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Posted: Wed 01 May 2013, 23:25
by kirk

Modinfo mavsas shows that it does claim that pcid, though I have know idea how functional it is. I did look at the manufacture's web site and they have a closed source module for certain linux distros, which might mean the open source one doesn't do the job.

missing cdrtools source used in FD64v620 in
Ted, I think James has that, but he's out of town for a while.

Posted: Thu 02 May 2013, 01:42
by Q5sys
kirk wrote:Gobbi,

Modinfo mavsas shows that it does claim that pcid, though I have know idea how functional it is. I did look at the manufacture's web site and they have a closed source module for certain linux distros, which might mean the open source one doesn't do the job.

missing cdrtools source used in FD64v620 in
Ted, I think James has that, but he's out of town for a while.
I looked into those last year, and came to the conclusion that they were a bad choice for linux. They've put out a driver for RedHat, but the outright refuse to release any info so that a proper Open Source Driver can be made. (I already asked).

Their official response to me was, "If you want to run Linux, then go buy Red Hat Enterprise."

If memory serves, that kernel patch will only work if you use it prior to kernel compilation time. It's not something you can just drop in after your kernel has been compiled.
(It's possible he's changed it since and created a binary blob)

Posted: Thu 02 May 2013, 03:34
by Flash
I've been trying Fatdog64-620 from a DVD for the last few days. Here's what I've found so far:

First off, I discovered that I can't choose any of the boot options - it doesn't yet respond to my USB keyboard at that stage of the boot process...

This might not be a big problem if it found and used the Save file that I told it to make on an SD card when it shut down, but it doesn't see the Save file when it boots.

So then I told it to save as a multisession DVD, but it doesn't see the saved session on the DVD either.

Also, I can no longer copy by highlighting text in Geany, then paste the highlighted text into a console window (either rxvt or xterm) by simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse buttons. I couldn't find a way to copy and then paste into a console window. Also I noticed that the console windows are now solid black with white letters, which my old eyes find much harder to read than the other way around.

On the plus side, it did boot straight to a desktop, connect to my cable modem and was ready to go when I opened SeaMonkey. But I had to enter the URL for the forum to get here. :)

static linked - cross compiler

Posted: Thu 02 May 2013, 10:28
by ndrancs
hi all.
I found the readme file in the initrd.

I intend to compile all of them, for the 32bit version. static linked.
is there anything that can give you the correct way how to use the aboriginal cross compiler or uclibc buildroot. because I've tried them but always failed. :?

Code: Select all

- busybox 1.19.4 (most applet) (uclibc 0.9.33, buildroot 2012.02)
- busybox init 1.19.4 (uclibc, br 2012.02), compiled separately for memory reasons
- dropbear (uclibc, br 2012.02)
- guess_fstypes 20130215 (musl, patched for 64-bit, SFS and LUKS detection, from barryk/jesse)
- losetup-klibc (losetup from klibc 2.0.1)
- ntfs-3g 2012.1.15 (uclibc, br 2012.02)
- wpa_supplicant (uclibc, br 2012.02)
- iwconfig (uclibc, br 2012.02 not used at the moment)
- sdparm 1.07 (can't remember I used musl or uclibc or klibc)
- lvm 2.02.98 w/o udev - (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- cryptsetup 1.6.0 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- e2fsck 1.42.6 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- dosfsck 3.0.13 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- mount.cifs 1.10-apple187 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- mdadm 3.2.6 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- full fledged init, supports coldplug and hotplug
- barebone rc.sysinit & rc.cleanup
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu 02 May 2013, 15:37
by Ted Dog
Flash wrote:I've been trying Fatdog64-620 from a DVD for the last few days. Here's what I've found so far:

First off, I discovered that I can't choose any of the boot options - it doesn't yet respond to my USB keyboard at that stage of the boot process...

I hardcoded mine to act like regular puppy in the isolinux.cfg see my example on the BD-R stuff

This might not be a big problem if it found and used the Save file that I told it to make on an SD card when it shut down, but it doesn't see the Save file when it boots.

