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Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 12:57
by nooby
I am dense. Akita is that the official name for Puplite 6.0 Alpha
when it goes official as Akita Puppy something?

Russian mo-txt files

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 15:43
by rodin.s
I've made some mo-files for Russian. I have also added and and have changed a little
pup_advert_blocker didn't work because there was no .mo-file for chosen locale (Russian). It works with .mo-file. I guess it should switch to English mo-file when mo-file of chosen locale is not found.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 15:49
by sc0ttman
nooby wrote:Akita is that the official name for Puplite 6.0 Alpha
when it goes official as Akita Puppy something?
Exactly that... I am not too bothered about the name, but it will be called "Akita Linux" when I release it...

But you make a good point!
I actually just released the "Akita Linux - Alpha 1" ISO (not, not "puplite alpha 19", or whatever) I guess I should rename the thread!

Re: Russian mo-txt files

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 16:10
by sc0ttman
rodin.s wrote:I've made some mo-files for Russian. I have also added and and have changed a little
pup_advert_blocker didn't work because there was no .mo-file for chosen locale (Russian). It works with .mo-file. I guess it should switch to English mo-file when mo-file of chosen locale is not found.
Thanks rodin.s, you da man! I only feel safe to use the translations knowing that you have looked at them and approved them!

EDIT: Having a look now, great work indeed! Very nice.. :D

But the following is missing from bootmanager, probably I did not include it in the English .mo file!! :roll:

Code: Select all

Loc_services1="Manage system services"
Loc_services2="Edit the processes which start at bootup and run continuously in the background."
Loc_services3="Choose which system services to run at startup:"
Loc_services4="Untick a checkbox to prevent service from running at startup"

Like you, I also noticed that shinobars i18n code does not include the 'en' .mo files as a backup, but MUs 'simple localization' code does do that.. I will change shinobars code, so that the English .mo is included, then the localised one. I already updated pup-advert-blocker to do this, and will be going through other scripts to add the same fix.

But.... '' should already be on the ISO!! I was using a Russian desktop for days .. I've no idea if it is correctly translated or not, but I think you made it, so I am assuming it's perfect ;)

Re: Russian mo-txt files

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 16:46
by sc0ttman

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 16:56
by nooby
I wonder about Akita. I guess you have to point out that it is a puppy version. Based on puppy 420 maybe should be pointed out up front :)

Apart from that it feels good to be able to put together something that actually works what is different about Akita.

What feature do you like best or strive for to accomplish?

That it is lean and mean? 85 mb is small indeed. VLC works and pics through viewnior works too so it looks good so far.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 16:58
by nooby
sc0ttman wrote:
nooby wrote:Akita is that the official name for Puplite 6.0 Alpha
when it goes official as Akita Puppy something?
Exactly that... I am not too bothered about the name, but it will be called "Akita Linux" when I release it...

But you make a good point!
I actually just released the "Akita Linux - Alpha 1" ISO (not, not "puplite alpha 19", or whatever) I guess I should rename the thread!
I am writing from within Akita now. Downloaded FF 3.6 but it did not have Flash as the others usually have built in.

No big deal most people seems to know how to act in such circumstances.

Managed to find a driver for my Atheros LAN card.

Have not tested much else.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:09
by sc0ttman
I wonder about Akita. I guess you have to point out that it is a puppy version. Based on puppy 420 maybe should be pointed out up front
You're right, that info was missing.. updated main post. This info will be made clear when released as well.
What feature do you like best or strive for to accomplish?
That it is lean and mean? 85 mb is small indeed.
I simply want it to be good :) And it can be made much smaller, many apps included by default.
I am writing from within Akita now. Downloaded FF 3.6 but it did not have Flash as the others usually have built in.
Because other Puppies dont have a great 'Flash installer' in the 'Internet' menu, above the also excellent 'Browser Installer' ;)
Managed to find a driver for my Atheros LAN card.
Thats good... Do you ever have problems with it? (Particularly in regard to older puppies)...

