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Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 00:45
by irishrm
Sorry to report none of the mplayer pets worked. I got sound but only the outline of the player with them all.

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 01:42
by OscarTalks
pemasu wrote:So take the libs from here...
Thanks Pemasu. You are brilliant. I think it is all working now but hopefully some people who have used it before and are more familiar with it can test it and report.

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 03:52
by soundNICK
irishrm wrote:pemasu:
Sorry to report none of the mplayer pets worked. I got sound but only the outline of the player with them all.

irishrm - sorry if I havent followed your question, but it seemed to
be about mplayer not working... let me say first, Ive also had this type
of problem with some mplayer versions before... now, my answer.

Im currently using the latest download of dpup-Exprimo (from August 5)...
I just clicked in menu on GNOME-MPlayer, played a video with
it, no problems.

maybe try GNOME-MPlayer from the menu ? For me, this is at:
Menu --> Multimedia --> Multimedia --> Gnome-MPlayer . Hope
it works for you.


Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 04:30
by James C
The default Mplayer is a no-go here as well on the Athlon XP box........ won't play anything.

Installed 4 different versions out of the repo and mplayer-SVN-18022012 is the only one that works here.

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 04:42
by James C
However, the default installed Mplayer works fine in the frugal install on the P4 box. Testing is fun. :)

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 05:12
by James C
Booted into 5.X. on the same Athlon XP box and gnome -mplayer 1.0.6b1 works fine.
Same version in 5.x. works fine .

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 05:23
by James C
And to complete the quick tour of my Exprimo installs......... 5.X.14 has Gnome-Mplayer 1.0.5 which works fine as well.

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 07:22
by pemasu
James C. Thank you of your tests. I do not think the problem lies in the frontend ie gnome-mplayer. It lies in backend ie mplayer2 compile version. It seems that depending on git version and my compile options...I have been more succesful or less succesful.

I need to check those versions which worked for you. I really cant remember which version they used. I have compiled Mplayer2 at least dozen times...using usually recent git.

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 09:14
by irishrm
Gnome_mplayer works well for me also. I have no problem playing video or music mp3's.

My problem is with apps that default to mplayer. Mplayer doese'nt work as I describe in previous posts.

The tv streaming app in the menu is an example.

Just remembered I have very good working version of your upup puppy precise and mplayer works fine in that. Different build?


Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 09:23
by backi
Hi Oscar Talks !
Downloaded and installed Lmms Linux Multimedia Studio 0.4.13 on DpupExprimo .
Seems working so far . Did not test further .
But one thing for shure is missing That Sf2 player plugin .
Useless for me without that ( i think for the most other users to )

Somehow i got Lmms0.4.13 working on DpupExprimo by using a tricky procedure ( as far as i can remember ) ,
1. using lmms 0.4.8 sfs or pet installed them then
2. installing some lmms0. 4.13 debs from ubuntu lucid repos and installed them over 1.
Maybe there where some libpulse or libaudio missing too .i think i installed it (but cant exactly remember )
Worked without problem. But later i deinstalled it from Dpupexprimo . Now i am using lmms 0.4.13 on a Bodhi Linux installation .
I posted this text in the Request LMMS 0.4.13 and Multimedia LMMS 0.4.13 topic too .
But nevertheless thanks for your work and goodwill .

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 15:11
by OscarTalks
LMMS re-uploaded with Sf2 plugin enabled but is it working?

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 16:54
by pemasu
Irishrm. In Upup Precise...and in Precise Puppy the mplayer came from ubuntu packages and it was compiled as shared. So...cant use it. I want to compile static version with ffmpeg embedded into it.

Here is my first mplayer-svn test compile. Yeah...I switched to test mplayer now.

This one has been compiled with cpu detection... --enable-cpu-detection and I didnt give any tuning --extra-cflags. I want to see how mplayer cpu-detection works...or does it.

Also Irishrm. That gnome-mplayer works and streamplay plays sound but not video is strange. It means mplayer does not crash for you...but rtmpdump with mplayer does not provide video. It can be different problem. is my first quite bloat free trial. It is meant for 5.X. dpup...because it wants librtmp to be installed. I didnt enable libblueray...because it isnt preinstalled in dpups. I can provide blueray enabled version also...if there is need for it. Just post the request.
Download link for mplayer-svn: ...

