Page 6 of 8

Posted: Tue 20 Jun 2017, 19:39
by fredx181
Sorry, backi, I will not re-open the XD threads, appreciate your creativity and humor though :lol:

I had my reasons for closing the threads and still have, because nothing has changed for me.
(not going in details now, enough said about it)
For the same reasons I wouldn't want to open some new thread.


Posted: Tue 20 Jun 2017, 20:16
by mcewanw
Well, I've changed my mind because I didn't intend this HowTo thread to become a general discussion thread nor deal with any XenialDog matters. I've thus opened two threads in Projects area afterall (if only to allow continuation of this discussion whilst not polluting DebianDog HowTo area. But I've kept my new first post intentionally short for others to start adding main content from post two onwards.

William (site owner of, which includes everyone's contributions to DebianDog and XenialDog}

EDIT: Unfortunately someone has assumed right to delete the new, much needed, XenialDog Project Maintenance Thread I created. We thus have no forum presence allowed us to maintain that already developed, community-created resource. I have work of my own inside that creation, which I freely contributed as open-source licensed on the understanding this forum provided its facilities freely for all further development work related to that. Instead maintenance thread has been denied, which is unacceptable under the terms I release my own work to the open source community.

Posted: Sat 01 Jul 2017, 16:59
by fredx181
Isobooter modified for use also with ISO's from the 'Dog' series, e.g. Debiandog, MIntpup, Xenialdog
(puppy ISO's still work also)

Isobooter original by rcrsn51, see here:
Read there first if you are not familiar with isobooter

Similar to what mikeslr shared here: ... 077#950077
With the difference that isobooter-mod script is added and no prefab menu.lst included.

Attached: isobooter-mod_weeinst.tar.gz
Extract on the root of your USB or HDD partition, see for usage in included Readme.

Content of Readme:
See for more info: rcrsn51's isobooter original:

Included scripts:
- isobooter-mod (by rcrsn51, modified to work also with DebianDog, Mintpup, Xenialdog)
- weeinst
- defragfs

- Use isobooter-mod for making this drive bootable (using grub4dos) and create menu.lst.
ISO's placed on the root of this drive will have menu.lst entry after running isobooter
Works only on FAT32 formatted partition (AFAIK, with other filesystems there's more risk of fragmentation).
From terminal in this directory, run:

Code: Select all

There's choice to make the drive bootable, type 'n' if it is bootable already.
When prompted if 'you want to boot the ISO from it's splash screen' it's recommended to choose 'n' (menu.lst entry is more flexible then to edit e.g. for adding save file/folder options)
Type 'y' ('boot the ISO from it's splash screen') only if the regular method doesn't work.

- Use weeinst for making the drive bootable only, it does not create menu.lst, so you need to do manually. From terminal in this directory, run:

Code: Select all

- Use defragfs to defrag this partition (it won't work always).
It may easily happen that one of the ISO's is not contiguous (fragmented)
In that case it won't boot, if defragfs doesn't help, better start all over by reformatting to FAT32 and copy the files from this archive and the ISO's again..
From terminal in this directory, run (if e.g. mountpoint of your drive is /mnt/sdb1):

Code: Select all

./defragfs /mnt/sdb1
(change according to the mountpoint)

EDIT: defragfs is a perl script, so having perl installed is required.
EDIT2: isobooter-mod depends on 'isoinfo' which is part of package 'genisoimage'


Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 07:11
by Max Headroom
G'day Fred, I've Tried Your isobooter-mod weeinst, on a 32 GB, Formatted FAT32, But I get isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD

Wot does this mean Please? How 2 Fix it Please?


Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 08:00
by fredx181
Max Headroom wrote:G'day Fred, I've Tried Your isobooter-mod weeinst, on a 32 GB, Formatted FAT32, But I get isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD

Wot does this mean Please? How 2 Fix it Please?

