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Posted: Sat 23 May 2009, 18:27
by big_bass
progress report about the above post

some info to why it took me a couple days to custom build the above headers

I patched and recompiled the kernel on slaxer_pup412
to give the compiler a work out

well all was fine until my pup save filled up :cry:

well some stale files were made that I ignored
at the time which wouldn't allow me to finish the new recompile

I tried deleting those stale files but nothing worked
even tried live cd it was a no go

then I thought about the corrupted files
and did a live CD boot and selected

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=fsck
that does a filesystem check on pup_save (and host part. if ext2),

and that's cleaned up the stale files and I could easily delete the folders :D

well since it takes a long time to compile I walk away from
the computer and the screen saver borks the compile :lol:

so I made a small script placed in /root/Startup
called kill_screen_saver

Code: Select all

xset s off -dpms 
I found that in a forum post I'll post the link when I find it again

and now the recompile worked fine 8)

some backstage problems I usually don't discuss
but thought it may be helpful
if you got stuck there too


Posted: Sun 24 May 2009, 01:19
by 01micko
Joe and all,

Another offering for you Slaxer_Pups out there, created in that Gimp photo I got from you Joe and I pinched your logo :lol:






Posted: Sun 24 May 2009, 13:34
by pakt
Hey Joe, thanks for all the trouble you've gone through to make the kernel headers pet :P

I started with a new pup_save file and your kernel headers pet installed fine.

I tried your suggestion to run the Nvidia installer like this:
# ./NVIDA*
but I got a 'no permission' error.

I then ran the installer as suggested by the Nvidia website:
# sh
and that worked.

Unfortunately, the installer ran into some path error later on.

I then tried specifying the kernel source path as follows:
# sh --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-
but that gave the same error as before.

I've attached a tarball with the installer logs for the above attempts.

I then also tried setting '--kernel-output-path' but got nowhere... :roll:

Hope the log files will give you some clues :wink:


Posted: Sun 24 May 2009, 14:16
by 01micko
Another win...Yay

My Zoom G7.1ut guitar pedal works just fine with Audacity and alsa usb interface... 8) .. Needs fine tuning but there is all signs I'm gonna be able to record quality stuff! (well sound quality anyway :lol: )

Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 05:46
by big_bass
Paul (pakt)

I finally compiled the nvida drivers and sent you a PM


Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 05:51
by big_bass
great news I am a guitarist too

looks like your're the winner for the new desktop :D

make up a few I will add them in the next release
as the default desktop wallpaper

if your up to it a black one and a carbon fiber
one the logo is great
be creative


Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 07:20
by 01micko
Glad you like!

Cool about the guitar pedal too :) , I had problems with it in Mandriva and earlier puppies, didn't try it with Slackware. This way though is just so easy.. Without tweaking anything, just setting basic params in Audacity, I got a smooth sound with no audible latency while recording. That may differ when I record with play-thru (over another track, playing whilst recording :wink: ), but I'm hoping not. I know what I'll be doing over the coming weekend! I'm also hoping this little usb audio card that I have works too, it's grat for vox and live drums! Ohoh, Slaxer_Studio_Pup! :lol:

Can you post a higher res logo, if you have one, else I can fiddle with this one.



Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 07:31
by pakt
big_bass wrote: I finally compiled the nvida drivers and sent you a PM
Thanks Joe, I installed the two pet files you made for me, closed X to the prompt then ran
# nvidia-xconfig
# xwin
and got the nvidia driver with the correct 1680x1050 resolution on my panel :P

In a teminal, I ran
# nvidia-settings
and got the Nvidia configuration menu showing the display details.

I've attached a screenshot with the Nvidia menu.

Nice work Joe 8)


nvidia -180.29 series for the kernel

Posted: Mon 25 May 2009, 14:48
by big_bass
Thanks Joe, I installed the two pet files you made for me, closed X to the prompt then ran
# nvidia-xconfig
# xwin
and got the nvidia driver with the correct 1680x1050 resolution on my panel Razz
excellent news :D

nvidia -180.29 series for the kernel

here are the nvidia pets if someone else needs them
follow the easy install instructions in the above post by pakt

install this first the kernel module ...

then this the binary driver ...

back up plan just in case
make sure you save your xorg config first if something goes wrong *


nvidia-legacy71 for the kernel

Posted: Tue 26 May 2009, 14:22
by big_bass
nvidia-legacy71 series for the kernel
This is the proprietary binary video driver for legacy cards (Geforce 2

What's a legacy driver?

----------------------install packages ---------------------------
1.)install this first the kernel module ...

2.)then this the binary driver ...

