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Posted: Wed 02 Apr 2008, 11:16
by john biles
Hello ragaman,
First to compile Applications from their source code you need the development package "devx_214.sfs" to suit puppy version 2.14 on which TEENpup 2008 is built.
You will find it here ... uppylinux/

Also here is some info on installing it in TEENpup 2008 when you have TEENpup 2008 installed to your Hard Drive.

As for your sound card can you give any specifications.
Someone else on the forum may also have the same model sound card and have got it working with Puppy 2.14/TEENpup 2008. This link may be of some help to you.

Posted: Sat 12 Apr 2008, 06:50
by Zeppis
Hello. I praised the previous edition of TeenPup a lot when I tried it. I didn't get to use it for many days before TeenPup 2008 came out.

I like TP2008, too. Only it seems to have a lot more issues than the previous version. Maybe it's just my computer. Who knows.

Main 2 issues:

1) Closing tabs does not work in Seamonkey. I can't close a single tab, nor all of them. I have to close the browser entirely.

2) Shutdown problems after using Transmission BT client. Computer won't power down. Says "Sending SIGTERM to all processes" and goes no further. After only surfing and checking e-mail, the computer shuts down just fine. I don't know if the problem occurs with other programs besides Transmission. I'm downloading the torrents onto an NTFS partition. That might have something to do with it.

I have the savefile pup_save.2fs (512M) and the main pup_214.sfs (or whatever it was) on an NTFS partition as well. Windows XP is installed and I use the CD to boot puppy when I need it.

I know I can fix Seamonkey by installing Firefox. No clue how to fix the shutdown problem. Then again, it's no big deal to hold down the powerbutton for 4 seconds...

Just thought I'd let you know about these small issues... you've done a good job and I hope you keep it up. Cheers,

Posted: Sat 12 Apr 2008, 15:23
by john biles
Hello Zeppis,
I did most of the testing of TEENpup 2008 with Seamonkey version 1.1.7 (no tab problem?) and when version 1.1.8 was released as a bug fixed version of 1.1.7, I decided to include it in TEENpup 2008.
I only discovered the TAB problem after TEENpup 2008 was released. I've tested Seamonkey version 1.1.9 released after TEENpup 2008 and it still has the same problem.

As for "Transmission" I will have to run some experiments and see if I can fix it.

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 09:33
by setecio
I noticed that if you change the page hit ranking on distrowatch to the last 30 days (instead of 6 months) , TEENpup weighs in at no. 63 :)

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2008, 23:58
by crabbypup
okydoky guys, i recently set up a flashdrive for booting teenpup2008 for one of my teachers ( kingston 2gb u3 drive, fat32+iso???). he tried to boot his computer off it, and it did not run pupserialdetect (no keyboard map selector). it skipped directly to the x server chooser wizard, with no working keyboard! any thoughts? i told him to try booting it again and seeing if it solved the problem, but i wasn't around when he did that, and i haven't talked to him since.(he is also going to try it on his personal box at home and see if it works) i have no idea what his hardware is.

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008, 23:28
by john biles
Hello crabbypup,
I have tested TEENpup 2008 on my 1 GB Memory stick with no problems.
If you have a copy of Puppy 2.14 it might be worth testing that on your usb stick to see if the problem is with either the original puppy 2.14 or TEENpup 2008?

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 14:43
by crabbypup
i got him to repartition his drive with a 700mb fat16 and the rest as fat32. the puppy files(except the save file) on the fat 16. the save file will go on the fat32 partition. i got him to do this because of comments i saw on the forum that said it was easier to set up a fat16 drive to boot. he said that the live cd worked on his home pc, but when we tried it @school, it didn't work(as noted before). i will try it again today on my lunch break. i think this will fix it, but i'll post again if there are problems.

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 14:47
by crabbypup
i think the serial detect problem is whith his motherboard maybe, but that would not make sense, since it worked on his much newer keyboard and mainboard at his house(so he says) the keyboard and mouse he was using were wireless usb ones i believe.

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 23:51
by john biles
Hello crabbypup,
I have 5 PC's I run my tests on and TEENpup works on all of them. I gave a work mate a copy of TEENpup because his Windows PC is full of Virus's. The PC isn't that old, but he can't even get TEENpup to boot. Sadly it appears that TEENpup won't work on every PC like most other Distro's out there.

I hope you find an answer, maybe you could list the model of the PC and Keyboard as someone else on the forum may be using the same hardware and might be able to help.

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 15:22
by crabbypup
I believe the wireless keyboard is a microsoft and the one with problems (wired) is a compaq ps/2 with media and other internet/application shortcut keys. i am not sure about other hardware (it is not mine). teenpup works off the cd on his home machine and we are attempting to get a usb stick (noted in a post above) to boot on his home machine. but i haven't worked on it lately. i will attempt more on my lunch break.

How to single-click desktop icons??

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 20:31
by DLWood
I've searched through the TEENpup menues and this thread, and can't seem to find out how to enable single-clicking the desktop icons instead of having to double-click them. The orig Puppy 2.14 is single-click for everything, I think.

It messes me up shifting back and forth. If you start the file manager, then it's single-click inside it.

Big thanks to anyone who knows the answer.

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 20:48
by bosley
Right click in a ROX window and chose "options".
Should be the pinwand menu entry.


Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 21:41
by DLWood
Thank you bosley, that did the trick! :D

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 22:18
by crabbypup
it doesn't work on his machine. but i will try all the common things. including telling him to get a new flashdisk.

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2008, 22:27
by Aitch
Ha Ha Crabbypup

I have snaffled your 'avatar' for my own purposes cause it made me laugh

still you didn't make it, did you, so that makes 2 of us

You'll see it scattered about the forum every now & again

Aitch :wink: :lol:

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008, 13:18
by crabbypup
yeah, i just searched 'free avatar' and looked through the first site it came up with. :) but i might put up a custom one soon.

Posted: Wed 23 Apr 2008, 15:57
by Aitch
my avatar is what happens when you run windoze
Yep, that's why it makes me laugh

It's like looking in a mirror :lol:

one of my favourites - bit big, though can't be rsed to make it smaller


Posted: Thu 24 Apr 2008, 13:16
by crabbypup
haha! that's good.

wireless for the eeepc

Posted: Sun 04 May 2008, 02:10
by ronacc
I am trying to build the wireless driver for the eeepc so I can run teenpup2008 on it with wireless access . I have installed devx _2.14.sfs as mentioned earlier in this thread , when I run make in the dir where I have the wireless driver sources I get this error
sh-3.00# make
make -C work/L2- BUILD_KERNEL= KSRC=/usr/src/linux-headers-
make[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/sdb1/distros/puppy/teenpup/build/atl2/work/L2-'
Makefile:102: *** Linux kernel source not configured - missing version.h. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/sdb1/distros/puppy/teenpup/build/atl2/work/L2-'
make: *** [build] Error 2

any guidence would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon 05 May 2008, 13:30
by crabbypup
it looks like it can't determine the kernel version, so doesn't know what to do with the files? maybe different versions for different kernels?
just a thought.