Mmm.. don't know, is your ISO fragmented maybe ?
Check by:

Code: Select all

filefrag *.iso
From terminal in directory of your USB stick mountpoint.
If it shows more than 1 extend it's fragmented.
EDIT: Here's the output I get with my setup (all fine: 1 extend):

Code: Select all

root@stretch:/mnt/sdb1# filefrag *.iso
LxPupXenial-16.08.2-pae.iso: 1 extent found
StretchDog32.iso: 1 extent found
StretchDog64-6-25-17.iso: 1 extent found
XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all.iso: 1 extent found
stretch64.iso: 1 extent found
Please give more info about e.g. which ISO's you used and you do use a FAT32 formatted filesystem? etc... EDIT: didn't read well, you do use FAT32.

EDIT: I need to say that ISO booting doesn't work always on any USB stick, I have one or more where it just doesn't work, no matter what I try, so just tried another USB and it worked flawlessly. :?:


Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 16:35
by belham2
Hi Fred (&all),

Hope you've been well, Fred, with good health and summertime spirits. Have a question, and I wasn't sure where to post it. It is related to DebianDob (in a way), so here goes (am posting this from DD32, it's still going strong and impervious to my shenanigans and knack for crashing OSes :wink: ):

I've got two small partitions where one is Debian Jessie Live 8.7 installed, and another is Debian Stretch 9.0 (both 64-bit) on an external hard drive. Both are full-installs. There's probably ~15 other pups there too in another partition, all frugal installed. Grub4dos governs everything (all partitions).

These two small partitions of full-install Jessie & Stretch I use just to keep up with Debian overall, and also to test stuff every once in awhile. One thing that has always bugged me about official Debian installs is the tedious CLI entries just to mount any ISO you have. So to remedy that, I long ago copied Terry's/ your & Toni's "mnt-img" script in /usr/local/bin and put it inside both Jessie & Stretch. Works great, one click from any file manager, and all ISOs open (have no need any ISO editing, just copying stuff inside it)..

But I'd like to be able to do the same with any ".sfs" files inside the ISO. You know, like easily happens in the Puppys, where one click on any SFS (no matter where it is) mounts it and lets you look inside (and thus copy anything you might want). Is that possible for SFS files in Debian full installs using some of your scripts out of DebianDog32?? If so, can I ask how would I do that?

So far, I've tried (copying into Jessie & Stretch) the DD32 scripts of "portable-sfs, loadsfs, loadsfs-fuse, loadsfs-fuse-writeoffs" (and also made sure that unionfs-fuse is in /usr/bin of both Jessie & Stretch) since it is a dependency. But I still can't get a SFS, no matter where it is, to just load/ mount and thus let me look inside to copy a few things from it.

What can I do to achieve this?


Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 17:22
by saintless
belham2 wrote:But I'd like to be able to do the same with any ".sfs" files inside the ISO.
I'm not sure which mnt-img version and file manager is included in the iso you use for this but it should be a simple sfs file association problem. Try to right click on sfs file and "open with" mnt-img. Then set as default run action in the file manager.

Over a year I use very simple script for this using old custom debian-live: ... /mnt-image
It mounts in /media without opening file manager. Second click unmounts.

This one works very well with xfe file manager (unmounts after closing the xfe window): ...

This one also works well for me: ...


Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 18:12
by belham2
saintless wrote:
belham2 wrote:But I'd like to be able to do the same with any ".sfs" files inside the ISO.
I'm not sure which mnt-img version and file manager is included in the iso you use for this but it should be a simple sfs file association problem. Try to right click on sfs file and "open with" mnt-img. Then set as default run action in the file manager.

Over a year I use very simple script for this using old custom debian-live: ... /mnt-image
It mounts in /media without opening file manager. Second click unmounts.

This one works very well with xfe file manager (unmounts after closing the xfe window): ...

This one also works well for me: ...


Hi Toni,

Tried all three of your links, none work for opening a SFS file (in either Stretch and/or Jessie) in my Debian Live installs. I was also using the "mnt-img" from Fred's last DebianDog32 release. All 4 open any ISO great, but that's it.

