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Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2014, 02:26
by eowens2
So if you give the odroid kernel the boot parameter "extra=rdinit=/sbin/bootmenu" you do not need to edit the initramfs, is that correct?

I do not see the mkimage tool in the repo. Think you might be able to add it? Also did you say the you were going to add pfind?

Posted: Mon 20 Oct 2014, 13:19
by jamesbond
eowens2 wrote:So if you give the odroid kernel the boot parameter "extra=rdinit=/sbin/bootmenu" you do not need to edit the initramfs, is that correct?
I do not see the mkimage tool in the repo.
I just uploaded. It is here: They are statically linked and will run on *all* distro, 32/64-bit and ARM.
Also did you say the you were going to add pfind?
Yes, just uploaded as well, as well as a bunch of other puppy apps. But I haven't tested any of them.

EDIT: Some of them may not work because the utilities do not exist (not yet compiled for ARM).
EDIT: I also uploaded the latest palemoon browser (25.0.1) and recent firefox (32.0).

Posted: Tue 21 Oct 2014, 02:11
by eowens2
I have been working on using bootmenu, trying to boot FatdogArm beta2 from an external HD to start with (and so far not much luck!).

I am confused as to what info goes in to uEnv.txt vs. bootmenu (are both active in the boot process and on the same partition?), because they seem to have several duplicate fields. Do you comment out the kernel and initrd fields in uEnv.txt, and put the info in the same fields in bootmanager? Duplicate video fields?

Then there are some parameters in the sample bootmenu.cfg file:

Code: Select all disp.screen0_output_mode=EDID:1280x720p60 panic=10 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_g2d_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_no_mali_mem_reserve sunxi_fb_mem_reserve=8
Are these parameters unique to the Mele A1000, or do they apply to the Odroid U3 as well?

Posted: Tue 21 Oct 2014, 05:46
by jamesbond
eowens2 wrote:I have been working on using bootmenu, trying to boot FatdogArm beta2 from an external HD to start with (and so far not much luck!).
Hmm, what exactly do you want to do? I mean, what is in this external HD - a complete OS (perhaps ubuntu) or just for data storage? I never tried this but it should be do-able.
I am confused as to what info goes in to uEnv.txt vs. bootmenu (are both active in the boot process and on the same partition?), because they seem to have several duplicate fields.

Do you comment out the kernel and initrd fields in uEnv.txt, and put the info in the same fields in bootmanager? Duplicate video fields?
Ok, it's quite confusing. The concept of bootmenu is to use Linux kernel as a bootloader. A normal boot looks like this:
--> bootloader --> kernel #1 --> operation.

With bootmenu, it looks like this:
--> bootloader --> kernel #1 --> bootmenu --> kernel #2

(kernel #1 and kernel #2 can be identical but process-wise, they are different because for kernel #2 to run, kernel #1 must be unloaded - you can't run two kernels at once).

uEnv.txt is used by bootloader to load kernel #1.
bootmenu.cfg is used by bootmenu to load kernel #2.

So you need both for bootmenu to work correctly. If your uEnv.txt is wrong the bootloader can't load kernel #1 and you won't even see the bootmenu.

So yes, there are some duplicate fields in uEnv.txt and bootmenu.cfg.
Then there are some parameters in the sample bootmenu.cfg file:

Code: Select all disp.screen0_output_mode=EDID:1280x720p60 panic=10 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_g2d_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_no_mali_mem_reserve sunxi_fb_mem_reserve=8
Are these parameters unique to the Mele A1000, or do they apply to the Odroid U3 as well?
This is definitely for Mele, not for Odroid. You will need to put the correct parameters into bootmenu. The best way to find out which parameter to put in, is to boot Odroid *without* bootmenu, then do "cat /proc/cmdline" and copy over the output for use in bootmenu.cfg, changing them as necessary.

