NtEd 1.4.15 music editor (successor to NoteEdit) (2.14MB)

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#16 Post by charlie6 »

Hi hanzf,
I apologize reading your post as late as today...
Note that NtEd 1.6.0 has been just released (Many thanks to Cato Amundsen!!)
My config is ToutouLinux4.1.2 k2.6.25.16 (french translation of PuppyLinux 4.1.2) frugall
I do not use the encoding with the keyboard but the mouse instead ( a wacom volito tablet buyed at Aldi 5 years ago )
I also manage to use it with the numeric keyboard: I got all notes and symbols (with a desktop keyboard !! I suspect some difficulties with a laptop keyboard) - just do not forget to disable the numlock.

I wonder if your NtEd version is well installed - how did you do it? which one?

I made some trials on various NtEd's archives with more or less success to get one working:
I got good result with the debian and with the source (and also the nted-1.4.15.pet - but I prefer the more recent versions)

One got installated from NtEd-1.5.1.tar.gz;
downloaded under / ; click on it (Xarchive opens); extracted it to / ; just reboot and type nted in a console; I got also a menu entry - and it got configured in french automaticaly).

Good result also from the debian archive: just download it under / ; there do open a console and type undeb nted_1.5.1-1_i386.deb
(or as now nted_1.6.0-1_i386.deb )
Just reboot afterwards.

And recently I downloaded the nted-1.6.0.tar.gz into / ; and compiled it (yessss...! could not get the debian archive which possibly was not yet ready...):
it needs dev_xxx.sfs running [rather simple to install even for a newbie ...as I did it! =-))]I also got pkg-config compiled - it helps greatly to get other source compiled - ( I currently made some trials to get compiled from a source ... I recognize I am doing some cut and try without understanding 100% about what I am doing ... but this time it seems working).
and got it compiled (see 'installation from source' details in NtEd website).

Note: I admit I have had to reinstall puppy some more times as I possibly causes some jam among the directories...and spent time for nothing.

Timidity looks well installed on your PC.
Here are the addons I made on the mine : (extract from /root/.packages/alienpackages.txt

Code: Select all

"TiMidity++-2.13.0" "TiMidity++ 2.13.0: " on "  " \
needed for Timidity (I assume they are...)
"alsaplayer_extraplugins-0.99.80" "alsaplayer_extraplugins 0.99.80: alsaplayer plugins jack,OGLscope,mod" on "  " \
"alsa-oss-1.0.17-i386" "alsa-oss 1.0.17-i386: libs" on "  " \
"midi_in-0.1.1-i386" "midi_in 0.1.1-i386: midi plugin alsaplayer" on "  " \
maybe some are not necessary.

I see you are testing Musescore...
I have made some test on various score editors since one year, including Musescore, NtEd, Denemo; and my preferences goes to NtEd last versions as it is simple and fast enough; it performs good midi files recognition (as good as NotationPlayer for windows ); it allows export of the score code to Lilypond (which I also like to use because of the beautiful score rendering and its large notation possibilities - Lilypond works with batchfiles and therefore has no graphic interface - NtEd may be considered as one for the encoding of the notes which can be considered as fastidious on lilypond by certain).

links for NtEd:
http://vsr.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/st ... nted.xhtml
debian version 1.6.0 here
http://pini.free.fr/debian/dists/stable ... 386/sound/

links for Lilypond (works with batchfiles - no GUI)
it does install at once on Puppy or Toutou linux from version 4.1 without any addons !!!

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#17 Post by hanzf »

Thank you charlie. I downloaded 1.6.0 and it does play sound with JACK and QSynth and it's pretty fast and simple, but i prefer keyboard input, and this is what NtEd does on my box: if NumLock is on, the keys 1..8 make only quarter notes, 9 does nothing, and the other numpad keys get NtEd to crash with a "segmentation fault". With NumLock off, any numpad key causes a crash. I think i will keep NtEd to write with the mouse sometimes, see how it works there.
yours, Hanz
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#18 Post by charlie6 »

Edited 02 feb 2011

NtEd VERSION 1.10.18 available !!!

music score editor

very easy to compile on puppy 4.1.2 (I needed devx412.sfs + install pkgconfig2.3 to compile the tar.gz without the doc) pet is ca. 600KB without doc (3.5MB with doc); as also on other Puppies.

nted can run without doc; compiling with doc needs to have gettext, xmlto, xmltopot, yelp and po2xml installed; doc.tar.gz may be separately downloaded from the site, just uncompress it - or just use the online doc) - just follow the installation instructions on the nted website.


edited by may 5, 2011
debian nted 1.10.18 archives are downloable on (includes de hu sv en_GB it uk es nl zh_CN fr and ru locales locales)
(thanks to Gilles Filippini)
*works nice on puppy 4.12 and 4.20 (needs undeb.pet !) together with timidity - see page 1 this thread , as also on Lucid 5.25 *
http://pini.free.fr/debian/pool/main/n/ ... e_i386.deb
and documentation http://pini.free.fr/debian/pool/main/n/ ... le_all.deb
also archives for 64 bits processor available on the same url
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