I just realized that possibly the reason none of them work is that both my Debian installs (Jessie & Stretch), on their own partitions, are not "full-installs" per se. I used their Debian Live Minimal install ISOs (respectively) for each when setting them up. On Jessie, I'm running LXDE/PCManFM. On Stretch, it's XFCE/Thunar, though I did install the full offering from XFCE. So maybe something is missing from Debian overall since I only did minimal installs, I don't know??? (I honestly thought XFCE in Stretch with the "mnt-img" script would work, but sadly no.)

If it makes any difference, the Jessie minimal install has PCManFM as its file manager. I just now, from Synaptic Package Manager, also installed "xfe" (alongside PCManFM) and then opened xfe & right-clicked on a "SFS" and told xfe to use the script (put "mnt-img" in .config/xfe/script folder) to open the SFS. Still, nothing happens. So I must have something missing, as compared to "full" debian installs, in my minimal installs.

Just wish I knew what was missing. :? It's frustrating not being able to peek inside SFS files (and copy stuff) whenever I want and/or is needed.

Thanks for responding.

Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 18:22
by rufwoof
belham2 wrote:If it makes any difference, the Jessie minimal install has PCManFM as its file manager. I just also installed "xfe" and put the script you mentioned (#2) in your message in the ./config/xfe/script folder, and then right-clicked on an "SFS" and told xfe to use the script to open the SFS, and still nothing. So i must have something missing, as compared to "full" debian installs, in my minimal installs.

Just wish I knew what was missing. It's frustrating not being able to peek inside SFS files (and copy stuff) whenever I want and copy stuff.
Have you tried a simple

mkdir mountpoint
mount some.sfs mountpoint
cd mountpoint

Also, you are running with union=aufs kernel boot parameter? Try df -h and make sure there's a "aufs" being shown in there somewhere. If its overlay then you'll have to install aufs-dkms and add that union=aufs to your kernel boot parameters.

Posted: Sun 02 Jul 2017, 20:30
by fredx181
Hi belham,

As Toni already said my first thought was also that file association for .sfs should do it.
On Debiandog it's done that way, with on DD32 openbox version as Thunar default filemanager.
Try install this package maybe (if you have Thunar installed): ... 1_i386.deb
The command used in DD32 is: filemnt (which is symlink to mnt-img, so in fact shouldn't make any difference)
You should get some error message maybe by running in terminal e.g:

Code: Select all

mnt-img /path/sfsmodule.sfs
And do your physical exercises !! I do them (almost) daily now, yesss :wink:


Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 05:26
by Max Headroom
G'day Fred & Any Other Able Helpers, 1stly Thanx Fred 4 Your Modified isobooter-mod it Does Work Booting Your Original XenialDog_32bit-OpenBox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all (casper-Boot).iso ( Number 18 on Me menu.lst File, Just Under M$ Windows 7 Virus Bait! :) that Does also Boot

But Unfortunately Me ReMastered XDog 32bit that I've Renamed Angel Student Eco - Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso, that's 1st Cab off the Rank ie. Top of the List doesn't boot from USB Altho it Does Boot from CD

The Fawlt is Error 15, File not found, I've Tried Answering the Splash Screen Question Both Y ( as rcrsn51 suggested it should work considering it Does Boot from CD ) & N, Please Help SumBody...

The Bulk of the isos Work 42 / 52 in Fact, I'd Dearly Love 2 get 100% of them working, But Me ReMastered Angel Student Eco - Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS iso is Certainly the Number 1 immediate Priority!

