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Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 12:43
by Iguleder
Here's a tiny wbar package, guys. Now I'm running a new puplet I'm working on with E16 and this sweet little thing ... awesomeness! :D

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 13:06
by backi
HI everyone !

Got now my internet connection working !
Used network wizard instead of frisbee.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 13:47
by pemasu
Thanks Iguleder of your post for Wbar. Nice addition for JWM. I seem to have Imlib2 included in Exprimo. Not sure why. Maybe e17-enlightenment needs it ?
So....only Wbar pet is needed. I upload it to the repo.
Thank you.

EDIT. I found the source for imlib2:

Code: Select all

# find /mnt/home/woof-october -name imlib*

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 14:36
by Iguleder
E17 doesn't depend on imlib2, but it's needed by some optional components that are part of the project.

Sylpheed-3.1.2 e-mail client

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 14:44
by shinobar
Sylpheed-3.1.2 package(PET or SFS) works on Dpup Exprimo 5.X.8.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 14:50
by stu90
Hi Pemasu,
Which script is controlling the network connection popups - as something somewhere keeps dropping my connection made with Simple Network Setup.


Edit: deleted the frisbee scrips in Startup and init.d seems to sort the dropped connection when reboot.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 15:17
by pemasu
Stu90. Yep. Disable /root/Startup/frisbee-tray, /etc/init.d/Frisbee, /usr/bin/xpupsay and reboot. You can copy them back from initrd ro2 anytime if you want.
Hmm....should I create disable all Frisbee stuff to the Menu > Setup ?

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 15:32
by pemasu
Shinobar. Sylpheed launched ok when I installed the pet. Launching from console does not protest of missing components.
ldd $(which sylpheed) | grep 'not found' does not show anything.
I packaged it for debian squeeze and uploaded Sylpheed to the repo.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 15:43
by stu90
pemasu wrote:Stu90. Yep. Disable /root/Startup/frisbee-tray, /etc/init.d/Frisbee, /usr/bin/xpupsay and reboot. You can copy them back from initrd ro2 anytime if you want.
Hmm....should I create disable all Frisbee stuff to the Menu > Setup ?
Thanks Pemasu,
Frisbee has never seemed to work for me however SNS works ok - there does seem to be some conflict between the two so having option to disable / enable frisbee might be a good idea.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 16:00
by Iguleder
Smaller and built on Next Puppy. :wink:

EDIT: forgot to mention - no exotic dependencies and no spell check support to make it lighter.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 16:00
by jim3630
pemasu wrote:Snap2 needs rsync. Rsync is essential. It was my mistake that I left rsync out. Easily fixed if you want to create backups with Snap2.
There is dedicated thread about Snap2: ... &start=120
thanks. this is a different kind of backup.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 16:27
by stu90
Hi Pemasu,
Here is enable / disable script for Frisbee - extract archive to /usr/local/Frisbee
use /usr/local/Frisbee/set-frisbee for any menu entry.


.pet available here: ... 672#572672

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 17:26
by backi
Hi folks !
Set up my internet connection with network wizard cause frisbee setup did not work.
Cant get my internet connection automatically loaded at startup.
Only if i click the frisbee icon on the shelf botton (after bootup), it starts connecting to internet .Not automatically.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:18
by pemasu
I made a pet from stu90`s great Frisbee enable-disable package.
You can enable and disable Frisbee using the pet. It installs menu entry under Network section.

The pet has been reuploaded so that this new version has stu90`s included fix.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:31
by DaveS
Nice desktop, drop shadow with a little transparency.


Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:56
by pemasu
Iguleder. Thank you of your Sylpheed pet. I have uploaded it to the repo also. Not sure how much extra functionality there is in Shinobar`s pet compared to yours. But yours is compiled in dpup. Thanks.

DaveS. I envy you of your competence with openbox. Looks great.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 18:59
by DaveS
pemasu wrote:
DaveS. I envy you of your competence with openbox. Looks great.
Ah Ah........ that is pure JWM man :)

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 19:00
by pemasu
More reason to envy. Lol.Not bad at all.

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 19:03
by backi
Hi Pemasu !
Installed Frisbee mager pet.
Problems with automatic load of internet connection solved.

I just found out now "no save at shutdown " option is finally working.
( exprimo 5X8installed to USB stick )

Really glad about.... fine tool .
Can be found in folder my-applications/bin/nosaveshutdown.
In Puppy Eventmanager under Save Session set save intervall to 0 (never).

Everything else seems to work fine too so far.
Want to say thanks for your hard work Pemasu . Top job

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 19:05
by stu90
pemasu wrote:I made a pet from stu90`s great Frisbee enable-disable package.
You can enable and disable Frisbee using the pet. It installs menu entry under Network section.
Thanks Pemasu.

I just noticed there is an error in my original upload /usr/local/Frisbee/frisbeestate should be ON as default - i had it as OFF as i had already removed files.
I have repackaged your .pet with correct default state.
