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Posted: Sun 28 Nov 2010, 19:34
by Karl Godt
And with this 104/5 lines diff -up
would look like this :

[EDIT : the diff -uaNd in the following post works for me now
So I deleted the diff -up attachment ]

Posted: Mon 29 Nov 2010, 20:49
by Karl Godt
diff -up isn't working which I was told at
Also there was a problem with geany or pdksh which I tested that day (public domain KornShell ~300KB ) that cutted everything behind the column 72 .

diff -uaNd does work.
Excuse for any Inconvenience !

Posted: Sun 06 Mar 2011, 19:59
by paradj
ok this is going to drive me nutz :shock:
i've been trying to get this to work in puppy 5.20(lucid)*(lupu not luci)

the attached file is basically what output always looks like in every distro ive tried from 4.x up thru

have tried to change in frugal, full and a few tweaked installs.
(frugal to full aka pupmode=12)

the fist update i do on any 5.20(lupu) install is to update the ppm

i had originally tried the quickpet "Update Lupu PPM"
didn't seem to change anything

so was this .gz supposed to make the look like the previous post sshot?
( ... h&id=34943)


tried to download it an petget wanted to install, so i let it.
still looks like the attached image

can anyone point me in any direction on how to fix this? :?


Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2011, 19:28
by Karl Godt
I thought about a long big text, but this would belong to a howto section .

Patches are applied with the

Code: Select all

patch ##--help

As far as I can see it : `patch` is part of the devx_PUP_VERSION.sfs

Roughly : place the patch file in the dir of the origfile , do a

Code: Select all

cd /usr/local/petget
and a

Code: Select all

unzip the patch.diff.p.patch.gz

Code: Select all

have a look at it

Code: Select all

geany &

Code: Select all

patch <
The diff command seems to work on shellscripts better with

Code: Select all

diff -U1 -aNd FILE
The patch should work flawlessly on 5.1.1 but may reject the main part on older puppies because there had been some changes [ some medium-little handwork needed ]
I had not put any changelog remarks in the head part of the file .

Anyway, thanks for the response .