3.)Note:back up plan just in case
make sure you save your xorg config first if something goes wrong *

---------------------set up / configuration-----------------------------------

Note: This set up is what Paul (pakt) did to get his display working
Its clear so lets use it

I installed the two pet files, closed X to the prompt then ran

Code: Select all

just an example (and got the nvidia driver with the correct 1680x1050 resolution on my panel)

In a teminal, I ran

Code: Select all

and got the Nvidia configuration menu showing the display details.


nvidia-legacy96 series for the the kernel

Posted: Tue 26 May 2009, 14:49
by big_bass
nvidia-legacy96 series for the the kernel
This is the proprietary binary video driver for legacy cards (Geforce 4

What's a legacy driver?

----------------------install packages ---------------------------
1.)install this first the kernel module ...

2.)then this the binary driver ...
3.)Note:back up plan just in case
make sure you save your xorg config first if something goes wrong *

---------------------set up / configuration-----------------------------------

Note: This set up is what Paul (pakt) did to get his display working
Its clear so lets use it

I installed the two pet files, closed X to the prompt then ran

Code: Select all

just an example (and got the nvidia driver with the correct 1680x1050 resolution on my panel)

In a teminal, I ran

Code: Select all

and got the Nvidia configuration menu showing the display details.


nvidia-legacy173 series for the the kernel

Posted: Tue 26 May 2009, 15:01
by big_bass
nvidia-legacy173 series for the the kernel
This is the proprietary binary video driver for legacy cards (Geforce 5)

What's a legacy driver?

----------------------install packages ---------------------------
1.)install this first the kernel module ...

2.)then this the binary driver ...

3.)Note:back up plan just in case
make sure you save your xorg config first if something goes wrong *

---------------------set up / configuration-----------------------------------

Note: This set up is what Paul (pakt) did to get his display working
Its clear so lets use it

I installed the two pet files, closed X to the prompt then ran

Code: Select all

just an example (and got the nvidia driver with the correct 1680x1050 resolution on my panel)

In a teminal, I ran

Code: Select all

and got the Nvidia configuration menu showing the display details.


Posted: Tue 26 May 2009, 20:07
by pakt
Hej Joe,

Just a couple of questions.

- Does SlaxerPup have the 'huge.s' or the 'hugesmp.s' kernel? (I'm just curious ;-))

- Did you ever get SlaxerPup to boot from a USB stick?


Posted: Wed 27 May 2009, 11:04
by 01micko
Hi Paul,

I'm guessing it's the "hugesmp.s" kernel... smp support :wink:

Hope that helps. :)


Posted: Wed 27 May 2009, 14:38
by big_bass
pakt wrote:Hej Joe,

Just a couple of questions.

- Does SlaxerPup have the 'huge.s' or the 'hugesmp.s' kernel? (I'm just curious ;-))

- Did you ever get SlaxerPup to boot from a USB stick?


using a SMP multi core kernel
thats the slackware default
as far as hardware detection goes ATM
I also added all the nvidia drivers

about the USB I will have another look at that today in the init

I have a frugal install to hard drive and a full install

but the USB is detected while booting
but what's not happening is the puppy detection of the sfs
and save file during boot up

the installer is writing to the the USB correctly

I found a better way to use the USB so that memory dosent
get filled up so I havent tried USB since then

but I still need to sort out why the sfs using USB isnt detected on boot up if you need to boot USB I'll work on it



Posted: Wed 27 May 2009, 21:12
by techtype
I like Slaxer and have experimented with it off and on since you released it. However, I never could get Firefox to pass my three tests: javascript, full screen flash and smooth scrolling.
Now with the GTK core update and your nvidia drivers, I can finally pass all three tests. Yay for you!!! Nice work!!!!

Less messages at boot

Posted: Sat 30 May 2009, 13:03
by techtype
How could I reduce or turn off some or all of the scrolling text messages at boot? I imagine you turned them on for debugging?

Re: Less messages at boot

Posted: Sat 30 May 2009, 15:34
by pakt
techtype wrote:How could I reduce or turn off some or all of the scrolling text messages at boot?
At the boot prompt you can add 'loglevel=1' to reduce text messages to minimum.


Re: Less messages at boot

Posted: Sat 30 May 2009, 15:37
by techtype
pakt wrote:
techtype wrote:How could I reduce or turn off some or all of the scrolling text messages at boot?
At the boot prompt you can add 'loglevel=1' to reduce text messages to minimum.

Ah, thanks!! I'll try it.

Posted: Sat 30 May 2009, 16:53
by pakt
Hey Joe

I got SlaxerPup to boot from USB :P

SlaxerPup has the USB driver modules in the kernel. Apparently there is a slight difference in how fast they run compared to separate modules - the built-in modules are a little slower* and don't find the USB drive before a search is made for the Puppy files.

EDIT: *No, probably the USB detection speed has changed because of the different kernel used in SlaxerPup.

I've added a 'sleep 3' in init and it now works. I tried different delays and 3 seconds was the the minimum delay that would work on my slowest PC, the eBox-2300 with its 200MHz Pentium-class CPU.

I've attached the modified initrd.gz. Just replace the initrd.gz on the USB stick with this one and it should boot now 8)