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#1341 Post by jemimah »

Save file corruption seems fixed with unionfs - plus I'm now using ext4 inside the save file for extra protection. No one's ever done this as far as I know so it's obviously experimental, but it's working really well for me so far. I was testing the kernel panic from openoffice writer and crashed a bunch of times, but my save file is still good to go.

I was able to successfully hibernate/resume from a usb stick, so it is possible. You need to use Gparted to make sure the drive is partitioned for swap and formatted as swap. Then you just need to make sure you get the right resume device in your bootloader. If you have a slow SSD the usb drive will probably come up as /dev/sda1, otherwise it'll probably be /dev/sdb1 (make sure your swap drive is the only usb drive plugged in when you boot). I guess some Eees have multiple internal SSDs so that may affect device names too.

Hibernating and resuming from USB is extremely slow - significantly slower than rebooting.
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#1342 Post by flatmo »

Great! Thanks.
jemimah wrote:Yep, Openoffice Writer does work under so I'll use that for 4.1 Beta.
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#1343 Post by BJF »

Personal view, feel free to share it.....

Jemimah is a Geek Goddess!
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#1344 Post by jemimah »

I've posted Beta 4.1.

New in this version:
  • kernel
    Pae removed (if you had trouble booting your celeron, try again with this kernel)
    Tun/Tap driver added
    Patch for 701SD rfkill panic - for real this time :)

    unionfs replaces aufs - no more save file corruption; let me know if you have any weird problems with your files.

    new save files will be created with ext4 instead of ext2

    sysinit script reverted to slower more reliable version

    eee-control updated

    Chrome upgraded to 5.0 Beta

    SD card probing removed - this was a bug fix I don't think is needed with 2.6.33. At least one user was having a problem with it - so I removed it. Let me know if you have trouble getting SD cards to appear on the desktop.
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#1345 Post by yvonne »

Sorry to ask here (signed up at puppeee forum tho when I tried to validate it wouldn't, for me that is. dunno)

ANYWAYS..... I wanna use puppeee for regular frugals and also for netbook... it really seems to be good. I need just utils and suff not lots of candy.

QUESTION: I understand that the network wizard is gone??

So, how do I connect via WIRED.... when I hit connect all I can get it the new wireless program....

I'm REALLY hoping to connect via wired.... is that OK, good?

AND: any reason NOT to use puppeee for just any frugal install on any PC?


oh yeah, trying out different puppies I get data corruption always! So, maybe ext4 save file is good! thanks!
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#1346 Post by jemimah »

If you have a dhcp wired network, you should be able to just plug in the cable, and it'll get an IP on its own. If you need a static IP, you can set that up on the DHCP tab in Pwireless2 (I know the name is misleading, but I don't want to change it at this point).

I validated you on the other forum. The spam was getting bad so now I have to approve people manually.

Puppeee has a custom kernel so it'll will only work on EeePCs. It probably won't work on other netbooks or PCs at the moment. When I finish it, my plan is to make some more generalized netbook kernels for it.
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#1347 Post by yvonne »

yep, though I might be waiting for validation due to spams, hence my 'dunno' in last post. cool! thanks.

OK, pwireless not confusing though brilliant...
my doubt/confusion was mixed with:

- hey, I'm using puppeee on a regular PC so maybe that's why I'm not getting and dhcp wired connection.

mixed with, hey, maybe I don't know how to do wired with puppeee.

So: now I'm wondering if I can just use puppy with my atom netbook AD regular pcs and ignor whatever as long as I can connect to net...??

hmmm... thing is:

1) EVERY version of puppy I've used after I save for the first time, within a few or so loads when I shutdown I see system halted, then I manually shut off then the data is corrupted SOMEWHERE.

now for SURE I don't assume, could be USB stick, and I can't say if it's exactly the same everytime... heck, it could be one of the pets I'm always loading like skype static or whatever. I'm just saying: no idea why, though I've heard a few noises here about puppeee being solid and not having any issues on data corruption I guess it may be.... whew....

OK: ONE quest ..... what is a good light solid recent puppy with no fluff and lots of utilities.... gues I'll have to learn how to trim things....

ALSO: can I just use puppeee on any PC anyways???

No luck getting a wired connection yet.... gonna try some terminal attempts I guess though had no luck earlier today... doesn't see chips I guess.... Should I just load some drivers???


- I'm gonna have to learn how to remove programs
-I'm gonna have to find a really utility heavy LIGHTish pup.
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#1348 Post by jemimah »

Unfortunately, you'd have to build the drivers yourself from source - you can't use the one's compiled for regular Puppy.

The software in Puppeee is mostly the same as 4.3.1 with a few additions and substitutions - I haven't removed much except unneeded drivers. Most of the stuff in Puppeee is available as pets. There are links to the things I've posted to the forum on my website http://drop.io/jemimah. If you see something in Puppeee that you want a pet for that I haven't posted, just let me know.

Trimming is a lot more difficult than adding so it's easier to start with something light, then add things and remaster.

