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Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 10:35
by Brown Mouse
Still scratching my head!

Extracted the zip file in exactly the same way as the last few Raspup test versions but I’m only seeing one extracted file?

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 11:53
by Lobster
Extracted the zip file in exactly the same way as the last few Raspup test versions but I’m only seeing one extracted file?
Same problem for me. I downloaded the has the base files in a FAT32 partition and an ext4 partition for storage - recommended for the pi 2, 3 and 4

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 12:00
by Lobster
about to try the Raw zip file :roll: :)

... wait ... does not seem to be on downloads or iblio?

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 12:15
by Brown Mouse
Lobster wrote:about to try the Raw zip file :roll: :)

... wait ... does not seem to be on downloads or iblio?
Afraid after 4 hours of complete turmoil ,I’ve thrown in the towel . :D

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 12:49
by Brown Mouse
Lobster wrote:about to try the Raw zip file :roll: :)

... wait ... does not seem to be on downloads or iblio?
It’s here Lobster.Could be what we were after :D ... 8.2.0/raw/

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 13:03
by zigbert
Congrats Mick!
Extremely pleasent to see this release come to a final release.

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 13:04
by Lobster
thanks @Brown Mouse ... downloading now ...
It is for 'Advanced Linux users' after four hours of turmoil ... two hours for me ... maybe we qualify?

Hope so ... 8)

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 13:13
by Sage
Puzzled? Why are folks having so much difficulty? It's even easier than 01micko and regulars suggest to prep. Abandon RPis &pup machines for the moment and dig out any old std. linux desktop. d/l the recommended file - - , rightclick on it and select extract here to obtain the basic .img file. Forget all that complicated CLI DD stuff, mount your SD card in a USB converter (costs a £1 in the Poundshop), find or d/l the USBWriter utility - it's in all the major distros - and write the .img file. Michael has done all the hard work! I tend to use a Mint or MX machine for these sorts of operations - don't like Manjaro, but it'll probably cook on that too since it's one of the top three distros. Anyone still stuck with the devil's OS can dual-boot the lovely new LM19.3 which is exceptionally compatible. Takes longer to explain than to do.
Just remember, a lot of the regulars on this Forum are top-of-the-shop gurus who daily write and code at the CLI - for those of us who are not, do it the easy way!

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 13:32
by Lobster
thanks again @Brown Mouse
that raw file was the one to use 8)

... I am in :D
will report back/edit this post later ...

OK posting from Midori browser in 8.2 Final. I seem to be using the 4.19 Linux kernel ...
Using Frisbee connection tool. Changed themed icons. Usual things.
One thing that seems better is the sound output is to the HDMI monitor

Just to remind I am using the RPI 4
Anyway enough computer stuff for now.

Thanks to Mick, Woof CE developers and team Puppy.


Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 16:19
by lp-dolittle
@ 01micko

well done!!

It's a highly appreciated idea to provide a Puppy which runs on ARM-based computers like the Raspberry Pi.

At first glance, the brand new Raspberry Pi Buster Raspup is easy to install and runs like expected. The 'pfix-ram' boot option is welcome (as I assume, not only to Sage).
Albeit, testing the application installer, I possibly over-challenged it when I tried to install RKward, a task that seems to be easily achieved by the officially favoured Raspian-OS.

I'm sure, after some fine-tuning, Raspup will become a powerful alternative to Raspian. Running Puppies (and maybe soon also EasyOS) totally in RAM on ARM-based micro-computers is a very promising perspective.

kind regards

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 20:11
by tony
Hi Don,

Thanks for your help, at the moment I get a large unusable picture using safe_mode=1 or no picture at all without.

Still trying other options but your input has been invaluable.

Regards Tony.

Re: Raspberry Pi Buster Raspup

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020, 22:08
by 01micko
01micko (in main post) wrote:

See the NEW Raspup Website because there is now the choice of 2 new image files that can be installed directly to sdcard. THE following instructions are left here for posterity, though are still relevant if you check out what is in the raw/ directory at the download location.
[ added emphasis ]

@Lobster and @Brown Mouse

I think there may have been a PEBKAC issue. These can be difficult to diagnose. :wink:

Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2020, 01:03
by Lobster
Puzzled? Why are folks having so much difficulty? It's even easier than 01micko and regulars suggest to prep. Abandon RPis &pup machines for the moment and dig out any old std. linux desktop. d/l the recommended file - - , rightclick on it and select extract here to obtain the basic .img file. Forget all that complicated CLI DD stuff, mount your SD card in a USB converter (costs a £1 in the Poundshop), find or d/l the USBWriter utility - it's in all the major distros - and write the .img file. Michael has done all the hard work! I tend to use a Mint or MX machine for these sorts of operations - don't like Manjaro, but it'll probably cook on that too since it's one of the top three distros. Anyone still stuck with the devil's OS can dual-boot the lovely new LM19.3 which is exceptionally compatible. Takes longer to explain than to do.
Just remember, a lot of the regulars on this Forum are top-of-the-shop gurus who daily write and code at the CLI - for those of us who are not, do it the easy way!
I used Puppy to install on the microSD card. So does that mean I should/could have:
- downloaded the appropriate/recommended image and checked
- clicked the install icon on the Puppy desktop
- used the BootFlash USB installer?

If so, that would have been a lot easier as you say.
Can add the info to the wiki


Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2020, 10:34
by Sage
More ways of annihilating the feline! We are most grateful for the range of options for installing - so many, it could cause confusion? I prefer to keep my systems simple so d/l all Puppy stuff onto a mainline PC with major distro, usually Mint. If the extraction of an image file is entailed, it is an unique and separate operation. After that, Puppies reach other machines either by writing to an SD card, USB fob or, if, as BK now kindly offers as '/legacy' .iso on CD-RW. [oh, yes, I am surrounded by legacy CD-RW and eternally grateful that puppies still fit onto rather than polluting the planet with more bird scarers. -and, thanks to Michael, I can now recycle my full size SD cards which fit the RPi 2B]

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2020, 04:06
by lizardidi
Congratulations for the Final release! Tested and running good on Raspberry Pi Zero. Now I can test different setting on my Raspberry and save the changes only when I need it. Thanks very much for all the hardwork!

