Trouble installing SCIM m17n in Puppy 3.01

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#121 Post by Swarup »

Here is a comparison between GDS and Tracker, which is the integrated search tool in Ubuntu. It may also be usable in Puppy, I don't know. But is far less resource hungry than GDS: ... s-tracker/

This page has a few screenshots of tracker in action: ... on-ubuntu/

Aitch: I took a look at some of the stuff on xbasic. It looks neat, but I'm not a programmer you know. It would be nice to have a GUI for the search utility, but I don't know I'm the person to create it.


RR Koothady
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RECOLL, Tracker, Beagle

#122 Post by RR Koothady »

Dear Aitch and Swarupji

Have been playing with RECOLL with some success. While RECOLL doesnot allow me to type in non-english language, I am able to type the query word in - say - Geany or Mousepad - copy and paste and then search. Results appear in text window. Plain Text search seems to be OK and the results are opened in default text editor perfectly. However, the builtin text viewer doesnot display Tamil or Hindi correctly. You see askewed characters instead. But... if Puppy locale is changed from en_US to ta_IN or hi_IN, this builtin text viewer displays the Indic texts correctly and in addition HIGHLIGHT THE SEARCHED WORD IN BLUE COLOUR.

So far plain text search works. Abiword files, pdf texts - for the present - NO. Let us see what happens in the next few days.

Meta Tracker looks impressive to me. I downloaded the source tar ball from the site and tried compiling. So far not succeeded.

Beagle - I have not looked at it yet.

Trying to build a GUI ourselves - I think that can remain the last resort - since that will be more time consuming and less practical.


Last edited by RR Koothady on Fri 30 May 2008, 17:14, edited 1 time in total.


Update on installing scim-bridge and language modules

#123 Post by Irihapeti »

I seem to have been left behind in the few days that I've been involved with work things. :) Anyway, I thought I'd upload my revised notes on installing scim-bridge with scim-tables, m17n and other packages. I've deleted the earlier version from my previous message on this topic.

RR Koothady
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Great Stuff

#124 Post by RR Koothady »

Wow! Irihapeti ...

That writeup is Great. It is simple, lucid, and to the point. A neat summary about compiling and making SCIM work in Puppy. I like it.

Thanks and Congratulations for presenting this in such a simple language.


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#125 Post by Swarup »

Great news to hear that RECOLL works, Rameshji. Pasting from Geany into RECOLL isn't a big deal especially if one is working in Geany anyway. So, sounds quite functional.

I've been playing a bit with Tracker, but in Ubuntu. Now I've got it working really well, and it supports m17n Hindi input. And the display window lists all the documents plus on the right side gives the full paragraph in Hindi in which the word is found. Quite impressive. If this were to work in Puppy, it'd be perfect.

But even the way RECOLL is now, it sounds like it gets the job done. -- A functional open source Indic desktop search tool. I'll try installing it myself tomorrow. Is it a straightforward install? A .PET? (I'm not running Puppy right now).

And if we can get Tracker to compile in Puppy, that'll be perfect icing on the cake.

One other item--probably the last item I'll be needing to use with Indic input-- is a database application. Has anyone used a database program in Puppy? Especially one that accepts text input using SCIM/m17n? I've been following a database thread on this forum, and it sounded like they were looking hard for a good database application for Puppy, but hadn't settled on one yet. And I'll be needing to type in it in Hindi fonts....

Add: I've just downloaded and read through Irihapeti's latest notes. Looks really good.

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#126 Post by Aitch »

Hey Guys

I've just been browsing the Wiki on the community website & found this old article ... agesupport

It probably needs updating?
Since localization is getting an airing, I thought it might be good to consider adding a link/feature about what you are doing/have acheived

Swarupji, do you blog?

I think your writing style would be good for introducing your work to new international users, to demonstrate how you are dealing with hurdles, using Puppy

Aitch :)

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Re: Great Stuff

#127 Post by jojonouvo »

RR Koothady wrote:Wow! Irihapeti ...

That writeup is Great. It is simple, lucid, and to the point. A neat summary about compiling and making SCIM work in Puppy. I like it.

Thanks and Congratulations for presenting this in such a simple language.

I'm waiting for the same thing for version 3 as I seem to be the only one with an unsuccessful install :(

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#128 Post by Swarup »

A couple questions:
1. Can both Rameshji's SCIM-m17n and Irihapeti's bridge method be installed at the same time on the same version of Puppy? Or does one have to remove one before testing the other? If they can both be installed at the same time, then when one does "cntrl-space" to activate the language of choice, how does one determine which system is being activated?

