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Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 17:38
by dejan555
Glad you like it russoodle :)

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 19:14
by Béèm
I don't know if it is still valid, but gposil did work on apt-synaptic.

This is totally awesome Dejan!

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 20:45
by Eyes-Only
Hi Dejan! :D

Just logging in here to let you know that I, too, am using your KDpup, and have been since I saw you posting about it here in this thread. I have to say this has got to be one of the most magnificent puplets I have ever experienced to date! - and I've been using Puppy since around version 1.0.2 or so. ( My first main Linux distro was Grafpup actually before moving to Puppy. )

I couldn't believe just how complete this was! And each day I'm still finding something remarkable about it which simply blows my mind! :shock: Now granted it's larger than the standard Puppy .iso, but yet you've managed to fit so much more for useful apps into this than even PCLOS used to brag about with their "2gigs of apps squeezed into a 700meg CD".

As for the everyone's mentioned? I've been using the one Gposil made found here: and if one is extremely careful using it then it does work to install Lenny packages AND has proven to be VERY stable for me and my system ( a DELL 2400 with 2.4gig pIV Intel processor, 512megs of RAM, 128meg cache, and a 160gig HD ). So far I've managed to install Blackbox, the complete LXDE Desktop environment, fbpanel ( for optional use with Openbox ), and a few other packages from Synaptic as well - and all is working fine here! Umm... the only thing I did break was Xscreensaver but I don't use that anyway as I use KDE's internal screensaver and when not using that I prefer the simple xset one as it demands far fewer resources.

At any rate Dejan, I can't sing loudly enough my praises for what you've done and accomplished here. Fabulous mate! Simply a stroke of pure genius!

KDpup has 10 stars in my book! :)



Re: This is totally awesome Dejan!

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 21:00
by dejan555
Eyes-Only wrote:I have to say this has got to be one of the most magnificent puplets I have ever experienced to date!

Thanks Eyes-Only got your email too, hope you got reply.


Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 23:19
by Eyes-Only
Howdy Dejan!
Dejan wrote:" your email too, hope you got reply."
Hmm... glad you got MY email Dejan! I really am, as this - along with my above post ( and subsequently changed signature file I hope? ) - should hopefully let you know that I haven't been this enthusiastic over a Puppy build/puplet perhaps since the time of Grafpup. :D In fact, I've been spending SO much time now back at the computer since you've posted the .iso file, just playing around with KDpup and having more fun than I can remember ( quite possibly since my days at Mozilla in fact! ) that my poor wife is starting to feel like a "computer widow" once again! LOL! :lol:

But getting back to the subject at hand here: As to having received YOUR email? Regretfully my friend, no. :( And I haven't a clue as to why it hasn't come through to me either as I run with very lax spam filteration on my email client...

Perhaps you could try resending? And if you don't hear from me in either a reply email OR a quick note in this thread here in a few days then maybe you should attempt sending it via private message of the board forum? ( Although that doesn't always work either for me unfortunately :( )

Good Luck Dejan! Bonne Chance mon ami!


(P/s: When emailing remember that there is no dash "-" in the name. ;) )

Re: KDPUP = KDE 3.5.10 + dpup 484 beta 4

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 04:04
by battleshooter
dejan555 wrote:
battleshooter wrote:
There is actually a Kdenlive for KDE 3.5,
I know there is one but on their official site they don't reccommend using version for kde 3.x because current version is like complete rewrite or something
Kdenlive 0.7.5 Debian packages are now available in Debian sid (unstable). Melt (MLT) is presently only available from Debian sid (unstable). Do not use Debian testing repositories, which offer older versions of Kdenlive.
Oh ok, weird. I figured you'd already know about that Kdenlive, just making sure...


Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 10:56
by tubeguy
Super sweet dejan! Some sound bites from my head:

Man that's a big sfs.

God I love that wallpaper.

Oh man! So *this* is what KDE is!

Folks, this is not your fathers puppy.

Oh man! So *this* is Amarok!

Hey little bouncing fox thingie! (running firefox)

Oh hai, wats this! (7 or 8 times)

Hey this is dpup, let's see about...(several times).

I'm gonna have to put this on the big box in the other room and see what it can do. Little heavy for my lappie, wbar and pwidgets don't seem to work so I want to see if I can fix 'em. I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn't some huge distro that I finally got working on my laptop after all these years. Very snappy, surprisingly so. This pup makes me say "what if" a lot, so I can see hours of messing around ahead. I've gotten so used to traditional puppies and JWM that I forgot what Linux can be if given some legs. Had a similar experience with PAW, but the addition of KDE is really something. Thanks for letting it out of the kennel, dejan!

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 11:00
by dejan555
Hey thanks tubeguy, btw wbar should work but there's some catch how gposil configured it for dpup will check later, hmm how did you try to run it, from wbar setup wizard?

From the top of my head, go to /var/ there's configuration file for wbar where it says true or false change it to true and then it should run.

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 11:52
by tubeguy
dejan555 wrote:Hey thanks tubeguy, btw wbar should work but there's some catch how gposil configured it for dpup will check later, hmm how did you try to run it, from wbar setup wizard?

From the top of my head, go to /var/ there's configuration file for wbar where it says true or false change it to true and then it should run.
Ran from wizard. The config file is where you said it was, changing to true worked. Thanks!

Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 22:02
by Béèm
Some +2 years ago I tried a KDE 3.x.x sfs on my then 256MB Thinkpad.
I liked KDE, but it was slower then JWM. But I used it.
I started to have problems and I got no response from the developer, so I had to stop using it.

When I saw the iso, I decided to try again. As far as I can judge it's quicker then quirky and lucid, in fact very snappy, but can be due to the fact I have 1GB now. Indeed, after boot, I only have 50K available.

But I have problems.

My HDD's, specially sda2 on which there is a swap file and the external USB HDD's aren't seen. But strangely when creating a save file, I got them proposed all and selected sda2 to create the save file.

But also I have no internet. I got it without problems in dpup 484b4.
I need the ipw2100 module, but it isn't found.

So I have 2 show stoppers here. A pity.

Posted: Fri 21 May 2010, 22:33
by dejan555
How do you mean your HDDs aren't seen? When you run pmount they aren't shown there or fdisk -l in terminal or they're not seen as there's no icon for them on desktop? Because hotpup icons won't show on kde desktop as they do with jwm.
whatever was in dpup is also in kdpup, I haven't removed anything and so is ipw2100 module too,

Code: Select all

# find /lib/modules/ -name ipw2100*
# modprobe ipw2100

KDPUP desktop

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 03:29
by tubeguy
For this box:
Processor : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3000+
Memory : 1554MB (536MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.48
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Fri May 21 21:55:37 2010

Resolution : 1600x1200 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Unknown
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation

Audio Adapter : NFORCE - NVidia nForce2
Audio Adapter : USB-Audio - USB Sound Device

-Input Devices-
AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse
Power Button
Power Button
PC Speaker

-Printers (CUPS)-
CUPS-PDF : <i>Default</i>

-SCSI Disks-
ATA Maxtor 6L200P0
HP DVD Writer 300n
RIM BlackBerry SD
I couldn't get pwidgets to work. Conky runs but the widgets themselves won't actually display, my understanding is that it is a KDE thing. So got standard conky running. Not as pretty but functional anyway.

Very happy to report that my USB sound thingie works!

Just more and more enamored with KDE and Konqueror file manager, best thing since, well, it's great.

I have a 1gig pupsave on an ext4 volume, very snappy startup. Man this is cool!

click for full size:

click for full size:

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 07:45
by Béèm
dejan555 wrote:How do you mean your HDDs aren't seen? When you run pmount they aren't shown there or fdisk -l in terminal or they're not seen as there's no icon for them on desktop? Because hotpup icons won't show on kde desktop as they do with jwm.
whatever was in dpup is also in kdpup, I haven't removed anything and so is ipw2100 module too,

Code: Select all

# find /lib/modules/ -name ipw2100*
# modprobe ipw2100
I must have been sleepy :oops:
This morning after a fresh reboot, I found the network wizard and could configure it and connect.
And looking for ipw2100 with find, do find it now. Weird.

As for the HDD's I probably am confused with Ubuntu, which I tried out for a short while, where those resources are in media:/, which is where I looked to mount them.
Hadn't realized pmount was there. It's ok now.

So it's not possible to see the HDD's on the desktop if I understand well?

Any way 'playing' with KDE now.
As I like to have the system tray vertical on the left side, I can do so now, other puppies not giving this possibility or showing erratic behavior.

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 08:13
by dejan555
Béèm wrote:I must have been sleepy :oops:
It's ok beem :)
Béèm wrote: As for the HDD's I probably am confused with Ubuntu, which I tried out for a short while, where those resources are in media:/, which is where I looked to mount them.
Hadn't realized pmount was there. It's ok now.
Well this is puppy after all, for devices to be shown in media:/ in konqueror you need correct /etc/fstab and also would need some hal backend hack so for mounting best to use puppy's tools not sure if hotpup could be hacked for kde.

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 11:28
by Béèm
No I want try hacking, this is outside my competence.
I'll get used to the earlier days when desktop drive icons didn't exists in puppy.
Enjoying KDE so far.
I specially appreciate the ease of configuring things through the control center.


Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 13:03
by kayan

Thanks for KDE WITH Puppy....was searching for my favorite desktop ,I am more than happy :D :D :D
Tried LHP but had to download and use lots of separate sfs

This KDPup full fills my needs all in one GO :lol:

Except for shut down ,have to do it manually all the things ROCK



Re: greaaat!!!

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 13:35
by tubeguy
kayan wrote:Except for shut down ,have to do it manually
You could drag one of the scripts in usr/bin to the desktop (symlink it):


or drag shutdown to the desktop, that's the dpup shutdown window.

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 13:39
by dejan555
Yeah or locate jwmshutdown it's the shutdown dialog used in dpup.
You can even make button on panel to launch it.

BTW post your PC specs kayan :)
EDIT: OOPS, it's in your signature!


Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 15:43
by Béèm
I tried to configure my connection with pwireless2, but the device, eth1, wasn't found.
With the network wizard no problem.

I prefer pwireless2 as it reconnects, in case of a lost connection, to the same access point.
With the network wizard, as I have a lot access points arond me, I did find myself connected to another (non-protected) one after a connection loss.

What can be done to get Pwireless2 working?
When started no access points are displayed and there are at least some 25 around me.

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 16:06
by dejan555
No idea sorry I don't use wireless maybe look in pwireless dev thread if there's updated version or something?