@01micko, will your puppy eventually support other boards as well? such as Orange Pi, Banana Pi etc? Currently they are running Armbian/Dietpi. If puppy can run on other SBCs, I think many of the users will convert to puppy because it is so great, easy to use, easily transferable, and many many more advantages.

Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2020, 14:38
by Dud
Hello Micko,

This is a nice little distro and on a Pi4 4GB it's quick enough that I'm making it my primary home workstation.

I've been though the install/setup process three times now - would have been two but I made one unuseable when experimenting with EDID settings before setting up SSH... and I have two more to go.

Some observations and suggestions - mostly to help newbies to Puppy:

On page you have a placeholder section in the download file names so they do not match the actual distro files. This may have increased Lobster's confusion upthread and could completely faze timid linux newbies.

First Run Wizard:
I suggest you preselect the NTP (time from NET) option and shorten the NTP blurb - we know the Pi needs it unless an RTC hat is added - a frequent call for help from Pi users is when internet sites (usually youtube) react to unexpected timestamps. Often the solution is to dełay the NTP call until well after the connection is established; I don't know why prompt calls fail sometimes.

- in Psync: preselect the "Synchronise at each system startup" option.

Advertise: change the default hostname to raspupnnnn

First Run session save:
ATM the save prompt preselects the almost full VFAT partition while the blurb above warns about space requirements but if the user selects the (usually larger) ext partition it is necessary to go through a two part process at second bootup to select the partition and make it the default.

It would simplify matters for the new user if the save process preselected the larger partition and, whichever is selected, rewrote the bootmenu to make the chosen partition/file the initial default.

...but leave the Set 'Default Boot Option' in place for those who wish to be able to switch.

I suggest adding an explanatory tooltip to the save icon.

The screenlock icon can cause trouble - BIG trouble - a certain set of siblings came to outright war when one habitually screenlocked the others out on Tahrpup. Can we tooltip some sort of warning and instruct how to remove it for parents or others setting up where it might be abused? Something like: "If you don't expect to need this, right click and remove item."

Package Manager:
Or, perhaps better placed, quickpet or install.
Mainstream Raspberry Pi users, our main source of newcomers for this distro, are used to constant admonitions to keep everything up-to-date - apt update, apt upgrade and as I recently discovered: apt full-upgrade

( Any early Pi4 adopters reading this, especially if you're relying on wireless networking - boot Raspbian and sudo apt update then sudo apt full-upgrade to fix your firmware - we're told there is still more to come so repeat in a little while. )

Somewhere we need a 'Raspup updates' button and possibly something to upgrade all installed packages.

This is probably a bigger job so you might usefully talk to 666philb about this, Icbw but I think he has experience here.

Devx is not listed in the available packages - OK it's in the repository but Puppy newbies won't know that.

Hth. Cheerio,


Posted: Fri 03 Jan 2020, 14:59
by Dud


I've just discovered that Devx *is* in the packages list - but not under that name - perhaps edit the description to include the name to help careless old Puppy users who are scanning hastily...?


Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2020, 16:40
by don570
Raspberry pi 3b+

I had the same problems installing the image
as I always do when I start with a SD card
that is already partitioned into two partitions with different
file systems. gparted never seems to work properly.

The best solution I have found is to go to a windows computer and
format the card as fat32. Then I can go to a linux computer and use gparted to create two partitions .

I dragged the files to the 650MB partition following the instructions on
Install Instructions wrote: GUI
Grab a sdcard or micro-sdcard (whatever fits your pi) and make 2 partitions, the first FAT32 of size 650MB, The second fills the rest of the card. Format that to ext2, ext3, ext4, f2fs, whichever with Gparted Partition Manager.
Make a new directory where you downloaded the zip file and extract the files in there. Copy all the files with drag'n'drop to MOUNTED FIRST partition of the sdcard, being sure NOT to copy the zip file as well
Unmount the card, remove from your card reader and poke it in the pi, power up and enjoy.


pnetwork recognized a Samba server


It was easy to set up a Samba server on the Raspberry Pi

SSH was easy to use.

Posted: Sat 04 Jan 2020, 23:41
by Dud
Youre working too hard don570 ;-)

There's no need to format or partition the micro SD - the format is already in the .img file - just dd it straight over the top.

The instructions for the pre-release development version are now superceded; the release is straightforward.

Because I'm setting up several I've unzipped the source and written a two line script, here's my file:

dd if=/mnt/home/RaspberryPiInstalls/raspup-8.2.0-831a3e7cc-4gb-ext4nj.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1M

You would replace my /mnt/home/RaspberryPiInstalls with the path to your own .img file and /dev/sdc with the path to your SD card.

You may prefer to do the unzip and pipe the output to dd in the same line but the above is the basic process..


Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2020, 04:05
by Lobster
Being blocked from the puppy wiki wikka by some ninja tool (again) :?

tried to post this on the Puppi page based on Duds script ...

Maybe someone else can add it? ... or maybe me later ...
**How do I install Raspup onto a SD/micro SD card?**
Run this script on the downloaded .img
dd if=/mnt/home/RaspberryPiInstalls/raspup-8.2.0-831a3e7cc-4gb-ext4nj.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1M
replace my /mnt/home/RaspberryPiInstalls with the path to your own .img file and /dev/sdc with the path to your SD card