2. If I were to get Irihapeti's system installed so I could run OOo Writer (this is the only option I see so far for running a word processor as opposed to a text editor since Abiword doesn't work), then my question is this: Would it be expected that OOo Writer would run better i.e. faster in Puppy than in Ubuntu? Since there is less overhead i.e. background processes in Puppy than in Ubuntu, I thought perhaps OOo might run ok in Puppy on my computer whereas I really can't do it well in Ubuntu cause it's too slow. But if OOo is just so top heavy that there is hardly going to be any difference in how it runs on Puppy vs Ubuntu, then it isn't even worth experimenting. (The one feature I'm interested in in a word processor would be the ability to color sections of text which I need to return to, to fix. There isn't any such convenient feature for marking text in a text editor).

Aitch: Both your suggestions are excellent. Especially the need to update the wiki on language support for Puppy. Not so much the sections on localization, which we aren't dealing with here, as much as the sections on font support, input methods, and keyboard layouts. These areas we have very meaningful contributions for. I would be interested in working on this. (One question: is it still an active site, though? And if so, then why has it been relegated to the "archive"?)

And as for the blog area, I've looked at it-- it is interesting. I really know very little about blogging, and this will be an opportunity to see more what is all about, how it works, and how I may be able to contribute something there. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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#129 Post by Aitch »


You ask whether the archive is still an active site

It is simply that only very recently forum member tombh who did so much work on wobblyNop & gained huge respect from the forum that he was coerced into doing this new community website
The archive comes from the original website, which was hosted by Servage for BarryK as a community site
the Servage site became compromised with spambots, trojans, & other undesirable exploits [it was suggested due to undesirable 'pron' hosting, if you know what I mean]
So the 'new' now, THE community website is moving over all the old material, which we are working on archiving & updating links - A major work in progress
The blog aspect is a new feature, and gives forum members a chance to post something about themselves, their interests/projects, news, anything really
The effort, magnificent as it is, was to raise Puppy profile & web presence - googling puppy community still brings up stuff about dogs, but google puppylinux community & lo! there we are - Top Dog ; Woof

I found another link which you may be interested in which also gave rise to another, though more internationalisation based

the 1st: 4Pane

Featured by muggins, is available as a pet

& the developers are inviting translation
4Pane is built with the wxWidgets toolkit, which has translations for many locales. As a result, you may find that a few things, e.g. 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons, already appear in your language. Starting with version 0.5.1, 4Pane itself will now respond to i18n.

If you wish to provide a translation for 4Pane, a .pot file is available here.
the link I referred to is

However, I understand the difference in focus, so no worries, just useful info, is all


PS text highlight Firefox addin

There's probably more

RR Koothady
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#130 Post by RR Koothady »

1. Open Office does not work with our SCIM. This has been noted early in this thread, and we have not solved this yet.
2. Abi is OK - for formatting - even though it is problematic for typing. But for typing you can use Abi 2.6.2 for all your formating purposes. To do this simply copy - paste from your text editor to Abi - Complete formatting - save as text file again for further use.
3. m17n or SCIM-Bridge Route? Install any one of these.

1. We shall lie low for some more time. Some more issues to be completed. They are a) Oo support, b) Text Search c) Database
2. Installing locales. I have solved these and fine tuned them. I shall share these details soon.


-I shall get you a SCIM .sfs in a day or too. Hope that will solve your problem.

All folks here, especially Irihapeti:

- How are we going to make Oo SCIM friendly? Or, is it necessary, in the first place, owing to its heavy weight and dinosaur like qualities?
- What about the much needed vernacular friendly text search tool?
I had compiled meta Tracker successfully - but alas - it does not work.
In the shorter term, I think we have to attack RECOLL - and make it usable.
Meanwhile may we approach Puppy Dot Pet Packaging Masters like muggins(who had packaged RECOLL), ttuuxxx and others to help us package meta Tracker?



#131 Post by Irihapeti »

First of all, folks, thank you for your kind words about my scim instructions. I try to be as concise and non-"blind them with technical stuff" as I can, and it's great to know that I'm having some kind of success. As I do a bit of editing work, this will be a great recommendation to clients.

