Will the real Puppy please stand up, please stand up

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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#17 Post by ectoprocta »

Well I'm hesitant to tread on Spanish and Portuguese. There are many countries that speak these languages......doing a sombrero for spanish would be like doing an american flag for English.....it has to be something all Spanish speakers or Portuguese speakers identify with. I thought of a Catholic cross for spanish, but religion, don't want to go there.

More suggestions.....
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#18 Post by rarsa »

Well you did an ausie hat. Is that because Ausie is not quite English? :D

If other Spanish speaking forum participants have ideas for representative regional headdresses they can always suggest. I don't think there is a common headdress, as there isn't one for English.

I guess that's the case for most widelly spoken languages.

Although... Most spanish speaking countries idolize soccer o you may want to think about a sports-puppy series.

P.D. I couldn't care less about sports, so it's only a suggestion. ;)

#19 Post by Guest »

Well both Puppy and Barry are Aussies, so we get to celebrate the birthplace of Puppy Linux.

How about Zorro. Everybody likes zorro. Steal from the windows give to the linux.....
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#20 Post by ectoprocta »

I'm stumped on portugese. I'm definitely going to need some help on our final language.....
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#21 Post by rarsa »

Wow, you are really creative!

I bet you this thread will become a classic.
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#22 Post by ectoprocta »


I actually just saw the existing picture in the portugese page, it looks good.....but I'll do another if someone has an idea.
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#23 Post by Pizzasgood »

That is awesome! Instead of having it language oriented, it could just be culture oriented (one for each country/culture that uses Puppy) and randomly choose which one to display on each visit. Then everybody can enjoy all the different hats, and it adds a little more variety to the site, and shows how many different people use Puppy. Otherwise people would have to switch to through half a million languages to see them all. There could be holiday ones too, like a Santa or Leprechaun Puppy.

The language idea is cool to, though. 8)
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#24 Post by MU »

you will be assimilated
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#25 Post by Guest »

Cool! Well, I leave our new puppy image in the hands of the people of the world......it will be interesting to see what else we get.

Viva la Puppy!
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#26 Post by BarryK »

My daughter Amy has created these...
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#27 Post by MU »

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#28 Post by ectoprocta »

LOVE IT! Medusa Puppy would be perfect for the Puppy Unleashed page!

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Puppy logo

#29 Post by nippalony »

I reckon there needs to be an Indian puppy :P *makes

Also - the puppy logo should perhaps be a vector image?

*Rofls at the thought of Puppy in a turban
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#30 Post by ectoprocta »

Indian Puppy
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#31 Post by neg2led »

Wonderful job Ectoprocta! These are too cute! take a look at this: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/randomizer/ - its a way of making images rotate every time the page is loaded. As long as all the pictures are the same size, it works fine!

everyone has fotografic memory. some peoples just dont have films!
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#32 Post by babbs »

I'm sorry to join this thread so late in the game, but I've been on the road for a couple of weeks.

Cropping an image is not an easy thing to do when there is a background like those in the original photo as I found out when making this image:


Back to ectoprocta's first real puppy image, I don't think the ear was cropped too closely on the first attempt, I just think that it was tucked back and everyone is seeing the tail.

Nice job with the different themes!
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Andean headwear "chullo"

#33 Post by OzzyBB »

Hello all,

This is a fun thread! I'm no graphic designer, so I'll just contribute an image of a Peruvian typical "chullo". It may be also used in Bolivia, Ecuador and even in Colombia, I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, here it is, hoping another Puppy user will place it on the Puppy's head.

Warmest greetings from Peru,

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