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Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 14:01
by pemasu
Yeah. Thats what I have in Dpup Exprimo 5.X. preinstalled. I have it under Document menu entry.
I used it to create LibreOffice-3.5.0 sfs which I uploaded to the exprimo repo. I havent created pet of it yet.

But here is working mime extensions for left clicks and working rox right clicks for it.

rox right clicks for LibreOffice

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 14:49
by shinobar
pemasu wrote:here is working mime extensions and working rox right clicks for it.
Only one thing, it seems LEFT click instead of right click. The mime text/xml is better to be right click rather than left click i think.

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 15:50
by pemasu
Well. There are in fact both...left click and right click included.
I have added the application_xml and text_xml rox right click support. The defaul text_xml left click is for amaya ? I uploaded the version 0.0.5 to the previous post.
I removed that text_xml left click to the default wordprocessor binding. I still wonder that amaya binding. I havent ever included amaya to any of my puplets. I wonder how many use amaya. I will change application_xml and text_xml left click to open with defaulttexteditor which will be formidable Geany.
I do like Geany.

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 17:26
by pemasu
When an area is selected for 'Copy'... then a new graphic is loaded to paste it into... The 'paste' item hides itself at the r/h bottom of the screen, all that is noticeable is broken-line of the top of the paste item. You can (very carefully) click on that broken-line and drag the paste-item up but, it's a real pain and most not familiar with the graphic program will never find it!
I didnt quite follow...but that is nothing new.... is latest mtpaint to test

Code: Select all

# ./configure  --prefix=/usr  release intl
mtPaint Configuration
    Version             3.44.03
    System              GNU/Linux
    Toolkit             GTK+2
    File Picker         mtpaint
    Colour Picker       mtpaint
    Animation Package   Gifsicle
    Use FreeType        YES
    Use CMS             LittleCMS
    Icon set            icons1
    Internationalized   YES
    Multithreaded       YES
    Optimizations       RELEASE
    CFLAGS              -O2 -march=i386 -fweb -fomit-frame-pointer -fmodulo-sched
    LDFLAGS             -Wl,--as-needed -s 
    Static libraries    NONE
File Types
    Use GIF             GIF
    Use JPEG            YES
    Use JPEG 2000       OpenJPEG
    Use TIFF            YES
    Binary install      /usr/bin
    Locale install      /usr/share/locale
    Locale program      /usr/share/locale
    Install man page    NO

Re: mt-paint-40

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 21:11
by wjaguar
sszindian wrote: When an area is selected for 'Copy'... then a new graphic is loaded to paste it into... The 'paste' item hides itself at the r/h bottom of the screen, all that is noticeable is broken-line of the top of the paste item. You can (very carefully) click on that broken-line and drag the paste-item up but, it's a real pain and most not familiar with the graphic program will never find it!
Thanks for noticing this special case.
Thing is, mtPaint tries to display the paste area at the location nearest to where it was copied from; if the new image is much smaller than the source, the result will (naturally) be a single pixel at the lower right. Maybe in these circumstances, mtPaint should interpret the "Paste" request as "Paste to centre" - I'll consult with Mark Tyler whether this is the right thing to do.

-= With best regards, Dmitry Groshev, maintainer of mtPaint =-

Center mtpaint

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 03:15
by sszindian
Yes... I believe a center-paste would be better, even when it pasted in upper left corner, it was a pain to go after sometimes.


3.2.9 Kernel & Old Box

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 01:20
by sszindian
Further testing... this time on my old T22 IBM Notebook, 512 MB RAM.

Exprimo with the 3.2.9 kernel works flawlessly on everything I tried so far... and quiet fast I may say!!!

I guess this finally clears the old misunderstanding that older computers require older kernels! You couild not want for a 'now, nicer Notebbook' than this old T22 has ever displayed throughout its past life... amazing! Posting from the T22 here now.

Thanks pemasu for a truly unique program for old boxes.



Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 19:40
by sszindian
Test: Package Install - Installing a package that wasn't included in Exprimo 3.2.9 from your Official Exprimo pets at Smokey01 does not seem to work? Is there a dependency package or something else needed?

Downloads and installs on systems OK putting a topic in the Business area on the menu, but won't run.

Downloaded and tried to install (from & on) two-differant computers, same problem.


Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 20:03
by pemasu
You will need goffice also. If you launch gnumeric in will see what is missing. I have been lazy with adding needed dependencies to the pet.specs. I will do so in the future. I have learned the lesson.

Re: gnumeric

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 20:08
by jim3630
sszindian wrote:Test: Package Install - Installing a package that wasn't included in Exprimo 3.2.9 from your Official Exprimo pets at Smokey01 does not seem to work? Is there a dependency package or something else needed?

Downloads and installs on systems OK putting a topic in the Business area on the menu, but won't run.

Downloaded and tried to install (from & on) two-differant computers, same problem.

hi sszindian you can tell which dependencies are missing by typing gnumeric in console. good luck.

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 20:36
by pemasu has been uploaded to the exprimo repo. It has rox left and right clicks included.
I found the reason why LibreOffice pets created from get_libreoffice sfs does not update the menu. There is one broken symlink which causes it. I found the reason when I launched the pet installation from console with petget command. The error was seen that way. Removing that broken symlink and everything was ok.


Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 11:46
by shinobar
Firstrun-1.9.9, test release, intended to be compatible with the recent woof.

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 14:19
by pemasu
Thank you. Shinobar. I will test this in next test build of exprimo. I need to recompile the kernel also. Aufs 3.2 has new fixed aufs version which should address aufs hanging problem.

libreoffice 3.5.0

Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 15:33
by recobayu
hi pemasu, libreoffice 3.5.0 can't show full screen on writer.
but i like this interface, it's like ms office 2010 :D

Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 21:31
by pemasu
I am afraid it is jwm bug again.


Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 01:31
by sszindian
sszindian wrote: from your Official Exprimo pets at Smokey01 does not seem to work? Is there a dependency package or something else needed?

pemasu wrote:

You will need goffice also. If you launch gnumeric in will see what is missing. I have been lazy with adding needed dependencies to the pet.specs. I will do so in the future. I have learned the lesson.

jim3630 wrote:

hi sszindian you can tell which dependencies are missing by typing gnumeric in console. good luck.


sszindian found: is the missing lib needed... however... sszindian chopped down all the trees in forest sending up smoke signals to Internet but... no smoke signals returned !!!! out of trees :cry:

Where do I download this pet :?:


Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 02:50
by jpeps

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 06:08
by pemasu
I have checked and reuploaded the gnumeric-goffice-libgsf to the exprimo repo.

Now the dependency checking informs the needed dependencies and you can install them all straight when you click the examine dependencies. It also informs the need of libxml which is included but the package manager probably checks the dependencies from debian-main database file and that is the reason of that misinformation.

Anyway...gnumeric-goffice-libgsf are now repackaged in exprimo repo with dependencies added to the pet.specs.


Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 12:06
by sszindian
Thanks for that lead, wow there are a ton of various liboffice files available there but could not locate that specific one... tried several, was not able to get any to work.

I will try the new Gnumeric upload you made later today... hopefully that does the trick! Hmmm... I am going to install the latest Ambiword in Exprimo hope we don't run into the same problem?


Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 13:10
by pemasu
Abiword needs stuff also, but there is now dependency checking.
I wonder why you dont use the ready made abiword-gnumeric-goffice sfs. I have even 2 different versions in repo.
Just click the Sfs Apps Loader icon and choose the version. Both should work, though I dont use them.