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Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 04:51
by stemsee
fredx181 wrote:
wiak wrote:And of course mklive-stretch itself is an interesting wrapper idea, which may or may not also be useful (conceptually at least)
That doesn't sound very nice to me (i've been working on it since 2 years and updated until now),

Hi all

Fred is spot on, btw. Your tone was not 'nice'. A certain arrogant judgmental edge came through uncomfortably....and here is why!
mklive-stretch is not an interesting wrapper 'idea' it is a working reality!!! Why make it seem like a non-working fantasy??

"may or may not be useful conceptually at least" ... (twice is a thing confirmed with God) The same belittling, ignoring the fact that it is in fact already useful not only conceptually but in reality!

The symantic and pragmatic implications of the linguistic choices we make when conveying thoughts and feelings are evident in the meta-linguistic features.

kind regards

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 05:28
by wiak
stemsee wrote:
fredx181 wrote:
wiak wrote:And of course mklive-stretch itself is an interesting wrapper idea, which may or may not also be useful (conceptually at least)
That doesn't sound very nice to me (i've been working on it since 2 years and updated until now),

Hi all

Fred is spot on, btw. Your tone was not 'nice'. A certain arrogant judgmental edge came through uncomfortably....and here is why!
mklive-stretch is not an interesting wrapper 'idea' it is a working reality!!! Why make it seem like a non-working fantasy??

"may or may not be useful conceptually at least" ... (twice is a thing confirmed with God) The same belittling, ignoring the fact that it is in fact already useful not only conceptually but in reality!

The symantic and pragmatic implications of the linguistic choices we make when conveying thoughts and feelings are evident in the meta-linguistic features.

kind regards
Here they come, the useless moaning vultures. Let me repeat once and once more only: I was not meaning that mklive-stretch itself only a conceptually useful script - I was referring to how aspects of mklive-stretch script might be useful, at least conceptually, in a gui frontend for FirstRib, which does not use apt-get so beyond concept mklive-script is not useful for FirstRib at all, nor is it required. Fred is expert with yad and that skill is useful were it applied to FirstRib gui. Actually I admired mklive-stretch development - nothing new at all about wrapper script or using debootstrap or chroot for that matter, but it was a first on this forum where a developer wrote a script version of their development work that revealed the otherwise near-secret methologies buried inside their pre-configured isos. As someone who isn't particularly interested in polished iso products, but definitely interested in technical details of how things work, that was exciting move on Fred's part. Nothing to do with FirstRib scripts - which are not at all required or extracted from mklive-stretch or vice versa.

By the way, this further waste-of-time post is not for stemsee, who has just proved to me that he is yet another stirrer in the community. To stemsee all I have to reply is Shut-up.

The matter is now ended aside from the vultures who want to pick crumbs - no interest to me. No idea or understanding of Fred's 'concern' - he will have to explain that to you himself.

And to anyone else looking to complain, or stir things up, once side or the other, I have only that one thing as said to stemsee to say also. Bloody annoying shower.

I've spoken my part, and I await what Fred has to say now rather than concerning myself further with such idiotic and ignorant remarks of the likes of stemsee (I could write a list of some ot the other vultures similarly disposed - and so could Fred come to that, but I trust like me, he knows better than to pursue stirring nonsense, which would be a further meaningless waste of time and effort - let the stemsee-type vultures go and pick crumbs for their fun elsewhere and not disturb active project work trying to create divisions for their sick, jealous, amusements).

The following includes the couple of key "context" words missed out (i.e. with WeeDog/FirstRib) in the earlier shortened quote:
And of course mklive-stretch itself is an interesting wrapper idea, which may or may not also be useful (conceptually at least) with WeeDog/FirstRib
and the statement, for me at least, is correct, so I stand by it. The concepts to be found may or may not be useful for FirstRib/WeeDog. I have no doubt at all they are useful for their designed Debian-live-based -system purpose, but I never said or meant to suggest in any way otherwise.


Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 07:41
by stemsee
I have nothing against you Wiak, nothing at all. i did not resort to name calling; a vulture picks at a corpse, whereas a linguist picks at a corpus!

No one is perfect, therefore we all make mistakes (something the Nazis would not tolerate), they were heartless not saintless! Even the devil isn't saintless, because saints are real.

So attacking the critic instead of evaluating the criticism is Nazi-like!

No need to respond! I exact my defense only! I fully appreciate and accept your position and explanation i.e. apology.


Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 07:42
by wiak
you accept my apology??? Get lost.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 07:51
by fredx181
Hi wiak and everyone,

Thanks wiak for your explanation, it's not at all that I'm worried or concerned about anything (e.g. competition or whatever), I just didn't like your choice of words in that one sentence (and wasn't in the best mood at the moment I replied) and as far as I'm concerned this has been blown up way too much, so let's shake hands !! :)

Just to criticise myself on the mklive-stretch script: I regret a little that it became so complicated, also I'm sure that the script can be much more organized (understandable to read by others) and compact (I'm not so good with that).


Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 07:57
by wiak
No problem Fred.
wiak wrote:And of course mklive-stretch itself is an interesting wrapper idea, which may or may not also be useful (conceptually at least) with WeeDog/FirstRib replacing debootstrap part internally for a similar gui frontent for Void Linux based build
The sentence above, which never did have any hidden meaning or anything to be concerned about, can now be forgotten about. Back to FirstRib thread now for me... I'm also in a foul temper today. Kid got us up at 4am and then big kid stemsee reminds me of all the previous big kid nuisances on here.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 08:22
by stemsee
wiak wrote:No problem Fred.
wiak wrote:... big kid stemsee reminds me of all the previous big kid nuisances on here....
First a Vulture, then a goat....
I am an Eagle Soaring in the heights way above your heads. I am a Lion of Judah, King of the Jungle

I kid you not!

