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Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 18:36
by Aitch

hi guys

I have a request, please - will you look at this ... /zipspeak/ ... NSTALL.TXT

This is a project I found [2002] for a slackware speaking linux, assistive technology for the blind - could it be updated/adapted to puppy v5?
would you give it a look?



Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 18:59
by alienjeff
Aitch wrote:This is a project I found [2002] for a slackware speaking linux, assistive technology for the blind - could it be updated/adapted to puppy v5?
Sheesh. Is it being maintained? Updated? The reason I ask is that there are some around here who want to kick JWM to the curb because Joe's most recent was when? July 2007 for v2.0.1?
would you give it a look? an "assistive technology for the blind." Open terminal, type: "dict irony" then dict chortle" ...


Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 19:12
by quietcat
I downloaded the espeak pup and it seems to work quite well under dingo 4.01.

a few scripts (no, i'm NOT gonna write them, i suck at it) to read a webpage or read the word under the cursor might be what you are looking for

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 22:11
by Aitch

Not quite the same project

This one includes a speaking interface starting at bootup

It's based on the Speakup project/Zipspeak

AJ - still as sharp as ever, mind you don't cut something [off] :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 03:34
by justme
well....dang...puppy finally captures my attention with dingo and now I read puppy is wanting to nuzzle up to ubintu which I do not like...Hmmm...well one never knows..could be the best I have ever seen or a dead can only wait and see.

If I could get the spell checker to work on abiword which is bugging me then dingo is more than I had expected...and the fact that it does dial-up well is something all those still out there are looking for...all linux forums I have visited have frustrated posters looking to use it and here it is...

hang in there, you are already on your feet..just fix what is broken if anything and do not bite the hand that feeds...popularity does not come from ubintu..they just want you to think that. just like windows...mepis turned there a lesson there?

just some thoughts from a new user

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 03:53
by cb88
umm yeah i think slackware still supports this... they have had HW speech kernel in all the install disks i have tried and debian also just added support for it in the latest lenny RC

not sure this is what you are talking about but i think this is mostly for phone services

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 20:19
by Béèm
I have made the remark before.
I prefer the development efforts go first to make the actual puppy more user friendly, more easier to configure, then rushing to a technical hype to 4.2 and 5.0
This will lead to much less questions in the beginners forum as very often people don't find in the menu's the configuration facility to adapt to their liking. Those beginners are totally unaware how to edit configuration files.
Specially a nice menu editor would be more then welcome.

I still feel puppy is for the technical freaks but not for the man in the street.

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2008, 21:22
by ttuuxxx
justme wrote: If I could get the spell checker to work on abiword which is bugging me then dingo is more than I had expected...and the fact that it does dial-up well is something all those still out there are looking for...all linux forums I have visited have frustrated posters looking to use it and here it is...
Did you go to /Edit/Prefrences/Spell Checking
and enable under General, check spelling as you type?

Posted: Sat 15 Nov 2008, 02:01
by droope
MU wrote:no, undeb is very old (and usefull).
But it just extracts a deb, nothing more.
Like unzip.
But a Packagemanager/installer like apt-get is much more complex.

undeb can be the base for extended utilities.
I used it in pb-debianinstaller, and it could be used for a deb2tgz utility.
But some more things are required.
E.g. Puppy does not support, I think it was /etc/libexec.
Here debian stores symbolic links to programs.
I don't exactly remember it, but I had to add a function to deal with that in the pb-debianinstaller.
Other issues are, that older debs have their own menu system, not based on xdg. This also had to be adressed.
It would be awesome if Puppy was able to install .deb and .rpm files with just one click!!!

Is it really that complex? In general, what I do with my .deb files is to extract them in " / "and then I move the binaries from where they are to /bin/ :P

Sometimes it works. Would be lovely (L) Would make Puppy the only linux in my heart (L)

Far more lovely than a Ubunpuppy frankestein thing :(

Chairs, droope.

Posted: Sat 15 Nov 2008, 05:38
by justme
thanks...did not mean to question that here...and yes...but it is a little bit more complicated than that...evidently you have not attempted to spell check a doc in abi...

but I have managed to get it to work with some hits on another post thanks. that appears something that could use some work. gparted gave me some issue also.

other than that I installed to a thumb drive, made a boot floppy for my p3, and added several programs with relative ease and used a dial-up connection with little effort. so joe on the street can get that far. I'm impressed...hope it boots on the other machines as slick as this one


Posted: Sat 15 Nov 2008, 10:48
by WhoDo
Béèm wrote:I have made the remark before.
I prefer the development efforts go first to make the actual puppy more user friendly, more easier to configure, then rushing to a technical hype to 4.2 and 5.0
But Béèm, that's precisely what 4.2 will be attempting ... enhanced usability, user friendliness, ease of configuration, etc. We have specifically avoided moving the techno-bar any higher for that release as it will be our first FULL standard edition as a community team, instead of the usual CE attempt to be all things to all people.

Puppy 4.2 will hopefully be a tamed, relatively flea-free Dingo, at least as far as that is possible.

Posted: Sat 15 Nov 2008, 22:06
by Aitch
Béèm wrote:I prefer the development efforts go first to make the actual puppy more user friendly, more easier to configure, then rushing to a technical hype to 4.2 and 5.0
Second That!!
WhoDo wrote:We have specifically avoided moving the techno-bar any higher for that release as it will be our first FULL standard edition as a community team, instead of the usual CE attempt to be all things to all people.
Emphasised for those who may not have been aware of this

Thanks, WhoDo

Aitch :)