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Posted: Fri 28 Nov 2008, 17:20
by puppyluvr
@ EDIT removed for a while...
:D Needs more work...BRB...LOL...

mypaint easy painting

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 04:22
by big_bass
well now that you have python and pygtk installed lets have fun

I wanted some easy paint for my kids and this easy to use

just some techno details:
I compiled this on slackware 12.1 from source
then made it a slackware package because
there wasnt one available

then I converted the package to the puppy package format
with some edits to make it work

this app is 100% python so you can hack away and and add more features if you want to

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 05:24
by wosifat
It won't let me download any of them. All I get is "Concurrent download limit exceeded." I've tried numerous times over several days.

Posted: Sun 30 Nov 2008, 05:38
by ttuuxxx
Hey bigbass untill eric's servers are up i've been uploading files temp at
they offer free hosting, no popups, very fast file downloads, around 500kb/s, no signup. I tried about 10 different ones and this one worked out the best, They even pay you $1 for every 1000 downloads, if you make a free account, I didn't make one. but anyways its a quick fix for the moment.

Posted: Tue 02 Dec 2008, 03:10
by big_bass
ttuuxxx wrote:Hey bigbass untill eric's servers are up i've been uploading files temp at
they offer free hosting, no popups, very fast file downloads, around 500kb/s, no signup. I tried about 10 different ones and this one worked out the best, They even pay you $1 for every 1000 downloads, if you make a free account, I didn't make one. but anyways its a quick fix for the moment.
thanks for the link looks like perfect timing


Posted: Sat 06 Dec 2008, 08:46
by soulfall
I can't down the python
did they remove your file?
do you have another download place?

Posted: Sat 06 Dec 2008, 16:47
by gronos04

Re: python 2.5.2 slackware 12 compatible IDLE GUI

Posted: Thu 12 Feb 2009, 21:20
by charlie6
Hi Big Bass,
on toutou4.1.2 (french translation of Puppy4.1.2), k2.6.25.16, I tried to install those 3 files
I also got for each one a
( green light for dependencies)
with warning that an
entry wad created in the menu
Fun' with the text
However you have to restart the window manager
I restarted the PC
but I got not any entry in the menu.

Typing python in a console gives:

Code: Select all

# python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar  1 2008, 13:52:45) 
[GCC 4.2.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> quit()
How can I get an icon in the menu?
Or do I have to install the retro-k2.6.21.7...instead?

Cheers, Charlie

reporting to you

Posted: Fri 13 Feb 2009, 01:32
by big_bass
I restarted the PC
but I got not any entry in the menu.

Typing python in a console gives:

I hope you meant MENU>Shutdown>Restart JWM

also open a console and type idle

this is not needed if you have a menu entry
just a check to see if you have the GUI idle also

it should look like the fifth post on this thread

I suggest you just reinstall the python pet
I know it takes a while to install

but that should fix the problem if it doesnt
I'll have to check the pet for errors when we switched servers
it may have gotten corrupted

thanks for reporting this

I checked the pet its ok
but anyway this "patch" would fix it if everything else works
and only you are missing a menu entry


Posted: Mon 16 Feb 2009, 06:23
by charlie6
Hi Big Bass,
many thanks for your quick answer!
I hope you meant MENU>Shutdown>Restart JWM
I usually stop and restart the PC afterwards having the .pet installed...did'nt I?
also open a console and type idle
I did not do that; I straight uninstalled pyhton2.5.2 instead.
Before reinstall I check the md5sum of the formerly downloaded; it was OK.
While restarting the PC I have surely done something wrong (I let a data CD disk in the cd-reader with bios-boot set on cd-drive first. I got some error messages at boot-up...removing the data cd did not change anything at next I choose to reinstall Toutou4.1.2.Retro with kernel
Afterwards I installed python2.5.2 as documented in the previous posts. And it works. Idle command gives the shell.
I also installed wxPython which is also working.

All this in order to run GanttPV which is a scheduling software like MS-Project (I already got it installed and working - as also -required - python and wxPython on Toutou-3.1.4 a few month ago after much trials and forums posts -; but I would have tried first the .pets you wrote for Python ans wxPython).

(Many)^n thanks !

