MC Midnight Commander

Filemanagers, partitioning tools, etc.
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#16 Post by aragon »

uploaded actual stable version. see main post.


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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#17 Post by musher0 »

Here's my script to run mc as transparent.

Code: Select all

# mccolor transparent

urxvt -bg sienna4 -fg cornsilk -sr +st -bc -T Midnight_Commander -tr -tint white -sh 67 -bd firebrick4 -g 140x48+150+150 -cr white -b 4 -e mc --colors normal=blue,default:selected=brightblue,gray:marked=yellow,default:markselect=yellow,gray:directory=brightblue,default:executable=brightgreen,default:link=cyan,default:device=brightmagenta,default:special=lightgray,default:errors=red,default:reverse=green,default:gauge=green,default:input=white,gray:dnormal=green,gray:dfocus=brightgreen,gray:dhotnormal=cyan,gray:dhotfocus=brightcyan,gray:menu=green,default:menuhot=cyan,default:menusel=green,gray:menuhotsel=cyan,default:helpnormal=cyan,default:editnormal=green,default:editbold=blue,default:editmarked=gray,blue:stalelink=red,default 
Works in Squeeze 0.09 and probably many other Puppies.

Please note the actual colour coding is not from me (the part starting at --colors, until the end). Trying to retrace the author... There is a dead link on this page, but the illustration is still there. ... ton%5D.y=0

I do not understand German, but it seems that the colour settings in the script above were written by a "Stefan Krauth am Sonntag, 23. November 2008". If a German-speaking person could confirm that? (aragon, maybe?) :) Thanks in advance.

So that's my bit towards more honesty everywhere today. 8)

Also, mc 4.7 now supports skins, and there are so many sites about those skins that you'll get lost!

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

Posts: 1698
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#18 Post by aragon »

Hi Christian,

yes the name of the kraut is 'Stefan Krauth'.

Thanks for posting the script.


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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#19 Post by musher0 »

Thanks, aragon, for checking the validity of that information.

Here is another script, but this time for the gotar skin (included in aragon's package).

I'll post the "rem's" below. They are a bit long, but they may help newbies understand how "make the bed" for mc. The attached pet file runs "out of the box". Also, see the picture.

@van78: It's got a " gotar.desktop " file, too! :D So it can be run from the menu.


Code: Select all

# Script for mc using the included "gotar" skin, by musher0.
# Save in : /root/my-applications/bin 
# and give it permission to be run.

# urxvt -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=17" -g 100x35+67+113 -fg DarkSeaGreen1 -bg "#5D2E33" -T Midnight_Commander -e mc -S gotar

# Notes by musher0, Nov. 3, 2010
# geometry
# Suggested geometries:
# -g 84x30+67+113 
# -g 132x48+67+113  # Anything else too big, I'd say. Limited by screen itself.
# -g 120x40+67+113 
# -g 110x45+67+113 
# -g 100x35+67+113  # Happy medium, I think.

# Backgrounds
# Also possible, of course : -bg black. Gives better contrast than the 
# following: # -bg IndianRed4 # -bg "#133659" # coral4 # "#693B1C" # darkred
# However, I find that " -bg "#5D2E33" " gives a kind of "red wine" colour 
# against which all elements of the gotar skin are well contrasted.

# Fonts
# Always possible, of course: no font parameter. 
# mc will use whatever (u-), (m-) or rxvt proper hands over.
# -fn "x:9x15" # Provided by the Linux system. Hm...
# -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=17"
# provides a better alternative. This font usually comes with Puppy.
# If, somehow, it's not included, it can be found here:
# The font will play accordeon with the geometry parameter and make mc 
# take the screen space it needs automatically. (My understanding of it!)
# The "mono" variants of fonts such as Liberation and Toga can be tried, but
# find an afternoon with nothing better to do (:-(, expect variable success,
# and lots of fiddling with the fontsize.
# Reminder for installing new fonts
# Place in /usr/share/fonts/default/TTF # and then do, 
# in console : " fc-cache " (without the quotes) to activate it.
# Fontsize
# If your focusing capacity rivals that of a microscope, then go right ahead 
# and specify a smaller fontsize than what's indicated in the line!

# Once you've read it, make a copy of this script under 
# ~/my-documents/DOCS-Linux/mc-gotar.txt # (suggested location),
# and erase the comments from the script itself to gain a few bytes 
# in RAM at runtime.
############## end ################
"gotar" script for Midnight Commander
(2.23 KiB) Downloaded 1101 times
(85.67 KiB) Downloaded 3692 times
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)


#20 Post by stu90 »

This is a great application - wasn't sure if i would like it at first but after a day find i am using it just as much as rox. :)

Are you guys using puppyfied /etc/mc/mc.ext file? i had to change mine to get images to open with viewnior and mp3's with mplayer.


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Location: Gatineau (Qc), Canada

#21 Post by musher0 »

Hi, stu90.

Actually, I stopped using mc when I started using the mywolfe 0.21 derivative.,

I can't pin-point why, under that Puppy derivative, an utf-8 bug breaks mc when
you scroll down any one of file panels. The bug is documented, actually, but I won't
conjecture anything as to why it's happening now.

Instead, I'm trying to figure out IBM's F: file manager (also known as xflinux)
at this time.

But under Puppy Squeeze, mc works great.

As to configuring mc to open any file type, I know it can be done, but I didn't
get that far. Better ask someone else !

Have a great day!
Last edited by musher0 on Fri 10 Dec 2010, 13:53, edited 1 time in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

Posts: 1698
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Location: Germany

#22 Post by aragon »

stu90 wrote:This is a great application - wasn't sure if i would like it at first but after a day find i am using it just as much as rox. :)

Are you guys using puppyfied /etc/mc/mc.ext file? i had to change mine to get images to open with viewnior and mp3's with mplayer.

only thing i've added to the regular is

Code: Select all

# .pet
	Open=%cd %p#utar
	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
which adds the abilty to 'browse' into pets seemlessly.


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Location: Germany

#23 Post by aragon »

uploaded actual stable version. see main post.



#24 Post by stu90 »

thanks for MC update aragon 8)

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Location: Germany

#25 Post by aragon »

uploaded new version. see main post.


Posts: 1698
Joined: Mon 15 Oct 2007, 12:18
Location: Germany

#26 Post by aragon »

uploaded actual version to first post.


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