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Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 09:43
by drblock2
I reported problems getting VirtualBox to run in slacko beta 1 because of missing libraries and was anxious to see if the problem had been resolved in beta 2.

Well, yes, but not quite. Fortunately, I came across this post from Geoffrey on the VBox forum: ... c8906e0258

I had already installed the for DosBox (I love to emulate) and simply installed his libGLU package (2 files and 2 symlinks) in /usr/lib.

Works fine, sound and all.

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 10:19
by 01micko
Ok, devx is definitely buggy.. for now if you must compile stuff use the 4.99.1 beta 1 devx, sorry

bigpup, thanks for links (gnome-mplayer). The reason the fixes fail in Slacko is coz it uses packages from a KDE based distro..
so where are the icons? /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ of course!

This pet should fix it..


Also.. adding this to /usr/sbin/delayedrun..

Code: Select all

#Hack for slacko
BROOKDALE="`lspci|grep -i "vga"|grep -i "brookdale"`" #identify troublesome Brookdale, also if connected to net we skip welcomefirstboot 110908
ping  -c 1 && [ $? -eq 0 ] && NET="yes" || NET="no" #google
 if [[ "$BROOKDALE" = "" || "$NET" = "no" ];then
...stops welcomefirstboot if ping returns data.. (well logic is flawed, need to rearrange, but will work)

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 14:44
by Sage
Yup! Great time to dump SM. This morning, loaded Flash, restarted X, tried to run BBC iplayer. Never ever seen a crash with Caps Lock and Scroll Lock flashing before, not this last 25yrs on hundreds of machines and OSes!
Although the Opera d/l has a broken link today!

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 14:51
by Stripe
hi all

01micko the pet fixed the icons in mplayer

hope this helps

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 18:10
by jim3630
01micko started new savefile, then installed spup broadcom wl pet.

knowing sns, connection wizard, spup frisbee don't work with my troublesome wl.ko driverand each kernel needs specific wpa scripts

installed Frisbee-beta2-lucid52 pet, rebooted and could not make wifi connection.

installed dhcpcd-5.2.9.-i489 pet and could not make wifi connection.

installed Frisbee-beta2-spup pet, rebooted and made wif connection.

have not dared to see if survives a reboot yet but tend to think a going over B2's dhcpcd script migtht help to get spup's Frisbee pet working.

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 18:30
by peebee
Hi 01micko

Quick report of experiences using B2 frugal install on my HP550 laptop.

touchpad - starts up excruciatingly slow - flsynclient has to be run before flloopfix can run without errors - flloopfix doesn't seem to do much for me - what is it meant to do??

frisbee - the pet in the repository 2011-Jul-31 02:07:06 672.5K doesn't work for me - says its made a connection but hasn't

[edit] deleted after further testing [/edit]

I need frisbee to maintain my wifi connection which dies after a time with both sns and network wizard.


Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 18:31
by jim3630
reboot with no wifi connection. uninstalled lucid frisbee pet, unable to get sns or connection wizard to make connection.

re-installed spup frisbee pet apparently un-installing lucid frisbee also nixed spup. wifi connection made!

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 18:38
by Béèm
Sage wrote:Yup! Great time to dump SM. This morning, loaded Flash, restarted X, tried to run BBC iplayer. Never ever seen a crash with Caps Lock and Scroll Lock flashing before, not this last 25yrs on hundreds of machines and OSes!
Although the Opera d/l has a broken link today!
BBC UK prevents other people to view their video's. Are those so secret? :twisted:
Anyway BBC news Europe permits to view the video's and they play perfectly well in SM.
Maybe somebody should buy a good machine? :wink:

internet connection loss in spup

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 18:48
by Béèm
01mico wrote:Béèm, first, I have recompiled a dozen times dhcpcd.. I haven't a problem with stable connection, though in lupu from time to time I did .. (I do that much dev/testing it's difficult to pinpoint exactly which version I had problems with in Lupu). Please, do not think issues get ignored (I bet don570 thinks I am ignoring his sound issue from 312.37.. Wink .. no I have an idea about that..). Please keep reporting issues, no matter how trivial they seem.
OK here I go then. :wink:
In B2, I experience that I have to reload pages at times, but without complete connection loss.
Sometimes I can run for some time without that issue.
So complete connection loss seems not to occur for the moment.

So there is improvement in the slacko's.
For the record, using SNS.

