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Posted: Sat 17 Sep 2016, 23:39
by musher0
Hello all.

Please find attached version Basically I found still more ways to
make the code more compact. Approx. 1.5 Ko were gained compared to
the 0.9.5 version.

Since none of those changes affect the user interface, no new screen
captures are provided.

The larger size of the pet archive is due to the use of gz, not xz,

Constructive, not necessarily positive, comments about this version
are welcome, as always, to get this script closer to finalization.


Posted: Sat 17 Sep 2016, 23:45
by musher0
ASD wrote:(...) v 0.9.5 displays an error and does not install here.(...)
Hello ASD,

Please provide us with the usual info provided in such cases about your
version of Puppy and your hardware (including monitor specs) so you can
help us help you. Also a screen shot or description of the error you
encountered would be required.

Best regards.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 00:21
by musher0
ASD wrote:Indubitably this will be seen as yet another petty comment, (...)

So that MochiMoppel and/or others may form an opinion of the previous
two versions (with particular regard to ROX Speed Dials) those withdrawn
attachments are reinstated below.

What game are you playing at here ?

Please provide proof that you are representing MochiMoppei in any shape
or form? In any case, I just PM'd him about your behavior. If you are just
a troll, we'll know.

You can throw suspicion around all you want, what we need is facts. I
trust that MochiMoppei will have the objective judgment to recognize them.

If you suspect that I have tampered with his code, stop throwing mud
around, do the responsible thing: do a diff on two columns of Mochi's file
I have bundled, comparing it with MochiMoppei's older original available in
his thread. Then publish it here. I have nothing to fear from such a
comparison, because I have not tampered with Mochi's file.

Of course, if you don't do a proper diff of those files and/or you do not
tell the truth, your innuendos will come back to haunt your own reputation.

In the meantime... : please do hurry, yes, hurry, hurry, collect any and
all versions of this MRUF/MRUD script of mine prior to v. 0.9.4 in case I
erase them, because I started bundling MochiMoppei's older ROX-Groups
script with this MRUF/MRUD one quite some time before you joined this
discussion. Oh yeah, a really long time ago...

BTW... This is completely unrelated, but you wouldn't happen to have a
goat, would you?


Best regards.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 02:01
by musher0

Your acronym means: Autistic Syndrome Disorder

Judging from your reactions here and on other threads:
you are an autistic person, yes?


Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 05:21
by musher0
Hi folks.

Guess what's new?! :D


Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 08:39
by ASD
To musher0, M walsh, bigpup, P Dogfellow, RSH, peebee et al,

Please try v (or v on tahr-64-6.0.5 (where they ruined my respective save files) or wherever and kindly report here on your installation success or failure(s).

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 09:40
by musher0
Hello ASD.

You may say whatever you like. But without evidence, your statement
has no value. If true, it only proves that you do not take backing up your
Puppies seriously. If false, everyone can draw conclusions about what
bearing false witness means.

Most of all it means that you do not know what testing a script in
development means.

MochiMoppei has answered me and he does not know you.
MochiMoppel wrote:
musher0 wrote:Is he acting on your behalf at all, or is he just a troll?
I sometimes see his posts, but I don't know him. I thought he were French.

Any serious tester please get in touch with me by PM. I would like to
continue developing this menu script, but only with honest Puppy-ists
presenting serious and at least minimally documented reports. I have
found a couple of sites where true collaboration and exchange on
projects such as this one are possible.

Thanks in advance and thanks for your understanding.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 11:35
by musher0
Before this gets out of hand: this is a 32-bit package. For methodological
reasons, a 64-bit version will be considered only when the development of
this 32-bit version has been finalized.

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 12:29
by LazY Puppy
ASD wrote:To musher0, M walsh, bigpup, P Dogfellow, RSH, peebee et al,

Please try v (or v on tahr-64-6.0.5 (where they ruined my respective save files) or wherever and kindly report here on your installation success or failure(s).
I thought I would leave this alone until the final version would be available.

The machine I'm currently on doesn't have tahr64 605 installed, but tahr64 604 - which shouldn't make a difference at all on the mruf installation. I tried version of mruf.

Here's the results:

- it installs fine
- though it took appr. one minute to appear on the screen at first call
- later calls it appears quite fast on the screen

Since I don't use save files/folders in general, I could not test using such save options.


Still ugly! :wink: :lol:

Screenshot attached.


I found the colored lines a bit annoying.


Doesn't aemenu or aemenu-pango provide true separators for its menus?

Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 13:25
by musher0
LazY Puppy wrote:
ASD wrote:To musher0, M walsh, bigpup, P Dogfellow, RSH, peebee et al,

Please try v (or v on tahr-64-6.0.5 (where they ruined my respective save files) or wherever and kindly report here on your installation success or failure(s).
I thought I would leave this alone until the final version would be available.

The machine I'm currently on doesn't have tahr64 605 installed, but tahr64 604 - which shouldn't make a difference at all on the mruf installation. I tried version of mruf.

Here's the results:

- it installs fine
- though it took appr. one minute to appear on the screen at first call
- later calls it appears quite fast on the screen

Since I don't use save files/folders in general, I could not test using such save options.


Still ugly! :wink: :lol:

Screenshot attached.


I found the colored lines a bit annoying.


Doesn't aemenu or aemenu-pango provide true separators for its menus?
Hello Lazy Puppy.

Many thanks for testing.
Glad to see you have the menu up, even if ugly! ;)

I too found that version took longer than the previous one on
initial load. My hunch is it's because I added the fonts sub-menu. The
script has to read to the list of fonts in the TTF directory before coming on
line. If you have many fonts there, it takes longer.

Also, in my DefaultMenuPlus script (on vovchik's "hacked aemenu" thread,
I have separate lists 1) of colors for titles and 2) of colors for separators,
and it is very fast, even at first launch. Granted, that one only processes
the default* files in /usr/local/bin, but still.

< time > tests on version 0.9.2 (it doesn't have the fonts sub-menu)
indicated a process time of +/- 6 seconds on first launch to get to the
menu display line (the last line of the script).

As to your last question: no, neither the original aemenu nor vovchik's
aemenu-pango provide separators. Me I like being able to create my own
separators! ;)

Those thick separators come from the pango. I will ask vovchik if the
pango has thinner, more elegant separators. A while back, he mentioned
something about a "pango collection" of special characters.

I must say these new pango mark-ups are not easy to master. I think the
secret for beauty in such menus is sobriety: not to put in too much effects.

Again, many thanks for your test and report. Very helpful.


Posted: Sun 18 Sep 2016, 16:16
by musher0
More elegant with em-dashes?

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 04:35
by musher0
Hello all.

I am quite satisfied with this new version,

-- the GTK & Rox Bookmarks section, as one experienced Puppyist
mentioned in a Private Message, that section was not, strictly speaking,
a "history" section. Besides, it had one parsing code problem -- which
could be solved -- and one social problem -- which could not be solved. ;)
I hate social problems. ;)

-- the fonts section introduced in version While it was sane code,
depending on the number of TTF fonts you have, it occupied so much RAM
when active that it prevented changing ColorSchemes.

As I mentioned already, the fonts can be controlled from a one-liner or
from the "cousin" script MenuDefaultPlus. So a call to the latter has been
included in the Help section, to replace the fonts section. If you have this
script, it will have its entry (using the same accordion effect as described
earlier for the Chromium and other browsers).

-- as Lazy Puppy remarked above, something had to be done to lighten
the "separators". While aemenu does not offer "separators" per se, like
for ex. jwm, pekwm or icewm, one can use the en- or em-dashes, the
regular dash "-", the wiggly "~", the underscore "_", even the letter "o".

With aemenu-pango, you also have the underline function, with options
for single, double and low underlines. The nice thing is that you can have
an underline function underlining... void.

:twisted: No, this is not nihilist philosophy!!! I mean: "underlining space".
I used the double underline pango function as separator in sub-menus.

-- Finally, the thick separator between the time and the main title is
replaced with the "low underline" underneath the time.

You be the final judges, but for me, I find the new result very elegant.

So until further notice, this will be the last version of my MRUF/MRUD
script. Warm and sincere thanks to all who contributed!

Other projects await!


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 08:25
by ASD

Testily, only yesterday, you wrote "this is a 32 bit package".

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 09:54
by musher0
ASD wrote:musher0,

Testily, only yesterday, you wrote "this is a 32 bit package".
What is your point exactly?

On my very first post on this thread , I wrote:

> So here's my attempt, in view that Puppy does not seem to have a
MRU utility per se.

Ever since then I have been trying to make the script better, but these
script evolutions are still "attempts".

And before you start nit-picking at my choice of the word, here is a
definition from
an effort made to accomplish something:
What is it of the word "attempt" that you do not understand?

Where were you when I wrote that first message? You're a bit late now to
criticize any part of my efforts regarding this MRUF/MRUD script.

If you test any new script or software, you're expected to know the risks
involved. Even more so while these scripts or software are still in

When you test a script or anything done by one of our Puppy developers,
you are expected to have read or at least perused the entire thread.

