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Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2011, 23:34
by Lobster

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 02:11
by Aitch
Jay is trying to get Compiz working in Lupen, too

Aitch :)

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 03:05
by recobayu
im sorry every body,
i want to ask a question.
how can i run the .deb package that it can walk in lupu tobe in spup?
maybe some addition library?
i'm a newbe on linux.
thanks your answer.

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 09:59
by bignono1
All fine on a FS lapy with a 1.7ghz and 1.2 mb ram except for the tapping on touchpad,
i edited the files on /etc/x11 but no go.
Any hints?
Frugal install.

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 10:13
by Sage
When installing Legacy GRUB, message 'This is not Linux' appears at first ask. Go 'OK'. Second attempt - no failure message, but GRUB not installed. Third attempt, failure message again, fourth attempt, no failure message, long delay, GRUB directory filled with 'stage' files but no menu.lst.
Phenomenon is reproducible, different systems, usual start-up precautions, etc.

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 10:15
by bignono1
Go grub4dos Sage.

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 11:30
by 01micko
Sage wrote:When installing Legacy GRUB, message 'This is not Linux' appears at first ask. Go 'OK'. Second attempt - no failure message, but GRUB not installed. Third attempt, failure message again, fourth attempt, no failure message, long delay, GRUB directory filled with 'stage' files but no menu.lst.
Phenomenon is reproducible, different systems, usual start-up precautions, etc.
Uh! That grubconfig script is absolutely horrible! It appears by design that it is only intended to run from a live cd, no save file.

EDIT: ok Sage, I patched and tested, working here with a save file, I didn't test live, nothing in code suggests it wont work live, but you cant install grub files to ntfs|FAT|DOS. (it's still a mess!)

Code: Select all

cp /usr/sbin/grubconfig /usr/sbin/grubconfig.bak #makes backup
gunzip grubconfig.gz
chmod 755 grubconfig
mv -f grubconfig /usr/sbin 
overwrites old one

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 13:31
by Sage
Go grub4dos
- already did that, but don't like it as much as Legacy!

Many thanks, mick. I was running liveCD as pfix=ram and installing to HD. Maybe not BK-approved but works with every other Puppy! Only other GRUB that gave grief was GRUB2 on one of the variants a year or so ago.

Incidentally, Jemimah was talking of deleting FD format - I objected. Used it from Slacko three times this morning to prepare special FDs to flash 'dead' BIOS es. Sometimes nothing else will do. The boards that needed this were gifts. That means that they were replaced at some cost when it's not necessary. They were destined for landfill if I hadn't expressed interest. That is unacceptable. It's not LHC science. If I can do it, it's a walk around the collider for guys here with their impressive skills.

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 19:23
by don570
Note to 01micko

Dmitri (the developer of mtpaint) and I give some advice about how
to set up a default folder to save a screenshot image ... 806#583806

I made a pet package with the code inside ... 96d14cfa99

It wouldn't be difficult to make the changes to


Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 05:10
by 01micko
8-bit wrote:When I saw that dependency, I just made a system link to I think I got that name right. but that did get me further.
I also installed mesa, but when I would run the nvidia-settings app, it said it could not find SDL to querry for what was installed.
So I may have to revert to Lupu and give it another try.
Anyway.. I have compiz "running".. that is, it registers as a process and I have a desktop.. but, no plugins will load.. so no emerald, no cpp, no nuthin! :( .. I compiled the lot from scratch including some deps. (metacity is one but it only needs the headers :oops: , might upload a package of that one day and maybe ttuuxxx can tweak it, he knows all about metacity).

Anyway, it's a start and this is with a radeon card and fglrx driver, somethoing I could never get to work in lupu. Had better luck with nvidia, I may even plug in my nvidia card, actually I will, but I'll see if I can get the plugins loading first.

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 05:19
by jpeps
01micko wrote:
Anyway, it's a start and this is with a radeon card and fglrx driver, somethoing I could never get to work in lupu. Had better luck with nvidia, I may even plug in my nvidia card, actually I will, but I'll see if I can get the plugins loading first.
...and then you'll ready be for some coaching from NixiPixel.. This could be a life-changer.

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2011, 09:13
by 8-bit
IN my previous post, I said SDL and that was wrong. I had installed the factory NVIDIA driver for my card and when I would open nvidia-settings, and clicked on the Open GL/GLX information, I got a message of it not being able to query Open GL.
In Lupu, it finds it fine.
So I must be missing something there. Also, with the Nvidia card, do I need mesa?
It is touted as being for other cards.

