Anyone else having WinXP update problems?

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy

#101 Post by Dewbie »

mikeb wrote:
I happen to use the classic theme
I've noticed several businesses doing that, probably to keep things familiar for employees when they migrate to later Windows versions.

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#102 Post by mikeb »

Hmm perhaps its seen as less resources......It does work a bit smoother on our older machines. Its a bit clearer to me...the operating system taking a back seat as it were.

It does tend to go better with the 'professional' login dialog rather than the mickey mouse consumer one to.

If I recall on XP they were a bit tight with the bling anyway...3 themes more without hacking. I like colour and so do my eyes and the classic version is infinitely customisable in spite of the option to do so being more hidden. (what! users choosing for themselves...that will never do!!!)


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