Do you still use Windows sometimes? And why?

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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#121 Post by otropogo »

Béèm wrote:No problem to run irfanview in Wine either.
No performance loss versus Windows.
In fact I experience that Windows programs running in Wine run faster then in Window (XP for me)
Yes, you're right. My subsequent testing has shown that Irfanview 3.98 does seem to run as fast under Puppy/Wine as in Win98SE.

Unfortunately, there aren't pet packages for every essential Windows application I need.

A few that come readily to mind:

Quicken Basic 2002 - my money management software

RCA Digital Voice Manager v. 2.1 - the playback software for my digital voice recorders

VagCom - the software that allows me to read and modify my car's ECU reports and settings.
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#122 Post by Béèm »

BTW I use the 4.10 of irfanview.
I try, if there is no native Linux equivalent to run a program in Wine.
Sometimes the Windows program it doesn't run in Wine either.
So I still need Windows in a few cases.
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
Consult Wikka
Use peppyy's puppysearch
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#123 Post by Mr_Parker »


I'm using Windows XP for multitrack recording via firewire with an Alesis Multimix 8, with kristal and trax-ax pc for recording, soundforge for wave edits.
I also like a timelapse photography program that works with my canon A60.
Oh, and I use AutoCAD and Rhino 4(dont like Blender interface) for 3d modelling

Now, If I can just get my creative webcam 3 usb and a stop motion animation program running in puppy as well, I would be a total convert..

It always feels good to be free of MS windows though! Puppy just gets better and better - but I'm not sure why there seems to be 2 of lots of things in the menu - how many scientific calculators and text editors does one really need?!

Keep up the good work everyone!

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#124 Post by hondasid »

i use xp on my mother's computer at her house, simply because i lack an internet connection where i live for the next 2 months. my machine is a dell 2400 with puppy 3.01 and a small 6.02 GB drive that has slax installed. they both run great and i have either replaced my windows programs with linux ones or gotten them to run in wine. so if it weren't for the internet connection, i wouldn't run windows at all. can't convince my wife and parents though. i tried slax, mandriva, and ubuntu. nothing doing.
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#125 Post by jani »


i use winxp only for this sw: ... vd/deluxe/
(actually an older version of this)

if somebody can offer a similar application for puppy it would be very fine and i would be happy

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#126 Post by ravensrest »

Where I live I can only get dialup internet connection. Both of my Dell laptops have built-in Winmodems. If you have ever tried to get one of them running in linux, let alone Puppy, you will soon give up in frustration. So, yes, I still use Windows XP for dialup access on the laptops.

In general, it is difficult to interface equipment to Puppy/Linux unless some one has written software for the specific task and OS. Some of us really want to be more user than hacker.

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the conn, mostly

#127 Post by `f00 »

.. although this may be more related to the dialup ISP's predilection for an IE-based branded browser to simply connect (a few attempts at direct dun were not so happy, hopefully I've crippled the thing as far as anything other than a nuisance in the background). Opera's been my favorite browser for years (but use others when O lacks something more suited to a particular `site). Lol, SM's been a small disaster in win32 for me .. one of these days I may start fresh ;)

games. just haven't bothered with trying emulators, etc - lol, tough enough trying to figure out why xorg doesn't work on my main 8 year old machine with a decent ATI vidcard and yet works just fine on an older Compaq 5225 with onboard ATI Rage :shrug: .. the situation is reversed as to sound (main machine just ran alsamixer run, set all the sliders and unmuted .. fine&dandy , somehow alsa refuses es18xx on the compaq :moreshrugs: )

graphics apps. Not all that much of a showstopper any more as I gradually figure out the ones in Puppy. Like all things, it simply takes some time and familiarization . . .

Mainly I like the Pup for the entry to linux, being more than a bit disenchanted with the whole idea and marketing of MS since XP's inception.
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#128 Post by VK6FUN »

Sorry kids, stop deluding yourselves.
Linux, (and that includes Puppy) will only ever be a TOY to play with.

I am a profile-cutting programmer. There is NO linux or freeware program that even comes close to doing what I need, and I don't believe there ever will be.

If I want reliable wireless networking, I must use Windows. If I want reliable sound, I must use Windows. If I want to produce QUALITY engineering layouts and drawings I must use Windows. If I need to do serious business accounting, I must use Windows.
In short, If I need to deal with a client seriously, there is no competition.
You will never be in the running.

If I want to play with my Ham radio, I use linux. If I want to fool around with computer programming I use linux. If I want to spend hours figuring out why simple things don't work, just for fun, I choose linux.


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#129 Post by cthisbear »

" If I want reliable wireless networking, I must use Windows."

Puppy 4.1.1 ... trounced XP in networking today
And networking wireless is not my strong suit.

And then you have bloody Nortons sticking its nose into
the trough.

Todays experience on this HP laptop just shows me how far Puppy has come.
I suggest Muppy Live 08 also.

But today Puppy 4.1.1.

