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Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2011, 09:30
by Lobster
.. then reboot.. then try to record, then let us know!!!
I forgot to reboot
- it worked from command line without reboot 8)

Now gonna reboot and try PSIPPY :)

# arecord -r 16000 test.wav
Hey Grant, Mick - the record and playback now works in Slako PSIPPY
- excellent test of MIC setting built in

- wait a minute - you mean all I need to create a pawed cast is
# arecord -r 16000 test.wav
and ctrl+c
:?: :roll:
must be time for a rant . . .

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2011, 14:25
by smokey01
lobster I sent you something that will make you so lazy.

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2011, 15:22
by dogle
'I may be gone for some time'

grrrr, sorry folks, momentary power dip and I'm - wheee! - back down the big snake to square one ...... that's the Great Drawback of Multisession.

Hey, I do like Lobster's blinding glimpse of the obvious - albeit in a somewhat different context - with 'Puppy Phone'. Seems to me that would be far more meaningful to the newcomer looking down the menu than 'Psip VOIP + IM client'.

(Hmm, ® problem? ... doubt it, because there seem to be several different novelty handsets out there under the same general description).

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2011, 18:41
by Lobster
Thanks Grant for recorder software :)
PSIPPY rant available: ... 047#561047

Dogle is right - I was doing a general simplicity drive at conference call
Shall we change name to 'Puppy Phone' = Dogles idea, not mine?

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2011, 20:45
by smokey01
Personally I think we should stay with Psip but maybe display it like:

Psip - Puppy Phone

Posted: Tue 06 Sep 2011, 21:39
by dogle
Retaining Psip makes sense. ( I had a horrible afterthought, endless confusion over version numbering henceforward if t'were otherwise).

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 04:53
by Lobster
Psip - Puppy Phone
Works for me!
Who came up with that confusing PSIPPY name anyway :oops: [oh yeah - moi]

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 13:35
by jamesbond
01micko wrote:Thanks jamesbond.. I'll check it out. ... That's the pet currently in Slacko

Thanks Mick, will look at it.


Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 13:52
by Caneri

I got your voice message...sounds like a party was ongoing at your house...;-)

My psip is borked at the moment....HELP


Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 14:54
by Lobster
My psip is borked at the moment....HELP
Quickstart help enclosed :wink:

Really for Grant and goes in resources and replaces ye olde help files and pics that were there and out of date

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 15:26
by Stripe
quick question

would I need a static ip address? for psippy as mine changes daily


Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 16:48
by dogle
would I need a static ip address?
No, it works with DHCP address allocation, surprisingly enough. I surmise that the SIP server (IPTel) handles this; direct box-to-box might indeed need static addresses.

(I've just reconnected with a new DHCP address to make certain!).

Look forward to speaking to you, Don.

Even more surprising (to me), it is not essential for port 5060 to be open - ShieldsUp is telling me all my ports are invisible.

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 17:05
by Caneri
I'm trying Fatdog520 final.

I see that the buddy-list is not created in /tmp/psip/ thus psip stops.(found this on cli psip)
When I create a /tmp/psip/buddy-list with a list of "buddies" inside the file, psip works albeit without showing who's online including myself.


Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 20:07
by dogle
apropos earlier comments on sound problems -'motorboating'- after a bit more fiddling, I should clarify:
Smokey's additional line

Code: Select all

does not prevent this being triggered by an invalid call attempt, but it does enable it to be cleared by making a valid call.

I have tried commenting out the line

Code: Select all

--local-port 5060
(being a curious creature) to see what happened - nothing did ! I'd be very interested to know if others notice any effect - particularly on incoming sound quality - on trying this (or closing/hiding port 5060).

I was minded to send IPTel a billy about that false statement on their /service page saying that Voice2email was enabled by default (which had scared me off at the start) but - oops! - looks like a waste of time because it seems that nobody has been updating the site for about four years.
Whilst that may not in itself be any great cause for alarm, it might do no harm (bearing in mind the earlier history of PSip) to make sure that the alternative of ekiga, or others, is maintained ...... just in case.

Microphone in PUPs - SLACKO

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 20:27
by gcmartin
Lobster wrote: ... Edit
# arecord -r 16000 test.wav
Hey Grant, Mick - the record and playback now works in Slako PSIPPY
- excellent test of MIC setting built in . . .
Great news for all of us.

@Lboster, do you think that you could make a small script that would be called "Mic Test" that might be useful for both PSIPPY and PUPs everywhere? If I had the skills to create a General Purpose dialoog, I woulld help. But, I'm willing to test one, though.

Hope this helps

Re: Microphone in PUPs - SLACKO

Posted: Wed 07 Sep 2011, 21:20
by smokey01
gcmartin wrote:
Lobster wrote: ... Edit
# arecord -r 16000 test.wav
Hey Grant, Mick - the record and playback now works in Slako PSIPPY
- excellent test of MIC setting built in . . .
Great news for all of us.

@Lboster, do you think that you could make a small script that would be called "Mic Test" that might be useful for both PSIPPY and PUPs everywhere? If I had the skills to create a General Purpose dialoog, I woulld help. But, I'm willing to test one, though.

Hope this helps
gcmartin just extract the attached file to a directory.

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 01:10
by Lobster
Grant the HTML (help.html) I sent recently
was 'orrible in terms of coding.
Created in Seamonkey Composer
. . . does the job

put it through this to clean it up


Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 12:09
by smokey01
I had a rethink of the little voice recorder I made. Although it's quite simple and works well, .wav files are quite large. Because of this I changed it to create both a wav file and an mp3 file. The mp3 file is about 17% of the size of the wav file. In other words a 1M wav file is less than 200k, not bad.

I have also made it easy to find the recorded file. Once the file has been created, rox will show you where it is.

It has three dependencies, arecord, aplay and lame. All three are normally bundled with puppy.

Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 14:21
by Caneri

I really like the svr pet you made.
It works great for sending email with an attached voice message.
The mp3 format is playable inside my email client....hooray!!


Posted: Thu 08 Sep 2011, 21:20
by gcmartin
smokey01 wrote:I had a rethink of the little voice recorder I ...
Great! You may want to package this with PSIP. Further, you may also want to add a button/feature/menu on PSIP for running this clever utility.

I realize that this should be posted on the PSIP site instead of here. So, one may want to move this post there.

Thanks @Smokey01...Thanks.