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Posted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 06:01
by ikaros262
Another question. Above it says it's better to remaster Puppy without a save file, is it absolutely necessary? I don't have enough RAM. My former remaster was on another PC with 4GB RAM, but this one has 512MB so when I tried to do a remaster it hung up because the remaining RAM after installing my favorite .pet packages was less than 100MB.

Posted: Fri 13 Jan 2012, 06:37
by RSH
Manual Remaster in GUI (Original Name) - English and German Version

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2012, 04:03
by ikaros262
Thank you RSH. I'll see what results from my remasters :D

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 23:51
by oldyeller

I have just got done doing a remaster of lupu 528 called BiblePup. It has theWord and BibleAnalyzer programs by permission from the creators of these.

It also has tint2.pwgets 2.3.8 and wbar. It also has links to their sites in the Internet menu along with a link for BiblePup 5.0. It also has menu called bible studes-this will take you to my-documents/Studies that you can download.

Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2012, 12:54
by roadkill13
James C said:
I was bored so I started a new little project with Lucid 528.004. Not a remaster....I change everything manually.Not happy yet...need to remove a bit more excess baggage.
No JWM. No Openbox.Removed. Boots straight into an XFCE4 desktop with Conky.
Still got a little tweaking to do but I'm posting from it live pfix=ram now. More soon.
Looking forward to this. :D

Posted: Tue 28 Feb 2012, 20:07
by James C

Posted: Tue 28 Feb 2012, 20:08
by James C
duplicate post.

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2012, 21:53
by Atle
Remastering Lucid with LHMP and it worked AFTER i broke all rules and copy entire /root and /etc during the remastering.

Before that I did try "by the book" a lot of times(almost wrote several hundreds :lol: ) and it never ever worked as you reboot on the remastered ISO...

So just to be clear... This is what I do: (Without ever ever burning a CD)

Ok... Got 3 partitions

1) MicroXP
3) For remastering

Ok... I take the ISO file and open it and copy it into partition 3. (from Slacko)

I run Grub4Dos and reboot into it with no savefile.

Then I run Grub4dos again, and reboot with no savefile. Now I have the ability to chose to run in Ram only, and I do that.

Once I am up in pure ram with a brand new, I delete all the files in partition 3. Just to have that partition nice and clean to spread the final "product" without anymore.

I then do it by the book, as in installing what is to be the custom puppy, test it and then restart X as said by Playdayz.

Now as the partition 3 is clean i chose to save the project in partition 3.

Once done going through the process of Remastering Puppy Live CD and have the one folder and one ISO on partition 3, I make archive of the project folder and then delete the folder, keeping it compressed not to mess with my booting.

I then take the files in the ISO and copy them to partition 3.

Bang... Reboot... If it did not work, I just reboot into Slacko, and there is no mess in the boot with slaco SFS and Lucid SFS, so I can just restart and this time I go straight into the ram only mode...

I find it great to have both Slacko and Lucid as you do remastering, as they do not interfere in the booting as two partitions with Lucid can or even that folder that is produced with its FSF file.

I have gotten confused many times, as I boot up on the wrong FSF when I get to much of them. So this is why i make it a archive.

Now I guess this LHMP thing is a bit special, as it have stuff in /root/webserver that needs to come along, and also in /etc.

I do not really know what files I must copy and what I do not need to copy, so I take them all... Probably not good, but it works..

My question is if it does a lot of harm to copy the entire /root and the /etc? Or should I try to figure out exact WHAT to copy?

I am no good at this file systems and my aim is just to make a good Live CD with Joomla running out of the box on top of Puppy...


Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2012, 22:07
by RSH
Why don't you use the build in Remaster Puppy live-CD (somewhere in the setup menu)?

I do always use this (enough RAM recommended) and it is easy, secure and it did never fail (except i did made mistakes)!

Just clicking sometimes OK (NO at the driver sfs) and probably copy some files into the offered directories /tmp/root... or /tmp/etc... !

Thats it. A few minutes and almost all automatically!

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2012, 22:44
by Atle
I guess i should have specified that...

I was guessing that it was clear, but as I read my text its not.

I do use the remaster Puppy Live CD and that is where you get the options on /root and /etc...