Have a good one anyway.
/////////// ... 676#249676

Sorry I can't give you the HP specs.
But both inbuilt wireless and the Asus card...
showed up as Broadcom something?

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#130 Post by polymath »

I use windows mostly for 3D modeling programs (like gmax ) and games. That's it. I have one of those stupid broadcom bcm43xx wireless cards on my lap (and an AirForce One card to boot :( ) so i installed wired. I have a 945GM card that i've never been able to get the 3D card working on so i can't use games or 3D.

I've found some peace with globulation 2 though :)
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#131 Post by DaveS »

Re original question.......... NO!
Spup Frugal HD and USB
Root forever!
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#132 Post by Marb750 »

I probably shouldn't even be weighing in on this topic...

I've got less that a weeks worth of experience with Puppy (or anything Linux-based for that matter :P ). It's a bit daunting to someone who has only known Windows (and a wee bit of DOS) since the early 90's.

Where I work, my job has me using an XP machine from morning to night - every day.
And I'm sure our "IT guy" would become completely unhinged if he saw Puppy Linux running on one of "his" machines - but it would be funny to see the look on his face :lol: :lol: :lol: .
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amapi4.1 w/ wine

#133 Post by robcran »

I've been playing with the idea of running amapi3d under wine.. but i'm getting frustrated with the open gl setup. what it boils down to is that i can't paint.. every time i open i open the paint dialogue it crashes. i get some sort of error message about libgl not being there. sigh, if there was a puplet or dotpet that could be all three that would be cool (open gl, wine, amapi 3d v4.1)

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#134 Post by bdup12 »

I still use windows for many things too. Its what ive grown on but i love puppy linux and Ubuntu. I in fact love linux more than windows because it is way faster in my opinion, viruses are harder to run and ive messed up a couple of computers because im nieave, but the one thing that i do miss is FPS Gaming.
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#135 Post by vtpup »

I ran Win98SE for ten years, but hardware has moved away from it, and all the antivirus and spy software started making it tedious to use.

I then went to Kanotix for a few months, untiil it forked to Siddux, and Ubuntu after that for its stability and support. It is a big hunk of an OS however for Pent II and III machines. Unfortunately upgrading is a mess and the 7.10 I installed is nearing the end of its support cycle after only 18 months. Also you need constant updates and a fast internet connection to keep current. So I started considering other options. Before deciding to upgrade to the next version.

Puppy and DSL I played around on CDs, but never took seriously -- mainly because I didn't realize the potential for Puppy, through unfamiliarity. The root user thing bothered me, and I didn't think frugal installs would work well. And the official petget repository seemed very limited. I've reversed my opinion on all of these after learning more in these forums, and using it now for a month. I'm becoming a very strong fan of Puppy.and strongly considering a move to Puppy for my and my wife's main OS.

We both still use Win98SE for some things:

Me (boat design, engine building, solid fuel combustion research):
--3D CADs (DesignCAD, TurboCAD)
--Some model aircraft performance software and sims
--Some graphics programs that have a few features I like
(I find Gimp difficult to get used to, and OO Draw has problems with export formats in sufficient resolution -- I've spent months volunteering with the OO development team working out a future standard for this).

My Wife (professionsal editor):
--Word 97 (because OOWrite does not have efficient collaborative group editing searches and features -- I've raised this isue w/OO)
--Dine nutritional database software (she does nutritional analyses for magazine articles and books).


We do these things in a Win98 virtual machine for the last year, running in Ubuntu.

I'd like to even drop VMWare if I could. In the past I tried Wine, but it failed to be reliable w/Word97 (a year ago anyway), and wouldn't even install the CADs I use. Maybe the Wine 1.0 version will work better -we'll see.

Lately, we are testing Crossover Office w/ Word97 and it looks promising. No crashes yet. If Dine works on it, My wife can move totally to Linux with 2 win progs in Wine, and I can drop VMWare from her computer.

CADs: I tried the DesignCAD in Crossover Office, but no-go. I may work on this further. I'd actually not mind switching over to a Linux 2D CAD, but QCAD's fonts are terrible -- basically plotter fonts. And I sell boat plans that need to look the way I want them to. Can't do it in QCAD.

While we've acclimated 90% to Ubuntu I'm very hopeful I can move to Puppy. It is looking very possible, and I love the speed and minimal resources, and really tailoring a system. I am a convert to the Frugal Install, now as well.

Other previously mentioned issues: I've seen printing mentioned as one Linux bugaboo, and with some printers CUPS foomatic, etc. sucks. My Canon S600 prints without decent resolution because the Linux driver is a kludge from another Canon model.

However, this was solved by purchasing a proprietary Linux print driver, TurboPrint. It gives really total parameter control over any supported printer, and can print better than many original Win OEM printer drivers -- It really made Linux a realistic proposition for us, since as an engineer and an editor we both really depend on print output.

I have not tried to use TurboPrint with Puppy yet, so don't know if I can, but I assume it will be possible (I sure hope....) I was actually familiar with TurboPrint from a dozen years ago -- on the Amiga computer!

