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Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2011, 18:43
by Brown Mouse
runtt21 wrote:This is cool even if they did 5.2. "Macpup: the small GNU / Linux with a big heart" ... x-big.html

I have also made a update for the install script in petget for macpup that handles the icon issue Iguleder was talking about . So that when you install modules and other things in e17 that have .desktop files the icons don't get changed by the install script. Download the petget-update.tar.gz . Unpack it and follow the instructions in the folder to install.
Hi runtt21

Where am I going wrong?I downloaded the petget-update.tar.gz but when I try to extract it,there is nothing to extract? :(

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2011, 19:00
by runtt21
Try this one. I am checking on the other one.

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2011, 19:12
by Brown Mouse
runtt21 wrote:Try this one. I am checking on the other one.
Wow!That was quick.
Thanks runtt21 that had the desired effect :)

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 03:44
by eztuxer
Great puplet !
Beautiful, fast.
Running full instal on a desktop Fujitsu Siemens P4 @ 3GHz with 4 GB ram.
Thank you.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 14:45
by backi
Hi Folks !

Sometime ago i downloaded Dvdstyler (a DVD authoring programm with menus)
which, after i downloaded libmagickcore too,
(because as far as i remember libmagickcore....something was missing)
was working well.

somehow i deleted DVDSTYLER .
Now ........(years..later....) tried to install again.... downloaded installed some for LUCID 52...
Programm installed, but not able to burn to DVD.
(missing libcore (i think) 2).

tried to find this missing libmagickcore2 (tried Debian) no chance no burn.
It is missing this goddamn fucking libmagickcore.

Why it is not longer working as it did before?
Anybody any idea?

Sometimes LINUX makes me happy .........sometimes LINUX sucks....

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 15:53
by runtt21
Where did you get this thingie? Link would be great.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 16:45
by Béèm
I discovered enlightenment in pemasu's dpup exprimo.
Having some questions I was referred to Macpup based on it also.
I find the configurability very user-friendly.

1 - I use the tray vertically.
Above and below the icons in Systray there are blanks.
I tried to see if it was possible to remove that blank space, but didn't find it.
It seems also the more icons there, the more blank space.
Is this normal in enlightenment?
If not how can that blank space be reduced?

2 - I have two desktops displayed two on one row.
Quite often I overshoot with the mouse to the edge and I get the other desktop then. I configured to do no flip nor wrap, but I still have the issue.
Is there some other configuration parameter to consider?

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 16:49
by Béèm
Never used it, but dvdstyler is in the wikka.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 17:47
by pemasu

To disable that mouse cursor caused accidental window flipping:

1: Left Click the desktop
2: Select Settings Panel
3: Select Input
4: Select Edge Bindings
5: Delete everything under Edge Bindings

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 17:59
by backi
Hi runtt21 !

You want to know where i got the DVDSTYLER pet from.

I did following :
opened packetmanager

typed into searchbox dvdstyler
it did appear
clicked on it
also for depencies

formerly i also had to download libmagickcore too to get it working.
some missing libs.
(i think it was libmagickcore.so2 which was missing , as far as i remember)

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:06
by Béèm
pemasu wrote:Beem.

To disable that mouse cursor caused accidental window flipping:

1: Left Click the desktop
2: Select Settings Panel
3: Select Input
4: Select Edge Bindings
5: Delete everything under Edge Bindings
Thank you
That did it.
Still so much to discover.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:29
by backi
Hi runtt21 !

It`s me again.
Googled a bit about DVDSTYLER pet.

I found some here:
some here:

some here: its an older post i think its for puppy 4 ... 6168cb375
some here: ... rus-2/pet/

this is

you find it near to the beginning of the pet list.

In moment i am using Dpup Exprimo on USB stick.

later i will do another trial with one of those pets i listed above.


Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 19:13
by backi
does anybody knows where to get libmagickcore ?

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 19:25
by Béèm
backi wrote:does anybody knows where to get libmagickcore ?
In such cases I try to find things via the puppy search link in my sig and if not successful in google.

Extra Modules !!!

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 19:26
by night_mare007
The following list is an EXTRA plugins that works great with my current macpup 525 ( 001 updated ). They are NOT include in the EXTRA-MODULES of macpup.
I tried and found only the following compatible my Macpup:
DeskShow - click it to show/hide desktop
ExecBuf - an alt+f2 command run screen ( or "run application" like ubuntu )
Winlist-NG - windows switcher like windows.
Tiling - arrage the windows as they open, or later...

You can download them from HERE - the file are all i386 compatible.
Download each one by the names I listed above, and just double click on them inside ROX, install, and enable their modules inside E17 settings screen.