Cheers, charlie

Posted: Mon 16 Feb 2009, 15:52
by big_bass
I usually stop and restart the PC afterwards having the .pet installed...did'nt I?

do this instead MENU>Shutdown>Restart JWM

what takes place is the menu gets updated so that you can see the
newly created menu icon this is a quirk with JWM

side note :just an example if you installed on a distro with KDE
that is all automatically done for you

and must be done *linux is smarter than windows you dont need to reboot
after an install with almost all apps (there are a few exceptions )
old habits are hard to forget : D

but the most important thing is it is working for you now
that's good news
thanks for the update of your progress
and why not pet package the app GanttPV you got working ?
so we have more options for python


Posted: Mon 16 Mar 2009, 05:49
by charlie6
Hi Big Bass,
my rig: toutoulinux (french translated Puppy)4.1.2frugal

Code: Select all

and why not pet package the app GanttPV you got working ?
so we have more options for python 
Yes! why not. That a nice tiny scheduling software that could be used at factory or elsewhere.
see here for downloading it + documentation
I take this back as I was occupied elsewhere for a while.
I have a difficulty with GanttPV and till yet I do not get answer from its forum.
It gets installed OK. But when having created a file and "saving it as" at first time, the save dialog box opens but is no longer editable.
an error message pops up telling:
the content of this file cannot be displayed
So I have to kill the process to take over the system again.

I wonder where the problem could take place: Puppy or GanttPV. (I used it a few months ago on Toutou3.1.4 and could save files).
So I cannot use GanttPV as yet.
I am rather newbie about how programs are working so I could not find a solution from myselve.

Many thanks in advance for any idea?


this works in NOP 413

Posted: Mon 16 Mar 2009, 10:47
by moogsydodong
hey bigbass thanks for the .pets

this works with NOP 413

I used python in NOP 413 alongside blender


Posted: Fri 20 Mar 2009, 18:12
by big_bass

thanks moogsydodong for letting me know

thank you's seem to be a rare thing nowadays
glad to see one of your total of two posts was a thank you 8)

welcome to puppy

Re: python 2.5.2 slackware 12 compatible IDLE GUI

Posted: Thu 15 Oct 2009, 13:15
by neurino
I'm new on (Puppy) Linux, I finely hd installed the latest Puppy 4.3.0 on a Pentium4.
I'm a Python developer so I'd like to have the same packages I have on Windows. I tried the pet above but only the python-2.5.2 installed (and works from console) the other 2 failed.

Like many I also often use WX, PIL, lxml and reportlab packages and I'd like to know how can I make my own builds / pets using the great Puppy

Thanks for your support

Posted: Fri 16 Oct 2009, 05:07
by moogsydodong
hi there neurino,

welcome to puppy...
for compiling apps in puppy see this:

hope it helps...if you can manage to compile python 2.6.x or python 3.x please post the pet for it I,m learning python and I want to try the latest build

Posted: Fri 16 Oct 2009, 09:08
by neurino
Thank, I'll give a try but consider I'm a total newbie in Linux enviornment...

Where can I find devx_430.sfs ???
Not here: ... modules-4/

the last is devx_421.sfs is it valid anyway?

Re: python 2.5.2 slackware 12 compatible IDLE GUI

Posted: Fri 16 Oct 2009, 14:03
by big_bass
neurino wrote:

I'm a Python developer so I'd like to have the same packages I have on Windows. I tried the pet above but only the python-2.5.2 installed (and works from console) the other 2 failed.

Thanks for your support
the other 2 failed.
Hey Renzo

welcome, there's always a lot of work for developers

failed how? were you missing dependencies?

I first built this on puppy 3.01 then tested on 4.00 and 4.12 versions of puppy

if you are missing any depends let me know you could post the list

if you need a development environment ASAP
you could install an official puppy 4.12 or derivative of 4.12

I just downloaded the three packages and installed them on slaxer-pup 4.12
note: the python pet takes a long time to install because of the dependency checking in petget so be patient but it works

keep me posted I'll be glad to help


Posted: Fri 16 Oct 2009, 14:28
by neurino
Hi Joe,

thanks for your support,

when I try to install TclTk and libdb I both get the same error from Package Manager:

"Error, package (name of the package) failed to install".

I have no real urge to use Linux since I already use Windows on my desktop pc for all.
But I put hands on a 256MB ram P4 notebook and was delighted how powerful is Puppy! (and linux in a general meaning)

So I wish I could have a free development station also when I (rarely) travel or to test my apps on linux too.

I posted some of the python packages I often use (forgot matplotlib too!) and I know I won't find 'em all in .pets so if devx_430.sfs is about to come in a week or 2 I'll wait, otherwise I'll consider passing to Puppy 4.12 (or 4.21???)

Posted: Sun 18 Oct 2009, 13:34
by neurino
Hey there,

I stumbled across this page: ... ppy-4.3.1/ and saw pup-431.iso and devx_431.sfs so I'll try to compile python and his packages as soon as I can.

I'll keep you updated...