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Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2010, 16:19
by gortonc
Choicepup seems to be just what I am looking for. You all are to be comended for your great work. Is there any chance of seeing an sfs for thunderbird in the near future, and as a secondary question could I add the Enigmail plugin after installation or would it have to be included in the sfs?

I am a newbe to linux and am looking forward to learning a lot from this experience.

Thanks again to you all!


Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 00:00
by jrb
I have uploaded a new version of SFS_Linker. It will load both SFS and TCZ (tinycore linux) packages. Also contains minor improvements in file handling.

I have included two versions. One with replacement /usr/local/bin/defaultprograms so your loaded programs will become the defaults and one without.

Both contain a link to the TinyCore sfs4 repository on the internet menu. ... x/2.x/tcz/ ... ...

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2010, 00:07
by jrb
Your request for Thunderbird got me started on this new version of SFS-TCZ_linker. :D

If you go to ... x/2.x/tcz/ and download thunderbird3.tcz, dbus-glib.tcz and dbus.tcz and load them with Linker you can run Thunderbird. Strangely the icon appears on the Network menu.

Sorry I don't know anything about the Enigmail plugin. Try it and let us know if it works. :wink:

Cheers, J

Posted: Sun 17 Jan 2010, 22:09
by gortonc
JRB - I am amazed at the quality of your work and honored that you allowed me to inspire a small part of it. I was able get thunderbird up and running but enigmail requires gnupg, any suggestions? Also it seems I need to relink thunderbird at every start up. Is there any way to make it persistant, and even better to activate it with the mail icon on the desktop?

Thank you for your awsome puppy! javascript:emoticon(':D')

Posted: Mon 18 Jan 2010, 00:09
by jrb
enigmail requires gnupg, any suggestions?
Is there any way to make it persistant,
From wherever you have saved them, drag dbus-glib.tcz, dbus.tcz, and thunderbird3.tcz to /root/my_links/sfs_boot_links and choose Link (absolute). They will then load at every bootup. (Open the "my_links" folder on the desktop and you will see sfs_boot_links). You can use this technique for whatever SFS or TCZ you want loaded at boot.
and even better to activate it with the mail icon on the desktop?
Edit /usr/local/bin/defaultemail to:

Code: Select all

exec thunderbird3 "$@"
Let me know how the enigmail thing work out. Cheers, J

BTW is an excellent way to find out about anything to do with Puppy

Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 02:56
by gortonc
Thanks, thanks, and more thanks! Sometimes I think I might be too smart for my own good. I saw the tcz folder in .mylinks and put them in there thinking that the sfs folder was only for sfs'. (':oops:') Should have tried that after the tcz folder didn't work. In any event everything is up and running now. Even enigmail is working perfectly - just had to install the gnupg pup. BTW - what is that tcz folder for?

One more question; I recall someone (sunburnt I think) offering an sfs for Skype. Is there any chance of getting a copy of it. I tried installing the pupget that showed up in the package manager but it did not take.

Thanks again, and blessings on you.


Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 03:28
by jrb
BTW - what is that tcz folder for?
Now its my turn to be embarrassed. :oops: I forgot to put a readme file in that folder.

If you make a /mnt/home/tcz folder and keep your .tcz files there then symlinks will automatically be made to the /my_links/tcz folder at bootup, kind of like the /my_links/sfs_mnt_home folder. From there you can copy the links you want to /my_links/sfs_boot_links.

Oh well, thats why they make version numbers. :wink:

As for Skype, I live in a remote rural area with slightly better than dialup internet. I've never had much luck with Skype so haven't really pursued it. I found one mention of Sunburnt's Skype SFS but didn't see a link posted for it. You might PM him and see if he'll upload it for you.

Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 03:44
by jrb
I've just uploade ch4-pnethood-0.65-utf8-2.sfs. Its complete, tested on BareBones431 with SFS-TCZ_Linker.

Posted: Tue 19 Jan 2010, 17:54
by jrb
I have just uploaded a rebuilt version of Mplayer1rc2, ... r1rc2b.sfs.

It contains full codecs, browser plugin and dependencies. Tested in BareBones431.

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2010, 03:37
by doctorgig
I really like ChoicePup431!!

Is there any chance we could get a virtual box sfs like we had in the old version That would just rock. even better would be a newer version of Vbox
but I will take what I can get.. Thank you for all your effort. :)

Posted: Thu 28 Jan 2010, 04:12
by jrb
I have just uploaded ... is_431.sfs and ... sb_431.sfs

These SFS's were put together by puppy forum member Sidders.

gcompris contains quite a number of educational kids games and hsb contains tuxtype, tuxmath, tuxpaint and more.

I have not tried all the games but the ones I did try worked very well indeed. Nice music and sounds.

Posted: Thu 28 Jan 2010, 12:15
by Puppyt
Yay! Thanks jrb and sidders! (from my kids, gcompris/HSB freaks)

Posted: Fri 19 Feb 2010, 08:01
by nooby
Had to test this one too. Even I who fail at most things even the easy ones did manage to set it up and get the firefox 357 going

But it has a smaller font than the other puppies.

