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Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 23:18
by abushcrafter
playdayz wrote:if you could install zenity in your wine pets
I prefer dependencies like that to be separate.

There's also yad which is a update of zenity.

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 23:31
by Jim1911
Thanks bigpup and playdayz, that's a hugh improvement for wine tricks.

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 23:44
by playdayz
Here is green_dome's wine 1.3.13 with zenity and cabextract.

I remade this with yad 0.8.1 (instead of zenity, using technosaurus's suggestion to create a link from zenity to yad) made by stu90 just today--that saved 300KB.

Uninstall your current wine and install this one (only in ibiblio for a day or two). ...
I prefer dependencies like that to be separate.
I hear you abushcrafter. But when they are as small as this and add functionality I usually add them into one pet--because one pet seems to me more convenient for (most) people. I have seen some packages in the Additional software forum with 5 or 6 additional dependencies... It seems like a lot of clutter. I guess we will have to agree to disagree about this one ;-) Thanks for the note on yad. Oh wow, yad seems much smaller--back to the old drawing board.

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 05:33
by vtpup
I'm happy to report that both DesignCAD and TurboCAD open in the latest GreenDome Wine in the stripped=false version.

Very happy about that since I've stayed way back in versions of Wine in order to have DesignCAD functional.

I can't say whether this is just due to the stripped=false version or not. I'll probably try the stripped version too, and I also hadn't tested many of the prior GreenDome versions, so it may have been functional some time back.

But anyway, happy to report that these work.

TurboCAD looks a little unstable, but much better than in the past when it was screen garbage and rapid crash. Now I can do a fair amount in it before crashing -- generally it happens when trying to change preferences in the program. This is likely a Wine/TurboCAD bug, not necessarily anything to do with compilation for Puppy..

DesignCAD seems solid.

I'm hopeful TurboCAD/Wine will one day be stable as well, since the improvement in just 1 year has been really noticeable.

Thanks GreenDome for making this available. Very happy to finally be able to upgrade Wine.

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 06:41
by green_dome
I installed [Ref.]

Command line:

got this:
zenity: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by zenity)


Command line:
ldd --version

got this:
ldd (GNU libc) 2.6.1


Possibly I will look into compiling yad or zenity for Puppy 431. If I do compile it, possibly I will post it as a separate package. At the moment, I prefer dependecies that are separate.

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 20:42
by Jim1911
Hi green_dome,

playdayz's Wine works great in Lucid 5.2 and it has a fine improvement to Wine Tricks which has always been a pain to use. Please reconsider including yad and zenity in your Wine packages.

Your Wine upgrades are great and although prepared in 431, they have been working fine.

In my opinion, beginning with Lucid 5.2, the 5 series is now even more stable then the great 431. You may want to consider upgrading to a 5 series pup.

In any event, thank you for continuing to update Wine and for now your's work on all of the latest pups that I've tried.


Keeping wine clean

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 21:28
by vovchik
Dear green_dome,

I would not add any extraneous programs to wine. If other people want to add Yad or another pet, fine, but I would keep your package as it is (a wine package) and not a Yad or Zenity or gxmessage plus wine bundle.

Just my thoughts....

With kind regards,

Re: Keeping wine clean

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 22:31
by Jim1911
vovchik wrote:I would not add any extraneous programs to wine.
In my opinion yad or zenity are not extraneous, but are needed to make Wine Tricks usable. But possibly, you don't use Wine Tricks.

wine tricks

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 22:44
by vovchik
Dear Jim1911,

It is the practice in Unix/Linux not to duplicate existing packages by including all they might need if those bits are available elsewhere. Packages are kept clean in this manner. Since hundreds of programs may make use of, say, zenity, yad or gtkdialog, it would be a waste of bandwidth to supply these gui aids with each package, including wine. It would also lead to the introduction of dependencies on particular gtk versions. Yad requires a rather new gtk, whereas green_dome's wine runs on Puppy 3.01, 4.3 and 5.x. That would not be the case - particularly winetricks - if yad were supplied.

With kind regards,

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 23:10
by jamesbond
I second vovchik. green_dome's wine has seen a very wide distribution, it's even repackaged for Fatdog64 ...

It's a choice between dependencies hell (where is the lib for my apps to run - missing dependencies) or dependencies hell (why after I install VLC suddenly firefox stops working - system libraries overwritten by those from the PET).

I would rather have the first kind of dependency hell than the second one. (The second one usually means I'm doomed and have to restart a new savefile).