4 the Record the others that don't work aRe FATGamesPup-2.16, G_Pup-1.2, Grub, LXDE-411, Puppy-2.02 Opera ( ie. Mean 50 Mb ), PuppyStudio 3.3 RT, Studio 4, WebServerPuppy1, & WNOP V2

I'll Try Again 2 Attach a jpeg of the Fawlt!

timeout 10
default 0

title Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title Angel-Student-Dingo
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel-Student-Dingo.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Angel-Student-Dingo.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title Angel3
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel3.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Angel3.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title Desktop1604Final
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Desktop1604Final.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Desktop1604Final.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title FATGamespup-216
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/FATGamespup-216.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/FATGamespup-216.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title Fatdog64-702
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Fatdog64-702.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Fatdog64-702.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title Hiren's.BootCD.15.2
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title LxPup-15.11.3-s-pae
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/LxPup-15.11.3-s-pae.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/LxPup-15.11.3-s-pae.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title Macpup_550
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Macpup_550.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Macpup_550.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title NewyearspupMU-02-rc10-mini
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/NewyearspupMU-02-rc10-mini.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/NewyearspupMU-02-rc10-mini.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title ProducerPupV1_1
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/ProducerPupV1_1.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/ProducerPupV1_1.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title PupRescue_2.5
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/PupRescue_2.5.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/PupRescue_2.5.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title PupRescue_Precise
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/PupRescue_Precise.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/PupRescue_Precise.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title PuppyStudio3.3-rt
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/PuppyStudio3.3-rt.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/PuppyStudio3.3-rt.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title SlimPup_3.8
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/SlimPup_3.8.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/SlimPup_3.8.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title Turbopup_xtremev1update
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Turbopup_xtremev1update.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Turbopup_xtremev1update.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title Windows.7.SP1.Super.Lite.x86.v2.0
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Windows.7.SP1.Super.Lite.x86.v2.0.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Windows.7.SP1.Super.Lite.x86.v2.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all (porteus-boot)
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ video=SVIDEO-1:d
initrd /casper/initrd1.xz

title XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all (casper-boot)
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/XenialDog_32bit-openbox_jwm-2017-01-22-firmware-all.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz boot=casper union=aufs video=SVIDEO-1:d
initrd /casper/initrd.lz

title chromebook-pupv1
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/chromebook-pupv1.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/chromebook-pupv1.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title clonezilla-live-2.5.0-25-amd64
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/clonezilla-live-2.5.0-25-amd64.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/clonezilla-live-2.5.0-25-amd64.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title dpup-487
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/dpup-487.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/dpup-487.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title g_pup-1.2
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/g_pup-1.2.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/g_pup-1.2.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title grub
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/grub.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/grub.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title lxde-pup411-k2.6.28.5-dillo-v01.1
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/lxde-pup411-k2.6.28.5-dillo-v01.1.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/lxde-pup411-k2.6.28.5-dillo-v01.1.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title mage2-0.12.07
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/mage2-0.12.07.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/mage2-0.12.07.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title photon301
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/photon301.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/photon301.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title precise-5.7.1-retro
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/precise-5.7.1-retro.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/precise-5.7.1-retro.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title pupitup-v-1-2-puppy-412
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/pupitup-v-1-2-puppy-412.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/pupitup-v-1-2-puppy-412.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puplite-4.0
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puplite-4.0.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puplite-4.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puplite-5.0-k2.6.25.16
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puplite-5.0-k2.6.25.16.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puplite-5.0-k2.6.25.16.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puplite-5.0-k2.6.32.28
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puplite-5.0-k2.6.32.28.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puplite-5.0-k2.6.32.28.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puppy-2.02-opera
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puppy-2.02-opera.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puppy-2.02-opera.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puppy-4.2.1-MULTIUSER-r3
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puppy-4.2.1-MULTIUSER-r3.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puppy-4.2.1-MULTIUSER-r3.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puppy-431-NOP-r2
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puppy-431-NOP-r2.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puppy-431-NOP-r2.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title puppy-arcade-11-k2.6.32-smp
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/puppy-arcade-11-k2.6.32-smp.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/puppy-arcade-11-k2.6.32-smp.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title pupserver-435
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/pupserver-435.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/pupserver-435.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title shep_07-24-2011
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/shep_07-24-2011.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/shep_07-24-2011.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title slacko-5.6-4G-NON-PAE
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/slacko-5.6-4G-NON-PAE.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/slacko-5.6-4G-NON-PAE.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title slacko-5.7-NO-pae
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/slacko-5.7-NO-pae.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/slacko-5.7-NO-pae.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title slacko_arcade
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/slacko_arcade.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/slacko_arcade.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title squeeze-5.X.3.4.12-SCSI
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/squeeze-5.X.3.4.12-SCSI.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/squeeze-5.X.3.4.12-SCSI.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title studio_4
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/studio_4.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/studio_4.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title systemrescuecd-x86-5.0.0
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/systemrescuecd-x86-5.0.0.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/systemrescuecd-x86-5.0.0.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title tipsy-puppy-413R1
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/tipsy-puppy-413R1.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/tipsy-puppy-413R1.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title ubcd537
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/ubcd537.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/ubcd537.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title wNOP-v0.2
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/wNOP-v0.2.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/wNOP-v0.2.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title wary-511-01j-k2.6.32.28-small
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/wary-511-01j-k2.6.32.28-small.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/wary-511-01j-k2.6.32.28-small.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title wary-watcher-511-k2.6.32.28
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/wary-watcher-511-k2.6.32.28.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/wary-watcher-511-k2.6.32.28.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title webserverpuppy1
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/webserverpuppy1.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/webserverpuppy1.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title wheezy-
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/wheezy-
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/wheezy- (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psavemark=2 pfix=fsck
initrd /initrd.gz