Another thing. One of the built in browsers totally failed.

Netsurfer works but have no bookmarks?

The puppybrowser fail to load or come up. Nothing happens.

I ahve not tested to do anything else.

I like the concept of only activating what one need when one need it.

So thnaks for providing it.

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 00:18
by `f00
dang, out of testing this 1.0 is :D

@nooby - not sure about FF fonts since I'm almost always on the 'lady', but perhaps it may be in prefs (if you're lucky) or certainly should be in a gecko's about:config if things haven't changed since I blew the dust off mine.. typing "font" in the searchbox in the tab or window that opens should help find some modify(s) you can make with due care since there's usually quite a bit there for tweaking if you can't do it any other way (if I recall rightly even the fonts section is fairly sizeable). On second thought if a first was ever there .. aw heck, I just failed to find the right thread so there's an edit somewhere :lol: article version minus number for me :roll:

Thank you all

Questions about My_Links and SFS

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 23:01
by blkarach
I am testing ChoicePup 430 Test: on my usb key with multiple puppies. The SFS for firefox and streamtuner are great. I am able to do work and run firefox from usb full install with very small pupsave file. My problem has been My_Links has not been persistent even when i know i have saved the config. I can use SFS_Linker-431bk-1.1 to install firefox the CH4 one or any of the SFS downloads but when i reboot all that is in the My_Links folder is the .txt file. Actually it is such a blessing to run some of the larger programs only when i need them and from my flashdrive no less and since Firefox does save it's addons and history. I don't really mind having o reinstall on demand. I just thought you would have some ideas on this and I wanted to congradulate you on a Damn Fine Distro. I also run LighthousePup and Puppy 44 Beta on this 2giig drive and i am axious to try and make them use your SFS files. I use SarduCD to set up my .

Questions :My_Links and SFS Solved

Posted: Fri 12 Mar 2010, 23:01
by blkarach
Solved part of my questions.
Got it to save and install on boot up using the no_def version of theSFS_Linke
Great Job

Posted: Mon 15 Mar 2010, 20:53
by hailpuppy
HI Jrb,
Choice puppy is a coolest puplet out there for me as promotes philosophy of puppy, Being small yet powerfull.I would be many many many many many times thankful if you can kindly make a sfs file for skype and upload it? I ve been trying various ways to get it done but have failed so far. Please guys do give me a more reason to brag further about puppyl!!!

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 06:03
by Roy
Uh, guys.... I'm kinda' embarrassed to ask this, but....

I make it a point to try out as much of the stuff a kid might use before turning them loose with the reins, or passing a system off to others with kids. Gcompris and hsb seem to work exceptionally well with jrb's special version of 431 (supports broadcom wl).

Don't tell anybody, but I actually get a kick out of playing the Tux-games once in a blue moon.... LOL

But is there an easy way to kill XPuppy after it has started running? It's cute and all, but a bit distracting for us old timers (although our attention spans may possibly rival the younger kids' at times). I even tried re-selecting XPuppy from the Fun Menu -- and simply started a family of the things on my screen.

Figure I can unlink the SFS (gcompris or hsb?), reboot, remount the SFS, reboot.... but there's got to be a quicker method.


EDIT: Although I would still like to know the CLI or GUI method to clear my desktop up a bit (end XPuppy's romp), I installed jrb's in my special 431. Don't know if it will un-link an SFS that still has a process (XPuppy) running or not, but will find out. Jrb, you do nice work!

Choicepup great idea

Posted: Thu 01 Apr 2010, 15:40
by moonguard12
For me, this sounds like a great idea. To be able to reuse sfs in multiple puplets without installs seems like it will save a good deal of space. I have an EEE PC 2G with 8GB SDHC.

I'm new to Puppy, but have used several Debian distros in the past. Puppy is the fastest so far on this machine. I have Lighthouse, EB4 (not working yet), Pupeee, and Choice on SDHC using Grub4Dos config from the Japanese pet. I have Pupeee also installed on the main SD, but only in case the SDHC fails.

I have too much to learn about Puppy to comment much yet, having come from Debian, except to say I hope this puplet survives. Maybe when I learn more about Puppy, I can help out. Cheers!

Posted: Thu 08 Apr 2010, 23:38
by efgee
jrb wrote:
ICPUG wrote:each sfs would need to add the dependent files and there could be a lot of duplication
Yes, but I don't think that would hurt since the SFS aren't loaded into ram. And I really like the idea of just being able to slap SFS_linker onto a barebones and have it work.
That's pretty cool and actually what I looked for, can't wait to test it out...

Will the next version be based on Ubuntu?
(like Quirky...)
Asking because the only distros that worked nicely on my Compaq Laptop (hardware) out of the box were Ubuntu and Mint.