So let med edit it to state that more clearly...

I think if you objective is to remaster some Lucid CD's, you might as well have Slacko as you main OS, as its does not make a mess with the SFS files. Same is as I go for remastering Slacko, I will have Lucid as my main OS for all other stuff that has not got to do with the remastering project.

In that was, I always start from the ISO and not what I have used to google and whatever to get to the goal:-)


Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2012, 23:04
by RSH
Atle wrote:My question is if it does a lot of harm to copy the entire /root and the /etc? Or should I try to figure out exact WHAT to copy?
Ok, i do understand now. You did somewhere write something about a "book", so that's why i was a bit :?
Yes it does harm a lot. If you copy all files in /etc and /root into the remaster, the iso does often or mostly work only on this computer, where you did made the remaster.

Yes, you should figure out, what exact to copy.

A help can be: directories containing new files are fattened (text). Also new files are fattened (text). Take a look into /etc and /root for such directories/files and copy them.

You can also extract the installed .pet to another directory and search manually for the files in the system directories, to copy them manually - if not automatically copied. Usually all new installed files will find its place inside the remaster. But in my experience, sometimes some files, installed to /root are not automatically copied to /tmp/root.

So /etc, /tmp/etc and /root, /tmp/root are directories you should examine.

Note: not all "text-fattened" directories containing new installed files. Some of them might be created at boot up.

Hope that will help a bit.

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2012, 23:26
by Atle
Help a bit?

This is freaking great man :D

Because I ALWAYS start off with extracting the files from the original I guess i can sort of dig a bit deeper into just that with the files and folders with bold text.

I really get it now... :D

This LHMP is in both /root and /etc...

"The book", by the was more referring to Playdayz "howto" in the first post in the thread... No messing with /root nor /etc...

Also referred to as breaking the rules... Playdayz IS king of Lucid... So one must listen when spoken to :?

Now I can take a snapshot of a clean ram boot to compare it with what my /etc looks like after i install the .PET.

Thanks for posting a very clear and nice post... Is shall post here if anything turns up, but hopefully first when a new little puppy derivative is born and need someone to tosh it around a bit for a proper release.

One of the things I REALLY love with Puppy is that once you got any kind of bootable Puppy, your done with burning CDs for the REST of your life :D

Its by far the most eco friendly distro there is and its not well known...(for the eco part)

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 00:10
by gcmartin
@Playdayz. THANK YOU very much for this straighforward explanation.

Would this same process ...004 apply to the latest 3 Head Dog?

I think I see where you're going with this. My OP on problems with Remaster was not necessarily with your Puppy. But, my problem was with most of what I've seen. That is; when I boot my Remaster ISO, its is missing customization, that I have to manually tweak back into the system.

I will give your process a run to see if the same problem(s) erupt.

My other problem is that it seems to me that the whole remaster process could have been very easily setup in a single screen versus the manner that it currently guides the users. If a single screem, one might be able to easily deduce how one selection might impact another or the outcome. Further, a single screen with an area for each sub-process of Remaster could also be useful guidance as well. This all means that someone of the community would re-package the Remaster process and get it into WOOF.

I have to admit that were I a new user to the LInux community I would be quite frustrated in using Remaster as it is currently structured.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may consider this wise for the community

JoomlaOnPuppy ready

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 21:01
by Atle
After some back and forward with this and that, my Puppy Derivate is now ready for testing and downloads... The aim is to go a lot further than this, but first of all I need some feedback on it as it is..

There is a thread here in the forum

And the website with the download is here(no registration needed in testing periode)

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2012, 03:24
by humblesoul
Automated, drag n drop gui guided remaster would be amazing. Struggling with retaining pets, background, icon and desktop/system settings and preferences. Slowly getting there following forum guides but struggling.

Click here to include currently installed pets.

Click here to set current background wallpaper as default.

Click here to... etc.

Or maybe a personal save file to iso?

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2012, 22:14
by musher0

I'd like to add to this list of Lupu's the excellent localized French version of 3-headed Dog, "puplette 5" by "petihar", which is here: ... 42&t=76144


Lucid 529 / Slacko 531 hybrid - trial version - allows PAE

Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2012, 05:52
by ozsouth