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Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 13:14
by Pete
bark_bark_bark wrote: ....
The industry doesn't want you to ask questions, they just want you to obey and buy their new products.
Pretty much.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 13:15
by Pete
learnhow2code wrote:
*shrug* some people like to be tied up and spanked....
I'm sure there is an app for that. :lol:

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 22:21
by nubc
Usage share of operating systems ... ng_systems

It's always been a hope that something will replace MS Windows, which became a fait accompli by default when Ballmer failed to recognize the mobile challenge to Microsoft's domination of the OS market, for which failure Ballmer was summarily fired. Changing masters from Microsoft to Google hasn't been the happiest outcome of Android's domination of the OS market, but it is an improvement, at least, in proprietary transparency. Meanwhile, Linux has never been anything more than a small blip on the OS graph. In addition to the novelty and excitement of fresh innovation, it's only natural that an interest in a new emerging OS has to do with monetary opportunity.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 22:44
by Pete
No doubt Android is number 1 in mobile devices, but that does not make it great.
Look at Windows market share on PC's.

BTW, the figures in your link above are a tad misleading.
For example under Worldwide device shipments, all devices are together instead of mobile, desktop, servers etc.
According to Gartner, the following is the worldwide device shipments (referring to full retail plus shipping) by operating system, which includes smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs together.
That skews the totals as it stands to reason that in almost all countries, phone sales are going to be higher than PC sales.
Even if sales of mobile devices were equal to traditional computers, I still see no advantage/s of using Android on a PC.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 22:53
by Pete
nubc wrote:....
It's always been a hope that something will replace MS Windows....
I would argue that the demise of Microsoft will impact greatly even on us Linux users.
Don't get me wrong, I detest Windows but like it or not, they are the ones that drive forward innovations in hardware.
The sheer market share creates a need for more and more powerful (and faster) cpus, ram, buses at low cost.
We as Linux users directly benefit from this.
Changing masters from Microsoft to Google hasn't been the happiest outcome of Android's domination of the OS market, but it is an improvement, at least, in proprietary transparency.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
IMHO, Google is many times more a slippery customer than Microsoft will ever be.
Plus, Google is no better than Microsoft when it comes to security.
Co-incidentally in the news today:

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:13
by Atle
I have nothing to contribute with apart from wishing I could run Android in order to use some apps every now and then, from within Puppy by using a technique as described for running Kali Linux inside your browser using docker

There are plenty of Android apps i find very useful that has no equivalent elsewhere...


Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:20
by Pete
Atle wrote:I have nothing to contribute with apart from wishing I could run Android in order to use some apps every now and then, from within Puppy by using a technique as described for running Kali Linux inside your browser using docker

There are plenty of Android apps i find very useful that has no equivalent elsewhere...

Hi Atle

Fair point, there may be a few apps that have no equivalent, but would you run the whole of Android just for the few apps or would you prefer to use a wine-type setup or some kind of emulator just for those apps?

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:24
by Atle
if that is simple and possible, then how no one did a "Android App Puppy"?

My guess is that is due to that not being a walk in the park...

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:27
by Pete
Atle wrote:if that is simple and possible, then how no one did a "Android App Puppy"?

My guess is that is due to that not being a walk in the park...
I agree with you, it's not simple and I'm not even sure that it's currently possible.
I only asked you the question to gauge if an emulator would be something that you may be interested in.
I know i would be interested in being able to run the occasional app without having to run Android, much like I use Wine to run a few Windows pgms that have no Linux equivalents, but no ways would I load Windows on my machines, even if Windows was free.

So since the options at the moment seem to be, run full Android if you want some apps or nothing at all, I choose nothing at all as Android is just too limited, in-secure and generally lacking to make it worth while.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:33
by Atle
If this docker thing works with Kali, I guess it would work with Android x86 as well if they did the same as Kali have done.

And then as I see it, Android x86 might become a SFS?

Anyone out there that is competent to look at how Kali did their docker and webbrowser thingy?

I am still at the "trying to get yourporn to work" level ;-)

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:35
by Pete
Atle wrote:....
And then as I see it, Android x86 might become a SFS?
Now that would be a much better proposition for the desktop than running Android proper.

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:43
by Atle
I consider Android useless and totally without any value what so ever without their apps.

Android is just a carrier for many many apps that people likes and if I could run apps and just that it would be great, but if I can run android "as a app" that would be what comes after great.

In this case it seem legit to cross the river in order to get water...

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 23:50
by nubc
This forum has another thread to keep up with Jide's Remix OS. in which our favorite developer has taken an interest. It has been suggested that Microsoft acquire Jide in order to replace its Windows Mobile with Remix OS. Jide's mission is to tweak Android to look and behave like Windows as a PC operating system, Remix OS. Any idea what kind of money Jide developers would receive by selling Remix OS to Microsoft?

Posted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 00:10
by Pete

Interesting reading, thank you.
Let's see what develops although I doubt very much that M$ would ever dump their Win mobile platform for something else.
They have too much invested in it.

I'm more excited about BarryK's post (can't find the link now) where he talks about a Linux distro that will run on tablets.

Posted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 01:07
by learnhow2code
Atle wrote:I consider Android useless and totally without any value what so ever without their apps.
even with their apps... it seems like a platform designed to make it more irritating to develop in, all so it can be more irritating to run on other plaforms. or in other words, a take on the iphone that could only come from google.

Posted: Sat 09 Jul 2016, 09:17
by Moat
Pete wrote:I'm more excited about BarryK's post (can't find the link now) where he talks about a Linux distro that will run on tablets.
Was he talking about the Ubuntu "convergence" thing? Pretty cool, actually (if and when, that is...) - ... resses-me/