Swarup, as I understand it, scim-bridge is merely a front-end, link or bridge between the keyboard and the scim libraries. There is at least one other front-end: scim-uim (written by the same person). I started playing with scim-bridge because I couldn't get anything else to work. Anyway, I would assume that you would only have one front-end configured at a time. Ctrl-space seems to be the standard for activating scim.

Now that I've found that it's possible to have all sorts of libraries installed at the same time, which front-end or activation method you use comes down to personal preference.

I have OpenOffice working with my scim-bridge setup. I can understand why some people would prefer not to use OpenOffice. At the same time, I believe it's important to have choices so that the maximum number of people can get their computing needs met, rather than shutting some out.

By the way, I decided to play with databases a little yesterday. Both mysql and sqlite3 will accept non-latin characters, and sqlite3 is already installed in Puppy 2.17. Yes, and I can search for entries containing a particular string of Chinese characters. Both these databases can be used with OpenOffice as a front end, but I haven't yet been able to install the drivers for this in Puppy.

I too was wondering if the documentation should be on a wiki, and perhaps, too, the .pet files uploaded to a suitable location. If someone could tell me where I could send them, I'd be interested in doing that. Because I'm on a dialup, I'd prefer to be able to use something like wput, which can be given a series of bash commands (like wget). The last command in the script is then a disconnect command, meaning I can set it going overnight and it will disconnect when I'm fast asleep. :)

This has turned into a bit of a ramble: I get like that sometimes. :) :)

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#132 Post by Swarup »


I do understand, yes, that the SCIM/m17n installation you have given does not work with OOo. But, if I had understood properly, Irihapeti has told us from the start, that her SCIM bridge installation does work with OOo. And hence my inquiry as to whether both installations could coexist at one time on one computer. Because, since Abi 2.6.2 doesn't work for typing in Indic fonts, I still have mild interest in getting a word processor to work in Puppy for Hindi. Don't get me wrong-- I am ecstatic about Geany. And it satisfies 99.9% of my needs. The only thing it doesn't have, as I mentioned is the ability to for example color a particular word red. And I would only be needing to do that on the fly as I work, so pasting all my text into Abi just to color a word red and then continue with my typing, would not be practical. So I thought I'd test OOo Writer and see how fast it is in Puppy compared to Ubuntu. Hence my interest in testing out Irihapeti's install. But of course I don't want to lose the install that you've provided Rameshji. That is a long-winded explanation of why I was interested in OOo and hence in seeing if Irihapet's and your SCIM installs could coexist. But according to what Irihapeti has just written, I suppose they cannot be both extant on the same OS at the same time. Anyhow, for experimentation purpose, I could remove your install Rameshji, to test Irihapeti's.

To All:

I agree with Rameshji that we need to do a bit more work on rounding out SCIM/m17n use in Puppy with a search tool, a database application, and a word processor.

It sounds like with Irihapeti's bridge install, OOo is functional. Only it needs to be tested in 3.01 and/or 4.0. I don't know what percentage of Puppy users are still using 2.17? My own naive guess is that many people may have moved on to 3.01 if not 4.0, and if that is in fact true, then as far as possible we should try to focus on these. Irihapeti's work on 2.17 is invaluable, just we need to test it on 3.01 and 4.0. Rameshji: what you told earlier about SCIM install not working for 4.0-- was that only for your install, or also for Irihapeti's bridge install?

As for a desktop search tool, Rameshji's summary is right on the mark. Let's try to maximize the functionality of Recoll, at the same time we can see whether Tracker can be made to work. I think I may have mentioned, it works wonderfully for Indic fonts in Ubuntu. So I'm sure it could be accomplished in Puppy. Unfortunately I do not have the knowhow to help in this aspect of things.

As far as databases go, I can share a few thoughts:
1. OO Base is a dinosaur. Compared to OO Base, OO Writer is fast and light. Base is out of the middle ages-- burdened by innumerable bugs, very user unfriendly, and extremely slow. Even simple maneuvers like scrolling horizonatally and vertically in a table is very very poor in Base. What to speak of the database operations themselves. My recommendation would be to not consider this as a front end for anything.

2. I am now using the KDE database Kexi, in my Ubuntu OS. Kexi I find to be wonderful in many regards. It is well designed and quite smooth to maneuver. And compared to OO Base, it is very fast and light. Opens quickly, and daily operations are quickly and easily accomplished. I'm not sure what it would take to get it compiled and running in Puppy, but Kexi accepts SCIM/m17n just fine in my Ubuntu install.