Of course I'm talking about extreme cases and yad/zenity here won't cause such a thing, but I guess the principle still applies.

My suggestion is, leave the base package as is, and everyone else is free to re-package and distribute an "enhanced" version of it. Myself, for example, I added wine-gecko into the repackaged wine, and convert that into SFS for Fatdog64 ...


Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 15:49
by technosaurus
or add something like this to the

Code: Select all

[ ! "`which yad`" ] && wget && tar -xf yad.tar.gz -C / && rm yad.tar.gz
Note: posted from a non-nix box so syntax may need to be tweaked

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 18:51
by 666philb
i've tried winetricks with zenity(in the PPM), but it's much better and more informative from the console(and i'm pretty new to the console). You get a download progress bar and it would seem(i may be wrong), many more options than the graphical interface. I'm glad someone pointed this out to me. Just open a console and type winetricks -h for all the options. then winetricks whatever to install

thanks for all the good work green_dome

Wine 1.3.14

Posted: Sat 26 Feb 2011, 04:52
by green_dome
my attempt at compiling Wine 1.3.14

< ... 1.3.14_v1/>
(version 1)

< ... 1.3.14_v2/>
(version 2)

When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a non stripped Wine provides more information than a stripped Wine.
Non stripped = better for squashing bugs.

Reference: [forum post]


There are a few scripts that I find useful in creating sfs files.

One is 'pets2sfs'
[forum post] [download] [forum post]

Another is 'createsfs'
[forum post] [download]


I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'
I specifically used the files:

puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso - [forum post] [mirror 1] [mirror 2]

devx_430.sfs - [forum post] [mirror 1] [mirror 2]


I installed these packages before compiling: [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]


When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.

For help with Gecko,

I use the console to install packages from <winetricks>. For help with this I use

Code: Select all

winetricks -h
source < ... 62347.html>

Posted: Sat 26 Feb 2011, 08:33
by Peterm321
my attempt at compiling Wine 1.3.14
Many thanks



works great

Posted: Sun 27 Feb 2011, 09:21
by vovchik
Dear green_dome,

What can I say? Works as always.


With kind regards,

Unexperienced Wine-drinker needs help

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 22:43
by fenex2004
Hey guys,

Still pretty new at this linux and puppy thing, so bare with me....

Just installed (via PPM) wine 1.1.43 (all default settings) on my fresh install of lupu 5.2. Set it on a 9GB frugal install. Tried to install one of my most often used Micro$haft based programs (is a 3rd party software) and keep getting a "could not open c:/users/Temp/GLFf9e.tmp" error at the start of install. I've checked the "directory" and there was no GLFf9e.tmp file there, so I made one - same result. I've not used wine before, and since VMware and VirtualBox won't even start up, I thought I'd better try.

So can you guys give me a few pointers as to what to do to try and get this program running? Is there hope? If not, any advise on VB or VMWare? (VMware tells me i'm missing Gcc 4.3.4 I d/l it but it won't install either). Any help is appreciated. thanks in advance!


Posted: Sat 05 Mar 2011, 00:45
by 666philb
hi fenex

what's the app you are trying to run?
you can search here for your app to see if you need to configure wine or install some extra things via winetricks
Note: not everything works in wine

Which is where vm's come in, on lucid 520 vmware needs the from
and you will also need the kernel.sfs this is what i used(it worked) ... atched.sfs
(different puppy versions will need there own kernel version)

i use the virtualbox.sfs and i believe it should just work on a fresh install.. i'll check


Posted: Sat 05 Mar 2011, 03:05
by fenex2004
Hey 666philb,

Thanks for the links. It's a reload program called "Load from Disk" - 3rd party from about 4 years ago I think. I checked the list (course it wasn't there, but i tried :) )

Found the VirtualBox thread and downloaded the 4.04 pet. it works fine, takes alittle ram power i don't really have, but other than that is working good.

I'll try getting those pets for VM. I use VM on my Win machine to test pup burnsand it works good there. Was hoping I could get it working on pup too. Can never have enough virtual machines hehe.

Thanks again m8 for the help!


wine 1.3.15

Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011, 13:56
by vovchik
Dear green_dome,

I know this isn't really news, but wine 1.3.15 has been released. The url is: Any chance?

With thanks in advance and kind regards,

Posted: Sun 20 Mar 2011, 21:40
by vovchik
Dear green_dome,

We have a new release (, and there seem to be some significant improvements. Care to have a look?

With thanks in advance and kind regards,