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:11
by technosaurus
you can get the list of include commands with

Code: Select all

for x in `./busybox |grep ,|grep -v Â` ;do echo ${x%,}; done
... helpful for your new config
if it needs a recompile, perhaps some other applets can be removed or replace full versions
btw, barry posted a uclibc toolkit package a short while back, the included dietlibc has had issues compiling some applets (the daemon package I built used dietlibc though)
btw what part needs printf that cannot use echo?
sc0ttman wrote:Because other Puppies dont have a great 'Flash installer' in the 'Internet' menu, above the also excellent 'Browser Installer' ;)
I think it is automatically downloaded via a snippet in "delayedrun" though

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:21
by sc0ttman
technosaurus wrote:you can get the list of include commands with

Code: Select all

for x in `./busybox |grep ,|grep -v Â` ;do echo ${x%,}; done
... helpful for your new config
if it needs a recompile, perhaps some other applets can be removed or replace full versions
btw, barry posted a uclibc toolkit package a short while back, the included dietlibc has had issues compiling some applets (the daemon package I built used dietlibc though)
btw what part needs printf that cannot use echo?
I'm wary of compiling busybox myself, might bork it - although it would be a nice opportunity to try playing around with the init script, but that's best left to someone who knows what they are doing..

Thanks for the info once again.. I'm always playing catch up!
I thought you just typed 'busybox' into the terminal and read the list of applets!

And I thought making the right-aligned, coloured 'done' messages (as used in rc.sysinit) required either echo -e or printf ... But I'm thinking of doing away with them altogether.. Replacing with a normal echo ".. done\n" or whatever looks nice..

But now I'm wondering, is that really dumb? I think yes, I might revert to /#!bin/sh and the original echo -e stuff...

While you're here, how do I best test the speed of the init script? (Or rc.sysinit to be more precise, I guess...)

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:23
by sc0ttman
Because other Puppies dont have a great 'Flash installer' in the 'Internet' menu, above the also excellent 'Browser Installer' ;)
I think it is automatically downloaded via a snippet in "delayedrun" though
Really? I might have to get in on that! Hacked to run your flash-installer, of course!


Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:40
by rodin.s
I'll post mo-files for desksetup, defaults-chooser and updated bootmanager later.

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 18:56
by nooby
sc0ttman wrote:
Because other Puppies dont have a great 'Flash installer' in the 'Internet' menu, above the also excellent 'Browser Installer' ;)
I think it is automatically downloaded via a snippet in "delayedrun" though
Really? I might have to get in on that! Hacked to run your flash-installer, of course!
Guys pardon my lack of know how. You guys are right on! That is how them do it. The delayed thing and either Flash pop ups and one get asked or the pop up gets hidden under the main ff screen and one realize that too late. :)

Anyway such dealyed run I guess would be wanted and appreciated by the puppy crowd them being used to it. :)

Good you told about it.

Yes a few puppy variety actually do have problem finding the ahteros.

Even if them find it them have already shut down the hardware so it only get reachable by shutting down and pulling the power plug and letting the RAM memory get down to under .7 Volt :) bbut nowadays it is very few that fail. one out of 20 or so

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 19:25
by technosaurus
sc0ttman wrote:
technosaurus wrote:you can get the list of include commands with

Code: Select all

for x in `./busybox |grep ,|grep -v Â` ;do echo ${x%,}; done
... helpful for your new config
if it needs a recompile, perhaps some other applets can be removed or replace full versions
btw, barry posted a uclibc toolkit package a short while back, the included dietlibc has had issues compiling some applets (the daemon package I built used dietlibc though)
btw what part needs printf that cannot use echo?
I'm wary of compiling busybox myself, might bork it - although it would be a nice opportunity to try playing around with the init script, but that's best left to someone who knows what they are doing..

Thanks for the info once again.. I'm always playing catch up!
I thought you just typed 'busybox' into the terminal and read the list of applets!

And I thought making the right-aligned, coloured 'done' messages (as used in rc.sysinit) required either echo -e or printf ... But I'm thinking of doing away with them altogether.. Replacing with a normal echo ".. done\n" or whatever looks nice..

But now I'm wondering, is that really dumb? I think yes, I might revert to /#!bin/sh and the original echo -e stuff...

While you're here, how do I best test the speed of the init script? (Or rc.sysinit to be more precise, I guess...)
echo can do that, it just has trouble with some formatting (can usually be worked around though)

TIMESTAMP1=`date +%s.%N`

Edit ... may need ${TIMESTAMP99} ... otherwise the shell has a tendency to use "$TIMESTAMP9"9