3. There is a database called Portabase which some folks are experimenting with on the Puppy database thread. They say it is extremely small and light, and has a lot of flexibility. I'm going to install it today or tomorrow I hope, and will let you know how it is and whether it accepts SCIM/m17n input.

4. mysql and sqlite3: Do I understand correctly that these are command line applications? If so, my thought would be to go with something that has a nice, clean GUI. If there is a good front end for one of these, then that is great. But I do not recommend OO (Base) to fulfill that role.
Last edited by Swarup on Sun 01 Jun 2008, 13:27, edited 6 times in total.

RR Koothady
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This is a Beautiful World

#133 Post by RR Koothady »


Oo with SCIM! Really? Hey... That's wonderful ! and I am excited!

Like the way you had told us how to make SCIM work in Puppy in the first place, please tell us how to do this now - in the same fine, lucid and simple language of yours.

After this stretch, we shall be gliding slowly over to the topics of vernacular text search and database.

Ah! What a possibility!


I myself am using SCIM-Bridge mostly. And I am in 3.01. As Irihapeti had stated, it depends on personal choice.

I think SCIM (or m17n) is not a problem in Puppy 4. But when you put the script "/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/immodules/"
"scim" "SCIM Input Method" "" "" "" in /etc/gtk-2/gtk.immodules ROX Filer system freezez and hangs.

Over here, Summer has come to an end. First monsoon showers have begun. Flowers of all colours and fragrance are blooming.

This is a beautiful world, indeed!



#134 Post by Irihapeti »

Re mysql and sqlite3:
You can use these from the command line if you feel that way inclined, but there are also gui front ends for them. Mysql makes some such tools, but their query browser seems to me to be very latin-centric and doesn't display the Chinese characters I'm using for testing. I think it could be set up to do so, but that might involve installing a localisation, which I don't wish to do.

Sqlite3 has a Firefox addon that can be used for accessing it. It's possible to write a script which opens the addon only, and not the whole browser. There is also sqliteman, which I think is a qt4 application. No doubt there are others out there.

I have been wondering for a while about installing Puppy 3.01 for testing purposes. Now might be the time to do this. :) But I also think I'm set to get rather busy in my work life, so it could take a little while.


#135 Post by Irihapeti »

I didn't do anything special to get scim-bridge to work with OpenOffice. It just happened. So there's nothing to tell.

I think I'm going to have to set up my computer tonight to download 3.01. Then I'll feel a bit more assured about what I'm doing. But I still want to keep my 2.17 install, at least for a while.

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#136 Post by Swarup »

RR Koothady wrote:I myself am using SCIM-Bridge mostly. And I am in 3.01. As Irihapeti had stated, it depends on personal choice.
I am curious-- When you say you are using SCIM-Bridge mostly, it sounds like you use both off and on, perhaps even switch occasionally back and forth. Does that mean you install one, use it for some time, then uninstall it and install the other one? Or can they both remain installed? It doesn't sound very convenient to have to go through those lengthy installs on a repeated basis, since they can't both be installed at once. So how do you do it?
RR Koothady wrote:I think SCIM (or m17n) is not a problem in Puppy 4. But when you put the script "/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/immodules/"
"scim" "SCIM Input Method" "" "" "" in /etc/gtk-2/gtk.immodules ROX Filer system freezez and hangs.
Could you just tell me-- if SCIM/m17n works in Puppy 4.0 (and it sounds like you think it does), then does it mean that the script you mention here above is not needed for using SCIM/m17n in 4.0? What is the role or importance of the script?

Last edited by Swarup on Sun 01 Jun 2008, 23:08, edited 1 time in total.


scim-bridge and Puppy 3.01

#137 Post by Irihapeti »

Well, people, after a lengthy overnight download and some brief experimentation, I can report that scim-bridge will run in Puppy 3.01.

All I did was to install all the .pet files I'd made in 2.17. I had both the m17n and the scim-tables options loaded simultaneously. Maybe I should also add that this is a plain install of standard 3.01, not a derivative, and that these were the very first packages I installed. The latter fact should not make any difference, but the first one might.

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#138 Post by Swarup »


It sounds like you have some really solid knowledge about database applications and how they work. Perhaps you could take a peak at the main database thread that has been running in this forum for the past year, see what you think of what they've done or said, and perhaps put your two cents into the pot there. As you know, in Puppy every person's voice is heard, and I think your input would be quite valuable. Could lead to the finalization of a Puppy-worthy database which would become part of the main Puppy distro.