Posted: Tue 21 Oct 2014, 21:56
by eowens2

I am still working to get bootmenu up and running, using an old 160GB tower HD for which I found an enclosure.

When I got my Odroid U3, I also got their Ubuntu and Android. It is somewhat of a hassel to move the microchip in and out to change to a different OS, so my goal is to give FatdogArm, Ubuntu and Android each it’s own partition, and to select which to boot from the single microchip at boot time.

So far, I can get to the bootmanager page, so I guess uEnv.txt is O.K., but the boot from the external USB drive fails with “unable to load kernel for selected entity

Posted: Tue 21 Oct 2014, 23:49
by Mercedes350se

Have you looked at the ODROID U3 forum?

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2014, 01:16
by eowens2
Mercedes350se said:
Have you looked at the ODROID U3 forum?
No. I knew that Odroid/U3 had a magazine (I have read some of the articles) but did not know about the forums.

After googling for the forum and perusing it for an hour or so, I note some interesting relevent material.

Thank for making me aware.

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2014, 15:58
by jamesbond
When I got my Odroid U3, I also got their Ubuntu and Android. It is somewhat of a hassel to move the microchip in and out to change to a different OS, so my goal is to give FatdogArm, Ubuntu and Android each it’s own partition, and to select which to boot from the single microchip at boot time.
That's what bootmenu is for, but I regret to say that it current *does not* work. I've just re-tested it again - it crashes the kernel, it can't even re-load itself ( ... ?t=2558903 - exynos 4412 can't disable MMU).

There were one or two questions about kexec on Odroid forum but there is no answer.

I'm currently looking at some work by Tassadar about kexec-hardboot and it *might* be applicable to Odroid kernel - but don't count on it.

The rest of the questions are irrelevant but I'll answer them anyway for completeness.
So far, I can get to the bootmanager page, so I guess uEnv.txt is O.K., but the boot from the external USB drive fails with “unable to load kernel for selected entity

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2014, 02:57
by eowens2

Thank you for a very informative, detailed response regarding Bootmenu. There is a lot of info there (and in the links to xda-developers), and it is going to be a while before all of this sinks into my brain!

While I can get to the Bootmenu page, the ESC, Tab, “E

Posted: Sun 26 Oct 2014, 15:54
by eowens2

You posted a new kernel for the odroid/u2-u3 on 17 Sep 2014.

Looking through the kernel sources on and it's mirrors, the latest source I can find is for 09 Mar 2014.

Could you point me in the direction of the source for the kernel dated 17 Sep 2014?

Thank you.

Posted: Sat 08 Nov 2014, 06:14
by HiDeHo
Most arm devices use .img files to install teh os. i noticed that teh odroid U2/U3 install file does not have a .img to flash. how am i supposed to install Puppy.

*EdIT*'I followed the instructions to install fatdog-arm to sd and it seems to work. But ...........

After booting the Odroid U3 i am stuck I have a prompt saying
Welcome to Bulldog Linux
bulldog login:

there is no information on what the username and password are. it should me mentioned in the readme or install file. Hope someone responds with the correct details.

Posted: Sun 09 Nov 2014, 14:55
by eowens2
HiDeHo said:
there is no information on what the username and password are.

login -root
password - woofwoof

Posted: Mon 10 Nov 2014, 05:31
by HiDeHo
eowens2 wrote:HiDeHo said:
there is no information on what the username and password are.

login -root
password - woofwoof
thanks that worked why this info is not in the documentation i will never know.

now i am stuck at a command prompt. how to boot into gui. desktop. tried xwin, xsession nothing works.

I am beginning to think fatdogArm does not work.

Posted: Thu 13 Nov 2014, 13:16
by turf
do this pup work in raspberry pi?
just wante to know cause I really wanted to install pup to my raspberry pi.