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 19:36
by Sage
BBC UK prevents other people to view
iPlayer is essential to Brits. It's a cross between a PVR & Cloud. Foreigners will be able to use it later this year(maybe?) for a small subscription. PC/TV/mobiles are big markets in GB, esp. as our phone system works! Anyone wishing to target the wide world with their distro should ensure that iPlayer works OOTB - flash include and no crashes.
Apart from that, the point is missed entirely - SM crashed! It's a worthless piece of junk. When the discussions began here about browsers, folks who had difficulty with their reading and comprehension accused me of saying that I claimed Opera was smaller (esp. than FF). I never ever did say that - just that it was faster, more reliable and thoroughly professional. However, things have changed. I now see FF d/l s coming in at 15Mb .iso s. Opera remains at 11.1Mb. SM has a suite but much of the stuff other than the browser is cr*p or doesn't work - compozer has been a nightmare according to some of the comments I've been reading recently. Opera has much of the extras, too, including an email client, but it aint good either. People who care about their work need to select proper apps for each task. All the better choices are available as .pet s. EudoraOSE isn't as good as the last 'dozey version now that Mozilla has taken it on, but it's still close to the 'choice of professionals' ; failing that I recommend Claws, but it's big. One can build up a suite of really good office gear, but there will be a size penalty. All the more reason that the base Puppy should remain small, or smaller, initially. Then go for a really sparkling finish with a FULL install - preferably on a USB HD if you have an F8 BIOS option or just a regular HD, prreferably on a caddy, or on screws, if not. OR use a USB stick to boot and other media to load the preferred complement.
BK never envisaged his Puppy to work like this, but most users seem to be able to make its many incarnations run on almost anything. If security demands running from a liveCD, he has even provided remastering options. This must be one of the most highly developed 'small' projects ever and it has gestated well beyond its original intent.
Now which bit of that blast will be misread or comprehended?!

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 20:09
by playdayz
In B2 I no longer have to add radeon.modeset=0 to the boot options.

But something weird happened. I connected and almost immediately lost the connection. I have now reconnected. I will edit this post if it happens again. That was using SNS and an older Belkin usb wifi (atheros).

B2 (499.4) report

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 20:58
by gcmartin
Excellent, stable and very smooth operations. All system features are consistent and system operations are swift.

Attached is a report for Video, RAM, and Hardinfo as welll as a FirstRUN view.

No issues to report.

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 21:02
by nooby
Béèm wrote:
Sage wrote:Yup! Great time to dump SM. This morning, loaded Flash, restarted X, tried to run BBC iplayer. Never ever seen a crash with Caps Lock and Scroll Lock flashing before, not this last 25yrs on hundreds of machines and OSes!
Although the Opera d/l has a broken link today!
BBC UK prevents other people to view their video's. Are those so secret? :twisted:
Anyway BBX news Europe permits to view the video's and they play perfectly well in SM.
Maybe somebody should buy a good machine? :wink:
Could it be about paying for copyright?

Happens to me rather often. I link to and somebody outside sweden says them can not see it due to copyright?

Same with and also due to copyright. But them made exceptions at the Utoya terror thing so people all over the world could get info.

BBC does tell me them can not show everything due to copyright so could that be why if fail at times for you too?

Dutch online public tv is free - so far - crashing browsers

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 21:17
by nancy reagan
Dutch public tv still is free, wonder for how long. They upgrading like idiots for phones en tabs while most people watch tv on the sofa.

They want to forcce you to use Silverlight

My FF crashed several times to and yesterday. Read something about hacking ssl and certificates. Maybe this is the cause ?

RAM usage reports

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 23:33
by gcmartin
Prior report is to be compared with this report.

System changes since earlier:
  • Added 3 subsystems from PPM and their associated dependencies.
    • Flash
  • Started SAMBA 3.5.8 sharing a public folder over the LAN and have users attached to the shared resource
  • No issues
  • SM performance very good
  • System's CPU near 0% constantly but rises (as expected) when Browser activity is added. I usually run about 15-20 tabs and windows open.
  • RAM usage is still very very low with NO SWAP activity even with 10 browser tabs open.
See the reports attached for comparison and verification.

This system is running with all tailoring without re-booting, thus far.

Is there any need to follow the SlickPET recommendation of XORG_HIGH on this system? (see reports)

Hope this helps

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 05:48
by Sage
Digital signal strength in GB is so strong now that our coastal neighbours should have no problems receiving our programmes free gratis. Might need to jack up your aerial a little and be sure to get the polarisation correct. I've paid my license fee, so as far as our Eurofriends are concerned - be my guest.
As far as Slacko is concerned, it's a great project - you will like it, but beware - it's early days, much to do, it can still jump up and bite you in the bum when least expected. Our intrepid developers will not be sleeping easy for a while.

Re: Dutch online public tv is free - so far - crashing browsers

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 08:09
by nooby
nancy reagan wrote:Dutch public tv still is free, wonder for how long. They upgrading like idiots for phones en tabs while most people watch tv on the sofa.

They want to forcce you to use Silverlight
I got curious and them did the Silverlight thing but them also further down still allowed us to use the wm player and FF has that built in it seems?

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 15:05
by Sage
Choosing a default browser for any distro is a very serious business!

Suggest reading the erudite discussion on Bodhi and why they chose Midori - well sort of chose... on.

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 16:08
by DaveS
ok... so tried Slacko on three different computers now... they ALL show the screen flash!


Posted: Fri 09 Sep 2011, 10:35
by 01micko
Here you go Dave