Success porting Openshot video editor to puppy.

Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.
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#16 Post by smil99 »

If you are not using lupu, download and install this pet which contains some extra libs to make ffplay and hence openshot 1.0.0 work.



Above link has been corrected due to wrong file structure in the former. If you have already downloaded the previous pet, my apologies. Download once again to correct the anomaly.

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#17 Post by Lobster »

Many thanks :)
I was using Openshot in Ubuntu yesterday.
I was able to create a family birthday video
with a story, lighten the film, fade in and out
and export to a 200MB ogg video
(yeah I know it is big - this is video)

It might use python but this software works
(I like works)

However . . . :oops:

Could not get it working from menu on my Lucid 5 . . .
'openshot' did not work from command line
There is a python file here:

How do you run python?
How do I run the enclosed file?
Is it the right one?

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#18 Post by smil99 »

Hi Lobster,
Does typing


at the console give the following:

Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 10 2007, 13:06:27)
[GCC 3.4.4] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

If not, check /usr/bin to make sure you have 'python2.5' and 'python' in there. The latter must be be a symlink to the former.


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#19 Post by Lobster »

I am getting this (I forgot to install python but now have the one suggested by Smokey)

Code: Select all

# python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar  1 2008, 13:52:45) 
[GCC 4.2.3] on linux2
I am very quickly getting this (normally when playing a video - which does not play properly anyways) - may uninstall and install again . . .

Code: Select all

# openshot
Added /usr/share/openshot to system path
   OpenShot (version 1.0.0)
/usr/share/openshot/windows/ GtkWarning: gtk_toolbar_set_icon_size: assertion `icon_size != GTK_ICON_SIZE_INVALID' failed
  return, root, domain)
A new frmMain has been created
on_tlbPlay_clicked called with self.tlbPlay
Segmentation fault
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openshot 1.1.3 works in lupu!

#20 Post by smil99 »

Hi all
I have managed to make openshot 1.1.3 run in lupu 5. All the following pets must be installed to make it work.

1. : This ffmpeg contains ffplay. However, video output is black and white!
2. : The color is restored after installing this from playdayz. Playdayz, any idea why this is so? Bonus: you get mplayer capability by installing this.
3. : Not really needed but gives you mplayer gui. Also from playdayz.
5. : Made from lucid frei0r-1 plugins.
6. : Also from lucid repository. Includes melt and all the necessary libmlts
7. : Obtained this minimal python from the forum (can't recollect the source though) and added the necessary modules and files (mlt, goocanvas, cairo, gtk, and xdg, etc)
8. : This is the latest openshot with a lot of improvement over the previous ones. For example, it now has undo and redo buttons.

Might work on other versions of puppy but first back up any files related to ffmpeg like libavformat, libavdevice, libavcodec, etc ... or test it first on another partition with fresh install (frugal is easiest) of your favourite puplet.


Last edited by smil99 on Tue 15 Jun 2010, 23:37, edited 1 time in total.


#21 Post by aarf »

thanks for this smil99

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#22 Post by smil99 »

My pleasure.

I would like to know if it is working for you.


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#23 Post by smil99 »

Hi fellow puppians,
Don't I deserve to know if openshot that I put together is working for you or not?
C'mon share your experiences here.




#24 Post by aarf »

lupu500 needed 128MB pupsave!
got this far using these packages (images below this post and the next)
not sure how to configure melt
failed to import .mp4
need to do some openshot reading.
taking a short break now.
openshot packages.jpg
(58.51 KiB) Downloaded 2744 times
Last edited by aarf on Sun 27 Jun 2010, 14:13, edited 2 times in total.


#25 Post by aarf »

second image from above post
(32.64 KiB) Downloaded 2521 times


#26 Post by aarf »

(44.44 KiB) Downloaded 2480 times

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#28 Post by smil99 »

Thanks for the feedback.
I am not quite sure but does installing libvpx0 make ffplay work? My installation didn't even require libvpx0 to work.

I would suggest you install openshot and all the accompanying pets on a fresh install of lupu and see the outcome. As you may know, ffmpeg, ffplay and melt depend on specific versions of other libs such as libavformat, libdevice, etc. If the required versions are not there, errors like melt not finding required codecs and not able to import anything into openshot occurs.

As I pointed out earlier in this thread, running the commands
# melt
followed by
# melt -query "producers"
must give a list of producers among which MUST be 'avformat'.
Prior to running openshot, you may also try playing any video using ffplay or melt. If you are able to do that, then openshot should work.

(1) After installing openshot, it is possible that another program that is installed later may overwrite some of these libs (libavformat, libdevice, etc) with those that are contained in that pet. Personally, I always unpet any pet and find out if the libs contained therein are not already in my system. If they are, I do another pet without these libs and see if the new program will work with the already installed libs.
You may use this command to unpet a pet:
# pet2tgz
untar the tgz and check the folders, especially the libs folder, for any duplications of libs as explained above.

(2) It seems 128MB pupsave is way too small for doing any serious video editing. I always do a frugal install but choose the option of saving to the entire partition. Thus, my pupsave is the entire size of the partition and I do not worry about increasing pupsave size in the future.
I am sure you already know how to partition disks or resize partitions through GParted. Don't you?



#29 Post by aarf »

ffplay with the missing file above now plays mp4 on this new install virgin lupu 500. just e2fsprog to check the disks.
have done the
# melt
followed by
# melt -query "producers"
but still get (nothing) >.
yes resizing is no problem. still have 24MB free in my 128mb partition.
still cant import or play anything in openshot. even small jpg series wont show as imported.

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#30 Post by smil99 »

I think the problem is with your version of ffmpeg ( and its dependencies as against the one I provided which is

Try installing the one in my post (ie

As I said earlier, most of the packages floating around may have similar names but their dependencies may vary with respect to version numbers.



#31 Post by aarf »

success in importing and playing mp4 with a new try on new 256MB pupsave with your standard attached pets.
also attached console outputs.
removal of the (') from
# 'melt -query "producers" (on page 1 of this thread)
to give/use
# melt -query "producers"
may also have been a positive contribution.
used this to start:
# python /usr/share/openshot/

will play around further.
thank you
(89.78 KiB) Downloaded 839 times
Last edited by aarf on Mon 28 Jun 2010, 19:47, edited 1 time in total.


#32 Post by aarf »

first attempt from novice.
imported 10 minute 45MB mp4 into openshot, cut it in about half, exported it to youtube medium quality waited a long time and then got my new 5 minute 90MB mpeg movie! so my aim of reucing the MB size by cutting the stuff i didnt want at the end of the movie failed, went into pupppeeerc6 and tried to change the new mpeg to mp4 with "FFconvert multimedia converter" also failed due to code problems. any advice gratefully accepted.


#33 Post by aarf »


The following formats/codecs are missing from your system:


You will not be able to use the selected export profile. You will need to install the missing formats/codecs or choose a different export profile.
The following formats/codecs are missing from your system:


You will not be able to use the selected export profile. You will need to install the missing formats/codecs or choose a different export profile.
The following formats/codecs are missing from your system:


You will not be able to use the selected export profile. You will need to install the missing formats/codecs or choose a different export profile.
(79.54 KiB) Downloaded 2270 times
(21.41 KiB) Downloaded 2260 times


#35 Post by aarf »

have downloaded these but haven't begun testing yet google search for them:

specifically want mp4 output if anyone has the inclination to start testing please do.

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