If ppl are not tired for testing (James C :D ), please give this one a trial and post feedback...about in which cpu it works and is there media formats which it does not play which mplayer should.

OscarTalks. Thank you of your LMMS compile efforts. I will upload your dpup version to the exprimo repo if you get feedback that it is fully functional now...

Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 17:48
by irishrm

I should have mentioned that mplayer crashes quite often and I have to use ctrl/alt/backspace to restart.

I have tried to use rtmpdump on this and other puppies and have never succeed in getting it working.
There are a number of rtmpdump apps around, mostly for windows but can be tried in linux.

The main app I use that defaults to mplayer is sopcast (for watching sport). This works on almost every other puppy I have tried it on.

Installed your latest mplayer. This time I have sound and a black screen so that's different at least.


Posted: Thu 09 Aug 2012, 18:42
by backi
Hello Oscar Talks !
Tested your new upload of Lmms on DpupEXprimo . Now all Plugins are there and as far as i could see they are working .
( Dont have the time to test further ,but later will have a look .)
I am going to report my experience .
Thanks for your patience .

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 00:30
by Jim1911
Hi pemasu,

Well, I've finally been able to look at 5.X.3.4.9. and it looks great.

One small problem, Bibletime works, but only from the prompt. It does not show up in the menu, and the Bibletime.desktop file will not execute it when clicked. Executing bibletime from a prompt opens it and shows no error messages.


Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 05:31
by pemasu
Thanks Jim1911. I will look into bibletime problem. I suspect that /etc/profile.d qt location definition has something to do with it. I remember removing it because the previous definition file interfered with aclocal when compiling with automake. I am afraid I didnt remember to fix it. It might be missing.

Just hunch. Little busy next days...lets see what I can do.

About mplayer - mplayer2. I think I switch to mplayer. I tested now...inspired by 01micko compiling mplayer using external ffmpeg which is in dpup 1.11 version from git. I have recent x264 and libvpx compiled from source. So....I want to see if my 1.2 - 1.3 Mb mplayer pet with external ffmpeg is good.
I havent compiled mplayer for a year it will take some time before I have done my learning in ./configure and cpu tuning.

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 05:56
by James C
Downloaded and installed the latest Mplayer build ( to the frugal install on my Athlon XP box.Plays everything in my video/audio comparison directory........ mp4,wmv,avi,mov,mpg,rm,flv and mkv as well as mp3 and ogg audio.So, looks good here. :)

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 14:01
by pemasu
Thanks James C. I have noticed that if your athlon XP box digests mplayer, then all the rest cpu`s is no problem. Lol.
So your report is encouraging. seems that media format coverage is good. My tests has been as good.

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 21:18
by ssanubis
pemasu, I was wondering if there were any plans on adding a catalyst sfs files to your repo? You already have the "xorg high" and nvidia drivers is your repo, but not ati/amd. I ask because, for portability sake, having these as mountable/unmountable sfs is absolutely amazing. If not I would certainly appreciate some help in making one myself. I keep a verbatim 16 GB on my keychain and take it EVERYWHERE since I travel alot for work and I have recently started testing out dpup exprimo and so far I'm really diggin' it, but the lack have having all my video drivers as mountable sfs files is a bit of a turn off, lol.

Posted: Fri 10 Aug 2012, 21:42
by pemasu
Ati driver with its needed extra patching is a bit pain to compile. I have compiled ati/amd driver...but since my ati dual graphics does not work quite well, I dont use it. In fact I get often total freezing of my laptop when I try to load the fglrx.ko kernel module...I am bit reluctant to compile it. I need to do hard shutdown with power button and I fear my ext4 file system will suffer. I have so much important stuff that I try to avoid hard shutdown as much as I can.

So...I am afraid someone with better working ati graphics should do the job. But probably the need for manual patching gets the compiling more difficult for average user.

So...I could compile it....manually gather the installed stuff...make a pet of the result...but cant know if the result is good because I dont want to load it.

When and if ati makes the source 3.4.2 kernel would be easier for people to compile it themself. That would be the recommended way. There is no ati driver automatic compile pet for puppies like there is Shinobar`s getnvidia pet which creates nvidia driver pet automatically.
If and when ati fglrx.ko kernel module can be compiled straight without manual patching process...there is hope that someone like Shinobar could create samekind ati driver automatic creation pet. I will follow if ati announces kernel 3.4.2 compliant driver and I will post the guide how to compile it yourself.