Here is the link to the thread:

Some really central people are involved in the discussion, like BarryK, Lobster, and WhoDo.

To All:

It is great news that Irihapeti has tested SCIM Bridge in 3.01 and found that it works. And it sounds like perhaps Rameshji has been using Irihapeti's Bridge install in 3.01 as well. This is all wonderful news, because now that this install includes m17n as well, we've got the best of both worlds: one install that includes all the 42 languages, and also works in OOo. Now, one point further-- I don't like to break the rhythm of what is happening in 3.01, but should we focus on 4.0 now that that is the latest version? Surely long-time Puppy users will be migrating gradually over to that one, and surely new-comers to Puppy will tend to download the latest version, and surely 4.0 contains the most updated technology? Shouldn't we give full effort in that one, especially before putting any sort of formal SCIM/m17n guideline in the wiki? I know Irihapeti has a dial-up connection and so it may be difficult for her to download and test 4.0 now that she has just done so for 3.01. Do we have any further info as to how 4.0 will take to the Bridge install for SCIM/m17n?


#139 Post by Irihapeti »

Sorry, I don't have a solid knowledge of databases at all. My knowledge would probably, to paraphrase someone from that thread, fit on 1/2 a postage stamp. I just play with things.

I've got the ODBC connection drivers working, but they are being very latin-centric at the moment. I know that they will work with non-latin characters in Ubuntu, so I guess it's a matter of how they are compiled. More research needed, but not a high priority for me at the moment.

And as for the writing up of scim for a wiki, based on what I've seen so far, I would doubt that version 4 is going to be that much different from 3.01, which isn't that much different from 2.17. In fact, the only difference is in the location of a font file I am using, which has nothing to do with scim inself. Not everyone upgrades to the latest version all the time, and there will still be people who prefer earlier versions, if only because their favourite derivative is based on one.

I suppose that what I'm trying to say is this: I'd prefer to see the material be made available in a more public form than a text attachment to a message, so that more people can benefit. One of the points of a wiki, after all, is that it's easy to update information as it becomes available, so new information about version 4 should be easy to add.

I suspect that some at least of the problems with version 4 are to do with the fact that it's so new, and I would prefer to wait until they are sorted out before I upgrade any further. There's not just the main .iso to download but also the devx.sfs and, in my case, the kernel source (I need it to compile my modem driver).

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#140 Post by Swarup »

Irihapeti wrote:Swarup:
Sorry, I don't have a solid knowledge of databases at all. My knowledge would probably, to paraphrase someone from that thread, fit on 1/2 a postage stamp.

I can tell by the way you write about a variety of things--including this database material--that you have far more knowledge than you give yourself credit for. What knowledge and insight you have about MySQL and ODBC is impressive at least to me. Now, I'm not someone who knows about these things, but I've been reading around database stuff enough for the past year to know when someone else has beyond a passing familiarity. And you do. :)

So it should be utilized. :) Which database application do you think would be best? What is your hunch? It should be something small, user-friendly, flexible, and good for use in Puppy.
Irihapeti wrote:And as for the writing up of scim for a wiki, based on what I've seen so far, I would doubt that version 4 is going to be that much different from 3.01, which isn't that much different from 2.17.

Ok, can you just tell me one thing: What is the below all about:
I think SCIM (or m17n) is not a problem in Puppy 4. But when you put the script "/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/immodules/"
"scim" "SCIM Input Method" "" "" "" in /etc/gtk-2/gtk.immodules ROX Filer system freezez and hangs.
Is the above script needed or not for Bridge installation of SCIM/m17n; and if it is needed, then just what is the catch in 4.0 with it? The Rox-Filer file manager window won't work? Or the entire system of file management hangs? Whatever it is, it seems that it creates enough of a problem so as to require addressing in a different manner from 2.17 or 3.01.
Irihapeti wrote:I suppose that what I'm trying to say is this: ... a wiki, ...[is] easy to update information as it becomes available, so new information about version 4 should be easy to add.
Ok, that makes sense. It seems to me that you're right. And another potential benefit would be if the new wiki attracts others to come and give their input regarding the search tool and database.

Rameshji, what is your feeling? Do you think we have enough now that we should put something on the wiki? Or do you still feel we should wait until the desktop search tool and database applications are finalized?

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