Zigbert's Stardust has a lot trimmed, and is smaller than 4.31, but you might consider The Stardust desktop to be too "fluffy" - not sure what you consider fluff. BrowserLinux is really, light - so light that it's difficult to figure out how to add stuff because none of the dependencies are there. You might also like Dpup, it's a bit larger in size but it has the traditional minimalist Puppy look, plus compatibility with debian packages.
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#1349 Post by yvonne »

MUCH appreciated. I've come full circle trying pups in past few days. Settling back into woof (quirky-009, 010 shortly) ....

thanks! sometimes ya gotta try a few things. :)
eventually I'll be able to do stuff like customize.
love what puppeee has me realizing about customizing/optimizing.
very fine.
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Bootmanager SFS Files

#1350 Post by zicozico »

Hi Jemimah,

I'm testing with the 4.1 Beta release.
Hibernation to RAM and to DISK (/dev/sda2) seem to work just fine!!
Which is great!!
Save file also seems to work so far.

Nevertheless the system keeps on telling me:
- "updating layered filesystem" upon each and every boot.
- after bootup I always get the Bootmanager SFS file question (which SFS files I would like to use)
- Icons are always completely disordered
- rest of the settings seem to be saved as expected; hence my conclusion the savefile is working, we just hit another sideeffect of it being unionfs/ext4.

I can imagine that this is a sideeffect of moving to union FS and EXT4 whereas my OpenOffice SFS (for instance) is a different format?

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#1351 Post by Nevermore »

jemimah wrote:Nevermore, I will probably update chrome for the next version - I tested the latest a few weeks ago and it seemed ok. Would you mind testing the new version with a new save file? I want to know if anyone else besides dawnsboy is having a problem booting the celeron kernel on a 701. The only risk of corruption is to your save file - it shouldn't mess with your other filesystems.

Hokal, you can restrict it from searching for save files on your disk by adding 'pmedia=usbflash' to the syslinux.cfg - athough this may not work correctly yet with the new kernel, if that doesn't work - try 'pdev1=sdb1' instead.

The new kernel uses the EXT4 driver for all ext filesystems, that's why you see ext4 error messages.

Firefox also crashes unionfs - it's not just Chrome, I haven't tested seamonkey2 on it - I wonder what it's doing that causes the crash.
I just read ur message, I am currently not in england but i will test surely this weekend when i am back!
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Re: Bootmanager SFS Files

#1352 Post by jemimah »

zicozico wrote:Hi Jemimah,

I'm testing with the 4.1 Beta release.
Hibernation to RAM and to DISK (/dev/sda2) seem to work just fine!!
Which is great!!
Save file also seems to work so far.

Nevertheless the system keeps on telling me:
- "updating layered filesystem" upon each and every boot.
- after bootup I always get the Bootmanager SFS file question (which SFS files I would like to use)
- Icons are always completely disordered
- rest of the settings seem to be saved as expected; hence my conclusion the savefile is working, we just hit another sideeffect of it being unionfs/ext4.

I can imagine that this is a sideeffect of moving to union FS and EXT4 whereas my OpenOffice SFS (for instance) is a different format?

Is this an upgraded save? Can you try renaming eeesave.2fs to eeesave.4fs and see if that fixes it? (do this when it's not booted).
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#1353 Post by zicozico »

Hi Jemimah,

It's a new save file, already having the right extension .4fs.

In the meantime I moved all 2fs files from OpenOffice etc out of the way and still the problem remains.

What I will do next is, simply remove the save file and create a new one, see whether it is reproducible...

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#1354 Post by zicozico »

Hi Jemimah,

The problem with the always "updating laytered filesystem... next boot will be faster" is 100% reproducible.

I simply removed the save file (when it was not in use) and created a new one. No playing with hibernation or whatever inbetween, simply reboot, reboot, reboot, reboot in order to test....

Hope it helps
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#1355 Post by jemimah »

I had that problem once during testing, but I can't reproduce it again now after a reinstall.

Are you using PUPMODE=13 or PUPMODE=12? (in other words, do you have a save button on your desktop?)

Have you installed any pets?

What's in /etc/rc.d/BOOTCONFIG?
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#1356 Post by zicozico »

LASTUNIONRECORD='eeesave-tripleclick.4fs eee-441.sfs ze441331.sfs'

No save icon on my desktop

I have not installed any pets or whatever.

Everything is absolutely clean.
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#1357 Post by jemimah »

Hmm, I guess it's a unionfs bug. You could check your dmesg output and see if there are any unionfs errors in it.
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#1358 Post by jemimah »

Also see if you can change the file by hand to

Code: Select all

PREVUNIONRECORD='eeesave-tripleclick.4fs eee-441.sfs ze441331.sfs' 
LASTUNIONRECORD='eeesave-tripleclick.4fs eee-441.sfs ze441331.sfs' 
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#1359 Post by zicozico »

DMESG output is attached (it's a txt file!!).

Changing the BOOTCONFIG doesn't work as it gest overwritten again on next boot.

I also did an filesystem check, also all ok.

So I guess there's something wrong with the check that is done in order to determine whether the layered fs needs updating or not.
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#1360 Post by jemimah »

No errors, must be something in the init script then. Weird. I'll keep playing with it, but I can't get it to happen again.

Would you mind creating a small empty save file, trigger the bug, then compress it and send it to me? I think an empty save can compress pretty small.
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