I would really like to try what you have so far and see if I can get any further.
Since I was able to get compiz and the fancy graphics on Puppy 301, and it was based on slackware, it just seems that it should also work with Slacko.

Also, I do not know if this would make any difference, but on the Nvidia site, there was information that stated that Nvidia was going to start including Open GL in their drivers.
I did try downloading the driver pointed to for it, but I never checked to see if my card was supported by it and I already had installed a factory driver for my card. But in Slacko as I said, no OpenGL was found to query.

So why does Nvidia find it in Lupu?
Mysteries that need answers that are beyond me at present.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 12:01
by 01micko

Compiz is confirmed working :)

I have had it working for days but I could not for life nor money get Emerald ( :!: ) to work.. then I stumbled upon a post from some Joe Noone that had an entry like this (see code) affecting his path:

Code: Select all

That was the key. I commented that in /etc/profile, rebooted and voila! Emerald works! (Yes lobster, Emerald has been a bit of an achilles heel for me!)

So, to get it working, you need the python_plus pkg I made in slacko repo, plus a bunch from slackware/salix/slacky.. I'll get to a full rundown on Monday.. but I am so happy it works! :D

You don't even need xfce, it will work using a dummy wm. (I use "rxvt" like dinky did in Ripple). Xfce does work fine with it too, probably Trinity as well, about to test. EDIT: yep, Trinity works fine too.


PS: don't use the Lupu compiz! GTK/GDK is totally different and likely will crash X.

EDIT: Working on my old Radeon graphics Thinkpad 8)

Code: Select all

 ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]
..and that's just with Mesa and the open source radeon xorg driver. (as in screeny)

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 15:21
by jpeps
Here a compile of ffmpeg-0.9, which requires updated libx264...which in term requires updated mplayer.

ffmpeg configuration (same as present): --prefix=/usr --cpu=i686 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libfaac --enable-pthreads --enable-small --enable-postproc --enable-libvorbis --enable-gpl --enable-shared --enable-nonfree --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --disable-debug --enable-bzlib --enable-zlib --enable-libspeex --enable-version3 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libtheora --enable-libxvid --enable-swscale --enable-libvpx

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 21:04
by 01micko
Hi jpeps

Surprising it didn't complain about vpx too (wanting an updated version).

I'll check it out. Thanks :)

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 23:22
by jpeps
01micko wrote:Hi jpeps

Surprising it didn't complain about vpx too (wanting an updated version).

I'll check it out. Thanks :)
It's got libvpx-720p.ffpreset, so it works. Tested with a UTube video, "bali.vid" , encoding WebM video:

Code: Select all

# ffmpeg -i bali.vid -s 1280x720 -vpre libvpx-720p -b 3900k -pass 1 \

         -an -f webm -y output.webm

# ffmpeg -i bali.vid -s 1280x720 -vpre libvpx-720p -b 3900k -pass 2 \

         -acodec libvorbis -ab 100k -f webm -y output.webm

Congrats on this Distro...

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2011, 18:41
by JegasLLC
I inspire to roll a puplet - and I'm sure it will take eons before mine is sweet like this one.

Great job!

NVIDIA driver for Slacko

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 15:23
by shinobar
8-bit wrote:IN my previous post, I said SDL and that was wrong. I had installed the factory NVIDIA driver for my card and when I would open nvidia-settings, and clicked on the Open GL/GLX information, I got a message of it not being able to query Open GL.
In Lupu, it finds it fine.
So I must be missing something there. Also, with the Nvidia card, do I need mesa?
Needed mesa, OpenGL, and the SDL also to be replaced the one complied with openGL support.
I made nvidia-glx-sdl-290.10-slacko.sfs which contains glx, OpenGL and SDL.

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 19:19
by gerry
Running Slacko 531 on Thinkpad T60p. Xorg selects vesa at startup, so I installed the Meta driver pet. BUT I need to run the Xorg Wizard to change to using the new driver instead of vesa, and when I try to do that the text is enormous, lines wrap round, the keys are nowhere to be found among all the clutter, the up/down keys don't work, and, by the time I'd extricated myself, the touchpad had stopped working.

What do I do next?

EDIT: backup save file cured the touchpad.

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 20:36
by CatDude
01micko wrote:Compiz is confirmed working :)

on Sat Dec 17.....01micko wrote:.. I'll get to a full rundown on Monday..

We need wobbliness ASAP :wink: :wink:
