Pussy: potentially a Puppy with a perfect package manager

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#141 Post by sickgut »

please delete i accidently submitted the same post 2 times and i edited this one to say please delete
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#142 Post by sickgut »

laika wrote:
sickgut wrote:Hi Iaika (is that a uppercase i or alowe case L at the start of your name? i can never tell lol)
Laika, like the little Russian space dog.
sickgut wrote:if you use a iso editor (apt-get install isomaster) or use the same app in puppy... etc..(isomaster will be included in next version) and remove the /live/pussyxtra.squashfs file from the iso then reburn it or whatever... you will be left with a 207mb distro not a 500mb one...
Ha! You read my mind there... I've been wondering if something like that would be best, or if there was a live boot option to ignore the pussyxtra.sfs. I refer to my LiveCD with the extras as Pussy Galore. All I want right now is the 207mb version, what I will call Felis Domesticus Linus.

Still trying to get online with DSL. /etc/ppp/peers/provider complains about plugin rp-pppoe.so when I pon.

Thanks for your help, sickgut. Pussy Linux continues to impress me as an interesting and worthwhile pursuit. I hope that you succeed in interesting some people that can help you along with it.
this is the output that the http://packages.debian.org site gives me:

You have searched for paths that end with rp-pppoe.so in suite squeeze, all sections, and all architectures. Found 1 results.
File Packages
/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.5/rp-pppoe.so ppp

so there is a package called ppp that contains that missing file

also Laika you are awesome. that thing you said about the live cd boot menu ignoring the pussyxtra.squashfs file at boot..... from what i understand about the live system, this is totally doable, i just hadnt thought of doing it like that. Dude you rock. i think the next iso release will have the pussy shell, pussy minimum and pussy full options at start for the 67mb, 207mb and the 500 (will most likely be 700mb next release to cram as much functionality into pussy as can fit on a live cd) versions.

it must be said that the community here is building pussy into something cool because actually adding more packages and stuff is easy to do and things like this booting thing ignoring the larger squashfs files is just an awesome idea i would never have thought of myself, you people are definately the brains behind the new release and by reporting the missing packages etc that really should be there you are having a direct and positiive effect on the growth of what will hopefully be a sweet OS.

i think pussy galore has optential unless we are infringing on some copyright thing

thanks again
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#143 Post by laika »

Ha ha! Someone in a Linux forum finding my feedback useful - that's gotta be a first! Happy to have been of use, however indirectly :D
sickgut wrote:You have searched for paths that end with rp-pppoe.so in suite squeeze, all sections, and all architectures. Found 1 results.
File Packages
/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.5/rp-pppoe.so ppp

so there is a package called ppp that contains that missing file
OK, sickgut, I'm gonna find somewhere to unzip that live-rw-1gb-example-save-file.zip space so my changes will be persistent. Then I'll try another version of that ppp_2x.deb - maybe I pulled down the wrong one. I did burn the 205mb PussyOS to a CD and I've been booting from that to RAM with no save and picking debs from a mounted hard drive to work with each time. (Lotta work for someone who can't type.) If I still have trouble with rp-ppoe.so plugin after trying a different ppp.deb, maybe I'll join a Debian forum.
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#144 Post by sickgut »

laika wrote:Ha ha! Someone in a Linux forum finding my feedback useful - that's gotta be a first! Happy to have been of use, however indirectly :D
sickgut wrote:You have searched for paths that end with rp-pppoe.so in suite squeeze, all sections, and all architectures. Found 1 results.
File Packages
/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.5/rp-pppoe.so ppp

so there is a package called ppp that contains that missing file
OK, sickgut, I'm gonna find somewhere to unzip that live-rw-1gb-example-save-file.zip space so my changes will be persistent. Then I'll try another version of that ppp_2x.deb - maybe I pulled down the wrong one. I did burn the 205mb PussyOS to a CD and I've been booting from that to RAM with no save and picking debs from a mounted hard drive to work with each time. (Lotta work for someone who can't type.) If I still have trouble with rp-ppoe.so plugin after trying a different ppp.deb, maybe I'll join a Debian forum.
yeah #debian on freenode is good, so is #debian-live on irc.debian.org when you get your ppp sorted you can just apt-get anything you like. this reminds me of the time the manufacturer of my 56k modem told me to download their firmware off the net... but i need a modem to do it....AAARRGH... i understand your frustration

#145 Post by aarf »

same like an external panasonic dvd player that says "important read the manual before use." the only manual is on a dvd.
or my eeepc netbook with a dvd and cd containing instruction and support. yeah netbooks dont have players and then mine is a linux xandros version, the cd and dvd are windows exe format. great mate. too much sense to put it on a sdcard. eeepc have internal sdcard players.
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#146 Post by nooby »

Laika, one reason that ppoe is not so well covered is that so few Devs live in places where them have to use ppoe so the only way to get such things going would be to either send such modems to the Devs or find a Dev that live at such a place and send them money to buy a modem and try out things on them.

I remember vaguely that I lived in such a place and then just one year later them updated to DSL2 or something. And I am no Dev. Maybe I do have an old model laying around in the Cellar I maybe throw it on the heap for electronics. Now I live where we all have fiber so no need for the old modems. So times change. sad indeed.

Pussy is not set up to be a totally compatible os it is for to get puppy Devs interested in having a puppy like Debian if I get it. something entirely other motivation.
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#147 Post by laika »

nooby wrote:Laika, one reason that ppoe is not so well covered is that so few Devs live in places where them have to use ppoe so the only way to get such things going would be to either send such modems to the Devs or find a Dev that live at such a place and send them money to buy a modem and try out things on them.
Good suggestions, Nooby. Thanks. That never occurred to me, however, getting online with some variation of pppoe and a DSL modem is certainly possible - in fact, I'm doing it right now with MacPup525! I just haven't gotten it right yet with Pussy Linux. I want to get online, try apt-get with it, and generally see how it behaves under a bit more of a demand on it.
nooby wrote:Pussy is not set up to be a totally compatible os it is for to get puppy Devs interested in having a puppy like Debian if I get it. something entirely other motivation.
Yes, thanks, I've been doing some reading on what Pussy is and isn't. I went to the library today and printed sickgut's README and I've been looking back through this thread. I realize that Pussy is very alpha at present, but at the same time it is a useable project that, while a challenge for someone of my skill level, has nonetheless piqued my interest :)
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fixes, beta and new site

#148 Post by sickgut »

altho pussy very alpha ish there seems to be very little problems with it other than the ppp and dialup things and some confusion when it comes to using wicd as the network manager as it is very different from the usual puppy ones. Once the user has selected a persistant saving method (the live-rw partition or the example live-rw save file seem to be the most trouble free, with the compressed save mode on the usb version only really being more of a "remaster" tool) and gotten online the OS tends to look after itself as the apt-get update then apt-get install whatever i damn well want kinda turns the OS quite quickly into something the user would like it to be, and then there is the #debian and #debian-live irc channels that are at present very good channels for support.

it has been said that its hard to know how many people use an OS, like you only ever hear from people when they have a problem. There have been more than 500 downloads of pussy since it was hosted and there is only like 10 people who have posted here, mostly to do with the missing dialup and 3g ppp stuff. i wonder how many people are actually using it and have not posted here because there is no problems?

as with alot of things with life you only hear back from people when something is going wrong.

given the fact that this is an Alpha OS i would have thought htere would be more problems but so far the only real fixes that need to be put in the beta are:
better catroll-panel options for save files/ partitions and scripts that automatically do this and also the same for swapfiles / partitions

better ppp dialup 3g etc etc

enhanced boot methods (pussy shell/ pussy basic/ pussy extra)

some extra keymapping features

screenshot program installed as standard so people can take screen captures of networking issues

putty and isomaster need to be in the basic OS

some gui mounting method for removable media

turn on/ off autologin and x session auto start as a boot option

^ this isnt a big list of problems. and other then the gui for mounting removeable media i already know how to fix everything up. The only thing holding the beta back is im hoping for people to find more things wrong with Pussy. No one seems to have mentioned resolution changing, this seems easy in puppy but tricky in debian, as soon as i find an easy solution ill put it in pussy. There hasnt been any real feed back on the nvidia install in catroll-panel (does this mean it works?) and it feels right to have the same setup in for ATI video as i have for nvidia and would like to have this in the beta but i do not have a ATI system to test it with. If someone can provide me with a walkthrough to get ATI drivers working then ill setup a similar script to the nvidia way in catroll-panel.

there also needs to be better documentation of what is actually in pussy already, and i might need a hand with documentation to do with the save file and swap file stuff as i tend to rample on and not say much even tho i use a thousand words.

john3voltas has opend my eyes to the world of forums and as soon as my new wifi antennae arrives from ebay ill setup the new pussy site with forums etc and we can have a vote on a new name and when that is decided ill register a domain for the new name and point it to the site. The new site will have its own irc channel and webchat accessible from the site as a link.

I thank the community here for all the feedback
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#149 Post by Ray MK »

Hi sickgut

I downloaded and tried with pussy - but due to my own ignorance and lack of understanding, I was not able to make anything work - my fault, not yours.

I did read your release notes and other documents - but no go - for me.
Still have them if needed.

For noob's like me a desktop / window manager and an easy mount method is what is needed.
Plus if possible an easy way to get on to the internet.

Have you looked at what Iguleder is doing - Next Puppy 5.0.0 Alpha 2 - it may be that you could use some of his work to put a front end on pussy that would be more readily understood by the average puppy noob.

Might it be possible to include xfce/thunar or similar - most of us noobs could work with that.

Would love to see you succeed with this as it would be nice to have a new puppy/pussy in the kennels.

Many thanks for all your efforts - very best regards - Ray
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#150 Post by laika »

Ray MK wrote:For noob's like me a desktop / window manager and an easy mount method is what is needed.
Ray, the JWM window manager is present on Alpha Pussy. After login at the command prompt, if you'll type startx you should get a very plain desktop with a menu in the left-hand corner. (This assumes that boot was successful and that you were able to login as root user and used pussy for the password.)

I agree about an easy mount method; manually creating a mount point and editing fstab is a bit much for (as you describe yourself) a noob. And sickgut is aware of this issue.
Ray MK wrote:Might it be possible to include xfce/thunar or similar - most of us noobs could work with that.
You'll find ROX-filer installed, if you're able to get to the desktop.
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#151 Post by Ray MK »

Hi laika

Thanks for that - I'll give it another go and see if I can get any further.

VBregards - Ray
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#152 Post by laika »

I unzipped the live-rw save file in the same place as where other pups make their savefile so it would be accessible to Pussy, but after much gnashing of teeth and many reboots, it finally occurred to me that Pussy won't let me write to that NTFS space where live-rw resides. I altered /etc/fstab from stock to the following:
/etc/fstab wrote:/dev/sda2 /media/sda2 ntfs defaults 0 0
I thought that "defaults" included read and write permission for root. Is there another option that I need to include in order to write? I'm pretty sure that I've tried "rw".
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#153 Post by sickgut »

re: laika fstab and live-rw files etc

the live-rw file has to be place on any partition either fat32 ntfs ext etc etc not in a directory rather in the main dir of the drive or the "/" of the drive. If it is placed in a dir or subdir then pussy will not find it. Pussy can read and write to/from a ntfs without anything put in fstab, also even if you did make a fstab change if you have no working save file it will not keep the change.

the other way is to make a ext2,3 or 4 partition (can be fat or ntfs but disk fragmentation becomes an issue) and label it with the name: live-rw
this does the same thing as the save file but i dont think you can run both and i believe that way in the past long ago someone attempted to put a live-rw file inside a live-rw partition and that caused the big bang and chaos for billions of years so be careful.

pussy will find a live-rw parition no matter what drive or partition number it is as long as its connected to your system at boot pussy will read/ write to it.
the same is with the live-rw file it can reside anywhere on any parition on any drive but it needs to be not hidden in a dir rather in the main of the drive
and because it is one big file, drive fragmentation isnt a issue even if this file resides on a ntfs or fat32.
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#154 Post by Ray MK »

Hi sickgut / laika

Thanks for your help.
Finally, got to a desk-top. Very nice. It is 95% a puppy and very fast.