FD64 is more focused on frugal install where the grub.cfg can be updated on the fly. There are tools under control panel to configure where FD64 looks for its save files. It works well

So then I told it to save as a multisession DVD, but it doesn't see the saved session on the DVD either.

Ditto, that frustrated me, If FD64 would default to multisession mode, when installed as fugal the updating to grub.cfg already built in, so no real conflict, hope they choose to go that route

Also, I can no longer copy by highlighting text in Geany, then paste the highlighted text into a console window (either rxvt or xterm) by simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse buttons. I couldn't find a way to copy and then paste into a console window. Also I noticed that the console windows are now solid black with white letters, which my old eyes find much harder to read than the other way around.


On the plus side, it did boot straight to a desktop, connect to my cable modem and was ready to go when I opened SeaMonkey. But I had to enter the URL for the forum to get here. :)

Good do a <cntrl-N> which brings up fatdog splash help screen look under FAQ for more info on CUT/PASTE modes supported.

My mini-keyboard does not have a INSERT key. So I'm stuck.. :cry:

Re: static linked - cross compiler

Posted: Thu 02 May 2013, 15:46
by Ted Dog
ndrancs wrote:hi all.
I found the readme file in the initrd.

I intend to compile all of them, for the 32bit version. static linked.
is there anything that can give you the correct way how to use the aboriginal cross compiler or uclibc buildroot. because I've tried them but always failed. :?

Code: Select all

- busybox 1.19.4 (most applet) (uclibc 0.9.33, buildroot 2012.02)
- busybox init 1.19.4 (uclibc, br 2012.02), compiled separately for memory reasons
- dropbear (uclibc, br 2012.02)
- guess_fstypes 20130215 (musl, patched for 64-bit, SFS and LUKS detection, from barryk/jesse)
- losetup-klibc (losetup from klibc 2.0.1)
- ntfs-3g 2012.1.15 (uclibc, br 2012.02)
- wpa_supplicant (uclibc, br 2012.02)
- iwconfig (uclibc, br 2012.02 not used at the moment)
- sdparm 1.07 (can't remember I used musl or uclibc or klibc)
- lvm 2.02.98 w/o udev - (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- cryptsetup 1.6.0 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- e2fsck 1.42.6 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- dosfsck 3.0.13 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- mount.cifs 1.10-apple187 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- mdadm 3.2.6 (uclibc, aboriginal cross compiler 1.2.0)
- full fledged init, supports coldplug and hotplug
- barebone rc.sysinit & rc.cleanup
Thanks in advance.
I also would like to use same type of setup. If anyone in the 64bit world can translate/ guide us to the aboriginal methods within puppy would be richly thanked. I just can't make sense of aboriginal directions. :oops:

Posted: Thu 02 May 2013, 18:58
by Gobbi
Thank's for answering kirk & Q5sys ! Yes , I think it's a closed loop for me ... At least Fatdog runs fine without a drive anyway , and if I shall ever need to look inside the drive , testing Red Hat , but not buying it , would be an option ...

Billtoo : reading a bit more the posts in forum I found a command that works for my case :
vblank_mode=0 glxgears

Posted: Fri 03 May 2013, 22:55
by Gnuxo
I have a quick question.

I plugged in my generic eink ebook reader and Fatdog doesn't recognize it.

How do I get it mounted?

...And also is Calibre available for Fatdog?

Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 02:59
by WillM
Hi Gnuxo,

Calibre has an automatic installer script on their website. It requires python from the Fatdog64 repository.
Leave the sudo part out when copying the script. Default install is to /opt.

Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 09:44
by Gobbi
Thank's for the tip WillM . I did try this before but it didn't work at that time ... ( It was without python's dependencies )
I installed python , with all the dependencies , and then the automatic script did everything . I was pleased to see the program starting ...

Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 16:27
by Ted Dog
Nice, I'm a ebook junky, just got the paperwhite its awesome, to bad they do not have a kindle bookreader for linux, even with almost all versions of the hardware use linux kernels. :shock:

Posted: Sat 04 May 2013, 17:29
by jamesbond
gcmartin wrote:Again, the primary change, this time, was to NOT install all of the PETs required for this version to replace my older FATDOG520
What were the pets you installed that caused the startup to fail?
Atle wrote:I have set the login graphical and as root with a new password,

I still get the same message. Can only install as root...

