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Posted: Sun 23 May 2010, 17:29
by rjbrewer
Try booting with puppy acpi=off, or acpi=force.

If it works, add to kernel line in boot/grub/menu.lst

kernel sources

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 01:36
by gronos04
The concept works as I was easily able to install from the Ubuntu repo and got the Arduino running almost perfectly but completely usable on puppy for the first time.
All the rest runs fine on many machines
KV8 with AMD64
and a slew of other AMD64/Asus combinations.
Also on a cf18 Panasonic toughbook which I had to drop back to VESA for X.
When it came to installing VBox I took the kernel sources from the Quirky site and used those but it didn't like them at all. I gather from another post somewhere that this is because of a gcc version disparity.
Any news on this.

Thanks for your efforts to all concerned


Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 01:51
by edoc
rjbrewer wrote:Try booting with puppy acpi=off, or acpi=force.
If it works, add to kernel line in boot/grub/menu.lst
I have acpi=noirq but acpi=off sounds similar.

acpi=force sounds the opposite, something like "ignore the errors and still activate acpi".

Can you explain the differences, please?

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 02:35
by rjbrewer
edoc wrote:
rjbrewer wrote:Try booting with puppy acpi=off, or acpi=force.
If it works, add to kernel line in boot/grub/menu.lst
I have acpi=noirq but acpi=off sounds similar.

acpi=force sounds the opposite, something like "ignore the errors and still activate acpi".

Can you explain the differences, please?
When I tried Wary 020; pci=noacpi works just as good as acpi=force.
Doesn't make any sense to me.

A very wild guess: either one can effect irq routeing.

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 08:01
by Gurglin

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 08:02
by Gurglin
[quote="rjbrewer"][quote="playdayz"][quote]The boot process ends when on the screen I read “starting X, specs (...)

Posted: Mon 24 May 2010, 08:20
by nooby
Try booting with puppy acpi=off, or acpi=force.
Would any such cheat code help me to make Lupu-500 survive when I use spotify.

Quirky 100 just works with spotify while lupu-500 and also luci100 shut down to prompt and I have to do xwin and have not found a way to activate spotify.

I use the wine that comes with lupu-500 while in Quirky I maybe have another wine?

how can I find out which I have if that explain why it works in one and not the other?

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 07:14
by Lobster
Using Lucid 5.00

I have 32MB in my personal storage file
Warning tells me to increase size

Has it been left out or have I overlooked the resizer?
OK been unloading packages with package manager but that is not the solution . . .

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 07:21
by nooby
it is possible to do it manually by creating same kind of file.

You most likely can let another puppy make it and change name of distro by editing.
make one and look at how it is constructed. it is placed in mnt/home when I last used one.
make a blank one named


inside it you write


for 16 mb. take times that for bigger files.

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 07:25
by 01micko

Have you ODed on sardines?

Utility>>Resize personal storage file


Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 07:30
by James C
Lobster wrote:Using Lucid 5.00

I have 32MB in my personal storage file
Warning tells me to increase size

Has it been left out or have I overlooked the resizer?
OK been unloading packages with package manager but that is not the solution . . .
Funny you should ask, I just resized my Lucid 5.0.1 save file a couple of hours ago. :)

Try menu / utility /resize personal storage file / ..................increase will take affect when you reboot.HTH.

EDIT: I type too slow..... :lol:

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 08:12
by Lobster
Have you ODed on sardines?


Yes :oops:

Thanks guys :oops:

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 08:59
by smokey01
OMG you have morphed :lol:

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 09:40
by Lobster

At least I am not totally gaga

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 10:08
by looseSCREWorTWO
I've tried Lupu 5.00 on this
<------------ antique hardware
and it gets to the stage shown on the attached JPEG then falls out of it's pram. Screen goes black, hangs indefinitely. Tried the usual stuff - pci=noacpi acpi=off acpi=force, but no go Joe. If this sheds more light on things, Pup 421 Retro, Lighthouse Pup 443f and Wary 020 all work on this Prehistoric Beast. Wary 020 doesn't have a Grub Installer BTW - hope Lupu does.

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 11:14
by WhoDo
nooby wrote:Would any such cheat code help me to make Lupu-500 survive when I use spotify.

Quirky 100 just works with spotify while lupu-500 and also luci100 shut down to prompt and I have to do xwin and have not found a way to activate spotify.
There is a report in another thread that spotify works under Icewm but not JWM in Lucid. Also read that luci-100, or 5.0.1, if you prefer evidently has Icewm as an option in the Quickpet menu, so you should be able to confirm it for yourself quite quickly on that install.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 11:49

You have the 'black screen of death' problem which has been reported quite often now. One cause is Lupu not recognising video hardware properly or not attaching the right video driver (esp true of certain integrated Intel graphics chips).

Unfortunately, 5.0 does not allow us (easily) to select video driver manually like we used to. You have two options:

Boot 5.0 with pfix=nox

When you get to the command line type:

Now you can manually choose things like before. If you have one of these Intel chips DON'T follow the route to select the intel i810 driver. It doesn't seem to work with the lupu kernel. Choose the VESA option.

When the video driver is sorted and you are back at the copmmand line type:

The 2nd option is to us the recently released 5.0.1 which is 5.0 with the old manual setup menus back. You can find it here:

The comment about intel chippery still applies.

[solved] compile error: Barry's patched

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 13:02
by cinclus_cinclus
A large part of the kernel source doesn't build with the binutils v. 2.18 which are part of lupu_devx_501.sfs.

Install binutils v. 2.20.1 instead from the Puppy Package Manager of Lupu 501 for compiling Barry's patched kernel-source.

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 14:50
by playdayz
@WhoDo, When I built 5.0.1, I had all nice icons in the Open With menu but there is evidently something I did not understand. I thought they would retain the path to the icon (in mini-icons) as would a symlink--but no. I bet you know what I should do??? Thanks.

If I go to the Woof/packages-lupu/rox_filer/root/.config/Rox.../Open With in the Woof folder and set them up with icons in the regular filesystem (/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons) should that work--or should I set them up with icons in the Woof folder/usr/local/lib/X11/mini-icons. What I did was set up the regular filesystem Open With folder and then copy those to the Woof filesystem thinking that the same icons would be available there. That did not work.

Posted: Tue 25 May 2010, 14:53
by Jim1911
Somehow this website,, has hijacked the program links for items in Quickpet's More Programs or SFS. This is happening with an updated save file with 5.01.


EDIT: Disregard, checked it with pfix=ram and another save file. Quickpet is fine, somehow, just this save file got hijacked.