Posted: Wed 03 Dec 2014, 07:37
by HiDeHo
Hi does the devs or users of fatdog-arm actually watch this forum and reply with help. i really would like to get this working on my Odroid. but without a gui its pointless using it. back to lubuntu i guess. :).

support and tutorials are a good idea to get an os moving forward. It seems this project may be dead if no help is given.. No offence at all.

Posted: Wed 03 Dec 2014, 08:00
by Ted Dog
Sorry the main dev. has undisclosed personal reasons to being away. on another thread he told us he would be away for a while. does sound like you are missing a SFS file and getting the bulldog prompt from the small init environment. do not leave yet... FD arm is so much better than the rest and scary compatible with the 64bit pc verison in look and feel. I have never seen such a dedicated Droid.. developer since R2D2.. :wink:

Posted: Tue 09 Dec 2014, 07:20
by Mercedes350se
Mercedes350se wrote:Just curious before I install FatdogArm.
That was on 1 April! Life moves ever so sloooooooowly in the bondoo.

In the mean time I flashed Ubuntu 14.04 - seems to be change for change sake - so I will leave 13.10 on the eMMc card.

Today flashed FatdogArm onto the SD card. Well done jamesbond.

First impressions:

I am unable to import my bookmarks - I haven't read all the posts so I apologise if this has been discussed.

Tried xine on a representative sample of my miscellaneous collection of file types and all played. Excellent!

Is there some way to set the time automatically on boot - I haven't been through all the system settings?

Is there some way to delete the bar below the URL bar so that there is more screen real estate?

Posted: Sun 14 Dec 2014, 08:38
by Anniekin
cool... is there a way to install it to a smartphone?

Fail and better Odroid U3 ideas.

Posted: Sun 01 Feb 2015, 12:00
by HiDeHo
Hi i have been trying to get FatdogARM beta2 working. on my Odroid U3 without any luck. The tutorial provided Here is for the beta1, so it does not mention the 3 sfs files used in beta2. from my understanding of how dd works it will erase the whole sd, so why does the tutorial provided recommend to make a partition on the sd card first which will be wiped when running the dd command.

After talking to a friend we feel this would be a more logical way to do things.
  1. Download the following:
  2. extract the contents of odroid-u2-kernel-new.tar.gz to ~/Temp
  3. dd ~/Temp/odroid-u2-new/u2-uboot.bin of=/path/to/(emmc or sd) seek=1
  4. create a fat32 partition 5mb from the start of the drive
  5. copy the 3 sfs files, fd-arm.sfs, fd-arm-devs.sfs, fd-arm-nls.sfs to that partition
  6. copy the files from ~/Temp/odroid-u2-new/ (not inclulding the .bin)
At the time of writing this i have not actually tried to install following the above format. if you do let us know if it works for you. also feel free to use this in an updated tutorial if you are doing one.
It would be good to have a detailed description of what each of the 3 sfs files are for and what they include. This would be useful especially for new users to a PuppyLinux based os.

It would help if there was one .img file that included all the needed things needed to be installed. This is now other os' built for odroid U3 work. When the os.img file as been copied to the sd or emmc of the odroid it creates 2 partitions
  1. fat32 for the boot partition just big enough for boot files.
  2. ext4 which is just big enough for the os and needs to be later expanded to fit the rest of the emmc/sd.
I do not have the skills myself to do this, so if anyone is able, and willing to, it would be a benifit to FatdogARM and Odroid U3 users.

Thanks for taking the time to consider these ideas and updates. Please Let us know what you think.

Posted: Sun 01 Feb 2015, 14:07
by Ted Dog
yes it works.. The dd is for the tiny part at the first of the sdcard does not extend into other areas. trickery is in the offset fat sharing the first partition with the boot blob we DDed Also fat part is large since we store the actual OS there the other is for Your savefile / storage etc.
@other poster the dd bin file needs to match your model and the corresponding config settings. If you have a working other linux you can 'borrow' the boot bin and configuration file from that to boot first stage, Also let main dev. know where you have a working version so we can borrow those for the next version as well.