That, even if I do log in as root.
Don't do it from the browser. In Fatdog the browser runs as unprivileged user "spot" and doesn't have the rights to install pets.
Download it, use Rox to open the folder that contains it, then (double-)click it.
liboicl wrote:To elaborate on my mouse issues, which for some reason have now transferred to 6.0.1. I am unsure if this is even related to fatdog anymore. Anyway, when the OS boots my mouse and keyboard lights go off.
For whatever it is worth, I had specific problems with a particular mouse and a particular laptop. Fatdog+that laptop+that mouse = not working. "dmesg" would show messages as if the mouse as constantly plugged and unplugged. Change any of the combination - works (ie, Fatdog+mouse = works on another laptop, or Fatdog+laptop = works with another mouse, or Windows+laptop+mouse = works)... Go figure :?
kirk wrote:
Ted Dog wrote:missing cdrtools source used in FD64v620 in
Ted, I think James has that, but he's out of town for a while.
Thanks kirk.
Yes, sorry I forgot. The source is here: ... 13.tar.bz2 and I have uploaded it to /source/c too just now.
prehistoric wrote:There are two separate questions here: 1) desired behavior, in terms of searching subdirectories;
I remember we discussed this before but google refused to help me :( anyway, Fatdog by default only searches the root directory of every drive. If you want it to search sub-directories as well, add the "search=n" parameter (root directory is "level 1", so to search one directory depth, you use search=2). Remember that searching is slow and that's the main reason why Fatdog only searches at the root directory. When you install Fatdog you're to know where the savefile is, and it is best to tell Fatdog about it. And if you don't know how to create the obscure boot parameter - as rcrsn51 point out, there is a useful tool in the control panel.
2) consistency between separate user interactions. Having a GUI for creating a save file doesn't help much if you need to write obscure bootloader code to use it. Shouldn't the default action be to look in the directory where the kernel or initrd resides? If the user explicitly chooses to place the savefile elsewhere couldn't a flag be passed to indicate this?
No, because there isn't any logical place to keep this information. In fact, as far as I know, there is no way for a running kernel to know the original location of its own "vmlinuz" binary ... (other than by hacks and by searching *all* disks - but then it can still fail to find it ...)
If a flag file already exists next to the kernel and initrd, the new location could be added to a list for the user to choose from at boot time. There would be no searching for locations not used by some savefile.
It actually involves searching as well, that is, searching for that flag file. In addition to be unreliable - searching is, as discussed above, slow.
This would be particularly useful for testing multiple versions, as with the experimentation going on now with proprietary drivers.
With grub, grub4dos or syslinux, one can always specify the default boot parameters and edit it / modify it at every boot.
Yes it is probably more troublesome than if the handholding is done by Fatdog itself (by a menu etc), but I would prefer to focus on fast everyday performance rather than ease of experimentation - after all (for me at least) I use Fatdog as my *primary* operating system.
Flash wrote:First off, I discovered that I can't choose any of the boot options - it doesn't yet respond to my USB keyboard at that stage of the boot process...
Flash, what's the brand of your keyboard? Fatdog has a few drivers for generic HID devices built-in, but they keep inventing new ones...
Also, I can no longer copy by highlighting text in Geany, then paste the highlighted text into a console window (either rxvt or xterm) by simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse buttons.
There is a way. You need to install xinput, available from x_misc_tools from the package manager. Basically you can use xinput to enable the 3button-emulation on the fly. I can guide you with the rest of the steps later on if you're interested.
is there anything that can give you the correct way how to use the aboriginal cross compiler or uclibc buildroot. because I've tried them but always failed.
This should be discussed in the Programming forum, but anyway ... the aboriginal cross compiler is here: and how to use them is explained here: ... ies/README. How to use Buildroot is explained here: ... anual.html. The binaries were built with unpatched original sources.