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 15:18
by rockedge

why is it NAZI's always? Ever look at the government and people of the United States? Cruel and heartless...greedy...... why not look at the present? plenty of what the Germans did during the NAZI era happens every day right here in in the good ol' USA.....right now....just look over to the White House and you see powerful people using hate to push their agendas and stand in our way we will carpet bomb you or plain and simple kill you

stemsee you sound full of yourself and I can 100% guarantee you are not the King of anything. This pseudo-religious enlightenment you project is insincere and hollow and a dime a dozen.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 17:38
by stemsee
hi Rockedge

It's a bit tongue in cheek actually. Word play etc. dry British humour.

Do I always refer to the Nazis, the historic bad guys, stereo-typically always correct and perfect? Really always?? Any references?

Full of myself? Maybe....and you mean without a good reason. Guilty! But don't be 100% sure of anything yourself either; the price to pay when proven wrong might be significant. How can you be 100% sure I'm not a King of anything, anyway?? Are you Yahweh?
...we will carpet bomb you or plain and simple kill you...
ME??? Oh!

Well I know i can be testy .... I apologize for that.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 19:38
by rockedge
not a problem stemsee...I usually am about 80% on the money. I think I just had too much political information weirdness today.....I had some family that were in Waffen SS units so after awhile I get somewhat sensitive....and the weather is hot and extremely humid here in New England..making it all so much more........ any way sorry for blasting you...very ungentlemanly on my part.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2019, 21:31
by stemsee
no problem....i get cranky when its too hot and no escape, also!

Posted: Wed 21 Aug 2019, 06:46
by trister
fredx181 wrote:

btw, succesfully installed runit on Devuan and works well sofar I tested (but need to learn more about it, e.g. how to configure autologin)

Thanks again Freg for your incredible work :)

Just a question : mklive-stretch64 & 32 creates a DebianDog or DevuanDog?

Posted: Wed 21 Aug 2019, 16:14
by dancytron
trister wrote:
fredx181 wrote:

btw, succesfully installed runit on Devuan and works well sofar I tested (but need to learn more about it, e.g. how to configure autologin)

Thanks again Freg for your incredible work :)

Just a question : mklive-stretch64 & 32 creates a DebianDog or DevuanDog?
Debian Stretch.


Posted: Mon 26 Aug 2019, 10:02
by zagreb999
hi fred
you wrote
ramsize=100% to
add in kernel...

can you explain where to add
this script in x-slacko


Posted: Mon 26 Aug 2019, 19:01
by fredx181
Hi zagreb, I think the ramsize=... option works only with the the porteus-boot style, so probably doesn't work with x-slacko.


Posted: Sun 22 Sep 2019, 12:31
by rcrsn51
Many apps, like word processors, can output to a PDF using the Print > Print to File dialog. But a few apps need a separate PDF-Writer virtual printer in CUPS. The package below is a version of the one from Puppy. Remove the fake .gz extension.

Posted: Thu 26 Sep 2019, 12:43
by rcrsn51
I have posted [removed] the kernel 4.19.0-6-amd64 components from Devuan that can be used to upgrade a 64bit install of Stretch.

Just drop the files into your current "live" folder and reboot.

Update: You can now get a 4.19.0-6 kernel directly out of Fred's latest DevuanDog build. Read here.


Posted: Thu 26 Sep 2019, 14:37
by stemsee
rcrsn51 wrote:Many apps, like word processors, can output to a PDF using the Print > Print to File dialog. But a few apps need a separate PDF-Writer virtual printer in CUPS. The package below is a version of the one from Puppy. Remove the fake .gz extension.
Thanks for this


Posted: Fri 27 Sep 2019, 18:40
by rcrsn51
I have posted here some WiFi drivers for 64bit Stretch with the k4.19.0-6-amd64 kernel upgrade. The drivers are:

1. Broadcom wl.
2. Realtek 8192cu. Some adapters may still prefer this vendor version to the in-kernel driver.
3. Realtek 8192eu. You may get better results with this driver than with the in-kernel rtl8xxxu.
4. Realtek 8812au and 8822bu. These AC-mode devices are not yet in the mainstream kernel.

Some of these drivers may require a change to the PeasyWiFi config. Set DRIVER=nl80211.

Posted: Mon 30 Sep 2019, 00:19
by rcrsn51
Here are some instructions for installing the nvidia Xorg driver in Stretch with the k4.19.0-6-amd64 upgrade.

NOTE: I am disobeying Fred's rule against mixing repos. But this has worked for me so far.

1a. Locate the file /etc/apt/sources.list.
1b. Add these lines:

Code: Select all

deb beowulf main contrib non-free  
deb beowulf-updates main contrib non-free  
deb beowulf-security main contrib non-free 
1c. Run: apt-get update.

2. Do the usual procedure for installing nvidia

Code: Select all

apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get install nvidia-detect
apt-get install nvidia-xxx
3. IMMEDIATELY when done:
a. Go back to /etc/apt/sources.list and delete the extra lines.
b. Run: apt-get update.

4. Reboot.