Three problems:
1) mouse / trackpad pointer not visible on older Acer laptop.
(had a game of cat & mouse)? trying to work out where it was.
On nearly new Emachines laptop - pointer is fine and works.

2) Could not get wifi working on either laptop.
(will try a wired connection on both) think that may well work.
Did try wcid? or whatever it's called, my lack of understanding
prevented success I suspect.

3) Could not work out how to mount a drive or partition.

There used to be an older puppy drive mounter (not mut)
it came after that - late 3series / early 4series puppy's.

I will try to find it and see if it might be used in pussy.

What you have achieved so far is amazing - just a few steps
(or paw pads) more needed.

JFYI - I used live CD to run pussy - no save file yet. That's next.

Posting from puppy ATM.

Thanks for an interesting and lively pussy.
Very best regards - Ray
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#155 Post by laika »

Ray, here is a good straightforward instruction from tuxfiles.org for mounting a drive from the commandline.

Here's what I do to create a mount point and configure /etc/fstab from freshly booted Pussy Live:

From the command line (I open a terminal from the menu), cd /media to change to the media directory. Once in media directory, I type
mkdir sda2
where sda2 is the drive I determined I wanted to use by consulting Pussy's meowtach, or by typing fdisk -l at the terminal. While still in the media directory I go ahead and ls to confirm that sub-directory sda2 was created. I'm done creating my mount point.

Now I open ROX and navigate to the /etc directory and open the file fstab for edit with Leafpad. Below the other couple of entries I add
/dev/sda2 /media/sda2 ntfs defaults 0 0
(in this case, device, mount point, and file system type are specific to what I'm doing, so yours will vary).

Back to the command line, I mount that drive with mount /media/sda2. sda2 should now be mounted and accessible to ROX-filer (or whatever).

This is how I do it. There are other ways to mount a device/drive without altering /etc/fstab, but I don't remember (mount -t /dev/whatever ,perhaps?).
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#156 Post by nooby »

sickgut wrote:re: laika fstab and live-rw files etc

the live-rw file has to be place on any partition either fat32 ntfs ext etc etc not in a directory rather in the main dir of the drive or the "/" of the drive. If it is placed in a dir or subdir then pussy will not find it. Pussy can read and write to/from a ntfs without anything put in fstab, also even if you did make a fstab change if you have no working save file it will not keep the change.
pussy will find a live-rw parition no matter what drive or partition number it is as long as its connected to your system at boot pussy will read/ write to it.

the same is with the live-rw file it can reside anywhere on any parition on any drive but it needs to be not hidden in a dir rather in the main of the drive
and because it is one big file, drive fragmentation isnt a issue even if this file resides on a ntfs or fat32.
Ah thanks then I try to get your Pussy going on my ACer one more time.

So I should unzip that save file and put it in / of the partition that I have pussy sub dir on? I give it a test

Ooops problem ahead. There are already a live-rw there in / from some other Linux.

Can one rename it to pussy-live-rw or live-rw-pussy ?

I am trying to do a frugal install on a internal HDD formatted in ntfs and I make a subdir named pussy and in it I place live directory and addons dir and isolinux just in case I want to learn some boot code from it.

Now what menu.lst for grub4dos do you recommend?
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#157 Post by nooby »

Guys I need help booting frugally.

is this one okay? not sure about these codes quickreboot noautologin
toram failed to work. That one tried to boot a lot of things and then ran out of RAM. so I took it away. not sure about config. Would that one be needed on frugal install? what does it do?
title pussylivecopytoram swapon
kernel (hd0,2)/live/vmlinuz boot=live config persistent noprompt quickreboot noautologin
initrd (hd0,2)/live/initrd.img

the 0.2 us due to me are on third partition. [/quote]

Log in usr name is root password = pussy

One need to give command startx when one have logged in.
Last edited by nooby on Fri 26 Aug 2011, 16:47, edited 1 time in total.
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#158 Post by john3voltas »

As far as I know (info from sickgut), Pussy cannot be installed Frugal.
We can only do a full installation doing a dd if=/path/image of=/dev/sda (or sdb/c/d/e/etc).
Meaning that for now Pussy has to be the only OS in that device, whether it being a CD/usb flashdisk/HDD.
I've tried myself to load pussyos.squashfs from grub4dos and the pc wouldn't boot.
Though, if you find a way to boot it Frugal, please share it with us :).
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#159 Post by nooby »

Well I know nothing but I did boot but I had to use a lot of imagination and nooby wild guessing and it did boot. I could see my own picture and play music but could not hear anything. Most likely I have to set up Also mixer properly. I got Seamonkey going too but it could not surf due to me have no idea how to get LAN card going.

I logged in as User root and password pussy
and then did startx and that started a desktop jwm something.

My sda3 home was on live somethign don't remember.

So SickGut thanks for not giving up on me. I have written with an attitude that maybe was not proper.

I apologize. I am so sick of Debian, Mephis, AntiX failing to allow me to be root on the frugal install hdd I boot up from and you seems to have set it up to accept to be root so I will test that further.

Your main goal as I remember is to get in contact with Puppy Devs and I have no idea why them not are active here in the thread. Are they?

I am a poor reader of text.

So how do I get online. I need to set up Atheros LAN card

Puppy has a Network set up like Simple Network Setup something.

How do I get such going on Pussy. Maybe you have written it somewhere.

The link on first page fail to get to the release text.

Anyway it felt good to be able to boot in frugal install. I try to correct the menu.lst I used but now I want to know how to get online with Pussy!
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#160 Post by nooby »

Sylvander wrote:Here's what happens now during boot:

1. Chose "Copy to RAM".
2. Verbose, large text, completes.
3. Change to small text, 1/2 screen of this.
4.Colored display of "Pussy Operating System".
5. meow login:, 11 lines, all about eth0.
6. Flashing underscore.
7. Typed startx <Enter>.
8. password: pussy <Enter>.
9. "Login incorrect" reported.
10. meow login: root <Enter>.
.......password: pussy <Enter>.
11. Root@meow:~# startx <Enter>.
12. Taken to desktop. :D
13. Click "ROX-filer background". [Icons appear]
14. Click "Network" icon. [Icon appears at bottom right]
15. Click on this icon brings up "WICD Network Manager" window.
16. "Connected to wired network" is displayed at bottom of the window.
17. Click "WWW" icon and window appears displaying 4 files in their folder.
18. Click install-browser.sh and nothing happens.
19. Navigated to file seamonkey.bin and click it but nothing happens.
20. Clicked xterm icon and entered seamonkey command, but nothing happened, except "Command not found".
21. Clicked shutdown, and it was VERY RAPID.

(a) No more BLACK SCREENS. :) [Having moved the 1.0GB live-rw file to the root folder of a partition on an internal HDD]
(b) Seems to be working OK, but I don't know how to run program files [see 18 & 19 above].
(c) How do I get a web-browser to run?
thanks. You got the LAN going but failed the browser and I by accident got the browser going but don't remember how.

I boot again and follow your description and if I remember I try to write down how to get browser going.

Here is what the read me text says.
the cleanmode feature in Pussy lets the user surf the net and leave no trace whatsoever and stops useless internet cache files
from clogging up your system.

When the cleanmode browser option is selected, a fresh install of Seamonkey is unzipped into
a dir and then executed. When the user closes the browser, the browser dir and all other dirs that contain browsing info and
temp files are emptied.

The user can also surf normally by selecting the install option then clicking star browser.
This way the web browsing info is kept and no reinstall is needed, unless the user chooses the remove browser option.

Java/ flash etc all work on first boot

I feel very unsure of if I remember that one but I most likely can read it when booted because I placed that one into the pussy directory on home.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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