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Posted: Sat 16 Dec 2017, 14:03
by Mike Walsh
Well, it never hurts to keep your certificates up-to-date, anyway.....and it'll help with whatever browsers folks are running.

I'm betting the 'problem kiddies' are like as not either Verisign or Google's own relatively new Root Certificate Authority. They seem have to have a finger in almost every pie between them, these days.

Might be an idea to also provide the updated certificates as a .pet package, perhaps? With the proviso to delete the existing contents of /etc/ssl/certs (if necessary) first, before installing. (This latter step for those Pups where GDrive_gui apparently doesn't want to work, since this is almost certainly the solution.)

I'll be trying it out in Lucid after lunch. Will report back.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 16 Dec 2017, 15:02
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Fred.

Well, it's working a treat in Lucid, too!

I've made up a .pet for the updated certificates, for easier install for those who don't like using the terminal. Together with mirrored .pets, .debs, and portables, they can all be found here:- ... GDrive_gui

I don't think there's a 5-series Puppy this won't work in. I can't comment on the 4-series, and older; for one thing, I've never tried them.....and for another, I know quite a number of things changed during the transition from one to t'other.

Be nice to get some feedback from users of 4-series Pups, no?

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 16 Dec 2017, 15:54
by fredx181
Mike Walsh wrote:Well, it's working a treat in Lucid, too!
OK, nice !
I compiled the "drive" binaries in Debian Stretch and I'm a bit surprised that it seems to work everywhere, maybe it has to do with the fact that it's "go" language based (just guessing, don't know anything about it, I must admit)

Added in short your test results and link to your CA-certs-update .pet at the end of first post, thanks again :)


Posted: Sat 16 Dec 2017, 19:41
by watchdog
It works in puppy 4.31, too. Thanks!

Posted: Sat 16 Dec 2017, 20:38
by Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh wrote:I can't comment on the 4-series, and older; for one thing, I've never tried them.....and for another, I know quite a number of things changed during the transition from one to t'other.

Be nice to get some feedback from users of 4-series Pups, no?
watchdog wrote:It works in puppy 4.31, too. Thanks!
>>>>> There you go..... :)

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 17 Dec 2017, 18:14
by mikeb
Not sure if this affects you or you are on the ball and already dealt with it. ... ssing.html

Well I did write this several years ago when I was just a nipper....


Experimental v0.3.0

Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 16:55
by fredx181
Here's an experimental version (0.3.0) with (a bit ugly?) workaround to support selecting multiple items.
For Add, Download or Remove button, (only) if nothing selected in the main GUI, a "yad" list window will appear from where you can select multiple items. (see screenshot).
Depends on having yad installed, version 0.20 or higher (the old version 0.12, which is included in some puppies won't work), the script checks for version number and will give message and exit if yad version is lower than 0.20.
EDIT: See here for v0.3.1, without yad version restriction
Other change is that all button icons should show now also in older puppies (changed icon= to stock=), thanks BarryK and mikeb.

32-bit pet v0.3.0: ... 99k-CP3g1f
64-bit pet v0.3.0: ... aQSKGFQnUw

32-bit deb v0.3.0: ... 0_i386.deb
64-bit deb v0.3.0: ... _amd64.deb

32-bit portable v0.3.0: ... ab80RfFewb
64-bit portable v0.3.0: ... yte10Ck-c2
(See for a brief explanation about portable version in first post)


Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 17:29
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Fred.

A wee bit of feedback for you.

Experimentation shows that, making modifications to 0.2.0, if you change 'icon' to 'stock' all the way through the 'gdrive_gui' script in /usr/bin, then some buttons that previously showed an icon then seem to lose it!

If you wish to try this small modification to version 0.2.0, then be prepared to interchange 'icon' & 'stock' until you find the mix that works best for you. I've just done this in ETP's 'Chromebook Pup', which is based on Precise 5.7.1. I fully expect this same set of modifications to work in standard 571, too.

In this particular use-case, the buttons that need leaving as 'icon' (rather than changing to 'stock') are

'Add all', &

I may try 0.3.0.....I may just leave things as they are. 0.2.0 is working fine for me, since I rarely, if ever, need to upload/download multiple files at once.

Question for you:- If a newer version of yad is required ('Chromepup's' got the old 0.12 version), then where's the best place to get a newer version?

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 17:36
by vovchik
Dear fredx181,

Thanks very much for the google drive app. I have tried several things, including scripts that make use of ocaml-fuse, and I much prefer your lean and nicely coded script. The YAD multiple-file addition is very convenient, too, and everything is working on Tahr and on Mint 17.3. I also installed your script on my Raspbian PI3, and it works fine (I first had to compile gtkdialog and yad, but I had done that some time ago).