title xerus-8.1.6-amd64
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/xerus-8.1.6-amd64.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/xerus-8.1.6-amd64.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

title More ISOs (see the instructions)
configfile (hd0,x)/menu.lst

Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 05:41
by saintless
Assuming your remastered version is in casper folder and has initrd1.xz and vmlinuz inside try to change this:

Code: Select all

title Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)
to that:

Code: Select all

title Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ video=SVIDEO-1:d
initrd /casper/initrd1.xz

Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 06:15
by Max Headroom
Thanx Toni 4 your reply, that didn't work, Still the same Error 15, File not found, that Modification that yoU suggested was the same as Answering No 2 the Splash Screen Question, which Curiously is Wot Works 4 XenialDog 32bit OpenBox...

But Here's Another Clue, When Booting the PC it Doesn't Display the same as the menu.lst File, in Fact it Splits XenialDog 32bit OpenBox.... into 2 Choices Casper Boot or Porteous Boot, it's All Too Magic Trickery 4 Me 2 Understand!?

Please Bring on the Suggestions, Thanx


Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 07:51
by fredx181
Hi Max,

Nice ISO collection!! :)

Maybe the problem you have is because the ISO name contains spaces.
Try to rename to e.g. Angel_Student_Eco-Educational_XX-E17_PC_KloneOS.iso and see if it works then.
EDIT: you can run isobooter-mod again then, maybe there's risk of fragmentation because of renaming, don't know, better to check it, or just edit the entry in menu.lst according to the new name.

Did you have the same problems with original isobooter ?
in Fact it Splits XenialDog 32bit OpenBox.... into 2 Choices Casper Boot or Porteous Boot, it's All Too Magic Trickery 4 Me 2 Understand!?
Yes, that's what I made the mod for, to give the choice of casper-boot and porteus-boot (not booting from it's splash screen).


Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 08:10
by Max Headroom
Yippie Fred, yoU Nailed it! Thanx,


Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 09:21
by fredx181
Max wrote:Yippie Fred, yoU Nailed it! Thanx,
Ha!! Nice!

Remember that the advantage of "not booting from it's splash screen" is that you can edit menu.lst entry for changes as you like, so just for example, if you create a folder on some ext2/3/4 formatted partition named "Angel_Student" the menu.lst entry (porteus-boot) can be this:

Code: Select all

title Angel Student Eco-Educational XX-E17 PC KloneOS
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel_Student_Eco-Educational_XX-E17_PC_KloneOS.iso
map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,0)/Angel_Student_Eco-Educational_XX-E17_PC_KloneOS.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /casper/vmlinuz noauto from=/ changes=/Angel_Student
initrd /casper/initrd1.xz
Or use a savefile (e.g. Angel_Student.dat) if you'd like to keep the changes on the same FAT32 formatted USB stick and edit menu.lst according to that. (I didn't test actually if that works with ISO booting, btw)


Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 20:39
by Max Headroom
OK, Fellows, Here's another Bone 2 Chew on

When or While I was eXecuting the isobooter-mod & it was asking the Question about the Splash Screen, I Answered n as I'm Supposed to for Most Puppies or Puplets, But then it Returns isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD, Twice after FATGamespup-216, g_pup-1.2, grub & lxde-pup411-k2.6.28.5-dillo-v01.1, All from 1 jpeg snapshot that I took w/ Me Mobile Ph Camera ( that once again I can't get 2 upload as an attachment 2 this website! ), Nun of these isos work!

So I'm Convinced that the Problem is Related 2 that isoinfo Message, But I don't Understand wot it Means or How 2 Fix it!

Of Course I've already Done a Search on the Forum, Used the Puppy Search Tool & Done a General i'Net Search, I Do Hope there's a Simple Solution 2 this isoinfo issue since it'll address @ Least 4 of the 9 remaining that aRen't working...



Posted: Tue 04 Jul 2017, 22:43
by fredx181
Hi Max,

Info about joliet:
Joliet is an extension to ISO 9660, the specification for the file system (including file names) for the content on a compact disc (CD); it allows file names up to 64 characters in length (including spaces) and the use of Unicode characters in file names (sometimes needed for internationalization). Written by Microsoft, Joliet is fully supported in Windows 95 and later Windows operating systems (except Windows NT prior to its version 4). In operating systems (such as Windows 3.1) that support only eight-character file names, a longer file name on the CD is truncated into an eight-character name using a tilde (~) followed by a unique number as the last characters in the name.
That's the technical definition but probably doesn't help much for your problem.
Why some ISO's got this "Unable to find Joliet SVD" error, I don't know.
I tried with lxde-pup411-k2.6.28.5-dillo-v01.1.iso and got the same message and although I couldn't see anything wrong at the menu.lst entry that was created I got "file not found" error when trying to boot.
Then I ran again isobooter-mod and when question appeared "Do you want to boot ..... from its splash screen?" I typed y and lxde-pup411-k2.6.28.5-dillo-v01.1 booted fine.

The isoinfo command is used to "look" which files are inside the ISO, that way it can check if it's a 'Puppy' or a 'Dog' (simply said) The error "Unable to find Joliet SVD" means also: not being able to do the checking for files inside and "thinks": "this cannot be a 'Dog' so it must be a 'Puppy'" then, which seems right in most cases.

Not much I can help more, I'm afraid.

Earlier... Max wrote:The Bulk of the isos Work 42 / 52 in Fact
I think that's not bad at all, the ISO's not working you can probably make work by choosing y for "Do you want to boot ..... from its splash screen?"


Posted: Sat 05 Aug 2017, 23:57
by AndresC2
Hello Toni! :D

I need some help.

I got Dell gx240 very old machine.

Intel pentium 4 CPU 1.60GHz,512MB RAM.

video card RAGE 128 PRO Ultra GL AGP in pci port

in debiandog-jessie or debian-jessie build debootstrap only black screen.

xserver-xorg-video-vesa run but very slow with screen tearing,

this card is not easy for setting up is the same in stretch.

i try Xorg configure,

later too many combinations..well

looks is no very common card.

maybe can you check my xorg.log please.

Thanks Toni :D

Posted: Sun 06 Aug 2017, 09:31
by saintless
AndresC2 card RAGE 128 PRO Ultra GL AGP in pci port

in debiandog-jessie or debian-jessie build debootstrap only black screen.
I don't have such video card and can't help much.
Try to create xorg.conf and disable the suggested here: ... bug=671103
On a side note, I have found it necessary to either disable DRI or
ForcePCIMode to resolve extreme slowness
If Wheezy (or Squeeze) works using r128 driver with this video card you can try to replace manualy /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ with the one from Wheezy deb package: ... video-r128
Such downgrading method worked for me in MintPup after upgrading the intel video driver.
I have no more ideas.