Fatdog64-620 Final (17 April 2013)

Posted: Mon 06 May 2013, 10:40
by Billtoo

There is a new proprietary nvidia driver: that I downloaded, then ran the
getnvidia utility but it stops with an error saying it needs the
kernel source sfs which is already loaded, see screenshot.
I got the kernel sources sfs that's on ibiblio and the checksum is good, it's dated apr. 13th I think.

I have the installed already.

I tried compiling the new driver but it gives an error that it can't
create a symlink, I stopped it at that point and uninstalled it which
got the previous driver working again.

JWM Version 750 for TESTING ONLY

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 12:00
by scsijon
I have created a 64bit JWM Package for Fatdog64 and Slackbones64 at Version 750 for people to test on my jwm thread. ... 002#680002

Please read the note at the top if the first message (dated 7 may) for some important information.

There are quite a few changes and improvements between what your current one is and the new one, so it could be well worth scanning the few pages of the thread before installing.

Any reports relating to JWM and the build should go in the JWM thread with a title including '64bit' please, so I know which build I'm dealing with.

Also Joe monitors and ocassionally answers in the thread,

Hopefully a jwmconfig2 will appear soon to match your systems.


Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 14:49
by kirk

I haven't used the getnvidia utility, maybe James has some ideas with that. I uploaded a 319.17 pet if you want to try it: ...

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 15:00
by dancytron
Ted Dog wrote:Nice, I'm a ebook junky, just got the paperwhite its awesome, to bad they do not have a kindle bookreader for linux, even with almost all versions of the hardware use linux kernels. :shock:
There is a Kindle app for Chrome which works in puppy (at least in Lucid and Precise).

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 15:38
by Billtoo
kirk wrote:BillToo,

I haven't used the getnvidia utility, maybe James has some ideas with that. I uploaded a 319.17 pet if you want to try it: ...
The new pet is working great, I find that the proprietary driver works
better than the nouveau driver when using two monitors.
Thanks very much for the pet.

Seeing LVM(s) in the booted FATDOG system

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 18:17
by gcmartin
Edited: Sorry for this question to forum. It appears as dm-0 on the desktop. I mis-understood that icon's reference. The system accurately references the LVM

A boot time to desktop question
I booted by selecting the "...LVM and MD...", then hitting tab, and adding savefile=direct:multi.
The system boots fine to desktop. On this system, I list the HDD and start the SWAP as follows:

Code: Select all

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x2afbc966

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1              63    20466809    10233373+  12  Compaq diagnostics
/dev/sda2   *    20466810    64002959    21768075    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3        74220300   312576704   119178202+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda4        64002960    64412559      204800   83  Linux
/dev/sda5       104952645   210162329    52604842+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6       210162393   230645204    10241406   83  Linux
/dev/sda7       230645760   261357567    15355904    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda8       261361548   304190774    21414613+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda9       304190838   312576704     4192933+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda10       74220363   104936266    15357952   8e  Linux LVM

Partition table entries are not in disk order

Disk /dev/dm-0: 9684 MB, 9684647936 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1177 cylinders, total 18915328 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Disk /dev/dm-0 doesn't contain a valid partition table

Disk /dev/dm-1: 6039 MB, 6039797760 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 734 cylinders, total 11796480 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Disk /dev/dm-1 doesn't contain a valid partition table
# swapon /dev/sda9
But, the desktop only list the following partitions, below, for mounting.

  • Should I see the LVM as an available for mounting?
Answer: YES! its the dm-0 icon reference in desktop.

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 20:49
by prehistoric
dancytron wrote:...There is a Kindle app for Chrome which works in puppy (at least in Lucid and Precise).
Do we have Chrome for Fatdog 6.20? If so I missed it.

There is a Kindle Cloud reader app for Firefox which should work, though I have not tried it.

Myself, I don't feel like reading while sitting at a keyboard. What I've done is to put Kindle for Android on my B&N Nook Color, after upgrading to Android 4.1.2 with CyanogenMod.

Posted: Tue 07 May 2013, 21:00
by Gobbi
Trying FD620 on an Acer Aspire 5738ZG .It has an ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 . Booted at first try . Zarfy show only 1024/768 and 800/600 resolutions available.
I attach the hard-info...