdir coreplus/
umount: coreplus/: no mount point specified.
rmdir: failed to remove 'coreplus/': No such file or directory

bash-4.4# time mcorepup03.fig ; time ./

it produces a lot of text, but the relevant parts are:

translation complete. here's a python script you can run:

real 0m0.317s
user 0m0.274s
sys 0m0.014s

5141 extents written (10 MB)

real 0m17.642s
user 0m2.420s
sys 0m1.478s

so that actually took about 20 seconds to turn CorePlus-6.4.1.iso into corepup-8.iso which is 1/8 the size. if you havent already downloaded the coreplus iso, it will take longer and download it for you.

given that this script:

1. lets you build your own versions of corepup

2. will let you add packages to the iso without isomaster

3. documents what is in corepup rather well

4. is based directly on a script that remasters debian, void, and originally puppy (librepup)

i would say the best thing to do with the script is have people run it. when a successful run takes 20 seconds, granted there is a little bit of setup (puppy may not have everything installed, but ally has run a script similar to this one many times) this isnt like a thing where you come back 2 hours later and have try again.

this allows so many small changes, that one less-than-100k script may be able to produce 3 (at least 2) different-sized isos.

instead of sharing isos, you can share the text file that makes them. of course, you can share the isos too if you want. but the iso this uses is the coreplus iso. if you can download that, you can produce new isos with this automatically.
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#678 Post by rockedge »


I want to run your script. best If I run this in corepup-6 ?
using the instructions in the most recent mcorefig.pdf or this

Code: Select all

# mcorepup02.fig

# ./ 
a little guidance please. :)
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#679 Post by nosystemdthanks »

rockedge wrote:a little guidance please.
im happy to walk you through it and answer any questions.

lets talk about requirements first:

i havent run mcorepup in corepup yet. i should try it, but the main requirements are:

1. squashfs-tools (this should be available in coreplus)

2. isohybrid (if you want to be able to dd the iso to usb. if youre not doing this, you dont need to install syslinux.tcz)

3. python.tcz (like it says in the pdf)

if something in the pdf proves to be wrong or out of date, please let me know.

4. fig (2.9 should work, im using 4.6. 2.9 is available as a .pet and 4.6 adds very little to the language itself.)

5. mkisofs.tcz, which is available in coreplus.

as root:

1. mkdir /mnt/mcorepup (you can use a gui)

2. cp mcorepup03.fig /mnt/mcorepup (you can use a gui)

# cd /mnt/mcorepup (you need to be in the term now)

# mcorepup03.fig

# ./

if the fig29 step (fraction of a second) succeeds, it will look like this:

[lots of output]

translation complete. here's a python script you can run:

if mcorepup also succeeds (30 seconds or so, not including the one time it needs to download corepup) the bottom of the output will look like this:

5141 extents written (10 MB)

1. if it doesnt say "5141" thats probably ok. if it doesnt say 10 mb then pm me what output you can.

2. if it doesnt make it to the "extents written" line (where mkisofs is producing the iso) then the bottom 10-15 lines of output should be enough to figure out what happened, feel free to post that here. (or in the mcorepup thread.)

as complicated as this probably sounds, once you have the few basic utils installed that support this, every time i run this its very much like this:

1. press up arrow a few times to get to line that removes files and unmounts the iso, hit enter

2. press up arrow a few times to get to line that says mcorepup03.fig ; ./

when you have the utils installed and mcorepup in the /mnt/mcorepup folder, those two lines are pretty much all you need to worry about.

that... and that any modifications youve made to mcorepup03.fig are suitable. its designed to be run unmodified, but also so you can modify it if you want.

i run mcorepup from void linux mostly, it should work from puppy tahr, librepup, refracta, debian and ultimately coreplus.

most of it is python, then there are other other tools mentioned.

once you know how to set it up in one distro, it shouldnt be that much trouble to get it working just about anywhere.
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#680 Post by rockedge »

I managed to get it to run all the way through using a Tahr 6.0.6 built custom from woof-CE..a corepup-8.iso was created but not correctly populated.Also many errors seemed to have occurred during the build
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