Posted: Sun 14 Aug 2011, 22:57
by 01micko

Code: Select all

  while [ 1 ];do
   #test for valid internet connection...
   gtkdialog-splash -bg yellow -close never -text "Please wait" &
   sleep 5
    IFCONFIG="`ifconfig | grep '^[pwe]' | grep -v 'wmaster'`"
    if [ "$IFCONFIG" ];then
     ping -c 1 #google
     if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
      kill $YAFPIDs
      LANG=C Xdialog --center --title "Adobe Flash Player" --icon "/usr/share/doc/flashlogo.gif" --yesno "$TEXT" 0 0
      if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
       cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
       echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nwget -O - | tar -xz" > /tmp/delayedrun_flashdl
       chmod 777 /tmp/delayedrun_flashdl
       rxvt -bg orange -geometry 80x4 -title "Download Flash Player" -e /tmp/delayedrun_flashdl
       ldd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ > /dev/null 2>&1
       [ $? -ne 0 ] && rm -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ 2>/dev/null
       if [ -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ];then
        if [ -d /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/usr ];then cp -arf /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/usr / #new versions have userland stuff
         [ $? -eq 0 ]&& rm -rf /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/usr
         if [ -f /usr/share/applications/flash-player-properties.desktop ];then #fix .desktop for menu
          OLDCATEGORY="`grep "^Categories" /usr/share/applications/flash-player-properties.desktop`"
          OLDICON="`grep "^Icon" /usr/share/applications/flash-player-properties.desktop`"
          sed -i -e "s%$OLDCATEGORY%$NEWCATEGORY%" \
			  -e "s%$OLDICON%$NEWICON%" /usr/share/applications/flash-player-properties.desktop         
         [ "`pidof jwm`" != "" ]&& jwm -restart
        LANG=C Xdialog --center --title "Adobe Flash Player" --icon "/usr/share/doc/flashlogo.gif" --msgbox "The Adobe Flash Player has been downloaded to:\\n /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/\\nYou will need to exit from your web browser and restart it for the player to load" 0 0
        LANG=C Xdialog --center --title "Adobe Flash Player" --icon "/usr/share/doc/flashlogo.gif" --msgbox "Sorry, the Player did not download. Try the Puppy Package Manager." 0 0
export -f getflashplayer

if [ ! -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ];then TEXT="The Adobe Flash Player for the web browser is not installed.\\nClick the 'Yes' button to download and install it (5MB)."
  else TEXT="The Adobe Flash Player for the web browser is already installed.\\nClick the 'Yes' button to download the latest version (5MB)."
That is a hack from Barry's code in /usr/sbin/delayedrun. Note that flashplayer now comes with it's config gui and other stuff.

Attached is a slightly modified version of delayed run from woof about 2 weeks ago. It is updated a bit in the latest woof (which I haven't grabbed yet, another is imminent ) , anyway, the flashplayer code is likely the same.


Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 15:28
by rodin.s
I have made new mo-files: and also I have updated and

Re: i18n_ru

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 17:14
by sc0ttman
rodin.s wrote:I have made new mo-files: and also I have updated and
Excellent... Thanks once again.. You are so productive - so many translations already! Very impressive, I like looking at my Russian desktop, just to marvel at how complete it is, compared to 2 weeks ago!!

I had a thought about gettext, have you tested any poedit package in Akita? If so, which one would you recommend?

I ask because some of the other translators are now finished (of sorts) improving the files I already made, and have (mostly) only the gettext .mo files remaining..

So, I would like to recommend a working poedit for testers/helpers.

poedit for Akita

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 17:36
by rodin.s
I use this poedit in Wary-511. I have tested it now on Akita and it works. ...
I found it in this topic:
But devx.sfs is needed for xgettext and msgfmt. I use devx.sfs in Wary.
Shinobar has made the poedit package with xgettext and msgfmt in it so devx.sfs is not needed but it didn't work for me in Wary for some reason. I'll try it in Akida now.
And I quess it's here: ...
Yes, it works. xgettext, msgfmt and msgunfmt also work so devx.sfs is not needed.

Re: poedit for Akita

Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2011, 21:03
by sc0ttman
rodin.s wrote:I use this poedit in Wary-511. I have tested it now on Akita and it works. ...
I found it in this topic:
But devx.sfs is needed for xgettext and msgfmt. I use devx.sfs in Wary.
Shinobar has made the poedit package with xgettext and msgfmt in it so devx.sfs is not needed but it didn't work for me in Wary for some reason. I'll try it in Akida now.
And I quess it's here: ...
Yes, it works. xgettext, msgfmt and msgunfmt also work so devx.sfs is not needed.
Excellent, thanks I am loading it now, and learning how to use it.

I will update the 1st/main post soon, so users easily can download it.
I will also list which translations remain, and if they use gettext or not.
(I think that will be useful)

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 03:38
by technosaurus
15x faster than fixmenus, subcategory menu support, and no dependencies...