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Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 13:25
by rcrsn51
jamesbond wrote:
rcrsn51 wrote:
jamesbond wrote:choose "small initrd" when asked.
I can't find this option.
You may not have enough memory (the operation uses /tmp and /tmp must be at least 800MB) ...
That explains it.
Flash drive booting is very flaky and depends on the BIOS.
No kidding. I tried three different 64-bit machines, two different flash drives and Syslinux/Grub4dos. No combination would boot the large initrd.

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 13:32
by jamesbond
rcrsn51 wrote:No kidding. I tried three different 64-bit machines, two different flash drives and Syslinux/Grub4dos. No combination would boot the large initrd.
Does it boot the small initrd? I have one flash drive that cannot boot my desktop - no matter whatever puppies/grub4dos/syslinux or fat16/fat32/ext2 I put on it. The same drive will boot my laptop :?

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 13:51
by Gobbi
rcrsn51 wrote:Has anyone been able to make a bootable flash drive with b2? Mine never get past

Code: Select all

Loading initrd.....................................
I just did it and it works fine . :)

kirk , jamesbond , you are fast ...

I've also seen the repo is richer now... Now I'll try the release candidate and fit in other pets .

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 13:53
by nooby
Somebody suggested one can fool the boot process by pretending the
big initrd to be a standard initrd.gz and then maybe it boots? Sadly no link

I have not tested this b/c I boot from HD

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 14:34
by rcrsn51
jamesbond wrote:

Code: Select all /path/to/your/original/initrd /output/path [/path/to/optional/tmp/dir]
So I set up an external tmp with lots of space and ran the command. The second unsquashfs operation aborted at 34% with a "Killed" message. However, the procedure continued to build a new initrd and sfs.

The new setup booted from USB, but the sfs must be incomplete. It threw a bunch of errors and wouldn't start X.

I probably need a machine with more horsepower to do this properly.

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 15:49
by winwin
rcrsn51 wrote:Has anyone been able to make a bootable flash drive with b2? Mine never get past

Code: Select all

Loading initrd.....................................
I did also, but I add "waitdev=5" after kernel command:

kernel /vmlinuz waitdev=5
initrd /initrd

Maybe this "5 seconds" is for the system to detect the flash drive. :D

Posted: Sun 01 Jul 2012, 21:58
by kickstart

Here is my modified menu.lst entry for FD600 after your advice.

title Fd64 600b2 (sda3/Fatdog600b2)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /Fatdog600b2/initrd
kernel /Fatdog600b2/vmlinuz savefile=direct:device:sda3:/Fatdog600b2/fd64save.ext4
# kernel /Fatdog600b2/vmlinuz psubdir=Fatdog600b2 pmedia=atahd pfix=fsck
initrd /Fatdog600b2/initrd.

That works just fine.

Time to have a look at 600rc I think.

@ Nooby

Have you tried downloading from nluug if ibiblio is slow? When I downloaded the FD600b2 .iso from there I got a 1MB/sec download speed and it took around 3 minutes. I generally only get around 70kB/sec from ibiblio.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2012, 08:18
by nooby
Yes the .nl is much faster. Usually an .iso in under 3 minutes or faster.
Sometimes some 30 seconds or so for small ones. But they had not
RC when I looked for it yesterday so I took it from Ibiblio and it took
some 35 or so minutes. I tested it and it worked with the old save file.

Kind of cheating to only do an upgrade Would be better as a test
if I had started all over but I where lazy.

Besides I am a single user being root kind of person so the multi user part
would never get tested at my shack. I don't even know how to do such things.

Thanks to Kirk and JamesBond for all effort you guys put into this.

Posted: Mon 02 Jul 2012, 12:11
by kickstart
Yes the .nl is much faster. Usually an .iso in under 3 minutes or faster.
Sometimes some 30 seconds or so for small ones. But they had not
RC when I looked for it yesterday
Ah you must have tried quite early then. I downloaded it from nluug 14 hours ago (midnight CET)

Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2012, 09:28
by jamesbond

Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2012, 17:35
by mini-jaguar
jamesbond wrote:
mini-jaguar wrote:But I am still having problems with the Audacity .pet and the Wine .sfs. They show up in the menus, but when I click on them they don't do anything and nothing shows up on the screen. Even the Wine Version thing doesn't do anything.
Mini-jaguar, thank you for your wallpaper. For audacity - it requires wxWidgets. Did you install it from the package manager? If yes, it would have prompted you to install wxWidgets too.
Wine.sfs requires 32-bit compatibility library, because it is a 32-bit app (in fact it comes from green_dome pet, converted to sfs).
o.k., thanks, it works now.

and no, I didn't use the package manager.