So... you don't like my script, or you don't like me personally, or you
don't like Austrians like vovchik, you don't like French-Canadians like me,
or you don't like Puppy-ists, or you don't like Linux, or you don't like 32-
bit computers, or you don't like being on planet Earth, or your mother did
not give you enough love:

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

P.S. The word "testily" does not exist.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 10:25
by ASD

Upon installation, I see a blank window, RSH sees a blank window, Puppus Dogfellow may still see a blank window.

Evidently, it's not for 64 bit use (as may be obvious) and if it's for beginners heaven help us and all Puppy versions.

Might I suggest you might consider moving this thread to another location.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 12:39
by musher0
ASD wrote:Flash,

Upon installation, I see a blank window, RSH sees a blank window, Puppus Dogfellow may still see a blank window.

Evidently, it's not for 64 bit use (as may be obvious) and if it's for beginners heaven help us and all Puppy versions.

Might I suggest you might consider moving this thread to another location.
Hello ASD.

Now which is it? Do you see a blank window -- as you mention in your
post immediately above this one --, or did my script ruin your pupsaves
-- as you mention in your post on top of this page?

Perhaps both situations? Please provide specific details. I am unclear
about your real problem with this script.

Because technically, if it ruined your pupsaves, you wouldn't have seen
a blank window: you would have seen no window at all.

And what is the attached picture taken from your post on page 7? Is that
what you call a "blank window"? It isn't blank.

So just stop playing your psychological game. Everybody can see that
you are inventing untrue situations to spite me. In doing so, you are
hurting your own reputation, not mine.

And speaking of moderator Flash, you are infringing the second
rule of the forum:
> No starting trouble with other members - Don't post just to start
trouble with another member. All posts are to be "real" topics.

If you don't stop spreading lies about my work, I will complain to Flash
until he sees fit to suspend you.


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 13:19
by ASD

Yet again, you write testily. Please do contact Flash - I can easily provide him with full information, but since you insist upon being obtuse just be content with your claim that I'm a liar and a fool.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 14:30
by musher0
ASD wrote:musher0,

Yet again, you write testily. Please do contact Flash - I can easily provide him with full information, but since you insist upon being obtuse just be content with your claim that I'm a liar and a fool.
What's preventing you from posting the full information here? As I have
asked you to do at least two times. Are you afraid that your falsities will
kick you back in the face publicly?

I think by now it is clear to everyone that you are out to make me a "son-
of-a-bitch", and that you will use any and all lies and means to achieve
your goal.

You claim that you obtain a blank window with my script when you have
previously provided -- for all to see -- a screen capture in nice contrasting
colors of my script working on your computer.

What is that claim of yours if not a lie?

Please prove that I am obtuse -- when on your part you are not taking
the usual precautionary measures that all testers on this forum have
known how to take since Puppy exists; when on your part you do not
seem to suspect that there is a difference between a work in the making
and a finalized, polished, application.

I am not writing "testily". You are attacking my reputation as a developer
with lies, and I am defending myself with logical arguments. As I should.

You blame someone publicly, you provide the evidence publicly: that is
the customary rule of society. Nobody stains someone else's reputation
without evidence: no autistic person, no "regular" person, nobody. Ethics
apply to everyone.

Count yourself lucky that I am not the moderator.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 14:48
by musher0
Hello all.

I did test the script on Fatdog 701 and JL 604, which are both 64-bit
Puppies. It installs without problem under JL 604, with the icon right in
the middle of the screen, but apparently Fatdog 701 does not know what
to do with pet archives.

It seems that this version of vovchik's aemenu-pango is not 64-bit
capable. I will ask him about it.

In neither case, however, did the installation or the script "ruin" any
pupsave file or the Puppy OS. In the case of the JL 604, clicking on the
script icon or trying to run it from the console simply did nothing.

By contrast, I had nice success on Moat's beautiful ChloePup-R27, a
derivative of Precise Pup-5.27, I believe. Please see attached.


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2016, 20:03
by Puppus Dogfellow
tested in tahr64 605 (a derivative, but i don't think i added (as yet) anything to make it more than typically robust)--your script didn't kill it, or my save folder, but it gave me no gui and i had to reboot to get responsiveness back. no error messages in the terminal. i think it was processing things because after i activated it the machine began to slow to a crawl (took 5 minutes to merely close unsaved documents and exit geany), but no popup menu or usable functionality, so it appears it's a no go on tahr64 605 as of 9.5.3. uninstalled and rebooted (after starting an installation of 707-64 because i hit enter instead of down--i guess there were technically two reboots) and everything was back to normal.


(haven't tested in 32bit but that appears to be sorted out. new menu in one of the last screenies looks good and clear to my eyes).