Despite using Ghostscript for years, I recently installed Adobe Reader 8 into Ubuntu, because it can do some things that nothing else can -- high resolution files from OODraw (ps and pdf are the only high resolution export formats that work in OODraw presently) and also because it can tile large engineering drawings.

You don't need windows for Adobe Reader -- just thought others had mentioned it was something they missed.from wWindows. But there's a Linux version available.

So -- iron out and test a few more things, and I think we'll be solid Puppies here.
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#136 Post by Aitch »


have a look here

enough CAD progs to shake a stick at?

QCAD has good reviews, but I haven't tried it,

.....depends if you need 2D/3D

Aitch :)
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#137 Post by vtpup »

Hi Aitch,

Thanks. Yes I've been there. Unfortunately, there are a lot of old dead links and defunct programs there. I've tried many CADs with Linux over the past couple of years. Ideally a cheap Windows 3D CAD like TurboCAD or DesignCAD will eventually run in Wine.

QCAD is actually a very nice program for 2D -- its main problem for me is only the fonts provided. You can't use conventional word processor or TrueType, etc. fonts.

The fonts in QCAD are actually plotter type fonts. They are in fact small .DXF line drawings (I found this out tonight). Also found out tonight that you can therefore re-draw them -- in other words create your own font. This might actually open it up for me as a viable program. First time I've come across this information. I didn't like the provided fonts -- wanted something hand drawn looking -- now I realize I can actually do that.

Here are some CADs I've experimented with in Linux that worked fairly well:

The old TurboCAD 2d Learning edition, run in Wine -- this is available free elsewhere on the Internet -- do a search on TurboCAD Learning Editiion or LE.

This program is very full featured. Its main drawback is that it is old and can't read some of the newer .DXF formats.

And for the only really viable 3D CAD in Linux -- available free, though not free-source -- is CollabCAD from the India Ministry of Informatics -- again do a search on the Internet to find it.

I've run that in Knoppix, Kanotix and Ubuntu. I'd make a .pet of it here, but you can't freely redistribute it -- you have to get it from them.

I've periodically tried to run DesignCAD 3D Max and TurboCAD 3D in successive versions of Wine, but no go. Maybe some day.......

Thanks again Aitch for your input -- maybe the above will help another CAD seeker.
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#138 Post by Aitch »



Like your IBM TP600 overclock, I have 560, 570, & T20, - long term IBM fan [though never found out how to overclock any of them]

Was that a chip update, or did you find a BIOS mod/tweak to allow it?

I have an Architect friend, who's into Macs

I tried to get him interested in linux, Puppy in particular,
He liked the speed but missed his CAD progs, (Arcad) hence my interest
I forgot I found Intellicad, but he couldn't get it to run or thought it too pricey - not sure

I've only ever messed with google sketchup, [win2k] which is pretty basic, but useful enough, so I'll keep looking for a linux/FOSS one

There is Varicad/Engineering based, though it's proprietary it does have STEP, STL, IGES, DWG and DXF file formats

Aitch :)
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#139 Post by vtpup »

Hi Aitch,

no it was hardwiring and cutting traces, and putting in a new processor (mmc type, actually comes on a small circuit board) as well as a bios mod.
There is a huge and (for someone like me) fascinating thread on this at the Wim's Bios website:

The highest speed a TP600 would go before was 400mhz with a Pent II.

With this hack you can add a Pent III and overclock up to 1 ghz if you can find one of the 800 mhz PIIIs. The TP600 will also take 544 megabytes of ram if you find the right modules.

The TP600E is a really nice package -- small, very solid, and the keyboard is tops, even amongst other TPs. (I now have a T30) They can be found in good shape for $75 these days if you look for awhile.

I was running full Ubuntu, with VMWare Player of my former Win98 installation running under Ubuntu. Also played DVD movies in VLC with no jitter. Naturally Puppy left Ubuntu in the dust on that machine as well.

Sorry to OT so much. But to move back towards it, With a hopped up TP600, running Puppy and an emulator like VMWare Player, you can run most everything you need under Puppy, and where there is no substitute for some Win program, run it in Puppy in a VM window.

The only thing that won't run fast enough in VM at sub-gigaherz machines is games.

Right now I'm trying to get VMWare going in Puppy4.11 on the T30. Having trouble because of the newer kernel (another thread on this.)

If I can get VM Player going in 411 , I'll write a how-to for moving an existing Windows 98 installation into a virtual machine to run on Puppy.

Mind you, that's an existing installation -- with all programs intact, not a new installation on an empty VM. You don't do any new installs -- it keeps your settings, programs data and, presumably, licenses intact. You don't have to dual boot anymore -- just run an image of your old win partition in VM in Puppy. I did this in Ubuntu, and I'm pretty sure I can here, too.

Just have to get VMWare going,
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#140 Post by Aitch »

Full Win98 VM??

I'll look forward to it, presumably it would work for 2K as well?

thanks for the wimbios link, seen it once before, but forgot....

Aitch :)
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