NOTE: The rest of the files from this location WILL NOT WORK AS THEY SHOULD

Can you please add those or recompile those modules for the next EXTRA-MODULES release PLEASE ?
I really wish that you would also include the SCALE-MODULE - as I understand it give e17 the ability to run EXPOSE feature like on MAC.

I removed "Engage" from the list as it's already comes with the modules runtt21 released.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 19:37
by backi
Hi folks!
I am back again .

DVDSTYLER part .... i think 3.. or 4...

I finally got this devil working.
For following generations .
listen folks
This is how i did it.

open packetmanager
type dvdstyler into searchbox
click it,.including check for depencies.
download imagemagick click for checking depencies.
(still missin libmagickcore2-
download it on [url] ... 2/download[/url]
install it
and hopefully everything works.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 01:07
by runtt21
Beem and everyone else, Almost everything you need to know about e is here:

That is just the way the systray works. I keep it loaded all the time but I only add it to the shelf when I need it( to check space in the save file). There are some things in e17 that are not fully developed yet.
One thing I would suggest trying is using different desktops for different things. You can have a different ibar or several ibars on different desktops. You not just stuck with the same apps on every desktop like with wbar. In my personal setup I have a desktop for theme making with just the apps i need for that on it's ibar. Terminal,rox gimp,mtpaint and that's it.On another I have my internet stuff.On one just system tools..... Spread it out, Break out of the jwm box.
Just to let everyone else know.Macpup ships with the edge binding off by default.

night_mare007 : Engage is included in both extra-mods.pets. I will look into the others next build.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 04:20
by backi
Hi runtt21 !

You gave me good inspiration with trying different Desktops with different apps.
did not know that this is possible.
Good idea.
Like it .........thanks.

In the beginning E17 seems to be a bit complicated.
Becomming more and more accustomed to it ,it`s more and more enjoyable.

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 09:39
by backi
Hello runtt21 !

Please let me give you an idea to think about for your further Macpup development.
( in my case i`m using Macpup on a USB stick).

I think a lot of people would like to have the choice " shutting down without
saving". This should be a common option for puppys.
Maybe you should integrate it sooner or later into your Pup.

I`m using these option beside the normal shutdown apparatus.
( I have this 1 click option "shutting down without saving").
( beside this i also a have a 1 click option with a symlink to "save to flash " in /usr/sbin so i can easyly save changes during a session ..if i like to ).

For using it ,you have to set in "Puppy Eventmanager " under the option "Save Session" "Save-Intervall" =0 never.

I find it quite comfortable.

It is quite usefull for me.Sometimes i am trying out some new programms or packages or sometimes experimenting with some changes ...and so on,
when something went wrong or i dont like the whole show, i am able to leave
Desaster island" without saving any crap.
It acts like a virtual virtual box .

Sometimes quite comfortable.

About this topic look "shutdown without saving option"
Look further here or elswhere if you like.

Forum index » House Training » HOWTO ( Solutions )
How to save to Savefile only on demand in Puppy 5.2
Moderators: Flash, Ian, JohnMurga
[url] ... hp?t=65016[/url]

I mentioned this topic also in Dpup exprimo group.
Why not mention here.
Macpup and DpupExprimo are both fantastic puplets.
thank you for your good work .

i like what your doing keep on rocking ( the free world....)

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 09:55
by Béèm
runtt21 wrote:Beem and everyone else, Almost everything you need to know about e is here:

That is just the way the systray works. I keep it loaded all the time but I only add it to the shelf when I need it( to check space in the save file). There are some things in e17 that are not fully developed yet.
One thing I would suggest trying is using different desktops for different things. You can have a different ibar or several ibars on different desktops. You not just stuck with the same apps on every desktop like with wbar. In my personal setup I have a desktop for theme making with just the apps i need for that on it's ibar. Terminal,rox gimp,mtpaint and that's it.On another I have my internet stuff.On one just system tools..... Spread it out, Break out of the jwm box.
Just to let everyone else know.Macpup ships with the edge binding off by default.

night_mare007 : Engage is included in both extra-mods.pets. I will look into the others next build.
Thank you for providing that help.
But it leaves me with more 'hunger' to know more.
f.e. I didn't find something which solved that desktop flip issue. Fortunately pemasu came up with the right setting.

I agree to get free from JWM, Openbox/fbpanel, as the more I use enlightenment and discover things, the less I am inclined to go back to something else.

I am not good at all at compiling and such things, so I was looking for a pet to implement Enlightening on my other puppy's, but didn't find it.

I saw Iguleder has done some work, but I don't quite understand what to do with it.

Anyway thank you for the support even when not using Macpup.