Again, many thanks and best regards,

Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 17:54
by fredx181
Mike Walsh wrote:In this case, the buttons that need leaving as 'icon' (rather than changing to 'stock') are

'Add all', &
Yes, that's right, the point is that some gtk icon names needs changed for stock=... to work (noticed that mikeb did that in his newest dropbox_gui)
For "Add" and "Add all" change to stock="gtk-go-forward" instead of: icon="gtk-go-forward-ltr"
For "Download" change to stock="gtk-go-back" instead of: icon="gtk-go-back-ltr"
(made these changes in gdrive_gui v0.3.0)


Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 18:01
by fredx181
vovchik wrote:Dear fredx181,

Thanks very much for the google drive app. I have tried several things, including scripts that make use of ocaml-fuse, and I much prefer your lean and nicely coded script. The YAD multiple-file addition is very convenient, too, and everything is working on Tahr and on Mint 17.3. I also installed your script on my Raspbian PI3, and it works fine (I first had to compile gtkdialog and yad, but I had done that some time ago).

Again, many thanks and best regards,
Thanks vovchik !! Great to hear it's useful for you.


Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 18:23
by fredx181
Mike Walsh wrote:Question for you:- If a newer version of yad is required ('Chromepup's' got the old 0.12 version), then where's the best place to get a newer version?
Almost forgot to answer, a 32-bit pet from greengeek, see here: ... 053#890053

A 64-bit pet, I couldn't find yet, anyone knows?
Anyway here's a 64 deb: ... _amd64.deb


Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 19:15
by Mike Walsh
fredx181 wrote:
Mike Walsh wrote:Question for you:- If a newer version of yad is required ('Chromepup's' got the old 0.12 version), then where's the best place to get a newer version?
Almost forgot to answer, a 32-bit pet from greengeek, see here: ... 053#890053

A 64-bit pet, I couldn't find yet, anyone knows?
Anyway here's a 64 deb: ... _amd64.deb

Thanks for those, Fred. Actually, I followed Smokey's instruction's in the first release of the Puppy Newsletter (from back in January), and compiled my own for Chromepup.. I didn't go for the absolute newest version (0.40.0), but with a somewhat older version, to be a bit more sympathetic to the rest of the system. I settled on 0.32.0, in the end.

Not at all hard, either.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 20:19
by mikeb
Yad.... 0.9.1 . Why...built to work on such as puppy 4.12 and seems to provide multiple file to play with for anyone with older pups.

Could add yad multiple selection to dropbox doo dah if proves popular..would be nice..

mike now working

Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 20:44
by ally

the above link is 2.6gb


Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2017, 21:18
by fredx181
ally wrote:FYI

the above link is 2.6gb

EDIT: ...Earlier provided link removed...

@mikeb, found your yad v0.9, indeed supports multiple file selection, will look at support for older yad version for gdrive_gui
(the problem can be with older yad that it doesn't ignore "not supported" parameters for that version (which are supported for newer version) so in that case it will not run)
So some work to do for adjusting things, I'll get back later.
EDIT: tested now by removing some parameters from yad commands and found that it works just fine also with v0.9
Update to v0.3.1 will follow later without the yad version restriction, thanks :wink:


Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2017, 10:07
by fredx181
Here's v0.3.1, same as v0.3.0 with the 'yad list' addition, but has no restriction for the yad version
(works with yad v0.9 or higher)
Downside can be if you accidentally double-click on an item from yad list it will be processed unwanted (in v0.3.0, double-click is disabled to avoid that)

Pet packages:
32-bit: ... W1ZUSZkCa6
64-bit: ... mLHQla5L9y

Deb packages:
32-bit: ... 1_i386.deb
64-bit: ... _amd64.deb

32-bit: ... o9lD8725UX
64-bit: ... 95U46rJ1lY


Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2017, 11:00
by nic007
Just a mention. I use both Mega and Degoo desktop file managers on my Windows machine. Not sure if it has Linux versions. The Mega one is excellent and Degoo's adequate. Both support lots of options including synching, etc. These storage sites provide huge free storage space of course...Mega 50G and Degoo 100GB.

Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2017, 15:30
by Mike Walsh

0.3.1 now mirrored at the same URL link as in post #1.

Just navigate through to the appropriate folder, and help yourselves.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 26 Dec 2017, 17:49
by fredx181
Hi Everyone, Merry Christmas !!

Update to version 0.3.2, changes:
- No absolute dependency anymore for 'yad', if yad is installed there will be option for multiple file selection, if not, the program still runs with support for single file selection only (thanks mikeb !)
- Fix for 'Add all', uploads folders also now (previously only files)
- Also 'Add all' will be processed in one terminal now (previously was spawning terminal for every file)
- If yad installed (and nothing selected in main GUI), the 'Add' button will give "file-selector" (previous was list) which is better IMO, to be able to browse files or folders for upload from everywhere.

Pet packages v0.3.2:
32-bit: ... hFb0KWTlHb
64-bit: ... gQp1yem8BH

Deb packages v0.3.2 (for e.g. DebianDog, Stretchdog, Xenialdog): :
32-bit: ... 2_i386.deb
64-bit: ... _amd64.deb

Here's also a portable version, recommended to extract at the top dir level of a partition, e.g. /mnt/sda2 (to have that partition as 'profile' and have download access to all that (including it's subfolders)
This contains the files 'gdrive_gui' (the executable script to launch the program) and 'drive' (a hidden directory '.gd' and hidden config file '.gdriverc' will be created in (same) profile dir after initiated profile dir).
Portable v0.3.2:
32-bit .tar.gz: ... W1hc_3nQ7f
64-bit .tar.gz: ... eVTiyrovaU

Edited first post with same info.
